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If It Matters To You It Matters To Us!

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Please... If you are only submitting text and not audio, write your story as
you would expect to hear it being read back and NEVER send just links &
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Hello from Justin VK7TW, President of the WIA.

This week we received some very sad news. Sharon Kemp - wife of Graham Kemp VK4BB passed away. I express our sincere condolences to Graham and family on behalf of the WIA. Vale Sharon.

I also thank all those people who responded to the urgent call for editors to assist in putting together the WIA National News broadcast.

The role of editor is a very important one. The editors source amateur radio material from around the world and put it together into short scripts for the presenters to read and record each week. There are a huge number of sources and information channel and we can certainly help out with these lists.

An editor receives this source material, edits, sometimes records and generates material for the weekly broadcasts.

Editors works with the Anchor and other presenters to bring everything together.

Do you enjoy reading, paraphrasing , editing, maybe proof reading? Do you already read amateur radio material from a range of sources and think to yourself.....this would be interesting to a wider national audience? Think about summarising it and sending it through.....please.

If you think you could undertake this role then we REALLY NEED YOUR HELP and if I sound desperate then you have pickup up the tone in my voice. If we cannot fill this role with at least few people ASAP then the WIA National News broadcast is at risk of not going ahead.

If interested then send through an email through to

We want to get more members involved with the production of the broadcast to share the load and contribute to the Broadcast team. Take a look at the links on the email edition of this broadcast for more information.

That leads me to a huge thank you to Robert VK3DN and Bryan VK3GR who stepped in to fill the gap and we really appreciate all the effort and time that they spend on this, however like many of us they work full-time and have families and lives to live.

Look forward to hearing from you.

For the National WIA News this has been Justin VK7TW.


I've been thinking [AUDIO SUPPLIED]
Hello, I'm Geoff Emery, VK4ZPP, and I've been thinking

The news services have been carrying stories, this week, of the results of a survey
which shows the majority of homes in Queensland are not prepared for the wet
season and floods. The Bureau of Meteorology has indicated the possibility of
cyclones and some models are showing the possibility of one forming off the coast
of Queensland before the month is out.

As much as people like to think it will be someone else that is effected, the fact is
that most of us would know if water is going to be a problem around us. Mapping
is quite extensive and local councils can tell you, if you are new to the area, whether
flooding would be a problem. Then there is the problems encountered with heavy
rain and lots of it. The wet is not just an issue for those living in the tropics and
sub-tropics, the evidence is that storm events are becoming stronger and that
suggest that rainfall would be increased too.

Surface flooding and run-off can be an issue which catches us with storm drains that
are clogged or inadequate, land contours being altered by earthworks and even
rain gutters that overflow, letting water go where it is unexpected. Then there are
the cyclones which even when they have seemingly run their course can bucket and
blow bringing down buildings, branches and breaking glass.

Hopefully we have prepared and we will not make the nightly news in the event of
the weather being extreme. Seeing one's belongings stinking and ruined on the
footpath should not be on this year's calendar. Knowing that we don't need the
insurance assessor to call should give a sense of success by itself.

Let's hope we get through the summer weather without drama and damage.
I'm Geoff Emery and that's what I think....How about you?

[Geoff Emery, VK4ZPP]


Director Brian Clarke VK2GCE [AUDIO SUPPLIED][4:10]

G'day. Brian, VK2GCE here:
I've just returned from two weeks stay with Bill Babb, VK3AQB, Victoria's oldest radio amateur. Bill is only just a little younger than the WIA and still a member. Good on yer, Bill, and thanks for your hospitality.
The Strategy Advisory committee has been asked to look at revitalisation of AR mag. Have you looked at recent:
overseas amateur radio mags, such as from ARRL, SARL and RSGB?
electro-technology mags, such as the Westwick-Farrow series of What's New in XXX, (eg, Electronics), Government Technology Review and Critical Communications?
or even Engineers Australia's mag, Create?
The first thing that strikes you is the sheer volume of highly-targeted advertising. Even have a look at other genres: Woman's Weekly, Cosmopolitan, Bicycling Australia, Australian Sporting Shooter, Australian Photography, Australian Motorcycle and Wheels - the same thing - 35 to 50% of the content is advertising. Our 6% is closing us off from very lucrative sources of income.
You've told us you want more technical articles and less club-specific material and obituaries. Have you noticed that when you get your AR mag, many of the predicted or proposed club activities are past tense? Who needs DX expedition predictions that are months out-of-date? Perhaps Dr Who can get us out of that time warp?
Another question that the committee is struggling with is: How do we attract younger people, who don't read hard-copy print magazines? They live off fanzines, social media and other electronic sources. How often do you hear "Go look on Google", or "I found this on Yahoo"? In the 1980s, when WordStar and WordPerfect were becoming available, you probably still used pen and paper, as today's dinosaurs still do - do you still have a fountain pen? Nowadays, even pre-primary school kids use keyboards and remote-controlled video displays with skill.
Organisations that resist change will not survive. So, we must start moving to something like a web-based form of communication with present and would-be radio amateurs. In 10 years time, there may be no print magazine around - look at the effect on Fleet Street style newspapers with the advent of electronic print production. Print media everywhere is scrambling to survive. Some recent local market research found:
85% of people expect to complete all transactions digitally
73% - working digitally is essential for commercial success
56% - paper-based comms appear dated - that % was even higher for the under-29 age group.
In the not-too-distant future, you'll wear a portable digital device, whose battery charger will be sewn into the fabric of your clothing; it'll have a Heads-up Display built into your RayBans and may even contain a Software-Defined Amateur Radio transceiver app, accessing automatically to identify callers, and using eye scanning to change frequency and band.
Such shifts in media will have profound effects on how the WIA communicates with you. Note: I said 'with' not 'to', another major shift your new Board is promoting.
73 from Brian.

--Volunteer Opportunities

--Electronic project write-ups for associates

Recently, the WIA soft-launched its associate program to attract
non-members into the hobby and institute. As part of the associate program
the WIA would like to build a collective of how-to articles describing
beginner electronic projects that beginners can follow along with. This
includes radio related projects. The articles will be published to
associates, the member community and clubs online. They may also be used in
Amateur Radio magazine. The articles will act as a resource to attract
people to the hobby to be used by the community. If you can produce a
how-to with pictures of a simple project, or a project that inspires
people, and you are willing to let the WIA use your article as part of the
associate program, then please email your how-to in word format to the
associate program at The associate program also
welcomes your you-tube and video links to your own content. In your email
please be sure to mention if you would like credit for the article.

--Call for forum moderators

The WIA will shortly open a moderated internet forum to provide an online
discussion area supporting its members. Associates will also have limited
access to the forums. The WIA is looking for volunteer forum moderators to
guide and ensure that the forums are a positive and progressive community.
If you have an interest in being a respected and professional member of the
forum moderator team, as well as helping people explore the hobby, then
please express an interest by sending an email introducing yourself to
-- Northern Territory (VK8) Inwards QSL Manager

The QSL Card committee is seeking a volunteer to act as the VK8 inwards
QSL manager. If you are in the Northern Territory and interested in
managing the inwards QSL bureaux, then please check the details on the WIA

-- Web development

After receiving over 100 applications to be part of the WIA's project teams
for web development, advertisement and acceptance of applications for the
roles have now been paused. Shortlisting and potential appointment is
currently underway.

That's it for the current happenings in WIA volunteers. As a reminder, to
express an interest in becoming a forum moderator, or in publishing a
simple how-to for a project, please email

[David Ford vk4mz]

January 2018 AR Digital Edition Now Available on the WIA Website

The WIA journal begins a new era [AUDIO SUPPLIED][1:11]

The WIA Board has decided to make Amateur Radio magazine a bimonthly publication,
beginning with the first edition this year.

The magazine editor Peter Freeman VK3PF in his editorial reflects on that important
but necessary change.

He says the WIA Board has outlined that the magazine is the largest single expense
for the Institute.

The process began about 12 months ago and generated a discussion paper from the
Publications Committee (PubCom).

Peter VK3PF says it showed mechanisms which might result in significant savings.

In the end the Board decided to adopt a PubCom recommendation - a reduction in the
number of issues published each year.

Peter VK3PF feels sure further changes in the magazine will develop as PubCom
discusses ideas with the Board and the Strategy Advisory Committee.

Next week there will more in a summary of the bi-monthly Amateur Radio contents.

I am Barry Robinson VK3PV and you are listening to VK1WIA.


With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART, WIA Local News Service VK7, VK3PC and the WW
sources of the WIA.

Italian club celebrating science milestones
A year-long operating event, "Science Milestones in the History of Radio," is being run by the Italian Fidenza Radio Club.

Each month a distinctive callsign will highlight those who laid the theoretical and practical foundations for radio science.

These include Maxwell, Hertz, Marconi, Celzecchi, Tesla, Ampere, Coulomb, Volta, Lenz, Oersted, Henry and Faraday.

Further details and award rules are on the ARI-Fidenza website,

ARRL speaks out on misinformation

The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) Board of Directors has been the subject of an organised misinformation campaign.
In a note to members ARRL President Rick Roderick K5UR says the campaign is being orchestrated by a group of hams, some of whom are well-intentioned but have been misled.
It consists of a series of character misrepresentations. More recently, other equally erroneous and false statements have been made in an effort to draw into question ARRL's decision-making processes.
Rick K5UR says the principal suggestion is that the ARRL operates under some "cloak of secrecy."
ARRL Directors are volunteers. They are smart, dedicated radio amateurs who devote thousands of hours of their own time per year representing members as best they can.
The full note is on the ARRL website



ACMA have introduced the Radiocommunications (Intelligent Transport Systems) Class Licence 2017 to facilitate and regulate the vehicle-to-vehicle, vehicle-to-person or vehicle-to-infrastructure communications in autonomous vehicles and other technology assisted transport innovations.

'ITS are expected to make roads smarter, safer and cleaner through the use of communications technologies,' said ACMA acting Chair, James Cameron.

'The new Class Licence will facilitate the rollout of the latest transportation communications technology, putting Australia on par with other nations adopting ITS.'

Allocations in the 5.9Ghz band are consistent with other major automotive markets, reducing technical and economical barriers to engineering and manufacturing ITS technologies for Australia.


Wyong Field day 2018 news.

Work is continuing at a pace to get ready for the 2018 Wyong field day
and to include as *many* lectures as possible it has been decided to adopt
the "topic in a nutshell" model that was so successful last year, for
all lectures this year. This means the lectures will be short and
concise, to whet your appetite for more different facets of our hobby.

The list of traders attending is constantly being added to on the
website. I cannot list them here as that would be advertising which is
not allowed, so please go and check-out the web site at FIELDDAY (dot)
ORG (dot) AU. You'll also find the updated list of exhibitors there.

I can however tell you about the lectures which are in addition to
those I have already told you about in previous WIA News pieces. We have
just added a lecture on FreeDV from David Rowe VK5DGR, The Australian
governments Bureau of Meteorology will present again this year, Bob
*Mutton* VK2ZRM from HADARC will cover the use of TFT touch screens in
your projects and Bob VK2AOR will present on what's happening in the
satellite world. For the full list of lectures please take a look at the

Separate from the lectures, two meetings will be taking place. As
happens every year the VHF/UHF weak signals group will have their annual
meet-up and this year the Scouts & Guides will be starting their
planning for JOTA/JOTI 2018 at the field day.

The details of the Field Day are that it will take place from 8:30am at
the Wyong Race Course on Sunday the 25th. of February. The nearest
public transport is the main-line Wyong railway station from which we
are running a courtesy bus to the event. With car boot sales and traders
under cover and in the shade, this event will as always be on, rain or

For the Central Coast Amateur Radio Club, this has been Ed Durrant
DD5LP. 73.

73 Ed.



A startling start to a Saturday morning for the residents of Hawaii, many of whom were woken by the State Emergency Alert System interrupting television and radio, and sending messages to mobile phones warning of a missile threat to the Islands. The message in all capitals said: "BALLISTIC MISSILE THREAT INBOUND TO HAWAII. SEEK IMMEDIATE SHELTER. THIS IS NOT A DRILL."

But it was in fact a drill, and is now likely to become a real textbook example for interface design, as the computer screen showed a dozen links with identical formatting and similar wording, but the one with the word "Drill" just happened to be the scariest scenario and not visually distinct from the non-drill version of the message.

While it took mere seconds for the emergency system alerts to be posted to social media, it took 3 minutes to stop the alerts and another 10 for official messages to be sent to advise of the false alarm.

It is understood that the emergency management employee responsible for the gaff has been reassigned, but was not fired, nor is being publicly named.

And, if you believe social media, there are a number of now embarrassed, but still very much alive young men who, in response the impending doom, courageously declared their never-dying love for a young lady, followed by some rather awkward conversations just minutes later.


The FT8 digital mode has big uptake

Until now there has been only anecdotal evidence that FT8 introduced in 2017 had been adopted by many on our bands.

The weak signal text mode has certainly taken over from the previous JT65, which had been favoured.

It is safe to say that the adoption of FT8 has been phenomenally fast.

The WIA Statistician Marc VK3OHM in analysing the award system data says about 20 per cent of all QSOs in 2017 were in the FT8 mode.

The WIA does not issue DXCC on the basis of FT8 mode alone. QSO using FT8 mode
would contribute to the "Digital" mode of DXCC.

However, Marc VK3OHM finds there are 7 people who have achieved 100+ DXCC entities using the FT8 mode only.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

Net is held each Mondays on 3.570 MHz, commencing at 1030 UTC.
(1000utc during daylight saving)

January ALARA Newsletter and notification of AGM

Along with notice of AGM and election, with nomination and proxy forms included, this month's ALARA newsletter highlights the recent festive and family events of the members, and reminds readers of the ALARA DX Membership Sponsor program.

This is a novel sponsorship exchange arrangement where you and your new (or old) DX friend each pay for the other's membership in your respective national YL Organisation. There forward strengthening and sharing in the news, views and friendships of foreign radio associations.

[Kaye VK3FKDW]


An interesting DIY development

The marvels of 3D printing that slowly recreate things from old car emblems to new surgical implants can now can make a crystal set.

A video has been produced to show you how.
Digital Trends reports that Houston, Texas-based 3D-printing and electronics enthusiast Sage Hansen has created the 3D printable radio.
More information and a URL are in the text edition of this broadcast.


WPT technology as an ordinary battery cell
The Wireless Power Transfer possibilities include a new AA battery shaped device that never needs replacing.
It is the exact same size and power output of a traditional AA battery.
Imagine never having to change the batteries in TV remotes ever again, or countless other devices in need of a charge.
The technology has both domestic and industrial uses and is expected to be available on the market in about three years.
(Jim Linton VK3PC)

Contests 2018

John Moyle Memorial Field Day will be held over the weekend of the 17th-18th
March 2018 and will run from UTC 0100 on the Saturday until 0059 on the

Harry Angel Memorial Sprint:- Saturday May 5th 10:00 UTC - 11:46 UTC

23-24 June 2018

The VK SHIRES Contest is always held on the June long weekend, which is the
weekend prior to the second Monday of June each year so make a note June 9/10
Starts: 06.00 UTC Saturday 9, Ends: 06.00 UTC Sunday 10.

IARU HF Championship event on 15 and 16 July.


The contest is held on the Saturday night of the third full weekend of July,
making it July 21st, Start Time is 08:00 UTC and finish time is 14:00 UTC

11-12 August is WIA Remembrance Day (the RD) Contest.

The 21st International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend is on
August 18 to 19, 2018


PH - First full weekend in October, ( 6/ 7th) 0800 UTC Sat to 0800 UTC Sunday
CW - Second full weekend in October, (13/14th) 0800 UTC Sat to 0800 UTC Sunday

Spring 24-25 November


2019 Summer 12-13 Jan Winter 22-23 Jun Spring 23-24 Nov
2020 Summer 18-19 Jan Winter 20-21 Jun Spring 28-29 Nov
2021 Summer 14-15 Jan Winter 26-27 Jun Spring 26-27 Nov



JAN 25th TARC Australia Day Long Week Family Radio Camp, Bluewater

FEB 3 VK3 3pm Melbourne QRP by the Bay, Chelsea (VK3YE)

FEB 18 VK3 9am WANDARC HamFest Italian Sports Club, Werribee (VK3VKT)

Feb 25 VK2 Wyong Field Day (VK2AOR)

March 25 VK3 EMDRC HamFest Great Ryrie Primary School Heathmont (VK3BQ)

May 4 -7 VK4 Clairview Gathering ( between Rockhampton/Mackay ) (TARC)

July 7 GippsTech 2018 (VK3PF)

The 21st annual Gippsland Technical Conference. Focus is
primarily on weak signal VHF, UHF and microwave communications,
plus any other relevant topics. Commences with a social dinner
on Friday evening, presentations all day Saturday with Conference
Dinner in the evening and Sunday morning presentations.

Sep 28 - Oct 1 VK4 Cardwell Gathering (dates set thru 2021) (TARC)

Nov 11 VK5 Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society HamFest (VK5KC)


Ripley's believe or not

The smartphone is ubiquitous with its functions and clever little apps.

Walk down any street and see many of them in action.

The smartphone is indispensable to most whether used as a phone, a messager or skype device or to take good pictures including selfies.

The smartphone is in France but there the word "smartphone" has not entered the language.

It seems that the authority in charge of the French language has put up a barrier to the word "smartphone".

The Environmental Commission for the French Language has what it thinks is a suitable expression, "Le mobile multifunction".

Time will tell whether it will happen, or whether users in the Francophone world will have multifunction phones, or somehow adopt the smartphone moniker.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)




Submitting news items

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug commercial
traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your supporters in this text
edition "no worries."

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to
and don't JUST send url's links but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

We would appreciate items no longer than 2 minutes in length as we only have
a half hour time slot window.

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only
be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different
slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your
item write in the 3rd person.



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time
and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
Who and where are they?

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in
"WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily
reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast
in the spirit in which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

Who listens to radio? A weekly 'tally sheet' is sent to all rebroadcasters
and interested listeners, to get your free copy send a blank email to:-
Put the word subscribe in the title or subject field

How do I join this National News List? (subscribe for an automatic weekly feed.)
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How do I leave this National News List? (unsubscribe your weekly feed)
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Send mail to the list unsubscribe address
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in that mail to complete the unsubscription.

Once your unsubscription has been processed, you will probably
receive another message confirming your unsubscription from the list,
and at that point you should stop receiving messages.


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)