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Office closure for the Christmas New Holiday

The WIA office in Bayswater will close on December 22 and re-open in the
New Year at 11am (AEDT) on Tuesday 22 of January 2018.

Hello from David Ford, VK4MZ.

The holiday season is a time where many of us take some moments to work on something different to our usual day jobs. For many this means we get to work on special projects around the house. On a bigger scale, the WIAs Strategy Advisory Committee is no different.

The strategy advisory committee currently has three projects in flight within the WIA's portfolio. These projects have been specifically chosen and started as they address priority opportunities for the WIA:

a. The first project is updating the volunteer structure for the WIA. This includes the committee structure. This projects objective is to propose and aid in the implementation of structures for near future, the medium and the long-term. The project is using the insight gained from the recent member survey and putting in place teams that will help adapt the WIA as it evolves.

b. The second project is implementing a request, query and knowledge management system to streamline, accelerate and aid interactions between members and the WIA staff and volunteers. This is commonly referred to as a ticketing system, but it will be leveraged to deliver much more than just ticketing. In the last few weeks we have been prototyping a pilot system and its rollout and benefits will be delivered incrementally over the next few months.

c. The third project is implementing a new, free, WIA associate program. The WIA associate program is for WIA interested people who are not licenced or are largely inactive in the hobby. It is for people who would like to know more about Amateur Radio, the WIA or the headline topics for Amateur Radio. Associates will be provided with updates and information from the WIA but they won't have access to the services that financial members do. The associate program will provide the backbone for sharing our hobby with the emergent groups such as the maker movement. The program will also assist with the first steps into the hobby and cater to those that haven't yet been through an exam.

Overall the associate program provides a service to the public, so that those interested can explore experimenting with radio and provides a stepping stone into the hobby. Did I also mention it will be free!

Look for some announcements over the coming weeks on the programs availability. We've also been running a prototype of the sign-up system which includes referrals and invitations, so an invite to join the Associate program maybe the perfect last-minute Christmas gift for that relative that has everything, or perhaps that you've forgotten.

2) So those are the three projects that the Strategy Advisory Committee has in flight:

- The organisational structure

- The request, query and knowledge management system

- and, the associate program.

There are also two key projects in the pipeline. These are projects that are not yet initiated but are also considered a high priority:

a. The first project is to work with the Publications committee on the Amateur Radio magazine to give the magazine a new feel and a different focus on content.

b. And the second project is a project that we are currently seeking volunteers for.

We're embarking on a program of work to update the WIA website and the WIAs related digital channels. If you have a background in digital project management, website design or graphic design for the web, and you would like to work with a team updating and executing the WIA's digital strategy then please get in touch via the website, or look for the news articles on the WIA website.

Have a safe holiday season and a great new year. Before I go, I'd like to set you a challenge during this time of year. The challenge is to do something special for someone that isn't a relative, or friend or someone that you would normally spend time with. This time of year can be very lonely for some, so the challenge, is to look for where you can spend a few extra moments with someone that might being doing it a little bit tough this year, hear their story and try to help them out. They'll appreciate it, and the cheer might just be contagious.

This has been David Ford, VK4MZ.

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART, WIA Local News Service VK7, VK3PC and the WW
sources of the WIA.

Croatia confirms WRC-15 60m allocation, increases 160m privileges

The Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries (HAKOM) published
in a Official gazette No 116/2017, changes to the rules on amateur radio
communications in the Republic of Croatia.

According to these changes, Croatian radio amateurs now have access to the
WRC-15 60m amateur secondary allocation of 5351.5 - 5366.5 kHz under ITU
Footnote 5.133B - i.e. with 15W EIRP.

They now also haveaccess to the 160 meter band from 1810 - 2000 kHz.
1810 - 1850 kHz Max. Power 1.5 kW;
1850 - 2000 kHz Max. Power 1 kW

German Klasse K licence postponed

It looks as though the introduction of an entry level amateur radio license in
Germany has been postponed indefinitely

The DARC reporting on a meeting between the amateur radio round table (RTA)
and the German Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) on November 24 says:

"The discussion on the introduction of another license class has been postponed
indefinitely, because it can not be ruled out that such an introduction could
restrict the self-construction privilege of amateur radio operators."


IARU Region 1 and EURAO meeting

A meeting was held on the 2nd of December between the President of IARU Region
1 and the President of the European Radio Amateurs' Organisation.

Also present were the Chair of IARU Region 1's Spectrum and Regulatory Liaison
Committee and the Secretary-General of EURAO.

The meeting was held against a background of both IARU Region 1 and EURAO
having Letters of Understanding with CEPT, enabling participation in the
work of CEPT. Both organisations accepted that they had shared objectives,
identified some specific areas for interworking and will continue a
constructive dialogue into the future.

On January 1st, the five-year exemption permitting drivers'
handheld use of two-way radios in Ontario, Canada is set to expire.

Radio Amateurs of Canada has been waiting to hear from the Ontario
Ministry of Transportation about the fate of the exemption from the
province's Distracted Driving Law.

RAC Directors Allan Boyd, V-E-3-A-J-B, and Phil McBride, V-A-3-Q-R, had
met with Ontario Transportation officials earlier this year and declared
the session productive but are still awaiting word of what will happen.

The RAC has formed a committee to work with both Ontario and British
Columbia, both of which have distracted-driving regulations. In British
Columbia, amateurs have been permitted since February of this year to
drive while operating radios that have push-to-talk buttons.

According to the RAC's website, there will be a decision on the Ontario
regulations prior to the 1st of January and the RAC has pledged to issue
a bulletin as soon as there's an update.

3D-printed objects connect with Wi-Fi - no electricity required

Researchers from the University of Washington have 3D-printed objects and
sensors that are able to communicate with Wi-Fi devices such as smartphones
or computers without needing to be powered by batteries or a wall socket.

Examples include an attachment that can sense when laundry detergent is about
to run out and place an online order for more, an anemometer and a connected
test tube holder.

At the heart of the development are reflection of waves techniques known as
backscattering, where ambient radio signals are reflected from a Wi-Fi router
via an antenna printed using a plastic and copper mix, and onward to a wireless

Rather than use batteries to power the 3D-printed object or sensor, the
researchers tapped into mechanical motion. When flowing liquid turns a wheel
or a button is pushed, gears and springs activate or deactivate a conductive
switch, changing the reflective state of the 3D-printed antenna. Data can be
hard-coded into an object by way of teeth on the gear - with the presence or
absence of a tooth determining how long a switch remains in contact with the
antenna. Signal patterns thus created can then be translated into readable
output by the Wi-Fi receiver.

Input devices such as buttons, knobs and sliders were also printed, which
could be custom made to talk to smart devices in the home - controlling the
volume on a connected music system, for example, or placing an order for
groceries from an online store at the push of a button.


All major Australian contests, rules and results, are on the
Contest Section of the WIA website.


13-14 Jan 2018

John Moyle Memorial Field Day will be held over the weekend of the 17th-18th
March 2018 and will run from UTC 0100 on the Saturday until 0059 on the

Harry Angel Memorial Sprint:- Saturday May 5th 10:00 UTC - 11:46 UTC

11-12 August is WIA Remembrance Day (the RD) Contest.


PH - First full weekend in October, ( 6/ 7th) 0800 UTC Sat to 0800 UTC Sunday

CW - Second full weekend in October, (13/14th) 0800 UTC Sat to 0800 UTC Sunday


In the world of DX, listen for Jacques, F6HMJ, operating as 6 W7/F 6 HMJ
from Senegal between December 21st and January 15th.
He will be active using CW with some SSB on 20-10 meters.
Send QSLs via his home callsign, F 6 HMJ

Off the Senegal coast, a group of four operators is using the call sign
6V1A from Goree Island THIS WEEKEND (between December 15th and 17th.)
Listen for them on CW and SSB on all HF bands.
According to the most recent 6V1A page on QRZ all QSLs should be sent to:
Post Office Box 971, Dakar, Senegal.

Hong Kong celebrates with VR 20 prefix
Commemorating the 20th anniversary of Hong Kong's reunification with China,
Hong Kong licensed radio amateurs are being allowed to use the special prefix
VR20 on a voluntary basis to 30th June 2018.

Eric, EL2EF is a new radio operator there and is active at various times.
QSL direct to home call, again that's EL 2 EF

Special event station DT 23 WOP is QRV until February 2018 for the
23rd Olympic Winter Games. Activity is on the HF bands. QSL via HL 1 IWD.

Hello, I'm Geoff Emery, VK4ZPP, and I've been thinking.

It has been said that imitation is the sincerest from of flattery.
Certainly, if business has been anything to go by, if you see
a good idea, copy it. Whole sectors of the fashion industry
depend on this philosophy.

Now I had a good idea smack me in the face during the week.
The ARRL advised by its Facebook page that there was a free
article in the January digital issue of QST. Not only was it authored
by Bob Heil, K9EID, it uses a mixture of solid state and vacuum
tube technology to build a 5W AM transmitter for 80 and 40 metres.

Now apart from being of interest to me, on a couple of accounts, "The
Pine Board Project" is a way of getting amateurs to engage or even
come back to the ARRL. To further whet the appetite, the League also
offers a free 90 day trial membership which gives access to all the
membership features.

Well you might say, so what? That body is so much bigger than the
WIA and as has been said by others, you just can't compare the two
bodies. OK but what is to stop we down under VKs from adopting
some of these ideas. We keep getting reminded about the low
membership numbers and the fall off of new amateurs and here is
a way of re-introducing old dogs and new pups to the WIA.

Our magazine becomes bi-monthly as of January, 2018 and new features
are expected to be introduced. I bet there are some die-hards who
will say we have tried the free download and it didn't work. Well what is
needed is consistency so that people who cruise the internet get used to
the idea that something relevant will be available to download from every
magazine from now on.

How about seriously considering some proposals for an invigorated WIA
that encourages membership instead of hearing the same old back seat
whinges from the same old back seat drivers who saw it all go wrong
last century?

Let's give the ARRL the credit for some good ideas and take on what
works for them.

I'm Geoff Emery and that's what I about you?


Atmospheric radiation is increasing

New space weather balloon measurements over California show that cosmic rays
in Earth's atmosphere are increasing.

The main reason is the solar cycle.

In recent years, sunspot counts have plummeted as the sun's magnetic field
weakens. This has allowed more cosmic rays from deep space to penetrate the
solar system and, in turn, our planet's atmosphere.

An interesting anomaly occurred in September this year when sudden outburst
of solar activity pushed cosmic rays away from Earth, causing a temporary
dip in the radiation field.

( via SouthGate)


If you're one of the many listeners to the NZART broadcasts from ZL land make
a note of the following in from their editor/producer ZL2BHF

Jim advises via NZART Info-Line that their Official Broadcast is made this month
on the Sunday before Christmas.

The broadcast is made on 3900 kHz, and on the ZL National System and local VHF
repeaters at 2000 hours (8:00 pm), with a repeat at 2100 hours (9:00 pm) and
of course that's local New Zealand time.

January there is no broadcast.


Codebreakers' Wall at Bletchley Park

The Codebreakers' Wall is a specially reserved area in the grounds of Bletchley
Park for veterans, their families and supporters of Bletchley Park to have their
names engraved into a brick to share with loved ones for many years to come.

A digital version of the wall will be available soon so you can search for
names, locate bricks in the Codebreakers' Wall and discover the stories behind
the bricks.

( Go to )


About DMR

A basic 'Dummies Guide' has been created to help users understand various
aspects of DMR from the terminology to how each network in the UK is setup.

We hope many will find this useful especially those that are new to the mode
and no matter where in the world you are reading/listening we are sure
it will be of value.

There is an e-mail address included for feedback.

This is a free download (however should you wish to donate towards the time
and work of this and future publications, please use the donate button)



SARL to host the 2018 Youngsters On The Air (YOTA) Summer Camp

The South African League received a positive response from Lisa Leenders,
PA2LS, the IARU Region 1 Youth WG Chairman, following the acceptance and
approval of the SARL proposal to host the 2018 YOTA Summer Camp by the
Region 1 Executive Committee.

As it will be held in the southern hemisphere, it will be the YOTA Winter Camp!


This annual event brings together Young people from the Region 1 Member
Societies for an entire week to create, in addition to amateur radio, an
opportunity to learn all about different nationalities and cultures, foster
international friendships and goodwill as well as to learn new skills.

The SARL and the South African YOTA Working Group are delighted with the
response and are looking forward to hosting a successful YOTA 2018 event
as an unforgettable African experience that will be remembered for many years
to come.

The SARL President conveyed his sincere appreciation to the YOTA working group
for their successful proposal and stated that this is a golden opportunity for
the SARL and amateur radio in South Africa to make their mark in promoting
amateur radio amongst the youth, locally and in Africa, in hosting the
2018 YOTA Winter Camp.

(via SouthGate)


Ham radio helps save two at sea

Fishermen Maniyan and Anil from Veli owe their lives to amateur radio operators
who pitched in some valuable efforts to reach out to those affected by cyclone
Ockhi in India

The Deccan Chroncle says:

The two had gone torescue cyclone affected fishermen and had to lie in the
waters for two days. They had given up hope and even cut loose the rope tying
them to each other, when a small fishing boat came to the area.

The boat had VHF radio and was in constant touch with Idukki-based Ham Radio
and Emergency Communication society which was active at a repeating station
at Kalvari Mount around 5000 feet above sea level.

"The Coast Guard ships on the surface level often are unable to communicate
with small boats having weak radio signals. Our amateur club comprising six
members had the advantage of sitting at a height. We relayed the latitude and
longitude to rescue vessels which reached out to the duo," said Manoj Galaxy,
secretary of the society.



Gibraltar's clandestine SOE wireless station

The Gibraltar Chronicle reports how an illicit diary belonging to Hugh Mallory
Falconer, SOE code number GB 007, led to a clandestine SOE wireless station

Special Operations Executive's HQ in Gibraltar, the requisitioned
Villa Lourdes in South Barracks Road, contained trained signalers.

They were radio operators from the RELATOR party of S.O.E saboteurs who had
come to Gibraltar in 1940, disguised as Royal Engineers, ready to wreak havoc
in Spain if General Franco ever permitted German troops to cross his territory
and attack Gibraltar.

(The naval side was Operation GOLDENEYE, run by Lt.-Cdr. Ian Fleming of
Naval Intelligence, the future author of the James Bond books.)

Read the full story at





FEB 18 VK3 9am WANDARC HamFest Italian Sports Club, Werribee (VK3VKT)

Feb 25 VK2 Wyong Field Day (VK2AOR)

March 25 VK3 EMDRC HamFest Great Ryrie Primary School Heathmont (VK3BQ)

May 4 -7 VK4 Clairview Gathering ( between Rockhampton/Mackay ) (TARC)

July 7 GippsTech 2018 (VK3PF)

The 21st annual Gippsland Technical Conference. Focus is
primarily on weak signal VHF, UHF and microwave communications,
plus any other relevant topics. Commences with a social dinner
on Friday evening, presentations all day Saturday with Conference
Dinner in the evening and Sunday morning presentations.


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National News compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)