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WIA Board makes major decisions. -

VU Radio hams receive suspicious signals. -

Roger Harrison VK2ZRH on future licence conditions. -

financial problems at the IARU. -

Immediate Past President of our wia Phil Wait VK2ASD.



Amelia Earhart flight path commemoration almost half way

The around the world solo flight by pilot Brian Lloyd WB 6 RQN, who is tracing
most of the path taken by the Amelia Earhart flight, is now due over the
Timor Sea headed for Australia.

The legendary Earhart and her navigator Fred Noonan disappeared July 2, 1937,
near Howland Island in the Pacific and were never found.

On June 1 this year, Brian WB6RQN, a 62-year old from Texas began his two month
flight from Miami Florida in a single-engine 1979 Mooney 231 aircraft, fitted
with Amateur Radio.

The flight has already successfully crossed the Atlantic Ocean, South America,
Africa, India, and South East Asia.

Sunday June 24, the flight should be over the Timor Sea headed for Australia.


THIS email in from VK8MA Mike on Friday June 30 reads:-

"Hi Graham

As you probably know, something looks like it has gone wrong with Bran's
flight. He was on his way to Darwin and over Java he turned back to an
airport. There is no posting at Face book or any other news I can see.
I am guessing he's safe being at an airport.
He was supposed to get into Darwin last night. (Thursday 29th)

Mike VK8MA."

At 2:30pm Friday 30th this message appeared on WB6RQN's FBook page

" On the way to Darwin. Should be landing there about 10pm local time.
I was so busy and tired last night I wasn't able to report on my arrival
at Bandung. It was great, with both the ham radio club and the Aero club
meeting me. They even made commemorative T-shirts!

There was a press conference too.

I was overwhelmed with the outpouring of support and good will I experienced
while in Bandung.

Brian WB6RQN."

(text edition vk1wia news)


Roughly 3.3 million years after ancient humanoids invented the earliest known
tools, mankind is on the cusp of perfecting sophisticated self-driving
technology that has the potential to revolutionize transportation as we know it.

There is only one problem: kangaroos.

Volvo's new self-driving technology uses a "large animal detection" system to
prevent its S90 and XC90 car models from plowing into deer or moose while on
the go, the BBC reports. But during tests in Australia, researchers realized
the technology is completely befuddled by the hops of kangaroos.

"We've noticed with the kangaroo being in mid-flight when it's in the air, it
actually looks like it's further away, then it lands and it looks closer,"
Volvo Australia's technical manager, David Pickett, told ABC.

Determined, Volvo has spent the past 18 months in Australia teaching its
software not to hit kangaroos. The company needs to get it exactly right,
after all, as there are more than 16,000 roo collisions a year in the country,
NRMA Insurance reports.

(google news)


New Board Introductions - Phil Wait VK2ASD

Hello, this is Phil Wait VK2ASD, the sixth member of your new WIA Board to
introduce themselves on this Broadcast.

Most of you would be pretty familiar with me as your past President, and I'm
pleased to continue to serve as a Director this year. I'm also pleased to have
a little more time to do the other things I enjoy, such as sailing.

I've never been one to chase DX and awards. My interest in amateur radio is
more on the technology and construction side, something that started as a kid
at school and that led to a lifelong career in electronics manufacture and
medical alarm services.

Looking back, it was really short wave listening and the Youth Radio Scheme
that got me into amateur radio during high school, along with a handful of
mates. Radio clubs were really the only avenue for "geeky" kids that were
interested in technology, and at least four radio amateurs came from my
high school year, thanks to a very dedicated science teacher.

I've just turned 66 so that was a very long time ago.

As the only carry-over Director from the previous Board I see my role as
helping to provide some continuity, and some corporate knowledge; to assist the
new Board in whatever direction it decides to take.

I would also like to finalise some of the new initiatives started by the
previous Board, such as the coupon scheme so new amateurs can receive the
digital edition of AR magazine on a trial basis, and placing assessment
materials on-line, but its early days and the new board will develop its own

I also act as the WIA Board representative on the Spectrum Committee, which is
the committee tasked with the advocacy work with Standards Australia Committee's
the ACMA and the Federal Government, and the ITU and the IARU.

The WIA is currently surveying member's views to the new Draft Radio
Communications Bill, and the Spectrum Committee is preparing the WIA's
submission in response to the Draft. In parallel to this, the WIA is also
suggesting changes to the amateur LCD's, with a view to making amateur radio
more relevant and attractive in our modern digitally connected and wireless

If you have not already completed the three part survey on the WIA website,
please do so soon. The deadline for submissions has been extended, and you now
have until the 14th July to complete the website survey, after which time the
WIA will be finalising its submission.

This is a very important year for amateur radio and there WILL be changes in
the new legislation that fundamentally affect the amateur service.

We are all working hard to ensure that the amateur service is not disadvantaged
by any proposed changes in the new legislation, and that Amateur Radio continues
to be an important player in the Australian radio communications sector, in a
period of rapid technical and regulatory change.

Things are completely different now to when I was young, and there are many more
options for a tech savvy youngster. However, the pervasiveness of wireless
technology in the modern world, and the advent of maker groups, surely means
that amateur radio has a good future if we can get the regulatory settings right

Thanks for your support of the WIA, and remember - we need more members.

Phil Wait, VK2ASD

WIA Board makes major decisions

The Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) Board of Directors has looked at the
major changes it can make as it sets its future course, while also dealing with
routine matters.

On finances the seven directors have considered some budgetary matters, the
balance sheet, and the membership level.

Major changes will see the formation of two WIA Board Sub-committees.

The first is an 'Audit and Risk Committee', with its terms of reference to be
reviewed and presented at the July meeting. It will have Directors Greg VK2GPK
as the Chair, David VK4MZ, Phil VK2ASD and Marcus VK5WTF.

The second will be a 'Strategy Committee' looking at the WIA in the medium and
long term. Directors Brian VK2GCE and David VK4MZ are taking the lead to set it
up, putting a call to members for expressions of interest and reviewing of the
terms of reference.

Both committees are to have a minimum of two Directors and report back to the

Also the WIA Board supports Directors having undergone training provided by the
Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Three Directors have had similar training in the last five years making them
exempt, with four to do the courses on 'Governance in Action, 'The Director
Mindset', 'The Role of the Director', and 'Duties and Responsibilities'.

Other matters discussed were a review of the national office and improvement
recommendations, with the need to fill a vacant QSL Manager position being
referred to Radio Services Committee so the VK3 based role is advertised to

A free copy of The Wireless Men & Women at War book is to be given to all
contributing authors, and the Australian War Memorial, with WIA President to
sign a thankyou letter for each.

For more information on these and other matters see the WIA Board minutes that
will soon be on the WIA website.

This is Roger Harrison VK2ZRH with something to think about on future licence

Fifty years ago, amateurs with what was then known as a "full" licence, could
operate on the SIX available HF bands - 80, 40, 20, 15, 11 - yes, 11 - and 10
metres using THREE transmission modes: AM, single sideband and Morse.

27 MHz band was an AMATEUR band, back then !

I'm reminded of rock and roll legend Little Richard complaining about
The Beatles. "You stole my hair. You stole my music!"

CBers - you stole our amateur band!

Never mind. Water under the bridge.

Just for the record, I, too joined the crowds on 11 metres. My handle was
"The Wombat".

So Back to the HF bands of yesteryear.

If you wanted to play with radio teletype - RTTY - back then, you had to ask the
Radio Branch of the Post Master General's Department for permission. This
entailed a station inspection by a Radio Inspector before you could run your
first RY punched paper tape through the electromechanical teletype machine for
a test transmission.

Fast-forward to the present era. The current Amateur Licence Conditions
Determination sets out the transmission modes and bandwidths permitted on the
HF bands in a set of technical specifications.

This allows limited latitude for experimentation. Basically, it's a
prescription of the technical parameters that applied IN THE PAST.

Even so, within those technical boundaries, I never fail to be surprised by the
diversity of digital technologies amateurs have developed and adapted, often
with astonishing success.

However, I discern signs that that very diversity is waning. The popularity of
digital modes such as JT65 and Olivia and WSPR etc., is BOOMING, as many amateurs
discover what can be achieved with these keyboard initiated applications. Great
to see !

I am also awestruck with digital voice transmission technologies, such as
Codec 2, a non-proprietary, open source application developed by David Rowe
VK5DGR, forging new frontiers with voice contacts under difficult on-air

Another thing I find astonishing is that amateurs - newbies and old-hands alike
- haven't abandoned the past technologies amidst all this. The AM nets on 160,
80 and 40 metres are testament to this. Valve-based boat anchor rigs still
command good prices on the second-hand market.

One of the guiding principles adopted by the WIA Board back in 2014 was that
future amateur licensing should not limit or hinder experimentation with, or
adaptation of, emerging technologies and applications - particularly digital
transmission technologies - including those not yet invented.

Unfortunately, the regulations applying to the amateur bands from 160 metres
through 10 metres deal wholly with past circumstances. Think about it, if that
approach is retained in future licence conditions, then it will greatly hinder
experimentation on the amateur bands in the future.

For decades, communications systems have been designed to work on the basis of
achieving, or being workable, under given signal-to-noise ratios.

For high reliability, such as broadcasting, signal-to-noise ratios of tens of
decibels are necessary - 20, 30 or 40 dB. Armchair copy.

Many amateurs like to pride themselves on dealing with POOR signal-to-noise
ratios, while making provable contacts. With digital modes, NEGATIVE
signal-to-noise ratios are often the norm. You can't detect the signal by ear !

And another thing: some communications technologies are now characterised by
being able to function under given signal-to-interference ratios.

This concept acknowledges that the transmission channel may not be clear, and
thus the system has to deal with the presence of other transmissions.

Amateurs, of course, have been dealing with such conditions for decades. All
DXers know it well. And a DX pile-up is the PERFECT illustration of it.

The curiosity is that, statistically, under circumstances where transmissions
come and go at unrelated times and over unrelated periods - just as they do on
the HF amateur bands - wideband transmissions experience BETTER
signal-to-interference ratios than narrowband systems.

The interesting thing is that an amateur - John Costas W2CRR - was the first to
explore this concept in an article published in the Proceedings of the
Institute of Radio Engineers . . . back in 1959.

For future licensing conditions, the WIA is advocating that the bandwidth
restrictions applying to the 160 metre through 10 metre amateur bands be
removed, which will enable new technologies to be taken up, adapted and
exploited by amateurs.

It doesn't mean abandoning band plans. They are, after all, a means of sharing
the same sand pit and playing together.

In the future, band plans will likely have to be rather different to those we
have today.

So While you're mulling over that, here's a thought to ponder on.

Italian philosopher, Niccolo Machiavelli observed that "the innovator makes
enemies of all those who have done well under the old conditions".

This is Roger Harrison VK2ZRH for VK1WIA News.


In this weeks local VK4 area club news we hear from
The Brisbane VHF Group, Sunshine Coast Amateur Radio Club
and "those "happy campers," NOELS NUTTY CAMPERS.

PLUS we look at another 3 of the 27 VK4 Clubs and 6 Special Interest groups




Tune in now at

(wia news text edtion)

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART, WIA Local News Service VK7, VK3PC and the WW
sources of the WIA.

IARU financial problems

A paper by IARU Region 1 President Don Beattie, G3BJ, for the Landshut
Conference in September, that the longer term financial outlook for Region
1 is poor.

an RSGB report says that the general fund will be entirely depleted by 2021 and
total reserves exhausted by 2023, rendering IARU Region 1 insolvent. The paper
suggests a number of changes to address the problem, including refocussing the
YOTA programme and devolving some activity or increasing participant

You can download the paper from


This is a fun activity to encourage all new radio amateurs to become radio
active. The first Newbie Party was held last Saturday, July One.
A phone only contest with activity on bands available to all of the Hams.
A great idea from our sister Society to the west, the SARL.

Radio hams receive suspicious signals

The Hindustan Times reports a team of amateur radio operators is monitoring
the radio signals round-the-clock and another team of language experts is
helping the officials break the coded language

The Indian newspaper says:

Ham radio operators working with the security forces to track down radio
communications of underground Gorkha Janamukti Morcha leaders have picked up
"suspicious and coded signals" of the activists to other countries and states.

The security forces and intelligence agencies first got the clue that the GJM
was using radio signals as a mode of communication when two radio sets were
seized during a raid on the premises of some GJM leaders.

It was then that the police administration decided to deploy a group of
Ham radio operators to track the radio communication of GJM activists.

The operators picked up the suspicious cross border signals during the drill.

"Most of the coded signals and communications were in Nepali and Tibetan
languages. After decoding the words, we came to know about some kind of
consignment that is about to come. The rest is classified and we cannot
disclose it," an official privy to information told PTI.

Read the full story at

The tally is in, and Hamvention 2017, at its new venue, attracted over 29,000
attendees, official spokesperson Mike Kalter, W8CI, told ARRL.

That is the second-largest attendance in the history of the event.

Hamvention General Chair Ron Cramer, KD8ENJ, called 2017 "a most successful

Who and Where are our broadcast stations?


All major Australian contests, rules and results, are on the
Contest Section of the WIA website.


Jan 1 - Dec 31 The Victorian Local Government Award 2017 Challenge

WIA's Flagship contest the Remembrance Day Contest 12th & 13th August

VK1 Winter SOTA QSO Party takes place August 6th 2017 9:00 am till 11:30 am.


Trans-Tasman Low Bands Challenge 3RD FULL WEEKEND OF JULY (15-16)

This contest is to encourage Low Band Activity in Australia and New Zealand
The applicable bands are 160, 80 and 40M.
The modes are SSB CW RTTY and PSK only.

Amateurs in VK and ZL will endeavour to contact other amateurs in VK and ZL.

The contest is made up of 3 individual two hour blocks - you are able to work
another station once per band and mode in every block.

Every different Prefix used by VK or ZL stations is a valid multiplier and
credit can be claimed once per band per block.

Full rules are in the link w like on the wia home page, best read at

Now let's look at a 160 meter net here in VK4

"This is vk4nl with a 160mtr net update.

The frequency is 1.848mhz at 1930hrs local on Monday evenings with vk4be
Gary net control. ( Gary is in Beachmere )

Also Wednesday evening on 1.848mhz at 1930hrs local where your rotating net
controllers will be vk4hq Terry vk4yfl Mikey an vk4nl young Noely. Wed ops
are on the Fraser Coast - Hervey bay.)

Hope to hear you there 73."

Thanks Noel, now let's look at special event call OF 100 HQ

OF 1 HQ will be on the air during the IARU HF World Championship event
July 8-9 to mark Finland's 100th anniversary.

OF100HQ will be active on all 12 band slots in the IARU event, via stations
across Finland and including the Arctic region. Many well-known operators,
including at least one from the US (K9MA) will helm the operations.

The first 100 stations capturing the greatest number of the 12 available band
slots, will be awarded the "Happy Finland 100 Award."



Hundreds of Stations Report Hearing WSPR Signal from Canada C3 Expedition
being transmitted by CG 3 EXP on 20, 30, and 40 meters from the Canada C3
expedition to track the vessel Polar Prince as it transits Canada from
east to west via the clod, VERY cold, Northwest Passage. This all in 150 days
to celebrate Canada's 150th anniversary.

This marks the first time that Digital WSPR has been used to track a vessel.

The expedition, will continue until October 28.

CG3EXP has been transmitting on 20, 30, and 40 meters at 20-minute intervals
since leaving Toronto on June 1.


A call has gone out from Terry, ZL3QL, President AMSAT-ZL, to ZL hams to join
New Zealand's Most Exciting Ham Project. Yes, they're going into space!

AMSAT_ZL has reached a staging point in the development of their satellite
project, KiwiSAT. They're ready to go, ready to get up there!

The exciting KiwiSAT project, to create and launch a New Zealand produced
satellite, started several years back has suffered innumerable set-backs,
The project required redesign of almost everything.

The KiwiSAT Team met that challenge and has produced a fine unit ready to

Over time the support team has aged, drifting from their positions of youth
and ability. Much has been achieved but all to no avail if KiwiSAT sits on
a shelf.

This is where the call for help went out, AMSAT-ZL looking both to its members
and to the general New Zealand amateur radio population for a coordinator to
join the team and lead the project through this final stage.

You even get a 'neat' job title by volunteering, "Orbit Insertion Team"
consisting of a Launch Co-ordinator and as many assistants as he/she requires
to undertake the task of securing a launch for KiwiSAT.


Lighthouses galore for this radio amateur

The International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend next month Cape Nelson in
Victoria is registered by Ian GW0VML / ZL1MVL, who has been at more than 160 of
the structures.

He began in 2002 Wales, Scotland, Isle of Man, the UK, then New Zealand and

Based at Whangarei on New Zealand's north island as ZL1MVL, he has kept the
callsign GW0VML for lighthouse activities.

This will the 3rd year in VK-Land, having been guest operator at Macquarie,
Barrenjoey and last year at Ballina Head and Cape Byron.

Ian VK3 / GW0VML at Cape Nelson in south-west Victoria will have an
ICOM IC7000, with 20 and 40 metre mono band dipoles on a 5.4 metre tall
army racal mast. He is also on the Association of Lighthouse Keepers and
the World Lighthouse Society as the Australia & New Zealand area representative,
Executive Board member and webmaster.

More than 220 registrations have been received for the 20th annual fun-event
on August 19 and 20 with more details on the website

(Jim Linton VK3PC)


Hallo everyone, this is Clive VK6CSW.

Tomorrow, July 3rd, is the first Monday of the month, time once again for the
Radio Amateurs Old Timers Club of Australia's monthly News and Information.

As well as all the usual RAOTC news, this month we have an item on Henry Sutton,
Ballarat's legendary inventor Henry Sutton, anther on the Film and Sound
Archive in Canberra, plus several other pieces of information received

The principal HF transmission will be on 20 metres on 14.150 MHz upper side
band starting at 0100 UTC, transmitted from Adelaide by Hans VK5YX. Call backs
to Hans would be most welcome so that he can assess how well his transmissions
are being heard, especially in the eastern states.

An hour later at 0200 UTC Chris VK6JI will repeat the program, transmitting
from Perth on 40 metres on 7088 kHz lower side band, simultaneously with a
transmission via all linked NewsWest repeaters.

Additionally, local relays also take place. Please visit the RAOTC website at for details of times and frequencies.

As from Tuesday you can download the audio file from this website, together
with previous bulletins and other details about the club.

RAOTC Members and non-members alike, are cordially invited to listen to this
interesting half hour of Old Timer news and information and we hope to hear
your call sign amongst the call backs afterwards.

Once again, the RAOTC monthly bulletin is scheduled for tomorrow Monday
July 3rd.

73 from Clive VK6CSW.


SOTA dinner at Friedrichshafen

For those attending the HAM Radio show in Friedrichshafen, Germany between
the 14th and 16th of July, Saturday is Summits on the Air - or SOTA - day.

Starting at 12 noon there will be a get-together, lecture, activation and
the annual dinner, so check for details.


Sub 9 kHz Yahoo Group:-

SAQ off air for maintenance

RSGB news report there will be no Alexanderson Day over-the-air VLF
transmission on the 2nd of July from SAQ, the Alexanderson alternator
station in Sweden.

SAQ periodically schedules transmissions with the nearly century-old behemoth
that operates on 17.2kHz from the World Heritage Grimeton Radio Station. SAQ
said the event was cancelled due to ongoing maintenance work at the site.

The station will still observe Alexanderson Day with activities that include two
start-ups of the Alexanderson alternator and a 'local' transmission. These events
will be streamed via YouTube. The site will be also be open to visitors.


July 1 VK3 GippsTech 2017 technical conference in Churchill. (wia events)
July 15 VK2 Westlake's ARC car boot sale 9am
July 22 VK3 Great Gippsland Gate Radio & Electronics Club HamFest. July 22
Cranbourne Community Hall Clarendon & High St, Cranbourne.

July 22 VK4 Caboolture HamFest on their sprawling clubhouse grounds.
Hamfests are an opportunity to connect with many technically
minded people in a very short timeframe. Luckily tables are
still available so if you, your club, or other groups or clubs
that you are involved in would like to share or sell something
to the Amateur Radio community then organise your table soon.
The Caboolture Radio Club will be happy to hear from you.

Caboolture is committed to putting the ham into HamFest and
will have its famous bacon and egg rolls along with sausages
and light refreshments available on the day.

Make sure you head out to Caboolture and see the home of this
years John Moyle Memorial field day multi-operator, HF Phone

Aug 27 VK2 SACRCfest SHOW, TELL & SELL day. (vk2zdr)

Sep 9 VK4 SunFest held at the Woombye School of Arts building 09:00.(vk4vp)
Sep 9-10 VK4 ALARAMEET Cairns. Listen for VI4ALARA from July (vk4swe vk3pc)
Sep 10 VK3 Shepparton HamFest St Augustine's Hall, Orr St. (vk3fnqs)
Sep29-Oct2 VK4 Cardwell Gathering (tarc)

Oct 29 VK3 Yarra Valley Amateur Radio Group HAMFEST 10:00am at the
Gary Cooper Pavilion, Yarra Glen. Maybe visit a winery or two
after the HamFest :

Nov 5 VK3 BARG Hamvention greyhound racing track, Ballarat. (wia events)
Nov 12 VK5 Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society HamFest 8am (vk5kc)
Nov 12 VK3 Rosebud's annual celebration of all things Amateur Radio (wia)


March 25 VK3 EMDRC HamFest - Great Ryrie Primary School, Heathmont. (VK3BQ)

May 4 -7 VK4 Clairview Gathering ( between Rockhampton and Mackay ) (TARC)




The following did come with name and call...(73 de vk4bb)

> G'day Roger Harrison, VK2ZRH.
> Just a quick Email to thank you for your ongoing contributions to
> the WIA News Service each Sunday. I listen to the news service each
> Sunday without fail and have heard you there for a long time.
> You put a lot of time into your broadcast preparations and convey a
> lot of useful and interesting information to members and others.
> Thank you for your efforts on behalf of Australian amateurs.
> 73.

Submitting news items

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug commercial
traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your supporters in this text
edition "no worries."

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to
and don't JUST send url's links but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

We would appreciate items no longer than 2 minutes in length as we only have
a half hour time slot window.

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only
be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different
slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your
item write in the 3rd person.



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time
and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
Who and where are they?

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in
"WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily
reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast
in the spirit in which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Who listens to radio? A weekly 'tally sheet' is sent to all rebroadcasters
and interested listeners, to get your free copy send a blank email to:-
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Once your unsubscription has been processed, you will probably
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and at that point you should stop receiving messages.

National News compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)