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Oh... and to contact us with your news because
If It Matters To You It Matters To Us!

Email (click news in member area) Submit your audio news


Please... If you are only submitting text and not audio, write your story as
you would expect to hear it being read back and NEVER send just links &
url's. When you upload audio email us the txt version.



WIA BOARD TALK, financial WIA members due to receive AGM info pack. -

WIA FACT SHEETS, work carried out in 2016. -

WIA Director Roger Harrison VK2ZRH and the Volunteer Charter. -

WIA AGM, Grant VK5GR talks with a presenter, Steve VK5SFA.



Amateur Radio NSW will be commencing the 2017 series of upgrade courses
at the VK2WI Dural site from Monday the 6th March. The evening course
continues each Monday evening until November.
Inquiries and bookings by email to ....


All is ready for the Lake Boga Flying Boat 75th Anniversary

The commemorative callsign VI 3 FB 75 will be active on March 17 and 19 at
the Lake Boga Catalina Communications Bunker in northwest Victoria.

This facility was successfully used for the ANZAC Day 2015 centenary with
the VI 3 ANZAC callsign that prove to be popular.

Now Thomas VK3EO of Swan Hill and Noel VK3FI from Mildura, both members of
the Sunraysia Group, will supervise the VI 3 FB 75 operation to mark the 75th
anniversary of Lake Boga.

It was the RAAF secret No. 1 Flying Boat Repair Depot during WWII that
serviced many aircraft.

The 75th anniversary will include fly-ins and other historic events.

The underground communications bunker is set up with some original equipment,
AR7 receivers, a telephone switchboard, power supply, photographs of it in
operation, together with wartime uniformed models.

Good publicity for Amateur Radio is expected as Swan Hill and Mildura district
radio amateurs are on hand to answer questions from the public.

Make a note now and work VI 3 FB 75 on the Friday, Saturday and Sunday,
March 17 to 19.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


Bill Lochridge VK4WL June 6 2016 advised by vk4zz
Ross Marren VK4AMH July 2016 advised by vk2zrh
Frank Winter VK4BLF Aug 4 2016 advised by vk4vp
Keith Adams VK4XAK Aug 2016 advised by vk4atc
Frank van Dore VK4XK Oct 17 2016 advised by vk4atc
Don Johnman VK4DS Oct 28 2016 advised by vk4atc
Bill Gibbings VK4WO Nov 6 2016 advised by vk4alk
Blue Collins VK4FBLU Nov 15 2016 advised by vk4zz

Great success with the VI 8 BOD commemorative callsign

It was a hive of activity and interest last weekend when Darwin respectfully
remembered the bombings of the city, 75 years ago. Mainstream TV carried
reports across the nation.

The VI 8 BOD station made several hundred of contacts.

The Motor Vehicle Enthusiasts Club generously provided space in the Heritage
listed QANTAS hanger at Parap, an inner suburb and the site of the old Darwin

There was a re-enactment of the warning radioed 75 years ago from Bathurst
Island with a remote mobile station signalling the station set up in the
hanger. It was a team effort with a cherry-picker mounted rotated tri-bander
beam antenna used on phone, and a dipole for CW.

Among the main people involved generously giving resources for the occasion
were Spud VK8ZWM, Jack VK8NTJ, and Stuie VK8NSB.

VI 8 BOD is put on air until March 18 by Darwin Amateur Radio Club members
at various locations, mainly in evenings on both CW and Phone.

More information is available at

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


A reminder - that financial WIA members are due to receive a pack of
information about the WIA Election of the seven-member WIA Board of Directors.
This will either be an insert in the Amateur Radio magazine, or if you don't
get that publication as part of your membership, it has been sent via
Australia Post.

The WIA website Fact Sheets on topics of interest and discussion

These are factual information, approved by the WIA Board, in response to the
membership asking that the WIA reply to several claims and allegations.

The latest gives a summary of some of the work carried out in 2016.

If you want to know what is happening, read the Fact Sheets, on the WIA website.

This is WIA Director Roger Harrison VK2ZRH with a reminder about the
Volunteer Charter.

If you wish to provide your views on the draft of the proposed Volunteer
Charter, the deadline is this coming Tuesday, the 28th of February.

Development of a Charter for WIA Volunteers was agreed and announced by the
Board in 2016.

Work on the draft continued during last year, based on principles defined by
the community-based non-government organisation (NGO) Volunteering Australia.

The functions and operations of the WIA are provided or supported by
volunteers acting in a wide variety of roles. Producing this broadcast for
example. Publishing Amateur Radio magazine for another example. Managing
contests. The QSL Bureaus - and a 1001 other things.

The purpose of the Volunteer Charter is to set out what volunteers can expect
of the WIA in taking on a role in the organisation, and what the WIA expects
of them.

The Board reviewed the draft Volunteer Charter in October last year, which was
then circulated to WIA Committee volunteers in November for their feedback.

Now revised following feedback from Committee volunteers, the new draft
Volunteer Charter was released in January to the Amateur Radio community
at large for comment.

You can send your feedback via the online WIA Consultation form, which is
available on the website.

From the Home page, select the WIA Information drop-down menu. At the top,
the 5th link down is the "WIA Consultation Form".

There is a link on that page to where you can download the current draft of
the proposed Charter.

Please share your views on it.

In signing off, I am reminded of the words from a popular song of years past:

Together we'll stand
Divided we'll fall
Come on now, people
Let's get on the ball
And work together

Advocacy. Education. Support. That's what we do.

This is WIA Director Roger Harrison VK2ZRH for VK1WIA News.

Submitting news items

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to
and don't JUST send url's links but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

We would appreciate items no longer than 2 minutes in length as we only have
a half hour time slot window.

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only
be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different
slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your
item write in the 3rd person.

Good morning, this is Grant VK5GR on behalf of the WIA AGM Convention
organising committee.

The countdown continues to the big event here in Hahndorf, South Australia.
The weekend of May 19th-21st promises to be jam packed with events to interest
radio amateurs from a wide and diverse interest group. One of the main themes
of the event will be "Advancing Amateur Radio", where we hope to showcase many
things that light the spark of imagination in this fascinating hobby.

Speakers from many diverse fields will give you insights into their specialty
areas during the Saturday afternoon program. Then on the Sunday afternoon,
you will then have an opportunity to get up close and personal with any of
the areas that particularly interested you.

Once of our guest speakers is Steve, VK5SFA who will introduce you to the work
he and his friends have been doing on transmitting magnetic loop antennas.
Over to Steve to tell you more about it:

With the downward trend of the current solar cycle, more and more focus will
be on the lower HF bands when looking for DX.

Now, as we all know, when it comes to DXing, the performance of the station
antenna is paramount.

Living in suburbia presents its own challenges when it comes erecting an
efficient antenna with a low angle of radiation, especially for the 160 metre,
80 metre and 75 metre amateur bands.

Like most amateurs, I live in suburbia and got around these space limitations
by designing and installing a double turn magnetic loop antenna for the low

In May, I will be presenting a segment on Compact Magnetic Loop antennas for
HF at the upcoming WIA AGM being held in Hahndorf in South Australia.

The presentation will include a short discussion on construction, installation,
performance, and most importantly results and how to automatically control
tuning of a magnetic loop antenna using a Raspberry Pi. A working 60 metre,
40 metre and 30 metre band scale model of the antenna will be on display for
you to inspect and try out.

So come along and enjoy the information exchange and most importantly, have

Hope to see you there. 73 for me, Steve VK5SFA

So if you are considering coming along, please remember to register via the
WIA website for the Saturday afternoon lunch and showcase event. Registrations
for the afternoon activities on Sunday is not required. However, if you are
planning on staying for the Sunday BBQ, please register for that event so that
catering can be duly arranged. Sunday's evening BBQ is hosted by the Adelaide
Hills Amateur Radio Society.

Looking forward to seeing everyone in South Australia for this year's AGM!
73 from Grant VK5GR for the WIA Convention organising committee


Hello, I'm Geoff Emery, VK4ZPP, and I've been thinking.

Shortly Amateur Radio magazine will arrive for some and a letter will
arrive for the other Wireless Institute members. Both will contain the
necessary pieces to vote in the coming ballot for the Board of the WIA.

It is hard to judge how the majority of members feel about the election,
just from reading posts on social media. However, there seems to be
a sharp division between those who believe that the hobby needs a
strong advocate and coordinating body and those who regard the whole
process as being the domain of the old people who have brought about
the end of amateur radio days. The distinction is between the politics
and operating, as they see it.

Whether we like it or not, the structure that we have actually requires
a body to advise the ACMA, a liaison body between you, the operator,
the regulator, ACMA and the Government. If this circumstance equates
with politics, then that is what we have and if you don't understand this
it just means your education in amateur radio is not yet complete.

If, on the other hand you are just disinterested, you should at least
admit that those who do show an interest in this part of the hobby have
the right to promote discussion and try and convince as many members
to join and take part in the workings of the WIA.

You see, it may be the radio and the fancy antenna that gets the credit for
successful contacts but without a power supply, it is useless. Amateur
radio is part of a system of licenced spectrum usage and without
participation with the regulator, all amateurs lose out.

When you receive your ballot papers, please read the instructions and
submit your vote. I'm Geoff Emery and that's what I about you?

Ham Radio and Social Media similarities

Recently returning to the air is Angelo DW 1 ZDK who reflects on what he has
observed as the interesting parallels between Ham Radio and Social Media.

PARA (the Philippines Amateur Radio Association) on its website has published
his article which says both mediums require determining the signal from noise,
and that the latter can be adequately filtered out.

Angelo DW 1 ZDK says if there's one bad effect of Social Media's mainstreaming
is that it also reflects the negative aspects of human nature. For every
decent user on social networks, there are probably dozens out there who have
nothing better to with their time than intentionally ruin everyone else's day
through trolling.

The parallel in the Ham Radio world would be jammers or "QRM" who seemingly
delight in disrupting communications that can become close to impossible.


No doubt, as with the recent USA Presidential Elections, you will see a spate
of fictitious items about results of the WIA board election no matter WHAT the
outcome! No doubt lots of postings by folk who unwilling to volunteer their
services are all too quick to "hit the airwaves and social media" with their
unwanted take on things.

(Editorial content by gkemp)

Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time
and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
Who and where are they?

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART, WIA Local News Service VK7, VK3PC and the WW
sources of the WIA.

The South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) TC73 meeting, recently held
in Pretoria, accepted the South African Radio League proposal to study
increases in the RF noise floor.

Hans van de Groenendaal, ZS6AKV, and Leon Lessing, ZS6LMG represented the

The Strategic Business Plan will be updated to include the League proposal
and TC73 Workgroup 6 will be tasked to study the problem. The League is
planning a round table discussion at the National Amateur Radio Centre.

Did you know that QRZ.COM has the world's largest collection of amateur radio
related images? Sure, as a regular user of QRZ you've no doubt noticed that
the site has always had some great images, but never before have they all been
brought together as collection in their own right.

The release of QRZ's exclusive Amateur Radio image gallery which they call
the Picture Safari or PicSafari for short.

The reason it's a "safari" is because browsing through the collection will
certainly take you to places that you've never been before, seeing things
that you've never imagined were there. The entire collection is keyword
searchable and are asking for your help in adding keywords, known as
Tags, to the collection.

Once a tag has been added, the image becomes searchable by that tag.
There's even a voting system whereby if you noticed that someone has
mis-tagged an item, you can vote it down and/or add your own improved tag.

SpaceX launch ham radio transceiver to ISS

The CRS-10 mission carrying vital amateur radio equipment to the International
Space Station launched on a SpaceX Falcon 9 last Sunday, February 19.

Frank Bauer KA3HDO, ARISS International Chair and AMSAT-NA V.P. for Human
Spaceflight Programs said:

"Included as part of today's successful launch of the SpaceX Dragon vehicle
to ISS is an ARISS Ericsson 2 meter VHF radio. This radio will replace the
Ericsson radio that failed a few months ago."

Amateur Radio and frequency sharing studies

An information resource on the Amateur and Amateur Satellite Services used
particularly by those engaged in frequency sharing studies has been released
by the ITU.

Recommendation ITU-R M.1732 was recently updated by ITU-R Working Group 5A-1,
chaired by Dale Hughes VK1DSH, and this newly published edition is a revision
of an earlier version.

It contains many tables of parameters covering all amateur bands and many
transmissions modes as well as some explanatory text.

Dale VK1DSH said: "This document is required for sharing and compatibility
studies that might be needed as part of World Radiocommunications Conference
agenda items, giving the most up-to-date information relevant to typical
amateur activities."

The document is part of a set of ITU-R reports and recommendations that covers
the Amateur and Amateur Satellite services including operator qualifications,
technical studies, transmission characteristics, emergency operations etc.

A list of all ITU-R documents covering the Amateur and Amateur Satellite
Services can be found at

ARES Volunteers Support Evacuation, Shelters, in Wake of Oroville, California,
Dam Crisis

Sacramento Valley ARES Section Emergency Coordinator Greg Kruckewitt, KG6SJT,
reported last week that Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) volunteers
actively supported communication for the evacuation and sheltering of nearly
200,000 people living below the damaged Oroville Dam in rural California.

The dam, on the Feather River east of Oroville, is the tallest in the US.

Following a period of heavy rain, a section of the earth fill-embankment dam's
spillway eroded, and authorities ordered residents living below the dam to
evacuate, in case the dam should fail.

All ARES groups in the section were on standby, if help was needed. However
the dam held, and repair work is under way!


All major Australian contests, rules and results, are on the
Contest Section of the WIA website.


Jan 1 - Dec 31 The Victorian Local Government Award 2017 Challenge

RSGB 80th Commonwealth Contest 11 and 12 March for 24 hours FROM 10.00 GMT.

The challenge of contesting has endured from the earliest days of
radio communication and is part of modern Amateur Radio activities
that are now very diverse.

The Commonwealth Contest celebrates its 80th, and is a CW-only
affair run by the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB).

Proudly taking part on behalf of the IARU member radio society the
WIA, is Headquarters Station VK4KW. It will be run by Phil VK4BAA
and Trent VK4TS with contact to VK4KW eligible for special
multiplier points.

The RSGB will also have three draws with mementos as prizes for the
lucky Commonwealth country entrants.

The 80th Commonwealth Contest will be March 11 and 12 - see the
rules for more details.


(Jim Linton VK3PC)

Ham Radio On The Ferries 12th of March

Waverley Amateur Radio Society across in Sydney organises this
unique contest which aims to bring amateurs together on Sydney's
world-famous harbour and its historic ferry service.

The object is to make as many contacts as possible from the ferries
OR from any of the system's 36 wharves. Operation is restricted to
VHF and UHF bands, any mode, simplex or through a repeater using
hand-held transceivers.

Home and mobile operators can also take part by contacting amateurs
riding the ferries or by activating wharves.

(wia events page)

WIA's John Moyle Memorial Field Day 18th-19th March 2017

WIA's Harry Angel Memorial 80 meter sprint Saturday May 6 10:00 -11:46 UTC

May 13-15 Mills On The Air

VK SHIRES June 10 and 11.

Trans-Tasman Low-Band Contest 160/80/40 Saturday night July 15 and Start Time
is 08:00 UTC and finish time is 14:00 UTC


WIA's Flagship contest the Remembrance Day Contest 12th & 13th August

Aug 19-20 ILLW the 3rd full weekend in August since 1998

Aug 26 ALARA Contest Start Time 1600 this is a 24 hour Contest for YL's

IARU High Speed Telegraphy world championships are 8th to 12th September.

October CQ WW DX / SSB CONTEST (always Octobers Last full weekend)

Running ALL year 'til Dec 31 Victorian Local Government Award 2017 Challenge

Amateur Radio event features in Heritage Festival

More than 200 registered events are in the Australian Heritage Festival, and
one in National Trusts promotion of it is the historic Anderson Mill in
Smeaton in central Victoria.

The Central Goldfields Group VK3BI will be active from Anderson's Mill in
May using HF, IRLP on 2-metres and EchoLink 70-centimetres.

VI 3 FB 75

Graham VK4BB mentioned this at the top of today's news, and again its active
March 17 18 and 19 at the Lake Boga Catalina Communications Bunker in
northwest Victoria. It marks the 75th anniversary of Lake Boga Flying Boat
base during WW2.

VI 50 ER

To mark the 50th year milestone of the EMDRC club in March it's on air
VI 50 ER also helps serve as a reminder of the EMDRC HamFest Sunday March 26
at the Great Ryrie primary school in Heathmont.

(sourced to VK3BQ)

VI 100 TRF

Rotarians of Amateur Radio (ROAR) in Australia have hit the HF bands for
3 months from late February to May, with the special event callsign VI 100 TRF.
This to highlight the Rotary Foundation's work over the past 100 years.

July 1 to September 30 to gain recognition for the ALARAMeet in Cairns, VK4,
from September 8 to 12


A group of Indonesian operators will be active as YE 0 S from Sebira Island,
north of the Jakarta City, between March 20-27th.

The Sebira Island is the outer-most island of Jakarta Special Capital City
District of the Republic of Indonesia.

Activity will be on 160-6 meters using CW, SSB and the Digital modes.

The callsign OA 0 MP has been issued by the Peruvian authorities for use
from the 'Machu Picchu' Antarctic Base on King George Island in the South
Shetlands until the 31st of March 2017. 2 members of the scientific team will
operate during their spare time on 20m and 40m SSB. QSL via OA 4 O.

YET ANOTHER Antarctic operator is Alex RN 1 ANC on the Russian Vostok Station
Antarctica where he will be until February 2018.
His callsign again, RI1ANC, and during his spare time he will be active on
CW, SSB and Digital.
QSL Manager is RN 1 ON.

Francois FT 3 YL is on Dumont d'Urville Research Station, Petrels Island in
Antarctica for a one year stay. He has been issued callsign FT 3 YL which is
valid until 1st February 2018. QSL Manager is F 6 KPQ.

Alan, VP 8 DPJ is at the British Antarctic Territory Rothera Research Station
on Adelaide Island, IOTA AN-001, until April 2018.
QSL via operator's instructions.

EI DX Group

Members of the EI DX Group are DXpeditioning to Nepal, March 8to 20
will see this 11 man, all Echo India team run up to 5 stations from 80 metres
through 10 metres on CW, SSB & Digital.

Nepal is currently number 91 Most Wanted DXCC in the world and an amazing
number 31 most wanted in North America.

Operating from a QTH at 5,600' above sea level, the team are looking forward
to intense pile-ups.

For full information, please visit their website


Who and Where are our broadcast stations?

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs.

Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material
and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National
WIA, but if used are broadcast in the spirit in which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

National News is compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.

Amateur Radio magazine contents review

The WIA election information pack and ballot paper are inserted in the
magazine for March.

Financial WIA members who do not get an individual magazine paper copy will
receive the same election information through Australia Post.

On the cover is Marc VK3OHM at the Point Hicks Lighthouse in East Gippsland,
a story on portable activity is in the Amateur Radio Victoria notes column.

WIA President Phil Wait VK2ASD comments on the 2016 accounts that has now been
sent for a financial audit.

The magazine also has details of the WIA AGM at Hahndorf in May, and the
weekend events program - well worth a read and is very interesting.

An article 'Assessment and licensing matters' by Fred VK3DAC reports on the
WIA Exam Service performance since 2006.

Among other content are the Technical Advisory Committee proposal for HF bands
digital segments, the Spring VHF-UHF Field Day Results, and the Contester of
the month is Lee VK3GK.

Technical articles are the Pixie QRP transceiver, A Speech Synthesiser, and a
SDR Display and Control Surface Review.

Amateur Radio magazine, a WIA membership service.

I'm Barry Robinson VK3PV and you are listening to VK1WIA.

Great News!

This WIA broadcast is now being relayed on 630 meters ( 476kHz LSB ) in
Adelaide, South Australia.

Steph, VK5FQ, is relaying the WIA National and Local News on 476kHz LSB at
9am on Sunday mornings using an Elecraft K3 with several filters and a small
linear PA feeding a 9 metre vertical wire antenna with a top loading wire of

The PA produces about 9 watts into the antenna and should be able to be heard
in and around Adelaide. All signal reports can be forwarded to Steph via email

A number of other amateurs have been listening and are interested on getting
on this band, so why don't you give it a go and see if you too, can hear the
broadcast on this band? You never know, if you never give it a go.

VK5FQ looks forward to hearing a report from you soon.

In VK7 following this WIA National Broadcast they welcome you with
the Regional News brought to you by VK7WI and read this week by Mike, VK7FB.

It's on repeaters around VK7 and the following HF rebroadcast stations:

On 3.570 MHz by Peter, VK7TPE
On 7.140 MHz by Garry, VK7JGD
On 14.130 MHz by Ross, VK7ALH and,
On 28.525 MHz by Tony, VK7VKT

This broadcast is repeated on Tuesday night at 8:00pm on repeaters
VK7RTC and VK7RAK in the South, VK7RAA in the North and VK7RTV & VK7RDR
in the North West.


Tony 4 Radio Direction Finding Fun happening somewhere in Townsville.

If you are in the vicinity of the Townsville Region on Saturday June 17th
from 1pm and want to get involved in a Foxhunt, or radio socialise in a
nice part of Townsville then Tony VK4TJS wants to hear from you.

You have until Thursday 15th June to get your attendance numbers in for the

There will be activities for all family members to participate in during the
Foxhunt and things will end up with some "in-flight catering." BUT to cater
for the event Tony needs to know your attendance numbers and you need to quiz
Tony further regarding details about the Foxhunt.

Who do you have to call ?

Tony VK4TJS of course!

(Townsville Amateur Radio Club Newsletter)

WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- ATV (Every pixel tells a story) - Video

Space Launch System Video Series -- "No Small Steps"

The challenge of going to Mars is monumental, and it's going to take a
monumental rocket to make it possible. NASA's Space Launch System will be
the most powerful rocket ever built and will help send humans to deep space
destinations. SLS is an advanced, heavy-lift launch vehicle that will
provide an entirely new capability for science and human exploration beyond
Earth's orbit.

Learn more about the Space Launch System with the "No Small Steps" video
series. Hosted by Stephen Granade, the entertaining and informative series
gets into the "how" of making a trip to Mars happen -- taking rocket science
and making it relatable.

Episode 1: "Getting to Mars"

Episode 2: "A Foundation for Mars"

Episode 3: "Rocket Fuel"

Episode 4: "Working With Gravity"

[ NASA Education Express Message ]

Excellent video from the ISS

Recent use of HAM-TV on the International Space Station in Europe has taken
this popular educational activity to a new level.

The Collge Andr Malraux in France asked ARISS Europe for HAM-TV support for
its scheduled contact with European Space Agency Astronaut, Thomas Pesquet

The experimental HAM-TV was possible due to the equipped ground stations in
Europe to provide video coverage from the ISS downlink signal.

This particular contact had voice transmissions from the ISS on the UHF band
on 437 MHz, with a ground station at the school. As a back-up feed to the
school was the ON4ISS ARISS telebridge station in Belgium.

The contact lasted about 10 minutes on Monday 13 February and also involved a
series of five radio amateur radio ground stations in Europe equipped with
the HAMTV receive capability. These were linked together forming a chain for
the video from the ISS. It had a downlink signal of 2395 MHz and was streamed
live on the British Amateur TV Club server seamlessly, using Multi viewer
technology which selects the strongest signal.

The video from space in real time was excellent, with Thomas at first testing,
and seen checking that the antenna was correctly connected to a hand-held UHF
transceiver and the correct frequency was set. Then, wearing a head-set, the
astronaut answered 19 questions in the French language, watched in awe at the
school by an audience of 190 students and guests.

Looking at the camera and gesturing to areas in the Columbus module he seemed
at ease in dealing with the inquiring youngsters.

The contact ended with a wave from Thomas, a thank you, and then he floated
out of sight.

HAM-TV from the ISS has certainly added a new dimension to talking to the crew
on the International Space Station.

It is just another part of our diverse hobby and an exciting opportunity to
inspire the minds of students to hopefully generate a greater awareness of
our unique hobby.

With two stations already in Australia being HAM-TV equipped ground stations,
Shane VK4KHZ and Martin VK6MJ, hopefully video from the ISS via HAM-TV is a
possibility for an Australian school.

A link to more on the story, pictures and video, see:

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

FISTS Club - East Asia
FISTS Club - Australasia
FISTS Club - UK & Europe
FISTS Club - Americas

In the latest edition of FISTS DownUnder, Steve VK7CW... what better call than
THAT for a CW operator! Well Steve shows how he uses Brass Stair Gauges to
slow down his bugs.

If you are a semi-automatic bug key user you might be interested in his cheap
and easy way to slow down, or tame that bug. A quick search for Stair Gauges
on the web will yield the Empire 19mm Brass Stair Gauges (2 pack).

They should fit the reed of most bugs, whether they are round or flat, due to
the wide adjustment. They fit his left handed 90 degree Vizbug (round reed)
and his flat reed Vibroplex Champion.

To slow down the bug in a hurry it takes only a couple of seconds to slip
the stair gauge onto the reed next to the existing weight. On his brass
Vizbug it looks like a natural part of the key.

So for much less than 10 bucks you get 2 weights which will slow down any bug.

This solution is a lot cheaper than any of the commercial bug tamers available
from overseas.

(Please have a look at Steve's QRZ page as he has some beautiful keys, paddles
and bugs on display)

Net is held each Mondays on 3.570 MHz, commencing at 1030 UTC.
(1000utc during daylight saving)

As Felix VK4FUQ told us a few minutes ago, ALARAMeet 2017 has callsign

The Australian Ladies Amateur Radio Association (ALARA) holds an ALARAMeet
every 3 years in a different Australian state, and has just been given the
special event callsign of Victor India 4 Alpha Lima Alpha Radio Alpha.

This year the ALARAMeet is in Cairns, Queensland, from September 8 to 12.
It will have a number of components including education sessions as well as
Amateur Radio related activities.

ALARA Publicity Officer Diane Main VK4DI said the event will focus on
educating and mentoring those new to the hobby, or who have become less active,
encouraging them to involved in a fun and friendly environment.

The primary focus will be women on air and attracting more women into Amateur
Radio. The callsign VI4ALARA will promote the event by being on air from July
1 to September 30.

ALARA was founded in 1975 and comprises members from all over Australian and
some members overseas with quite a few expected to make the trip to Queensland.

For more information about the ALARAMeet contact the coordinators
Diane Main VK4DI or Lyn Battle VK4SWE.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

A Youth Net meets Saturdays at 0100 UTC on IRLP Reflector #2.
Young Hams Net 3.590 - 7:30pm Victorian time.

Expect more from Amateur Youth Space Program

In announcing the end of a successful mission the students who built the
amateur radio FM transponder satellite BY70-1 say 'We hope more Amateur youth
space programs will be brought to you in the near future!'

The 2U CubeSat BY70-1 was built by students from the Beijing Bayi High School
and launched December 28, 2016.

On February 17, 2017, as the satellite was about to burn up on its re-entry
into the Earth's atmosphere the students asked

"For amateurs who completed 2-way QSOs using the repeater on board, received
effective satellite telemetry, or obtained satellite camera photos, we would
like to invite you to send connection data package (audio or video evidence),
satellite telemetry data or photos received to Email:

(sourced to SouthGate)

Rewind, a look back on our history

Alan Blumlein - Inventor Of Stereo Recording To Be Awarded Posthumous
Grammy Award

Alan Blumlein who is acknowledged as the inventor of binaural and stereo
recording is to be awarded a posthumous Grammy Award for Technical Merit by
The Recording Academy later this year.

A Prolific Inventor And Engineer was born 1903 and died 7th June 1942 and
was an English electronics engineer, notable for his many inventions in
telecommunications, sound recording, stereophonic sound, television and radar,
but is probably best known as the inventor of stereo recording.

Although his life was cut short, he received 128 patents and was considered
as one of the most significant engineers and inventors of his time.

He died during World War II, aged 38, during the secret trial of an H2S
airborne radar system then under development, when all on board the Halifax
bomber he was flying in were killed when it crashed in Herefordshire.

Television Too - Not Just Sound

Blumlein was also largely responsible for the development of the waveform
structure used in the 405-line Marconi-EMI system which became the UK's BBC
Television Service at Alexandra Palace, becoming the world's first scheduled
"high definition" (240 lines or better) television service.

I cannot help wondering what Alan Blumlein would have gone on to invent and
develop if his life hadn't been cut short by the plane crash in 1942 when he
was just 39.

Thank you to The Recording Academy for acknowledging the contribution
Alan Blumlein made to sound recording with this Special Merit Technical

And thanks to Jules Retrot for alerting WIA News to this award. Those listeners,
particularly in VK7 may recall the name "Jules Retro".. a long time
"King of the ABC Airwaves" in Tassie.

Jules used the link in our text edition to see very ancient film of the first
recorded test of co-incident microphone pair recording.


Feb 19th VK3 HAMFEST Western and Northern District Amateur Radio Club 10am
Werribee Masonic centre 223 Watton St, Werribee.

Feb 26th Central Coast Field Day, WYONG enter at 8:30am (vk2dls)

March 19 VK7 "Meet the Voice" barbecue 11:30am at Ross (vk7cl)

March 26 VK3 EMDRC HamFest, Great Ryrie Primary School, Heathmont (VK3BQ)

Ap 28-May 1 VK4 Clairview Gathering between Rockhampton and Mackay (TARC)

May 19 VK WIA AGM Hahndorf some 25km from Adelaide (vk5kc)

Jun 2-4 VK4 Theresa Creek Camp-out-day (CHARC) (tarc)

Theresa Creek Dam is located 22 km southwest of Clermont
in Central Queensland, with bitumen access all the way
to the boat ramp plus 2 boat ramps to choose from.
If you are able to get along for a great weekend, let Helen
VK4FHEL know by email
CHARC Facebook Page

June 10-11 VK5 SERG Annual Convention / VK Foxhunting Champs. (vk5dj)

July 1 VK3 GippsTech 2017 technical conference in Churchill. (wia events)

Sep 9-10 ALARAMEET 2017 in Cairns (vk4swe)

Nov 12 VK5 Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society HamFest 8am (vk5kc)

Submitting news items

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug commercial
traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your supporters in this text
edition "no worries."

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to
and don't JUST send url's links but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

We would appreciate items no longer than 2 minutes in length as we only have
a half hour time slot window.

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only
be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different
slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your
item write in the 3rd person.



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time
and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
Who and where are they?

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in
"WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily
reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast
in the spirit in which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Who listens to radio? A weekly 'tally sheet' is sent to all rebroadcasters
and interested listeners, to get your free copy send a blank email to:-
Put the word subscribe in the title or subject field

How do I join this National News List? (subscribe for an automatic weekly feed.)
Email to
from the email account that you wish the emails to go to.

How do I leave this National News List? (unsubscribe your weekly feed)
Open mail program which sends mail from the address you want to unsubscribe.
Send mail to the list unsubscribe address
You will be sent a confirmation mail and must follow the instructions given
in that mail to complete the unsubscription.

Once your unsubscription has been processed, you will probably
receive another message confirming your unsubscription from the list,
and at that point you should stop receiving messages.

National News compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)