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WIA logo for Affiliated Clubs. -

WIA logo for QSL cards. -

WIA Committees annual reports due. -

WIA AGM with Grant VK5GR and Mark VK5QI. -

WIA Director Roger Harrison VK2ZRH bowled over in Wyong.


Amanda VK1WX the Canberra Region clubs Immediate Past President has been
awarded life membership of the club.

Congratulations Amanda.. a long-time supporter and rebroadcaster of this your
WIA News Service.

Southern Peninsula Amateur Radio Club (SPARC) have their Rosebud RadioFest
coming up, November 12.

Marc has told the WIA this annual RadioFest continues to grow.

Forums, displays, demos, prizes galore, new products, pre-loved and new gear
for sale, retailers and suppliers plus special outdoor attractions as only
Rosebud can do!

Write Sunday the 12th of November in your diaries and take a ferry from the
West or Peninsula Link from the city.

http://www.rosebudradiofest and FaceBook also.

Call Mark 0407 844 063


WIA logo for Affiliated Clubs

Many radio club websites now include the specially designed WIA Affiliated
Club logo, this follows requests from the clubs themselves.

The WIA logo is the copyright corporate logo of the Wireless Institute of
Australia and any use of the logo in any form of printed, electronic or online
medium requires the written permission of the WIA Board.

Other uses of the WIA logo by individuals, clubs or commercial organisations
may be possible.

The WIA grants pre-approval for use of the special 'WIA Affiliated Club' logo
on the home-page of WIA Affiliated Club websites.

Earlier, members were given conditional pre-approval to use the WIA logo on
their QSL cards.

Both the 'WIA Affiliated Club' logo, only for club websites, and the member
WIA logo for QSL cards, along with their individual use conditions, may be
found on the WIA website

Time for WIA Committees annual reports

A lot of good work has been done by the WIA Committees in 2016 and all are
now invited to make a brief annual report on their achievements and aims.

The WIA has in an email reminded Committee leaders to submit their activities
for all to see through the Members Forum process of the annual general meeting
in May.

If a member of a Committee please help your leader by contributing thoughts
for the annual report.


I would hope that all members have read the great publication in AR of
activities set for our enjoyment in VK5, this penned by VK5GR.

"Hello, this is Grant VK5GR, for the WIA AGM Convention program organising
committee, with some more news about the convention side of the weekend.

After the all-important meetings and forums Saturday morning, the radio clubs
of South Australia wish to take you on a journey of discovery, or perhaps
rediscovery, into what makes radio communications inspiring and fascinating
in this modern world. We aim to rekindle the Magic of Radio, that spark of
fascination in us all that drove us to become amateurs in the first instance.

In doing so, we hope to give you all ideas of things you might like to take
away and try yourself, or at least give you a better perspective on how to
talk about the amateur service and introduce it to others who are currently
outside this hobby of ours.

To achieve this, the Saturday afternoon program will be a showcase of many
different facets of the hobby. We have the experts in their fields from across VK5
lined up to come and talk to you about their areas of interest. One of these
is Mark, VK5QI from Project Horus, the High Altitude Balloon project that has
been running in VK5 now for many years. "


"I've been involved in Project Horus since 2010 and I was also one of the
presenters at the WIA AGM in 2012. Lots of launches have occurred since then,
and more importantly we have had a lot of advancement in our balloon payloads,
our tracking systems and our software. I'll be talking about some of these
advancements including the work I have been doing on a high speed imaging
system which we have been using to downlink HD images. This uses a combination
of cheap software defined radio receivers and a whole lot of open source
software which you too can use to decode images from our launches.

We are also planning on performing a balloon launch from Mt Barker on the
Sunday after the AGM. Showcasing some of these advancements. "

"The Sunday activities will centre around Hahndorf Oval where we will have
all of the presenters available for you to get up close and discuss in detail
more about the areas of interest you have.

In particular, tracking of the Horus balloons will be available from Hahndorf
(although the launch will take place from Mt Barker to follow the necessary
CASA rules).

So, if you haven't already booked your spot at the WIA AGM Convention weekend,
how about it? We would love to see you pay us a visit here in South Australia!

73 from Grant VK5GR"


Again this week we pick up on QNEWs from VK4 and their "Thinking Man"
Geoff Emery, VK4ZPP

Hello, I'm Geoff and I've been thinking.

It is interesting how people react together and separately. This
used to be the area of study called social psychology although
these days, possibly more work is done by social economists
in trying to understand what makes us tick alone and in mass.

In a small way, you can see some of this behaviour if you belong
to discussion groups on social media and internet forums. Once
a certain mood is put in place, you tend to see several people
posting in agreement within a topic. The discussion becomes
lost in a bevy of self-affirming opinions all agreeing but maybe
expanding on areas or issues within the original post.

The popular press calls this a feeding frenzy and the psychologist
would probably start by calling it mental set. However, what is
causing people to question the effect and the value of social media
is the lack of diverse opinions. The sorting algorithms used by the
moguls of the net select items that tend to re-enforce people's own
biases and likes. Then the people self-select groups who share
similar views to their own.

This can be destructive to cohesion and progress when angst replaces
reason in discussion of common interests. Take the WIA election and
the heat that has been generated over the past months. Whatever the
serving board said or did during this barrage was soon contrived to
batter their reputations. Whether the claims made could be properly
supported was immaterial when the collective vitriol was unleashed.

Now the elections are underway, the important thing is to now go into
the future with a clear insight as to the things that need to be changed
are and the courtesy and consideration that normally goes with our
hobby are allowed to nurture relations from now on.

I'm Geoff Emery and that's what I about you?

You know? I'm "on the green" with Geoff on this one.

One point in case is the outrage, the language used by hams on one group
all because the WIA issued Proxy Forms that were "BS" in the eyes of 1 member..
THEN the lemmings followed suit.

The 'discussion' was about the WIA proxy form for the 2017 AGM that was
in the election pack sent by mail. That version of the proxy form IS slightly
different to the one which is available through the WIA website, but both
versions will be accepted and deemed to be valid for 2017.

Websites form included a box to tick to give your proxy to the days Chairman.
or an Amateur of your choice whereas the mailed version did not show
'Chairman'... All members giving their proxy would, I hope, know exactly who
they wanted .. so this made no difference.

The proxy form enables members who cannot attend the meeting to nominate
another WIA financial member to cast a vote on their behalf at the AGM.

Proxy forms need to be received by the WIA National Office in Bayswater at
least 24 hours before the AGM at Hahndorf on 20 May 2017.

The WIA proxy use is explained in Clause 11 of the WIA constitution.

(Ed VK4BB and VK4ZPP)

This is WIA Director Roger Harrison VK2ZRH and I've been bowled over !

On Sunday last, I attended the annual Central Coast Amateur Radio Club Field
Day at Wyong, north of Sydney.

That's right. The Wyong Field Day.

For all the reports of its imminent demise, I have to say that it remains
Australia's largest gathering of hams and for those people otherwise
interested in amateur radio.

To assuage my sins as a WIA Director, I volunteered to spend most of my day on
the WIA's display - table - stand - or whatever else it might be called. In a
reprise of last year, I manned the WIA's trestle tables along with President
Phil Wait VK2ASD and Peter Young VK3MV.

This year, our host - the Central Coast Club - relocated the WIA stand to the
top deck of the grandstand. Never mind the reason, it proved a good spot
because we did a roaring trade.

Sales of books and memberships and renewals were much better than in the years
since 2014, when I first manned the stand for the WIA. Thanks to all those
that came along to eyeball the books and to have a chat. Great to see you all.

I was also the convenor of the annual VHF-UHF-microwave and weak signal group
get-together, scheduled for 11:15am on the day.

I counted 53 eager souls who turned up to the get-together, much the same as
for previous years.

Among the familiar faces from VK2, there were a few VK1s, some well-known VK3s
and VK4s and a few hamfest perennials from VK5.

Having paid tribute to "absent friends" who became silent keys recently,
including Maurie Findlay, who many will no doubt recall as a prominent member
of the radiocommunications industry - we moved-on to hot topics of the day.

Issues with local councils concerning amateur antenna masts and towers
generated some animated discussion. Gary Beech VK2KYP gave the group a rundown
of his run-ins with a neighbour and the local council - who is insisting on a
draconian interpretation of the State Planning Policy. It's a pity that those
in the Planning Department that formulated the policy a few years back have
- er - moved on and salient corporate memory has perhaps been lost.

It was good to see that there was a high level of basic knowledge of the
NSW policy among the group, but perhaps some further education would be
helpful. As with a lot of legislation, this planning policy will come up for
review in a year or two - time to mount another lobbying campaign to help
improve it for amateur antenna masts and towers.

The second hot topic was about VHF-UHF Field Days. No surprises there ! BUT
not wanting to spoil that surprise, we'll talk about it in FULL in next
weeks edition of news from the WIA.

Suffice to say " I was bowled over. "

Together we'll stand
Divided we'll fall
Come on now, people
Let's get on the ball
And work together

Advocacy. Education. Support. That's what we do.

This is WIA Director Roger Harrison VK2ZRH for VK1WIA News.

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART, WIA Local News Service VK7, VK3PC and the WW
sources of the WIA.


A school in the city of Xenia, Ohio will shut on Friday, May 19 so the
students can attend the amateur radio HAMVENTION !

Xenia High School site says:

"Xenia will welcome Hamvention to our community for the first time ever this
year. Hamvention will be taking place May 19-21. Since this is the first year
of Xenia hosting it, we want our students to have the opportunity to take
advantage of all of the sessions associated with this program."

I'm sure the kids will love the Board of Education deciding to cancel school
May 19.


OSCAR number EO-88 for Nayif-1

The UAE CubeSat, Nayif-1, with conditions for an OSCAR number have been met,
and Bill W3XO OSCAR number coordinator, by the authority vested in him by
AMSAT-NA president, do convey on Nayif-1 the designation Emirates Oscar 88
or EO-88.

We'll hear more of OSCAR 88 later in Special Interest Group news.

'Ring of Fire' solar eclipse a bright success Feb. 26

Something strange happened to the sunbeams over much of the southern
hemisphere when on Feb. 26th, the Moon passed directly in front of the sun,
covering as much as 99% of the solar disk.

This seen mainly over parts of South America and Africa. say crescent-shaped sunbeams and thin rings of light danced
across the ground of more than a dozen countries.

So if YOU were being chased by a moon shadow it wasn't Cat Stevens playing

Disney Research demonstrates open-air wireless charging

Disney Research has invented a new method of wirelessly charging mobile
devices that could someday allow amusement park patrons to walk about freely
while also getting their mobile devices charged.

The technology, which Disney has dubbed "quasistatic cavity resonance" (QSCR),
enables purpose-built structures such as cabinets, rooms and warehouses to
generate quasistatic magnetic fields that "safely deliver kilowatts of power
to mobile receivers contained nearly anywhere within."

Truth Matters. Facts Matter'

This story maybe from WKRP in Cincinnati ?

There, their local journalists will explore, explain the importance of a free
press in a democracy as Cincinnati's Society of Professional Journalists will
host a panel discussion titled, "Truth Matters. Facts Matter," Thursday,
March 23.

This is at the National VOA Museum of Broadcasting, what better place as VOA
commemorates their 75 th anniversary this year.

It will tell how to tell the difference between real and fake news; what
standards editors use to determine facts; and the importance of a free press
in a democracy.


All major Australian contests, rules and results, are on the
Contest Section of the WIA website.


Jan 1 - Dec 31 The Victorian Local Government Award 2017 Challenge

RSGB 80th Commonwealth Contest 11 and 12 March for 24 hours FROM 10.00 GMT.

Ham Radio On The Ferries 12th of March

WIA's John Moyle Memorial Field Day 18th-19th March 2017

What else happens on the Moyle Weekend?

St Patricks Day 2017 is "On The Air"

Yes the worldwide St Patricks Day celebrations are nearly upon us.

Once again it is hoped to turn the bands green as part of the St Patrick Award
on the 17th and 18th March.

Whether as an official station or a chaser why not join the celebrations and
go green...where it matters !

For more information go to

WIA's Harry Angel Memorial 80 meter sprint Saturday May 6 10:00 -11:46 UTC

May 13-15 Mills On The Air

VK SHIRES June 10 and 11.

Trans-Tasman Low-Band Contest 160/80/40 Saturday night July 15 and Start Time
is 08:00 UTC and finish time is 14:00 UTC


WIA's Flagship contest the Remembrance Day Contest 12th & 13th August

Aug 19-20 ILLW the 3rd full weekend in August since 1998

Aug 26 ALARA Contest Start Time 1600 this is a 24 hour Contest for YL's

IARU High Speed Telegraphy world championships are 8th to 12th September.

October CQ WW DX / SSB CONTEST (always Octobers Last full weekend)

Running ALL year 'til Dec 31 Victorian Local Government Award 2017 Challenge


The callsign OA0MP has been issued by the Peruvian authorities for use
from the 'Machu Picchu' Antarctic Base on King George Island in the South
Shetlands until the 31st of March 2017. 2 members of the scientific team will
operate during their spare time on 20m and 40m SSB. QSL via OA4O.

YET ANOTHER Antarctic operator is Alex RN 1 ANC on the Russian Vostok Station
Antarctica where he will be until February 2018.
His callsign again, RI1ANC, and during his spare time he will be active on
CW, SSB and Digital.
QSL Manager is RN 1 ON.

And whilst on a role, Francois FT 3 YL is on Dumont d'Urville Research Station,
Petrels Island in Antarctica for a one year stay. He has been issued with the
callsign FT 3 YL which is valid from 1st December 2016 until 1st February 2018.
He will be on the air when possible during his spare time and his QSL Manager
is F6KPQ.

Alan, VP 8 DPJ is at the British Antarctic Territory Rothera Research Station
on Adelaide Island, IOTA AN-001, until April 2018.
QSL via operator's instructions.

EI DX Group

Members of the EI DX Group are DXpeditioning to Nepal, March 8to 20
will see this 11 man, all Echo India team run up to 5 stations from 80 metres
through 10 metres on CW, SSB & Digital.

Nepal is currently number 91 Most Wanted DXCC in the world and an amazing
number 31 most wanted in North America.

Operating from a QTH at 5,600' above sea level, the team are looking forward
to intense pile-ups.

For full information, please visit their website


A group of Indonesian operators will be active as YE 0 S from Sebira Island,
north of the Jakarta City, between March 20-27th.

The Sebira Island is the outer-most island of Jakarta Special Capital City
District of the Republic of Indonesia.

Activity will be on 160-6 meters using CW, SSB and the Digital modes.

An Online QSL Request Service (OQRS) will be used for this DXpedition.

VI 4 ALARA July 1 to September 30 to gain recognition for the ALARAMeet in
Cairns, VK4 from September 8 to 12

VI 3 FB 75

Active March 17 18 and 19 at the Lake Boga Catalina Communications Bunker in
northwest Victoria. Marking the 75th anniversary of Lake Boga Flying Boat
base during WW2.

VI 50 ER

To mark the 50th year milestone of the EMDRC club in March it's on air
VI 50 ER also helps serve as a reminder of the EMDRC HamFest Sunday March 26
at the Great Ryrie primary school in Heathmont.

(sourced to VK3BQ)

VI 100 TRF

Rotarians of Amateur Radio (ROAR) in Australia have hit the HF bands for
3 months from late February to May, with the special event callsign VI 100 TRF.
This to highlight the Rotary Foundation's work over the past 100 years.


Remember back in time when Radios and TV sets came as FURNITURE..?

Walnut cabinets and all...

Well here's a story ( and a video site ) of a radio ham who goes 'nuts'
for a tiny transmitter

Dan Maloney KC1DJT writes on Hackaday about the achievement of
Jarno De Haan PA3DMI in building a 7 MHz Morse transmitter

The transmitter uses a single 2N3904 transistor and has just seven parts,
eight if you count the walnut.

Read the Hackaday report and watch the video at the link we like in this weeks
text edition of the news you can trust.. at


New military SDR radio jamming proof

A communications system at the IDEX-2017 expo in the United Arab Emirates,
claims it has technology that works even when attempts are made to jam its

The multi-mode portable software-defined radio defends against jamming via
random frequency shifts at a speed of 20,000 hops per second.

It's promoted as being able to communicate with older radio sets on different
frequencies and using different protocols.

Net is held each Mondays on 3.570 MHz, commencing at 1030 UTC.
(1000utc during daylight saving)

ALARAMeet 2017 has callsign VI4ALARA

The Australian Ladies Amateur Radio Association holds an ALARAMeet every
3 years in a different Australian state, and has been given the special event
callsign of Victor India 4 Alpha Lima Alpha Radio Alpha.

This year the ALARAMeet is in Cairns, Queensland, from September 8 to 12.

It will have a number of components including education sessions as well as
Amateur Radio related activities.

ALARA Publicity Officer Diane Main VK4DI said the event will focus on
educating and mentoring those new to the hobby, or who have become less
active, encouraging them to involved in a fun and friendly environment.

The primary focus will be women on air and attracting more women into Amateur
Radio. The callsign VI4ALARA will promote the event by being on air from
July 1 to September 30.

ALARA was founded in 1975 and comprises members from all over Australian and
some members overseas with a few expected to make the trip to Queensland.

For more information about the ALARAMeet contact the coordinators
Diane Main VK4DI or Lyn Battle VK4SWE.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, is on the air !

For this story it's to OUR news editor who broke the story on this weeks
Amateur Radio Newsline...

So from Melbourne it's to New York who in turn cross to Brisbane Australia
for THIS story from the UAE thanks to work carried out in INDIA !

"The Sheikh may not have his ham radio license, but his message is traveling
far and wide on the HF bands, the first message to be transmitted from a
newly launched satellite of the United Arab Emirates.

The satellite is a Nayif-1 launched in late February from the Satish Dhawan
Space Centre in India and it is Dubai's first nanosatellite. The sheikh's
message, being sent out in Arabic, translates to say [QUOTE] "The renaissance
of peoples, nations and civilizations starts with education and the future
of nations starts at their schools." [ENDQUOTE]

At one school in particular, the American University of Sharjah, engineer
students worked with the space centre in India to design, build, test
and operate the nanosatellite. Now the school is monitoring it. Its main
objective is to send and receive messages on amateur radio frequencies,
transferring messages mainly among speakers of Arabic.

So far the sheikh's message has been heard loud and clear by hams in Haiti,
the U.S., Sweden and Spain, as the satellite flies high over the earth at
an altitude of 600 kilometres, or not quite 375 miles high. Its telemetry
and transponder data are available online at the AMSAT-UK website.

Now, if the sheikh happens to hear his own message endorsing the power of
education, perhaps he will undertake some study himself and get on the
air in a more conventional manner - as a brand new ticket.

For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Graham Kemp, VK4BB


Hallo everyone, this is Clive VK6CSW reminding you that tomorrow, Monday,
March 6th, the Radio Amateurs Old Timers Club of Australia's monthly
bulletin goes to air.

As well as all the usual RAOTC news, this month we begin a three part series
on Broadcasting in Australia. We also have another potted biography of someone
who made a significant contribution to the development of wireless
communications, plus a piece entitled The Future is Light.

The principal HF transmission will be on 20 metres on 14.150 MHz upper side
band starting at 0100 UTC, beamed north from Melbourne for the eastern states.

An hour later at 0200 UTC there will be a 40 metre transmission from Perth on
7088 kHz lower sideband with a simultaneous transmission via all linked News
West VHF and UHF repeaters.

As well, numerous local relays will take place. Details for your local area
transmissions can be found at the RAOTC website, Again that's and as from Tuesday you can download the audio file from this website.

Everyone, RAOTC Members and non-members alike, is invited to enjoy tomorrow's
half hour program and to join in the call backs afterwards, and we hope to
hear your call sign amongst them.

73 from Clive VK6CSW.

A Youth Net meets Saturdays at 0100 UTC on IRLP Reflector #2.
Young Hams Net 3.590 - 7:30pm Victorian time.

RIDE THE MAGIC BUS - Old bus, young people, and Amateur Radio

Media coverage of teenagers learning about Amateur Radio has been scored by
the work of Tony Falla VK3KKP, in both ABC Central and the daily Bendigo
Advertiser newspaper.

The ABC had the story headlined: 'Youth take up Amateur Radio from inside
central Victorian bus in the bush'.

ABC reporter Larissa Romensky spent some time speaking to and photographing
Tony VK3KKP with the Castlemaine Venture Scouts.

In an old converted bus the young people learnt more of magic of radio, what
the hobby could do, and even spoke to French and New Zealand radio amateurs.

Also they were told of school contacts with the International Space Station,
and emergency communications provided by radio amateurs in times of disasters.

The lifelong enthusiast and computer professional also had a story in the
Bendigo Advertiser by Tom O'Callaghan, under the headline:

'Radio far from over for Scouts in digital age'.

It's important to teach the younger generation Amateur Radio skills, he told
the media, because the digital age relies the Internet, while Amateur Radio
is resilient.

Tony VK3KKP feels that despite what the naysayers believed, young people are
responsive to the argument radio is important - and the difference between
it and the telephone.

ABC Central:

Bendigo Advertiser:

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


For those who were unable to get to the Central Coast Amateur Radio Club's
Field Day at Wyong, last Sunday, the 26th. of February, you missed an
enjoyable event.

Aerial shots of the HamFest from a drone showed the car parks to be over
flowing and lots of people walking around the flea market.

Although hectic to organise the variety of topics being covered in the two,
parallel lecture streams were a hit and a big vote of thanks goes to Bob
VK2AOR for putting this all together.

The demonstrations on the upper floor of the race club was well attended with
all seats being filled and standing room only for the Brandmeister and DMR
demos. Ian VK2HK who ran these demonstrations tells me he was only able to get
away for 10 minutes during the day, so high was the interest and questions
about this new digital voice mode. Thanks to Ian for his dedication.

Along with the DMR demonstrations, the other hits of the day were the lecture
on Space Weather from the Australian Government's Meteorology department and
the Drone flying demonstrations. These demonstrations were so effective that
the drone retailer left at the end of the day with no stock left.

While lectures and demonstrations were taking place on the upper floors, there
was also lots happening at ground level with the traders and flea market
stalls getting lots of attention and the testing room busy not only with
Australian but this year also US amateur radio examinations.

Through involvement of a local radio station and attendance of youngsters
from local schools, it is hoped that the message about Amateur Radio will
be passed on to a new generation of club members.

For those who attended the field day, the CCARC would like your input
so please take couple of minutes to fill in a survey form.

The link to this is on the ( fieldday.ORG.AU ) website homepage.

For the Central Coast ARC this has been Ed DD5LP / VK2JI.

March 19 VK7 "Meet the Voice" barbecue 11:30am at Ross (vk7cl)

March 26 VK3 EMDRC HamFest, Great Ryrie Primary School, Heathmont (VK3BQ)

Ap 28-May 1 VK4 Clairview Gathering between Rockhampton and Mackay (TARC)

May 19 VK WIA AGM Hahndorf some 25km from Adelaide (vk5kc)

Jun 2-4 VK4 Theresa Creek Camp-out-day (CHARC) (tarc)

Theresa Creek Dam is located 22 km southwest of Clermont
in Central Queensland, with bitumen access all the way
to the boat ramp plus 2 boat ramps to choose from.
If you are able to get along for a great weekend, let Helen
VK4FHEL know by email
CHARC Facebook Page

June 10-11 VK5 SERG Annual Convention / VK Foxhunting Champs. (vk5dj)

July 1 VK3 GippsTech 2017 technical conference in Churchill. (wia events)

Sep 9-10 ALARAMEET 2017 in Cairns (vk4swe)

Nov 12 VK5 Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society HamFest 8am (vk5kc)

VK3 SPARC's Rosebud RadioFest (Marc)

Submitting news items

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug commercial
traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your supporters in this text
edition "no worries."

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to
and don't JUST send url's links but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

We would appreciate items no longer than 2 minutes in length as we only have
a half hour time slot window.

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only
be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different
slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your
item write in the 3rd person.



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time
and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
Who and where are they?

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in
"WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily
reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast
in the spirit in which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Who listens to radio? A weekly 'tally sheet' is sent to all rebroadcasters
and interested listeners, to get your free copy send a blank email to:-
Put the word subscribe in the title or subject field

How do I join this National News List? (subscribe for an automatic weekly feed.)
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Once your unsubscription has been processed, you will probably
receive another message confirming your unsubscription from the list,
and at that point you should stop receiving messages.

National News compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)