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WIA and the Armistice Day Centenary to be commemorated. -

WIA 2018 Call Book.



Antarctic research boosted with Speedcast services

The Australian Government has awarded Speedcast a contract to supply
mission-critical remote communication services to Antarctic research stations.

Speedcast will provide VSAT bandwidth, equipment and installation including
training, antenna upgrades and repositioning, and network optimisation.

It will also provide additional support to other scientific users such as
Geoscience Australia at the three Australian Antarctic research stations,
Mawson, Casey and Davis, as well as the base on Macquarie Island.

With the updates to the satellite links, the research program will have four
times more throughput than it had with their previous provider once
installations are completed in January 2018.

"Our team of highly qualified engineers is proud to provide 24/7 support
and solutions to enable individuals in these remote and harsh locations
to communicate with the outside world for day-to-day communication and
in the event they need emergency assistance," said Pierre-Jean Beylier,
CEO, Speedcast.

"This win is an example of the increase in government spending in
satellite communications and Speedcast's ability to grow market
share as the government segment continues to expand."

While there may be up to 120 people on each research station in the summer,
during the harsh winters of Antarctica when travel to the icy continent is
not possible, the population of each research station is much smaller and
satellite communication is their link to the outside world.

(Critical Comms Web E-zine)

December BBQ & Presentation Night

Ever wondered what the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) or the
International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) bodies are all about?

Did you know that the Wireless Institute of Australia is a founding member of
the IARU and is actively involved in Region 3 matters.

What about those World Radio Conferences that are held every 3-4 years that
update/change our frequencies and conditions?

How does it all link together and happen?

Hobart and VK7 hams are privileged to have Dale Hughes VK1DSH along on
Wednesday December 6, to give REAST a presentation covering the ITU, IARU,
APT and a broad range of other acronyms and organisations that make up the
governance of the natural resource we know as the Radio Frequency spectrum.

(Justin, VK7TW via vk7news)


Armistice Day Centenary to be commemorated

The end of WWI came when Armistice was declared on the 11th hour, of the 11th
day of the 11th month, in 1918.

The war was to end all wars, but there was an uneasy peace that saw WWII
begin in September 1939.

The Centenary of the Armistice is November next year, and the Wireless
Institute of Australia will join the commemoration set to be marked in
England and elsewhere.

The WIA board recently approved the plan for participation in the ANZAC
Commemoration for Armistice Day 2018.

The event co-ordinator is Fred Swainston VK3DAC VK4FE, who gained experience
from leading the 8-month long ANZAC 100 campaign that involved the Australian
states, and the territories of the Antarctic and Norfolk Island.

His first task is to apply to the Department of Veterans Affairs requesting
permission to use the word ANZAC for QSL purposes. A lot of planning goes
into such an event, including liaison with similar commemorations overseas.

Full details are expected to be unveiled at the WIA AGM on the Goldie in May.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

Australian Amateur Radio Callbook 2018

This WIA publication is expected to be in sale in early November, with final
pre-press work having been under its Editor Peter Freeman VK3PF and in the
final printing and binding stages. The Callbook is produced each year with
the agreement of the Australian Communications and Media Authority.

The good news is that there will no cover price increase.

Orders are now being taken by the WIA bookshop.

The 2018 printed callbook does not come with a CD nor is the publication
downloadable. However it is complete with Australian Amateur callsigns,
clubs and organisations, band plans, beacons, repeaters, the DXCC list and
the latest QSL Bureaux information. WIA President Justin Giles-Clark VK7TW,
in his editorial, reflects on Amateur Radio now, and in the future. He is
amazed by the diversity and speed at which this hobby changes, what is
happening, the potential, and likely regulatory changes.

With microwave exponent and record distance holder Rex Moncur VK7MO plus a
dish antenna on its cover, the A4 format book of 170-odd pages has listings
of radio amateur callsigns names and addresses, and is a ready reference on
many topics for the active radio shack.

For online purchase via the WIA bookshop the price is for WIA Members $25.00
(Inc. GST) while the recommended retail price is $30.00 (Inc. GST).

The book will be available for online purchase as soon as stock arrives

(Sourced from the WIA Website)

Submitting news items

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to
and don't JUST send url's links but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

We would appreciate items no longer than 2 minutes in length as we only have
a half hour time slot window.

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only
be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different
slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your
item write in the 3rd person.


INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART, WIA Local News Service VK7, VK3PC and the WW
sources of the WIA.

Good news for Spanish radio amateurs

The Spanish State Official Newsletter carried the new National Frequency
Allocation Chart that contains some good news for Spanish radio amateurs.

It included the new global 60m Secondary allocation, 5351.5 - 5366.5kHz, that
was agreed at ITU WRC-15.

BUT things are different not only here in VK but also in South Africa

The allocation for access to the portion of the 5 MHz amateur secondary
allocation as agreed at WRC-15 is contained in the revised band plan,
submitted by South Africa's ICASA to the Minister of Telecommunication and
Postal Services for approval.

In June this year, the Minister issued a statement that Cabinet had approved
the plan, but a few days later cancelled the approval and instructed ICASA to
hold back publication until certain aspects of the plan have been discussed
between DTPS and ICASA. No details are available, but from some media sources
the SARL learned that it is about issues around the allocation of frequencies
for broadband services.

RSGB Strategy video update

The RSGB has released the first of its Strategy video updates.

This short video was filmed by the TX Factor at National HamFest.
Top RSGB representatives talk about some of the ways the Society
is engaging with radio amateurs, representing amateurs nationally
and internationally, and also developing even better ways of
communicating with them.

Take a look at

Morse Code prevents yacht grounding

Yachting Monthly reports the use of Morse Code and an Aldis lamp by a
National Coastwatch Institute (NCI) watchkeeper in the UK has been credited
with averting a possible grounding off The Lizard in Cornwall

The NCI watchkeeper saw that a yacht was heading towards the Dales rocks,
which are submerged at high tide.

The yacht was not carrying an Automatic Identification System beacon, and
they were unable to raise the yacht's crew on VHF to warn them of the hazard
they were approaching.

Instead, the NCI watchkeeper flashed the letter U - the Morse code warning
for "you are standing into danger" - using the station's old but highly
effective Aldis lamp.

Having come within ten boat lengths of the rocks, the yacht was then observed
to alter course southwards shortly afterwards and continue safely on its
passage to Falmouth.

Read the full story at

Australian presented with Yasme Foundation Excellence Award

These prestigious awards, which began in 2008, recognise individuals and
groups who have made a significant contribution to Amateur Radio.

The Yasme Foundation, a not-for-profit corporation supporting scientific and
educational projects related to Amateur Radio, has given five Excellence
Awards this year.

One went to Dale Hughes VK1DSH, acknowledging his international work at the
World Radiocommunication Conference in November 2015.

The award is for excellent chairman work in both the Amateur Working Group
in ITU-R Working Party 5A, and a Sub-Working Group that addressed the
allocation of a worldwide 60-metre Amateur Radio band.

A humble Dale VK1DSH told the WIA and IARU he was surprised at receiving the
Yasme Excellence Award, which includes an individually engraved crystal globe.

He has attributed the successful outcome to a team effort resulting from a
great deal of work by individual delegates, amateur societies, the IARU and
supportive national administrations.

The IARU team went to the World Radiocommunication Conference in November 2015
not at all confident about getting the allocation. It was not until a lot of
negotiation and the Sixth Plenary that a new secondary allocation of
5351.5-5366.5 kHz was passed.

Although now widely available, the ITU allocation did not come into effect
until January 2017, when national administrations must formally revise their
rules to permit amateur operation.

A number of countries including Australia are yet to release the
60-metre band allocation as I reported at the begining of the International
News Segment today.

HOWEVER ACMA and the WIA are looking at how best to achieve it.

The other awards are presented to:

Dayton Amateur Radio Association for its Hamvention
Paul Verhage KD4STH and Bill Brown WB8ELK for leadership and continued
technical innovation in Amateur Radio high-altitude ballooning
Nathaniel Frissell W2NAF and Magda Moses KM4EGE who created the Ham Radio
Science Citizen Investigation that sponsored the Solar Eclipse QSO Party
The WSJT Development Team that has produced digital weak-signal mode software

Supporting Grant also went to Gary Pearce, KN4AQ for the HamRadioNow and
YouTube videos.


All major Australian contests, rules and results, are on the
Contest Section of the WIA website.


November CQ WW DX / CW CONTEST November 26-27.

Running ALL year 'til Dec 31 Victorian Local Government Award 2017 Challenge


John Moyle Memorial Field Day will be held over the weekend of the 17th-18th
March 2018 and will run from UTC 0100 on the Saturday until 0059 on the

IARU HF Championship event on 15 and 16 July.

The 21st International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend is on
August 18 to 19, 2018


News from the land of Santa Claus, OH9SCL

Santa's own radio amateur station has been active since December 1986
from Finnish Lapland and most activations has been above the Arctic Circle.

In December 2017, OH9SCL will be active from several OH Counties
(OHC) from Lapland.

Possible OH9/OG9/OF9 counties:
901 Enonteki 908 Kolari 914 Rovaniemi 921 Tornio
902 Inari 909 Muonio 916 Salla 922 Utsjoki
903 Kemi 910 Pelkosenniemi 917 Savukoski 923 Ylitornio
904 Keminmaa 911 Pello 918 Simo
905 Kemijrvi 912 Posio 919 Sodankyl
907 Kittil 913 Ranua 920 Tervola

OHC number for stations located in Lapland starts always with the
number 9!

This group really located in the northern part of Finland.

There is no remote station used.

They let nature decide when to make the contacts.

Visiting Arctic Circle is also an experience for visiting ham radio operators.

For additional information:

(SouthGate arc)


From 1 to 30 November, the Bo-Karoo Amateur Radio Club will be celebrating
the 40th anniversary of the commissioning of the Vanderkloof Dam with the
special call sign ZS 40 VDK.

QSL via the operator's instructions.

The Vanderkloof Dam is situated approximately 130km downstream from the
Gariep Dam and is fed by the Orange River, South Africa's largest river.
The dam was commissioned in 1977. It is the second-largest dam in South
Africa (in volume) and has the highest dam wall in the country at 108 metres.


Throughout 2017, to celebrate of the centenary of Finland's independence,
Finnish radio amateurs are allowed to use the prefix OF in place of the usual

In addition, the special jubilee callsign OF 100 FI/portable district number
will be activated by various Amateur Radio clubs throughout Finland.

For QSL information listen to operator's instructions.

The Treaty of the Danish West Indies

A special event throughout 2017 celebrates the 100th anniversary of the
United States Virgin Islands.

The EDR HAM Radio Club of Skanderborg will use the callsign OZ100DVI
from January 1 until December 31.

In marks the centenary the Treaty of the Danish West Indies, sold to the
USA and renamed the Virgin Islands.

OZ100DVI will be on all bands and include SOTA activity from Saint
Thomas Island on the Lake Skanderborg.

Further information is on the website

Antarctic operator Alex RN 1 ANC is on the Russian Vostok Station
Antarctica where he will be until February 2018.
His callsign again, RI1ANC, and during his spare time he will be active on
CW, SSB and Digital.
QSL Manager is RN 1 ON.

Portable operators in Victorian National Parks now

The Keith Roget Memorial National Parks four-day activity period is well
under way and those activating them are looking for contacts.

You may have already made a supporting contact or two, and even qualified
yourself for an award. Listen for them mainly on the 40-metre band. The
annual activation period is from Friday November 10th to Monday November 13th
- that is tomorrow.



This Amateur Radio Direction Finding is a lil different..

You'll be following and listening to the fox no doubt dressed as Santa.

Yes it's the Townsville Amateur Radio Clubs annual MONSTER XMAS LIGHTS TOUR.

Get out your Santa Hats, flashy pins and Christmas Costumes and get ready for
a magical mystery tour of the light fantastic !

The famous TARC Monster Xmas Lights Tour is on again, happening Friday
evening December 15th.

It's a Drive Yourself Dazzling Spectacular and all mobile shack chariots will
need to monitor 146.5MHz during the tour to hear instructions from the guide
(or foxy Santa's) vehicle.

If you do not have a 2metre transceiver in your vehicle - don't worry as a
handheld will be lent to you.

Be sure to pack an esky with plenty of cool water and cool bananas as the
tour will be happening in a dehydrating climate!

MXLT organiser Gavin VK4ZZ, with help from stage surveyors, is currently
plotting a way around the City of Townsville.

The tour should end by 10pm at a secret destination.

WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- ATV (Every pixel tells a story) - Video

Saturday 11 the some 16 minutes after 11am VK4KHZ is telebridging a
scheduled telebridge event to 3 schools in Italy.

ARISS contact planned for Rutigliano, Terlizzi and Trani Italy

Hopefully this is a scheduled HAMTV event also for to attempt the first
chained HAMTV receiving and streaming by (all) Australian Ground Stations.

Australian HAMTV GS should merge the video to BATC.TV on the scheduled

HamTV contact:


New Digital modes changing complexion of bands and perhaps of Ham Radio

The ARRL say the wave of software-based digital modes over the past several
years has altered the atmosphere of the HF bands

Some suggest the popularity of modes that make it possible to contact
stations neither operator can even hear has resulted in fewer CW and SSB
signals on bands like 6 meters and 160 meters. Traditional modes require far
more interaction and effort on the part of the operator; the newer digital
modes not so much.

The recent advent of the still-beta "quick" FT8 mode, developed by Steve
Franke, K9AN, and Joe Taylor, K1JT the "F" and the "T" in the mode's
moniker has brought this to a head. Some now wonder if FT8 marks the end of
an era and the start of a new, more minimalist age.

"We've been as surprised as anyone about the rapid uptake of FT8 for making
QSOs on the HF bands," Taylor told ARRL. Rather than viewing FT8 as a total
game-changer, he sees a dividing line between such digital modes and more
traditional modes.

"SSB and CW are general-purpose modes," Taylor asserted. "They are good for
rag chewing, DXing, contesting, emergency communications, or whatever.

FT8 and the other modes in WSJT-X are special-purpose modes.

They are designed for making reliable, error-free contacts using very weak
signals in particular, signals that may be too weak for the more
traditional modes to be usable, or even too weak to hear."

Read the full ARRL story at


Special Membership Offer for RadFxSat Launch

As part of the preparations for the launch of RadFxSat now no earlier than
November 14th, AMSAT is making our "Getting Started With Amateur Satellites"
book available for a limited time as a download with any paid new or
renewal membership purchased via the AMSAT Store. This offer is only
available with purchases completed online, and for only a limited

Take advantage of this offer today by visiting the AMSAT store
at and selecting any membership option.

[ANS thanks Paul N8HM for the above information]

Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz

Hurricanes shine light on emergency communications

The Atlantic hurricane disasters this year left more than 260 dead with
$300 billion in damages, making them the costliest ever.

There were three main hurricanes and two others.

Hurricane Harvey was the costliest tropical cyclone on record. The weather
system was tracked through the Caribbean as it weakened, then intensified
to a Category 4 as it hit the US State of Texas.

Hurricane Irma inundated Barbuda and Puerto Rico, before moving to
Florida Keys in the US. While Hurricane Maria, regarded as the worst natural
disaster on record in Dominica, also caused catastrophic damage and a major
humanitarian crisis in Puerto Rico.

A string of other Caribbean islands, including the British Virgin Islands,
Turks and Caicos, Cuba, and Saint Martin, have been affected.

Attention to the role of Amateur Radio has been drawn in comments on
International Disaster Reduction Day (October 13), by Caribbean
Telecommunications Union Secretary-General Bernadette Lewis who described
Amateur Radio as a "bedrock of sustained communications" during emergencies.

She spoke as part of a panel on emergency telecommunications during the
International Telecommunication Union (ITU) World Telecommunication
Development Conference 2017 (WTDC-17), in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Her clear
message was to cultivate "a new and younger generation of radio amateurs" to
carry out continue provision of emergency communications.

From Trinidad and Tobago, Ms Lewis said: "Amateur Radio has been a staple,
and it is because ofthe Amateur Radio operators in the region that we get
a lot of the information that we need."

Her presentation defined Amateur Radio as one component of the coordination
of preparedness, response, and recovery efforts by the national emergency
management agencies.

There was also a stepped up effort to restore Amateur Radio capabilities in
the Dominica Republic after Hurricane Maria in October.

Before that disaster, work begun last year by the Yasme Foundation involved
the Dominica Amateur Radio Club and Dominica's National Telecommunications
Regulatory Commission, to recruit and equip new operators for just such an

Now after Hurricane Maria, the Yasme Foundation has been joined by Yaesu USA,
the Foundation for Amateur International Radio Service (FAIRS), and
individual GoFundMe donors through that crowd-funding online platform.

Resources for the Caribbean island nation are also coming from US based
Dominica expatriates. One aim is to equip Dominica with radio equipment and
solar-powered battery-charging stations in a network.

Throughout the Caribbean there was involvement by radio amateurs not only
with Harvey, Maria and Irma, but Hurricanes Katia, and Jose.

The Atlantic Hurricane Season begins on June 1 and ends in November.

Reports on it are at:

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

Sub 9 kHz Yahoo Group:-

Many amateur radio operators will use the 630m band on the 11th of
November during a special operating event to commemorate the 1906
Berlin Treaty. On the 3rd of November of that year the Treaty made
500kHz the International Distress Frequency. Canadian and
authorised US radio amateurs will operate from 472 to 479kHz,
using CW. Some stations are expected to offer cross-band contacts,
transmitting on 630m and listening on 160, 80, and 40m.

Experimental operators, including WD2XSH stations and others who
don't yet have UTC approval, will operate in the 472-479kHz band
or just outside of it, and there may be some operation on 500kHz
proper. The Maritime Radio Historical Society will activate its
KSM/KPH transmitter at Bolinas, California with special messages
and bulletins.


Visit the WIA website,

To find A Club And Course Near You

To make a general enquiry

email for further information.

ARNSW 63 Quarry Rd Dural, email for details on
Bookings can be made by phoning the office on 02 9651 1490
and leaving contact details.

Amateur Radio Victoria 40G Victory Boulevard, Ashburton, or phone Barry on 0428 516 001.


Nov 11 VK4 GOLD COAST HAMFEST 8.30am (vk4py)

Nov 12 VK3 Rosebud's annual celebration of all things Amateur Radio (wia)

Nov 12 VK5 Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society HamFest 8am (vk5kc)

Nov 25 VK3 With the warmer weather coming up, it's time for another
Melbourne QRP by the Bay at Chelsea beach.

This is an informal gathering for those who like homebrew
portable radio equipment, outdoors transmitting and QRP

Bring along a project or interesting item.

The date is Saturday 25 November 2017 from 3pm. Gather in
Victory Park near the Chelsea Longbeach Life Saving Club.

Then from about 6pm they normally eat at a local restaurant.

It's a portable VHF theme this year to coincide with the
VHF/UHF Field Day.

For more information look up the 'Melbourne QRP by the Bay'
event page on Facebook or email



Feb 25 VK2 Wyong Field Day (VK2AOR)

Have you got it in your diary yet?


Well the 2018 Wyong Field day of course!

Still going after 60 years, the largest gathering of Amateurs in
the Southern Hemisphere will take place again on the last Sunday
in February as usual - that's the 25th. next year.

So what's new? Why should I go?

Well the club realises that they should lead the way in
attracting new people to the field day and the hobby and after
the unprecedented success of the Drone demonstrations and sales
last year, that vendor is already locked in for 2018 and
promises to bring more stock this time. As well as that all
schools in the area are being contacted to give youngsters a
chance to see what our great hobby can offer them. The 4x4 crowd
is also being approached and it's hoped to have one or possibly
two clubs representing and attracting people from that following,
heading to Wyong.

The racecourse is now owned by Racing NSW and a large high
quality, air conditioned marquee will be available to house all
the traders, with the old under cover area becoming available
for flea market sellers, so come rain or wind, visitors will be
able to view goods undercover.

The lecture program is being worked on and I'll bring you more
details on that and the vendor list as it gets closer to the
Field day, both here on VK1WIA News and on the website which is

For the 60 years young Central Coast Amateur Radio Club, this is Ed DD5LP.

March 25 VK3 EMDRC HamFest Great Ryrie Primary School Heathmont (VK3BQ)

May 4 -7 VK4 Clairview Gathering ( between Rockhampton/Mackay ) (TARC)


WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

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and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
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The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in
"WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily
reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast
in the spirit in which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
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National News compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)