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WIA trial exams a big hit. -

WIA Director Peter Clee VK8ZZ and the Monitoring Service.-

WIA Spectrum Strategy Committees Roger Harrison VK2ZRH. -

WIA Winter VHF UHF Field Day on now!


ARISS to commemorate its 20th anniversary

The Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) is to encapsulate
its accomplishments over two decades by transmitting a set of 12 SSTV images
from space.

ISS Ham Radio Program Manager Frank Bauer KA3HDO has announced the initiative
that is expected around the weekend of July 15, depending on the availability
of the International Space Station.

In Special Interest Group news today Immeadiate Past Director Robert Broomhead
VK3DN will have a great story on Frank Bauer KA3HDO who has just been awarded
a MOST pestigious award.

The SSTV images that Frank has arranged will depict the first ARISS meeting
in November 1996, the joint operations on the MIR space station, and the
extraordinary developments that have occurred in the past 20 years.

ARISS can be proud that it has touched the lives of many and inspired and
educated countless students to pursue science, technology, engineering and
math careers.

It has just had its 1103rd school contact.

More details on the SSTV image event will be known from ARISS in coming weeks
as it develops.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

Amelia Earhart flight path commemoration almost half way

The around the world solo flight by pilot Brian Lloyd WB 6 RQN, who is tracing
most of the path taken by the Amelia Earhart flight, is now due over the
Timor Sea headed for Australia.

The legendary Earhart and her navigator Fred Noonan disappeared July 2, 1937,
near Howland Island in the Pacific and were never found.

On June 1 this year, Brian WB6RQN, a 62-year old from Texas began his two month
flight from Miami Florida in a single-engine 1979 Mooney 231 aircraft, fitted
with Amateur Radio.

The flight has already successfully crossed the Atlantic Ocean, South America,
Africa, India, and South East Asia.

When this broadcast goes to air on Sunday June 24, the flight should be over
the Timor Sea headed for Australia.

His flight has stopovers in Darwin, Alice Springs, Townsville, Brisbane, Sydney,
Auckland, Suva, a fly-over of Howland Island which has no runway, then to
Hawaii, California, ending in Texas on July 29.

Listen for WB6RQN on SSB at about 14.210, 14.346, 18.117 or 7.130

Lloyd's ham rig will be a Motorola Micom 3 HF transceiver with Automatic Link
Establishment or ALE, ALE? we asked WB6RQN, "please explain."

BRIAN: "Making a contact with ALE is nothing more than entering a person's
call sign and the radio then figures out oh I can reach that person
on this band. Once it establishes the connection it switches to
SSB voice. Its almost like dialing a telephone. I press a button to
establish the call and we talk."

If you operate digital modes now, like Olivia or PSK31, you can pick up
a copy of PC ALE and install that and you will be able to operate
ALE and communicate with me that way.

Mostly I'll be operating in the DX portions of 40 and 20 meters
depending on band openings.

You can track me directly. The web page is all one word:
project Amelia

Brian hopes many hams will give ALE a try, but to our friends in the north,
DARC TARC and maybe even our own Felix in Ingham we'd love to get some audio
as WB6RQN moves through your flight areas.

BRIAN: "I hope to get a chance to work many of your listeners as I make
my way around the world."



WIA trial exams a big hit

In May the Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) began its trial of theory and
regulation assessments on-line that have proved to be very popular with about
230 people accessing them.

As explained by WIA Trainer Fred Swainston VK4FE VK3DAC, the Institute had been
working toward some on-line assessments for its candidates, and used the trial
exam system as a 'proof of concept' exercise.

He advises that the trial has been now been completed and a draft process for
future on-line exams worked out, to possibly be used by WIA Nominated Assessors
with candidates needing a remote assessment. It is intended that the on-line
exams will be available to all candidates.

The on-line development will then be explained in detail by the WIA to the
Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) seeking its approval
for them to be used.

By the end of this month the suite of assessments now available will be joined
by two trial Foundation Licence assessment papers - all similar to those used
in the actual multi-choice exams.

These exams will be converted into tutorials and remain on-line as an
educational resource.

Fred Swainston VK4FE VK3DAC says many thanks to the radio amateurs, upgraders,
and those wanting to get into the hobby for giving the trial exams a try.

How to assess the trials, which will remain and require the latest version of
the flash player, are detailed in the text edition of this broadcast.

To log on visit the website

As part of the security process, those wanting to see them must first register
by clicking on the Amateur Radio tab.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

Hello everyone My name is Peter Clee VK8ZZ.

I live at WAGAIT BEACH, which is located on the Cox Peninsula on the western
side of Darwin Harbour in the Northern territory.

I have held an Amateur Licence for 40 years operating with the callsigns
VK2NUK, VK2KZZ, VK6KZZ and VK8KZZ. I also spent a number of years in the 80's
in Papua New Guinea as P29NUK and P29KZZ.

In this week's BOARD COMMENT, I want to shine some attention on an invaluable
service which is the WIA Monitoring System (WMS). This service forms part of
the IARU Global monitoring services throughout the world. The service documents
information on intruders into the amateur bands which is subsequently shared
with our regulatory authority and other national societies within our IARU
Region 3 and with other regions to assist locating and identifying those

In Australian we are very grateful for the great work, time and dedication of
Peter Young VK3MV, both in his position on the Spectrum Committee and as the
Co-ordinator of the WIA Monitoring Service. Also, we are very grateful to the
volunteers particularly John VK4TJ, Lyn VK4SWE and Col VK4CC along with those
other amateurs who submit reports on intruders into our bands.

The WIA has a long-established arrangement whereby amateurs can report possible
unauthorised transmissions within our primary HF bands to the WMS Co-ordinator.

Last year WIA observers detected 5294 intruders, an increase on the 2015 figure
of 5289 reports despite the decrease in sunspot activity. The WIA continues to
provide monthly monitoring reports to the ACMA of these intrusions. However due
to the itinerant nature of some intruders, the ACMA has difficulty in
determining which ITU member administration is responsible, which draws out the
process for their removal. In many cases, there has been some success but only
to see the same intruder return at some later time. It is also unfortunate that
some administrations ignore requests for removal of interfering services from
our Primary status bands.

Monthly monitoring reports are placed in the "Members Section" of the WIA

It is however good news that there has been some success with the removal of
a number of Indonesian "village radio" stations by the Indonesian government
regulator. Unfortunately, there are many stations still in operation and
considering there over 10,000 islands in that jurisdiction it is a big task.

Over-the-Horizon-Radar (OTHR) systems also continue to annoy us by invading
our bands. It has been reported that Russia commissioned 36 new systems
last year alone.

The WIA Monitoring System has been assisted in recent times with the
implementation of several Software Defined Receivers (SDR) which have been used
to identify non-amateur transmissions, including digital modes. The WIA
Monitoring System co-ordinator Peter, VK3MV has recommended and supported clubs
to establish more SDR systems which can be utilised by volunteers of the
service to monitor for intruders.

Intrusions on our bands should not go unreported.

Reports can be easily and quickly made using the Online Intruder Report Form
which is located in the "IARU Monitoring System" under "For Members" section
of the web page. So, when you next hear a possible intruder, report the matter
and help protect our bands.

There also is a need for more volunteers to assist the service. Volunteers
need not be licenced amateurs, but shortwave enthusiasts are encouraged to make

More information can be found on the WIA website or by emailing the
co-ordinator Peter VK3MV at

I'm Peter Clee VK8ZZ thanks for listening.

(Here in Region 3 for period of April '17 there were 83 observations from JARL,
20 observations from NZART, and also there were 547 observations from WIA.)

This is Roger Harrison VK2ZRH from the WIA Spectrum Strategy Committee
with news about future licence conditions consultation.

Well, consultation on Phase 1 closed last week, with a total of 362 people
who responded.

That's fantastic!

With three propositions concerning general principles, Phase 1 was open
for five weeks, beginning just before the WIA AGM in Hahndorf.

Responses came from all states and territories - including VK9 - and from
some not yet licensed, but clearly interested in the future of the hobby.

However, to be completely accurate, no VK zeros participated. Oh well,
it's mid-winter down south and they've lots of other things to do.
Like, taking the traditional mid-winter swim in a hole cut through the
seas ice. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.

Most responses to Phase 1 came from VK3, closely followed by VK2.

From a preliminary analysis, it is clear that there's an appetite for change
across the amateur radio community.

In response to question 1, that, with the introduction of parameters-based
licensing, some 88 per cent of responses were totally in favour that future
Amateur licensing must not be reduced or downgraded from the principles
embodied in current Apparatus licensing.

Around seven per cent were mildly in favour, while about five per cent were
undecided. For the half per cent against it, it has to be concluded that there
are mavericks in every crowd.

With question 2, on the principle of reducing regulation, to enable licensees
to explore, experiment and learn with the least possible impediment, balanced
with responsible use of the radio spectrum and respect for other users, more
than 85 per cent of respondents were totally in favour, while more than 12 per
cent were mildly in favour. Fewer than one per cent were either undecided or
strongly against.

In responding to question 2, on permitted powers for all licence grades being
reviewed in a sensible, pragmatic approach - more than 83 per cent were totally
in favour, almost 10 per cent were mildly in favour, about three per cent were
undecided and about four per cent were opposed.

Along with the selections chosen, many participants included very thoughtful
comments and reasoned arguments in support of their selections.

Well done everybody.

Now. Phase 2 is still open, but closes around midnight ! It's about proposed
changes to each licence grade. All that stuff dear to everyone's heart.
Already, there are more than 330 responses!

While you're at it. Complete your responses to Phase 3, which is about
outstanding issues in licence conditions - which are equally important. Phase 3
closes on the 30h - next Friday.

Do not leave it to others, even if you don't normally engage, this is an
opportunity for everyone interested in the hobby. Even if you don't have a
licence - yet!

If you have already had you say, why not consider helping spread the word and
get more people involved.

You don't have to be a member of the WIA, or even have a licence. Just an
interest in the future of amateur radio.

That leaves me to urge you, then - GET CRACKING !

To Have Your Say, go to

Advocacy. Education. Support. That's what we do.

This is Roger Harrison VK2ZRH for VK1WIA News.


Now here is an idea by the ARRL thinking 'outside the box.'

Support ARRL and Earn 10,000 Visa Card Bonus Points.

Remember this is just for US Amateurs.

When a call signs up with the ARRL Visa Signature® Card. For starters,
spend just $2,000 in the first 90 days and you'll earn 10,000 BONUS POINTS

In addition, part of every card purchase will be donated automatically to ARRL.
So you can make a difference with every purchase, every day.

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART, WIA Local News Service VK7, VK3PC and the WW
sources of the WIA.

SARL fund for disaster victims

South African Amateur Radio League President Nico, ZS6QL, said in a news flash
"I am pleased to announce that Council has decided, on short notice, to
establish an independent General Disaster Trust Fund to assist fellow
radio amateurs who have suffered because of natural disasters."

In a nutshell, this general disaster fund will be administered by independent
trustees and not by Council. Trustees will have absolute discretion how funds
for the current and for future major relief situations are to be utilised.

This is an open and honest initiative from Council to establish a fund for the
current and for future major relief situations to assist in extra ordinary
circumstances and not ordinary charity circumstances.

Asteroid named after Radio Ham

The International Astronomical Union has rewarded the space physicist and
radio amateur Asta Pellinen-Wannberg SM3UHV by designating a celestial body
in her name, Asteroid 11807 Wannberg

The Swedish national amateur radio society SSA reports:

Asta Pellinen-Wannberg is a professor at the Department of Physics at
Ume University. She has made a ground-breaking effort to use scattering
radar when studying meteors that are activated when small particles penetrate
into the atmosphere.

The method is now applied to about ten stations around the world.

It increases the ability to study different large flows, smaller particles and
details in their interaction with the atmosphere, says Asta Pellinen-Wannberg.

Asta is chair of the Swedish National Committee for Radio Science SNRV and has
researched together with Gudmund Wannberg SM3BYA, who served as Technical
Manager at EISCAT Radar in Kiruna and Associate Professor at Ume University.


A large hole has opened in the sun's atmosphere and it is turning toward Earth.

NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory is monitoring the structure.

This is a coronal hole (CH) - a region where the sun's magnetic field peels
back and allows solar wind to escape.

High-latitude sky watchers have been on the alert for auroras, especially in
the southern hemisphere where autumn darkness favours visibility.

Forecasters note that this stream is unusually fast with wind speeds as high as
700 km/s. YES PER SECOND!

Moreover, it is threaded with "negative polarity" (south-pointing) magnetic
fields. Such fields do a good job connecting to Earth's magnetosphere
and energizing geomagnetic storms.


You've heard about high altitude balloon launches carrying APRS equipment
and sending data back to Earth. But in this weeks 'weird and wonderful' segment
we leave you this week with this sizzling question:

"Why did the chicken burger cross the launching pad?"

The answer:

"To get into space, of course."

As our good friends at Amateur Radio Newsline have reported this isn't just
any burger, or sandwich as it's known in the US of A -- and this isn't just
any chicken. This is the main ingredient for a promotional stunt by KFC for
its sizzling spicy Zinger sandwich.

The space antics are playing off an advertising campaign that features
Kentucky Fried Chicken founder Col. Harland Sanders, played by actor Rob Lowe,
in a space suit. KFC is introducing the sandwich in the U.S., and decided to
mark that launch with........a real launch. Talk about fast food!

Sometime very soon, in a galaxy VERY close to home, the sandwich will be
dispatched to the edge of the atmosphere via high-altitude balloon known
as a stratollite, courtesy of World View Enterprises of Arizona.

This will be "poultry in motion" at very high altitudes indeed.

KFC is betting its lunch that this flight constitutes the longest controlled
stratospheric balloon flight carrying a commercial payload.

When it comes back to earth - at least four days later -- it will bring
back telemetry data - but sorry, there's no dessert.

Riding aboard the stratollite, it's not likely the Zinger will make it
as high as 62 miles up, which is considered the edge of space. But
perhaps that honour will someday be reserved, not for chicken, but some
high-flying ham instead.

Who and Where are our broadcast stations?


All major Australian contests, rules and results, are on the
Contest Section of the WIA website.


Jan 1 - Dec 31 The Victorian Local Government Award 2017 Challenge

June 24 - 25 Winter VHF UHF Field Days 2017


VK1 Winter SOTA QSO Party takes place August 6th 2017 9:00 am till 11:30 am.

WIA's Flagship contest the Remembrance Day Contest 12th & 13th August

Aug 19-20 ILLW the 3rd full weekend in August since 1998

Aug 26 ALARA Contest Start Time 1600 this is a 24 hour Contest for YL's

IARU High Speed Telegraphy world championships are 8th to 12th September.

October CQ WW DX / SSB CONTEST (always Octobers Last full weekend)

Running ALL year 'til Dec 31 Victorian Local Government Award 2017 Challenge


John Moyle Memorial Field Day will be held over the weekend of the 17th-18th
March 2018 and will run from UTC 0100 on the Saturday until 0059 on the Sunday.

IARU HF Championship event on 15 and 16 July 2018.

Satellite DX operation in the BELIZE

BELIZE, V3. Look for David, KG5CCI to be active as V31CI from
Ambergris Caye (NA-073), from June 21 to 27, including Field Day.
Listen for him on Satellites, 6 Meters (digital and SSB) and
possibly on the HF bands. QSL direct to KG5CCI.

(ANS Mail Service)

Sookun HL1AHS will operate as VK9AA on Christmas Island to 1st July.
He will be on all bands 80m to 10m CW, SSB and Digital.
QSL Manager for VK9AA is HL2UVH.


VK7RST Beacons Upgrade

Please note, that, the VK7RST 6m Beacon on 50.297MHz will be off air
for at least a month whilst it is upgraded to a GPS locked CW/JT4 beacon.

This upgrade will include the currently off-air VK7RST 2m Beacon on
144.470MHz which will also become a GPS locked CW/JT4 beacon.

Once licence changes go through added will be a 70cm GPS locked beacon on

(VK7 News)


The USA's Fish and Wildlife Service, (FWS), has agreed that a DXpedition to
Baker and Howland Islands (KH1), the fourth most-wanted DXCC entity, would be
an acceptable use, but has detailed strict conditions under which it would
issue a special use permit (SUP) to allow such use.

The FWS recently completed a compatibility determination for Amateur Radio
operation on Baker Island National Wildlife Refuge, and two dozen comments
showed "strong support" for Amateur Radio operation on the ecologically
sensitive island refuge, the FWS said.

Baker Island is 1,830 nautical miles southwest of Honolulu an 8-day voyage.



Who and Where are our broadcast stations?

The WIA AGM in Hahndorf is the Amateur Radio Magazine theme

The July Amateur Radio magazine's cover shows some of the Come and Try
activities that were held at the AGM and inside more than a dozen pages
on other events during the weekend.

The WIA AGM theme is also in the President's Report by Justin Giles-Clark VK7TW,
who thanks the many VK5 volunteers who showed that the magic of radio is alive
and well.

The WIA President also outlines some changes occurring that include a synopsis
of Board minutes via MEMNET, and the forming of a Strategy Committee to guide
development of a member driven strategy and vision.

Justin VK7TW stressed that the important work of existing committees will
continue and they are likely to have a greater responsibility.

Amateur Radio magazine also has the Marconi Legacy by Jim VK3PC, solar boat
operating with John VK4JWT, and a programmable two-tone signal source shown
by Dale VK1DSH.

With its usual special interest and regional columns the July edition of
Amateur Radio magazine, a WIA member service, has plenty of very good reading.

This is Barry Robinson VK3PV and you are listening to VK1WIA.


This story we weren't too sure where to slot, it is of Special Interest, yet
not to many would have the fortitude - it's a story of real " I can do that
radio amateur spirit."

The reality television series called 'Ice Road Truckers' has exploits of trucks
on unmade and extremely treacherous the roads in the Yukon and Northwest
Territories of Canada.

Gabriel Zeifman VE6NJH thought it was the way to activate some rare grid squares
in the Arctic on amateur satellites.

The recently qualified radio amateur from Oklahoma in the US (NJ7H) has tried
the ice roads using a four wheel drive Subaru XV Crosstrek.

He has already put on air areas normally impossible to reach.

In the harsh Arctic environment the vehicle has an engine block heater, tyre
chains and a first aid kit, but so far VE6NJH has not needed them.

There is also food, water, stoves, sleeping bags, and emergency satellite
beacons. Carbon monoxide detector alarms are ready should they be needed while
he sleeps in the running vehicle that has extra fuel capacity.

Gabriel VE 6 NJH hopes to be an air traffic controller, with his sight on
canoeing in Alaska and Canada to access even more remote areas

(vk3pc Jim Linton)


Frank Bauer KA3HDO Among Distinguished Public Service Medal Honourees

AMSAT's VP of Human Spaceflight Frank Bauer, KA3HDO, AMSAT V.P. for
Human Spaceflight Programs, and ARISS International Chair was among
14 honourees for NASA's 2017 Distinguished Public Service Medal.

NASA Agency Honour Awards Ceremony for 2017 Distinguished Service
Medal and Distinguished Public Service Medal Honourees was held
Thursday, June 15 and broadcast on NASA TV.

During the Agency Honour Awards Ceremony on Thursday, Acting NASA
Administrator Lightfoot presented NASA's most prestigious honours to
NASA's 2017 Distinguished Service Medal Honourees and Distinguished
Public Service Medal Honourees.


Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz


Emergency response is so much a part of being a ham that one community in Texas
decided to help give that life-saving effort greater communication access.

Amateur Radio Newsline's Paul Braun WD9GCO says that 'straight shootin''
Gun Barrel City Fire Department is celebrating its newest piece of life-saving
equipment: a Hexbeam antenna and rotor giving the firefighting QTH access to
the HF bands.

The antenna was installed with the help of the Cedar Creek Amateur Radio Club,
and the new HF station uses the club's call sign K5CCL.

The club station's new Hexbeam has access to 20 through 10 meters, with
a long wire for the lower bands.

The fire department has had basic radio service on site as part of its
emergency operations centre but adding a ham radio club station provides
what Cedar Creek club president Ed Busch K8MKN calls "another layer of
protection for area residents."

(Amateur Radio Newsline)

Magnetic Island to Townsville Swim.

A great day out on the water playing with radios to the sound of Migaloo
and a hundred plus marathon swimmers thrashing across Cleveland Bay, Townsville.

Main comms on VHF, with some UHF comms with 'clubbies' and aircraft.

It is also highly recommended that operators attend the Swim Briefing
to meet the competitors, organisers and skippers.

So if you are in the region and can help out, give a shout out on the VK4RAT

Sat 29 July - Maggie Island to Townsville Swim Briefing Session from 1pm

Sun 30 July - Maggie Island to Townsville Swim from 7am Strand Park

Operators so far - VK4ZZ, VK4ZM, VK4IGM, VK4ME, BUT, many more are needed !


VK7 Records News 9CM Contact - 153.4KM

On June 8th Joe, VK7JG assisted by Ross VK7ALH had a 9cm (3.4GHz) voice contact
with Peter, VK7PD assisted by 2nd op Michael, between Evertons Lane,
White Hills and Pinnacle Road Mt Wellington. A distance of 153.4km.

At the heart of the equipment used were 2 converted WIFI 'panel' transceivers,
a brainchild of the Geelong Amateur Radio Club members who designed
modifications which turn them into 9cm-to-70cm all mode transverters.

On SSB, signal reports were 5x1 in both directions. An attempt to use digital
mode JT65c was less successful due to a timing problem with one of the computers
This contact presently stands as an intrastate record within VK7 on the
9cm band.


The Brisbane VHF Group is holding a Microwavers get together on Sunday 16 July
at the club rooms of the Redclife and District Amateur Radio Club. It kicks off
at 10AM and a BBQ lunch will be available.

A 10 GHz test range is going to be set up so bring along your 3 cm transverters
and check it out. A limited amount of test equipment will also be available if
you want something tested.

Also bring along your latest microwave project to show others what you have been

Furthet details can be obtained from Geoff Robinson

(text edition)


July 1 VK3 GippsTech 2017 technical conference in Churchill. (wia events)

July 15 VK2 Westakes ARC in lakeside Teralba New South Wales, is once
again holding a car boot sale. This will be held at the Club
grounds on July 15th, these car boot sale days were introduced
to bring locals together and are for the sale of any items, not
just radio related gear. Always interesting to see what is on
offer, setup is free, grounds are free, tea and coffee on site
is free, camaraderie and goodwill are free! Generally start
time is around 9am but some buyers/sellers may be early! Any
enquiries please contact the Club Secretary via

July 16 VK4 Microwavers get-together 10am Redcliffe DARC

July 22 VK3 Great Gippsland Gate Radio & Electronics Club HamFest. July 22
Cranbourne Community Hall Clarendon & High St, Cranbourne.
There'll be door prizes, tea, coffee and a sausage sizzle and
it's all under cover with 41 tables of goodies so there should
be something for everyone. Entry is $6, Doors open at 10.00am,
be there. Oh, and don't forget to bring a friend.

Aug 27 VK2 SACRCfest SHOW, TELL & SELL day. (vk2zdr)

Sep 9 VK4 SunFest held at the Woombye School of Arts building 09:00.(vk4vp)
Sep 9-10 VK4 ALARAMEET Cairns. Listen for VI4ALARA from July (vk4swe vk3pc)
Sep 10 VK3 Shepparton HamFest St Augustine's Hall, Orr St. (vk3fnqs)
Sep29-Oct2 VK4 Cardwell Gathering (tarc)

Nov 5 VK3 BARG Hamvention greyhound racing track, Ballarat. (wia events)
Nov 12 VK5 Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society HamFest 8am (vk5kc)
Nov 12 VK3 Rosebud's annual celebration of all things Amateur Radio (wia)


March 25 VK3 EMDRC HamFest - Great Ryrie Primary School, Heathmont. (VK3BQ)

May 4 -7 VK4 Clairview Gathering ( between Rockhampton and Mackay ) (TARC)




Feedback :

I always look forward to hearing the Weekly WIA podcast and it's one of my 'go
to' podcasts for ham radio and always my first pick for when I am commuting. I
also like the recent fanfare in the opening and the slightly different
presentation style introduced this month.

Cheers, Mike - VE3MXU
from near Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Submitting news items

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug commercial
traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your supporters in this text
edition "no worries."

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to
and don't JUST send url's links but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

We would appreciate items no longer than 2 minutes in length as we only have
a half hour time slot window.

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only
be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different
slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your
item write in the 3rd person.



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time
and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
Who and where are they?

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in
"WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily
reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast
in the spirit in which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Who listens to radio? A weekly 'tally sheet' is sent to all rebroadcasters
and interested listeners, to get your free copy send a blank email to:-
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Once your unsubscription has been processed, you will probably
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and at that point you should stop receiving messages.

National News compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)