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WIA AGM Convention will have something for everyone


Satellites built by Universities launched into space by NASA

The first Australian-built satellites in 15 years have been launched into space
by NASA after being developed by Australian universities

One of the miniaturised satellites was built over four years by about 50
University of Adelaide (UOA) staff and students.

Paul ex VK5FPAU who now lives in the USA and sent us this story says it is
one of three "nanosatellites" developed in Australia as part of a research
project involving Australian universities under the European-funded project,
QB50 an international network of 50 CubeSats.

Lifting off from Cape Canaveral on Wednesday they are part of the initial
28-satellite strong QB50 mission of CubeSats involving 27 countries.

They will play a key role in investigating the thermosphere a layer of
atmosphere from about 95 kilometres to 500 kilometres from the Earth's surface
with the aim of increasing understanding of climate and weather modelling.

Australian universities in Sydney, Canberra as well as South Australia had
their satellites rocketed for deployment from the International Space Station
and should be deployed in May and June.

(vk3pc and vk5fpau)

Clarence Valley Amateur Radio Group

Who are the Clarence Valley Amateur Radio Group (CVARG) you asked?

Writing in the Summerland News Letter, Maeva VK2FMWL, says they are a mixed and
dynamic group of Hams (32 at last count) thoroughly involved in and enjoying
the hobby. They have been active for around 12 months on the VK2CLR repeater
and stress they are a group, not a club.

The group have regular Monday evening nets at 8pm discussing a wide variety
of topics, sometimes themed, sometimes free for all and not always totally
ham related. The net is very well attended, generally up to 12 taking part
with members taking turns to control the chat.

CVARG use the VK2RCV repeater in Grafton.

Outside of the nets various members can be heard swapping information, yarns,
and generally helping each other out. The group has a Facebook account where
news and happenings are freely shared.

Another feature is the social activity based around a Saturday lunch with
show and tell at the Brushgrove pub being well attended, a fun way to while away
an afternoon. The 'Brushie' is central to both the 'lower' and 'upper river'
members, so very convenient for all.

VK2FMWL says the trip across the Clarence River on the ferry is a novelty.

The membership is spread over a fairly wide geographical area. On air activity
John Moyle and the ILLW to name just two, are actively engaged in with several
group members achieving excellent numbers.

Clarence Valley Amateur Radio Group, PUTTING THE WOW (Thanks VK5) back into
Ham Radio.

Nov 5 in VK3 will see Ballarat Amateur Radio Group holding their annual
Hamvention at the greyhound racing track facilities, Rubicon St, Redan, Ballarat.

Admission $6.00 (under 16 free) and $10 per table for traders with space for
60+ Tables.

Doors open 10:00am pre selling of entry tickets from 9:30am.

Email enquiries to Roger VK3ADE at hamvention2017@barg.

While you have your diaries out, BARG also are having an auction on May 28
at their club rooms starting with a soup lunch from 12 midday with the auction
due to start at 1300.

It is a fun day where you can dispose of your unwanted bits and pieces which
maybe of value to other amateurs.

So start putting together your "lots", remember that it is open to all comers
to bring and buy or sell.

Tony VK7VKT took possession last week of a complimentary FlightAware
Raspberry Pi ADS-B decoder supplied by Flightaware, along with a 600mm 1090mhz
antenna and accessories.

Flight Aware are actively seeking out persons wishing to host a ground
station. The cost is zero. They have several persons in the state volunteering
their data from various devices but are keen on achieving MLAT accuracy by way
of having more of their custom devices as ground stations in areas lacking.

A free T-shirt was also part of the deal, HiHi.

(Tony, VK7VKT via VK7NEWS)

Gregory Mair VK8GM ( ) of the Alice Springs Amateur Radio
Club tells us the Australian Heritage Festival is on for 1 day TODAY 23/04/2017.

For just 4 hours from 9:30am at the Alice Springs Telegraph Station this is a
field event to showcase ham radio to the local community with HF, VHF UHF
comms in phone CW and digi forms of our hobby.

Please if you hear them or you find yourself in the Alice for the day give a
call as they will be active on 40, 20 and 15m for the day.

Again the event will be held at the old Alice Springs Telegraph Station in
Alice Springs.


WIA AGM convention has something for everyone

Hopefully by now you have booked your place to attend the WIA AGM
Convention at Hahndorf South Australia on the weekend of May 19-21.

The business of the AGM was notified in the March edition of Amateur Radio
magazine. Material will be made available to financial members of the WIA.

The more than 100 people for the AGM on May 20, need to register for
entry which begins at 8.30am Adelaide time.

Those attending the AGM will get a copy of the 20 page history booklet
'Some South Australian Experimenters, Their Activities and Legacies'.

The weekend also has the launch of the new book Wireless Men & Women @
War and a new iPhone application for portable activation alerts.

On Saturday afternoon will be technical talks followed by a traditional
dinner on Saturday night, and on Sunday an array of outdoor activities
and displays.

Please read the full program details on the WIA website that begins on
Friday evening with a social gathering and use the booking form.

Now again this week to Grant VK5GR with some more news about the events planned
for the WIA AGM & Convention to be held in Hahndorf in May.

"I'm here today with two of our guest speakers, David VK5KK and Iain VK5ZD
who will be talking to us about amateur microwave communications.

Iain, first of all, how did you get started in microwave and what sparked
your interest? "

I started playing with microwaves in the mid '80s, I came across a
device called a gunnplexer operating on 10GHz and we did a lot of
playing around with those things, and managed to make some contacts
up to 100km. So, that's where I got going with it.

And David, how about yourself?

Mine was probably mid late '70s when Reg Galle VK5QR was playing around
with microwaves across to Wally VK6WG and I built a 1296MHz transverter
essentially, in the late '70s and managed to work VK6KZ and hold the
world record for about 2 days so that's how that started.

That sounds like a very interesting way to get into it.

So if others wanted to get started in microwaves, how hard is it?
What have they actually got to do?

Well, it's not that difficult actually, it does really come down to what
sort of budget you've got but there's things to suit everybody. There is
an awful lot of surplus equipment out there which is available, there
are plenty of kits around that you can also build to get yourself going,
essentially you need a transverter and a standard VHF/UHF transceiver in
front of it, so it's not particularly difficult. There's a little bit of
hardware involved setting up antennas and things like that but no more
complicated than getting going on 2m or 70cm, just that they all look a
little bit different that's all.

Now David I understand we are planning something a little bit special on the
Sunday, what can you tell us about it?

Yes, we are going to activate Grid Square PF94 on 10GHz EME, which has
not been done before, so VI5WOW will be on 10GHz EME on JT4F. We have a
couple of stations, probably 4 that we can work, but 2 - HB9Q and OK1KIR
both capable of working us with our 3ft dish.

So come on down to the Amateur Radio come and Try day at Hahndorf Oval and you
will get to see 10GHz EME in action. Now, that will be taking place up until
about 2pm I understand?

That's right. We will have access to the DB0EME moon bounce beacon from
about 12.30pm to about 2.00pm, the limiting factor is the tree line but
effectively between 1-2pm will be the optimum time.

Thank you very much guys for talking with us and we look forward to seeing
everybody coming down to the WIA AGM & Convention in South Australia, to find
out more about microwave communications. Thank you very much!

This has been Grant, VK5GR with David VK5KK and Iain VK5ZD for the
WIA AGM & Convention 2017 organising committee! See you between
May 19th and 21st !

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART, WIA Local News Service VK7, VK3PC and the WW
sources of the WIA.

FCC proposes $400,000 fine on jammer

The FCC has proposed a fine of more than HALF A MILLION AUSTRALIAN DOLLARS
on a Queens, New York, man who has admitted making unauthorized transmissions
on New York City Police Department radio frequencies, & maliciously interfering
with NYPD officers' communications

The ARRL say the man, aged 20, is alleged to have transmitted false bomb
threats, false claims of criminal activities involving firearms,
false distress calls from purported NYPD officers, and threats against
individual NYPD officers.

Radio DARC Broadcasts

RADIO DARC, is the weekly magazine of the German Amateur Radio Club for
radio amateurs and shortwave listeners, with three broadcasts on 6070 kHz
for Europe. DARC will broadcast during the 24th IARU-Region-1-Conference
to be held in Landshut, Germany.

From 16th to 22nd September 2017, RADIO DARC will report current news
on the conference in six daily special shortwave transmissions to keep the
IARU Region 1 ham radio audience up to date with news and background reports.

One LARGE road trip for mankind.

Apollo 11 Capsule Going On Road Trip

To accommodate the Smithsonian renovation of its gallery at the
National Air and Space Museum in Washington, the Capsule will visit
four US cities.

The four city tour will include Houston, St. Louis, Pittsburgh and Seattle
as part of the a new exhibit: "Destination Moon: The Apollo 11 Mission".


For a little bit more radio history, this week we head to New York State's
Hudson Valley, where dots and dashes are taking centre stage. Or at least.....
the front porch.

Amateur Radio Newsline's Heather Embee KB3TZD says the Samuel Morse estate
in Hudson Valley was the summer home of the noted inventor and 19th century

The historic house and grounds, known as Locust Grove, is marking the 227th
anniversary of Morse's birth by doing the very thing Morse himself made
possible - communicating in code. On April 29, the Hudson Valley QSY
Society will be operating in CW from the porch of the old house, making
radio contacts in Morse Code to demonstrate to the public how effective
a mode it still is.

Guests at the home will also be welcome to visit the historic home's
telegraph gallery which contains reproductions of early electromagnetic
telegraphs similar to those developed and used by Morse.

Hams, as we all know, are accustomed to being prepared - we assist at
marathons and half-marathons, we provide a communications safety net
at boating and horse riding events, hiking events and cycling events.

So in Maldon, England, when the Essex RAYNET was called in to assist at
a fundraising fun run around Maldon Promenade Park, the hams there were
prepared. After all, not every amateur gets to assist at a mad dash through
a fortress of coloured bubbles.

Actually, there were four such bubble stations and as the runners came charging
through each, streams of colourful bubbles were shot in their direction, the
thick lather rising as high as 1 and a 1/2 meters.

It was their hottest day of the year so far - and an estimated 1,000 runners
nonetheless turned up to raise money for a local hospice.

The event was sold-out and with the help of Essex RAYNET and its UHF repeater,
it was proclaimed a great success.

No doubt organizers who'd worked so hard got a chance to celebrate afterwards.

Maybe they even broke out a bit of the...."bubbly."


Back in the March 26 WIA National News Service we met artist Jackie Ferrara
whose works feature Morse Code numbers and letters that actually are bricks
featuring in landscaping AND buildings.

Well now Jim VK3PC has been doing a little 'googling' by the look of things
and comes up with this tongue-in-cheek jibe with Morse code

He says a new skate hall building in Oslo Norway is attracting professional and
amateur skateboarders of all ages.

Part of its structure is a cladding of aluminium panels punctured by a
surface pattern of Morse code symbols.

So what does it read?

The architects has some fun with this one, a literal transcription of
the 1978 Norwegian law forbidding the use, sale, and advertising of skateboards.

Of course that law was abolished in 1989 and skateboarding has flourished ever

Who and Where are our broadcast stations?


All major Australian contests, rules and results, are on the
Contest Section of the WIA website.


Jan 1 - Dec 31 The Victorian Local Government Award 2017 Challenge

WIA's Harry Angel Memorial 80 meter sprint Saturday May 6 10:00 -11:46 UTC

May 13-15 Mills On The Air

VK SHIRES June 10 and 11.

Trans-Tasman Low-Band Contest 160/80/40 Saturday night July 15 and Start Time
is 08:00 UTC and finish time is 14:00 UTC


VK1 Winter SOTA QSO Party takes place August 6th 2017 9:00 am till 11:30 am.

WIA's Flagship contest the Remembrance Day Contest 12th & 13th August

Aug 19-20 ILLW the 3rd full weekend in August since 1998

Aug 26 ALARA Contest Start Time 1600 this is a 24 hour Contest for YL's

IARU High Speed Telegraphy world championships are 8th to 12th September.

October CQ WW DX / SSB CONTEST (always Octobers Last full weekend)

Running ALL year 'til Dec 31 Victorian Local Government Award 2017 Challenge

AX prefix stations set for ANZAC Day

The alternative callsign prefix 'AX' is permitted for use on ANZAC Day April 25
that is next Tuesday.

Among the commemorative events on ANZAC Day will be the former Army Apprentices
School 'Balcombe' at Mt Martha on the Mornington Peninsula south of Melbourne.
The trades school began in 1948 graduating more than 5,000 Army Apprentices
before being re-located to Bonegilla, near Wodonga in December 1982.
Former bandsman Johnno Karr AX3FMPB will revisit the site of his former school
and be heard on air for ANZAC Day this Tuesday.

Meantime the traditional AM & CW event organized by Mike 'Banjo' Patterson
VK4MIK will again take to the air for the 7th year. It honours those modes used
by service personnel in earlier wars - AM and CW.

The Tableland Radio Group of Far North Queensland will be operating from Rocky
Creek War Memorial site next to the WWII Igloo, which has been rebuilt by
Atherton Rotary Club, under the callsign of AX4GHL.

The Ex-HMAS Diamantina will be operating as AX4RAN from 0300 to 0700UTC on
CW on 7020/7025 and 14038/14052 plus or minus. The frigate was operational
during World War II.

A number of radio amateurs from Ingham, in North Queensland, hope to be
operating from the Herbert River RSL and will be operating on a range of
frequencies with the callsign AX4MS.

The Townsville Amateur Radio Club will be AX4WIT from the Club Rooms in
Green Street, which were part of the camouflage used to protect the RAAF WWII
Pacific Theatre Communications Centre rom enemy bombing.
AX4WIT will be operational from 0001Z AM and CW on 7115.

Ex-Serviceman Eldon 'Don' Bryant will be active during the evening using
HF/AM from his home QTH as AX4FNQA.

Hopefully more stations will be also operating and switching to the old modes
during the day.

The AX prefix is popular and the WIA encourages those who use it have a special
QSL card too.


Indian Ocean 6M EME DXpeditions
Lance, W7GJ, will be active from the Indian Ocean to focus on 6 meters EME QSOs.
West Island/Cocos Island as VK9CGJ between September 12-28th.
Christmas Island as VK9XGJ between October 2-18th.

Throughout 2017, to celebrate of the centenary of Finland's independence,
Finnish radio amateurs are allowed to use the prefix OF in place of the usual

In addition, the special jubilee callsign OF 100 FI/portable district number
will be activated by various Amateur Radio clubs throughout Finland.

For QSL information listen to operator's instructions.

The Wild Atlantic Way

Irish radio amateurs have been on the air in 2017 with special callsigns
along a west coast tourism route that passes through nine counties and
three provinces.

The Wild Atlantic Way is 2,500 km long on the rugged coast overlooking
the Atlantic Ocean.

Some nine callsigns EI 11WAW through to EI 99 WAW will be tied to an
Irish county, each offer a special QSL card and award.

Information on the year-long event that started on January 1, is on the
websites and the Irish Radio Transmitters Society.

Nuclear powered QSOs ?

Look for special event station OE17ATOM to be active from the Nuclear Power
Plant (inside the reactor's hall) in Zwentendorf, Austria between April

Activity will be on the HF, VHF and UHF bands.

Operators mentioned are Stefan/OE1SSU, Franz/OE1AOA and Gregor/OE1SGW.

There will be live streaming video during the operation (see for

The Treaty of the Danish West Indies

A special event throughout 2017 celebrates the 100th anniversary of the
United States Virgin Islands.

The EDR HAM Radio Club of Skanderborg will use the callsign OZ100DVI
from January 1 until December 31.

In marks the centenary the Treaty of the Danish West Indies, sold to the
USA and renamed the Virgin Islands.

OZ100DVI will be on all bands and include SOTA activity from Saint
Thomas Island on the Lake Skanderborg.

Further information is on the website


Region III IARUMS Coordinator Peter Young VK3MV

VK IARUMS reflector email to subscribe

SUBMITTING a report? go to

Friday 0730 UTC 7.065.5 with VK4CEU David.

Amateur exclusive frequencies where any non-amateur signal is definitely an

Amateur HF Spectrum world wide
7.050 to 7.100
14.000 to 14.250
14.250 to 14.350 No broadcasters
21.000 to 21.450
24.890 to 24.990
28.000 to 29.700

Russian Buzzer Buzzes Off.

IARU-R1 Monitoring System newsletter reports the Russian buzzer on 6998.0 kHz
has disappeared. For a long time the system had interfered with the lower edge
of the amateur radio 7 MHz band

The Russian F1B transmission on 7193 kHz believed to be from Kaliningrad
has ended its transmissions.

The IARUMS thanks the German BNetzA Konstanz for submitting the complaints
and also thanks the Russian Military.

IARU Monitoring System Region newsletter can be read at


IARU Regional ARDF Championships

At least seven International Amateur Radio Union member societies will compete
in the 11th IARU Region 3 Amateur Radio Direction Finding Championships August
hosted by the Mongolian Radio Sport Federation.

WIA ARDF Coordinator Jack Braham VK3WWW told WIA Secretary Jim Linton that
he has been advised formal invitations are from the KARL Korea, CRSA China,
JARL Japan, MRSF Mongolia, KFRR Kazakhstan, ARRL USA, and WIA Australia.

The week-long event involves 3.5 MHz and 144 MHz foxhunts, with teams of
competitors in their age groups looking for hidden transmitters.

They will use the courses set up at Ulaanbaatar (pronounced: Ulan Bator) in
north central Mongolia on August 20-25.

The competitors and judging jury are now finalising their transport and


Radio ham launches over 500 High Altitude Balloons

The ARRL has made available an article about Bill Brown WB 8 ELK which appears
in the May 2017 issue of QST

Bill has launched over 500 high-altitude balloon projects over the span of
30 years. For his first flight on August 15, 1987, Bill designed a remote
viewing platform, using a P.C. Electronics Amateur TV transmitter on 434 MHz,
and a 50 mW, 2-meter FM beacon to track and direction-find the payload (this was
of course, before GPS).

"Amateur TV stations across the Midwest had beautiful reception from this tiny,
1 W amateur TV transmitter as far as 250 miles away," Bill explained.

"The 2-meter beacon was heard over 400 miles away."

Download the free article PDF from


Packet From The International Space Station Is Back On 145.825 MHz

The Amateur Radio on the International Space Station Team is
pleased to announce that packet from the ISS is once again on
145.825 MHz.

ARISS did the foot work and paperwork a few months ago to launch
the last back-up Ericsson VHF handheld radio to the ISS.

This work was begun in October after the failure of the Ericsson unit
that had been used on the ISS.

The Eriksson's have been operating on the ARISS for 16 years. In the last
days of February, the SpaceX 10 launch vehicle, Dragon, flew to the
ISS with the HT on-board. After the docking, ISS crew members had the
odious job of unloading and unpacking 5,500 pounds of cargo,
including the Ericsson HT.

ARISS got word Friday morning that we now have VHF capability back in
the Columbus module. Followers of ISS Fan Club have already posted
that they've heard and used VHF packet, and are thrilled and happy to
have it again!


Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz

More Americans than ever have been licensed by the Federal Communications
Commission as amateur radio operators, and those in the know say that emergency
communications is driving their passion to be 'hams.'

"There has been a tremendous amount of interest in emergency preparedness since
9/11 and Katrina, and this is true for the amateur radio community as well,"
said Mike Corey, the emergency preparedness manager for the American Radio
Relay League. "Emergency communications is a gateway into amateur radio, and
many join our ranks through an interest in being better prepared themselves
and as a way to serve their community."

"This is the third year in a row that the total number of new licenses has
exceeded 30,000," said the ARRL.

Read the full story at


Ap28-May1 VK4 Clairview Gathering between Rockhampton and Mackay (TARC)

May 13 VK3 Moorabbin & District Radio Club HamFest 10am at the
Southern Community Centre Mulgrave. (vk3gl)

May 19 VK WIA AGM Hahndorf some 25km from Adelaide (vk5kc)

Jun 2-4 VK4 Theresa Creek Camp-out-day (CHARC) (tarc)

June 10-11 VK5 SERG Annual Convention / VK Foxhunting Champs. (vk5dj)

July 1 VK3 GippsTech 2017 technical conference in Churchill. (wia events)

July 22 VK3 Great Gippsland Gate Radio & Electronics Club HamFest. July 22
Cranbourne Community Hall Clarendon & High St, Cranbourne.

Sep 9-10 ALARAMEET 2017 Cairns. Listen for VI4ALARA from Jly (vk4swe vk3pc)

Nov 5 VK3 BARG Hamvention greyhound racing track, Ballarat. (wia events)

Nov 12 VK5 Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society HamFest 8am (vk5kc)
VK3 Rosebud's annual celebration of all things Amateur Radio (wia)


March 25 VK3 EMDRC HamFest - Great Ryrie Primary School, Heathmont. (VK3BQ)

Submitting news items

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug commercial
traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your supporters in this text
edition "no worries."

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to
and don't JUST send url's links but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

We would appreciate items no longer than 2 minutes in length as we only have
a half hour time slot window.

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only
be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different
slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your
item write in the 3rd person.



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National News compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)