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In this week's news we hear from
Geoff VK4ZPP on Holcracy
WIA Director Marcus VK5WTF provides this week's Board Comment
then across to Aidan VK4APM on the WIA Radio and Electronics Convention in May
John VK5DJ lets us know about the Australian Fox Hunting Championships
It's only one week to Wyong and Bob VK2AOR and Ed DD5LP fills us in
YLs and ILLW, long distance VHF and Overseas DX events
VK3RTV on the move and
We have a new regular segment on YL's Around the World thanks to Kimberley VK2KMI
and we finish with Mrs Mac and spy stations in North Korea.



Hello, I'm Geoff Emery, VK4ZPP, and I've been thinking.

We have heard David, VK4MZ, WIA Vice President introduce us to a
trial of a new management philosophy and software. Not being a reader of
the Harvard Business Review, I was not familiar with the term "holacracy"
and I resorted to the ubiquitous web search.

In keeping with the Board's commitment to volunteers, this management style
gives people the ability to manage their role or roles within an organisation.
Well that is the theory, as I understand it. Great, you may say, I can get on with
doing what I signed on to do but wait, before you reach for the steak knives, your
role seems to entail consulting with peers on a regular basis and agreeing on how
tasks have been accomplished and how they can be better done.

Within the economic or entrepreneurial framework, there seems to be many benefits
to having teams do work and achieve better outcomes. Holacracy has been adopted
in both commercial businesses and not-for-profit organisations with some success and
with others feeling of getting out from under a burdensome imposition.

What I have not found is the application of this management philosophy to a not-for-profit
whose main functions are advocacy to its client bases.

When we look at the amateur next to us, at the club barbeque, we don't necessarily know
if their day job is manual, trades, professional or retired or none of these. We don't need
to know what people's occupations are until it becomes relevant to what they do in
representing the hobby and when we do enquire we are a very diverse representation
of the work force. This very diversity allows people to bring so many skills as volunteers
but it also means they come from a variety of backgrounds and subject to many different
workplace styles.

This really is the nub of the situation. People like to both be respected for their skills and
abilities and when they give their time, it is very necessary to acknowledge the value
of their donation. If, as an organisation, we are going to adopt this level playing field
style of management, it has to be applied wholeheartedly. Now, if I volunteer to do a
job, I need to know what is expected and assuming I have the skills and materials, I
want to get on with it and get the best value from my time.

If I am confronted with a document which resembles a software licence that a well
trained lawyer gets confused over, I am either going to turn off or back out.
Amateurs tend to be individualistic types and trying to corral them is like trying to
herd cats.

Whilst the sentiments are valid and appropriate to our pursuit, it is perhaps too impractical
to implement with the resources and people we have.

I'm Geoff Emery and that's what I about you?


Hello everyone, this is Marcus, vk5wtf with this weeks board comment.

A couple of weekends ago I took up the opportunity to help out AREG and sit in a balloon chase car driven by Mark vk5qi. But there was more to it than just sitting in the car.

For my part I was collecting some telemetry.

The balloon itself had three telemetry payloads, RTTY with GPS running 8 bit at 100 baud on 70 cm with a transmit power of 10 mW. This is the easiest one for most people to get, all you need is the dl-fldigi software and you may need to adjust your receiver frequency as the crystal on the transmitter does drift, . But I wasn't collecting RTTY telemetry.

This launch had two 115kbaud FSK transmitter feeding out SSDV, which is Slow Scan Digital Video, on the top end of 70 cm, transmitting at 50mW, and line of sight that's good for probably about 50km, with a turnstile antenna. SDR tech is really that good now!

As the SSDV data was coming in, I was getting telemetry with it as well, latitude, longitude, horizontal and vertical speed, payload heading, tilt angle and error logs from the computer as well as, the all important imagery, which was 1488 by 1180 pixels, with one frame every 30 seconds.

But wait, there's more! Because the imagery is ones and zeros, and sent in packets, we can do another trick. I can send all my successful packets to a server, and if enough people do that from different locations, the images can be reassembled into full, complete images. So I don't need to get all the data myself.

The software I was running had multiple consoles giving me software modem decode performance, SSDV imagery that I was getting as well as the telemetry data and graphs of it over time. So I could see it moving up and down, and spinning around.

A link to the full report by Grant vk5gr with images and video, can be found in the text edition, or on the AREG website.

So there we have, a new mode for some, and it's only possible with the help of the internet and the cloud. What could the next mode? Will you know about it when it happens?

This is vk5 whiskey tango foxtrot, going clear.

Help Needed

The national office of the WIA which is located in Bayswater, Victoria needs to upgrade the old and unserviceable on premises Air Conditioner.

Competitive quotes are currently being obtained to supply and install 3 new air conditioners.

Members or Amateurs who are involved in the Air Conditioning industry who might be able to assist, are encouraged to contact the Executive Officer, Bruce at the National Office by email -

WIA Radio and Electronics Convention


Its Aidan Mountford here from the Gold Coast Amateur Radio Society.

It is all happening in the Gold Coast at the moment as we prepare for some sensational upcoming events,
the games, in April, and the WIA Radio and Electronics Convention in May.

These events are just around the corner so we thought we would give you an update.

GCARS welcomes visitors from around Australia and the globe who are travelling to the coast for the games
in April if you are visiting and wish to catch up with us we will be holding a number of functions for our fellow
operators coupled with our usual array of 'nets and catchups. To be kept informed of amateur radio activities
during this period we welcome you to register at

Hot on the heals of the games is the WIA Radio and Electronics Convention on the 19th and 20th of May.

Registration for this event is open and we encourage you book early.

The WIA website has information on the activities, presentations, tours and demonstrations.

If you have any specific questions about the event or wish to reserve space for a demonstration or exhibition
do not hesitate to drop an email to the organizingteam at

Thats all from the Gold Coast for now.

73 from from me, Aidan, VK4APM

Thanks Aidan and now across to John VK5DJ......

Good morning everyone, this is John VK5DJ for the organising committee of the 2018 South East Radio Group's Convention and Australian Fox Hunting Championship.

The event will again be held on the Queen's Birthday Weekend, Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th June. It's a good idea to book your accommodation soon as it's a busy weekend in Mount Gambier.

Still plenty of time to prepare the foxhunting gear and entries for the Home Brew Competition.

Pop it into your diary's must do section. More details as we approach the weekend.

73 from SERG

The essential information for the event calendar is:
South East Radio Group's Convention and Fox Hunting Competition in Mount Gambier 9,10 June.

John VK5DJ
for the organising committee.

From VK5 to VK2 and the big one the Wyong Field Day......

Wyong Field Day

As promised this week, Bob VK2AOR runs us through all of the interesting lectures in the "topics-in-a-nutshell" program at Wyong next Sunday. Thanks to Glenn VK2GEM for this interview;
<first audio file>
Transcript of audio file -
Glenn: Bob what have you got in store for us at the Fielday?
Bob: Thank you Glenn, the lectures, a fantastic range of lectures, we've got,
Brian Clark talking about the crystal set and hidden mysteries,
Kevin Jardine talking about diplexers which he's built two different examples of
David Rowe VK5DGR talking about FreeDV and new modes that have been added
Ray Robinson talking about Standard Beam approach receiver and transmitter
Bob Mutton talking about touch screens
Col Hodgson talking about making the most out of your microwave
Philip Marr from the Bureau of Meteorology space weather services
and Karen VK2AKB on FT8 Mode on HF.
<end of first audio file>
Bob himself is presenting one of the topics and Glenn wasn't going to let Bob off that easily;
<second audio file>
Transcript of audio file -
Glenn: So Bob what are you going to be giving to us in a demonstration and lecture?
Bob: Thank You Glenn, what I am doing at the Fieldday is talking about what is happening with satellites at the moment. The great preponderance of satellites and showing of an I-O-I-O antenna which I picked up from the Internet and is working very well.
<end of second audio file>

What's this? I have an important STOP PRESS item here - the raffle this year, tickets are $5 each and have you heard what the two main prizes are? An ICOM IC-7300 the SDR rig everyone wants and a ID-51A plus2 the Dual band HT with GPS, high speed data and remote control via an Android App! These are two great prizes - but you have to be at the Field day to buy the raffle tickets - good luck to all entering.

Of course all fieldday details are on the web at FIELDDAY dot ORG dot AU.

Please try to get to the 60th. annual CCARC Fieldday at Wyong on Sunday the 25th. February from 8:30 am.

For the Central Coast ARC, this has been Ed DD5LP.

News from Central Queensland

The Clairview Gathering is a yearly event where Radio Amateurs meet at a spot on the coast between Rockhampton and Mackay to relax, talk radio, re-establish acquaintances and participate in the world renown Saturday Night Mega-Auction. There might even be some fox-hunting and there will definitely be RAFFLES !

The Gathering is one of the main revenue raisers for the Rockhampton and District Amateur Radio Club Inc and Mackay Amateur Radio Association

It happens in 2018 from Friday arvo 4th May to Monday morn 7th May. Those who are keen to chill out completely in one of the most relaxing and laid back venues in the cosmos arrive earlier and stay later.

Check out the Mackay ARS website for more details and this can be found on the email edition of this broadcast

(Sourced from the Newsletter - News from the Crispy North)

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club, ARRL,
Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART, WIA Local News Service VK7, VK3PC and the WW sources of the WIA.

ILLW 100 entry is YL Team from Portugal

The Amateur Radio Ladies Portugal will be operating from Cabo Carvoeiro, Ladin
overlooking a western point peninsula of the Atlantic Ocean.

This is also their first time in the event with more details on Facebook

So if far 16 countries are Listed with Germany on 40 followed by 20 for Australia
including the new one of Deal Island VK3ILW.

No matter where you are there will plenty of fun action on the weekend of August
18 and August 19.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)

Many years ago, the first attempt was made by Bill Hosey, VK6ACY (now ZS6CCY),near Perth and Mike Bosch, ZS2FM, in Port Elizabeth, assisted by Andre ZS2ACP and the late Jim Frans, ZS2JF, to establish a two-way contact across the Indian Ocean.
The group tried using CW for a full month on 144 MHz without any success. Unfortunately the group did not have the advantage of Hepburn Charts. Many years later Ken Bainbridge, VK6RH, spokesman for the West Australian Radio Group tried to interest South African VHF amateurs to participate in the new chirp modulation tests, but the chirp equipment would come at a price and this did not eventuate.
Recently Andy Hemus VK6OX from Perth tried to revive interest in a VHF path between VK and ZS. He comments that there are regular VHF paths from Eastern Australia to LU, VP8, CE etc and therefore VHF paths between Western Australia and the East Coast of South Africa may well be possible. Who would like to take up the challenge?
(Sourced from the SARL News)

DX News
There was disappointment in the DX world last week when the much anticipated
DXpedition to Bouvet Island 3Y0Z had to be aborted. The team had spent several
days off the coast of Bouvet but the weather prevented a safe transfer of crew
and gear to the island. Added to this a problem with one of the ship's engines
left the Captain with no alternative but to abandon the project and to head for
Cape Town.

(Sourced from the IRTS News)

Estonian Special Event
Celebrations for the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia will include 15 special event stations active until 31 March 2018. Stations will use the prefix ES100 and be active on 160 to 10 meters using CW, SSB and the digital modes. For a full list of callsigns, instructions for QSLs and other details go to the website The group is hoping to have all fifteen stations on the air over the weekend of the 24th and 25th February.

Four countries add 60m to their band plan.

Following extensive discussions with their regulator, Czech amateurs can access both the new WRC-15 60m Amateur Secondary Allocation of 5351.5 to 5366.5kHz and their existing twelve 60m channels. The WRC-15 allocation is available on an individual permit basis, with a maximum power of 15W EIRP.

As reported last week ZL amateurs have a secondary allocation on 5353kHz and 5362 to 5364kHz, with a maximum output of 10W EIRP.

The Icelandic amateurs have access to the new WRC-15 60m allocation from 5351.5 to 5366.5kHz on a Secondary with maximum power of 15W EIRP

And lastly Argentinean amateurs have a secondary allocation of 5351.5 to 5366.5kHz, with a regional maximum power limit of 25W EIRP.

(Sourced from the RSGB News)

Amateur radio operators in Norway are now given prefix LC call signs after applying for the new 2x1 contest call sign. The LC prefix call sign is for use in national and international contests.
The recently added Z6 Republic of Kosovo entity has made its way on to the DXCC Most Wanted list at number five with P5 North Korea sitting at number one.
And for some upcoming DX activity a little closer to home in the Pacific - 5WOLR Samoa will be active 4 to 22 February, E51GEA Rarotonga Island will be active 21 to 24 February, FK/JG1XMV New Caledonia will be active 17 Feb to 3 March, JD1BOW Ogasawara Islands will be active 21 to 24 February, and T2AR Tuvalu with be active from 6 to 13 March. Happy hunting!

World Radio Day 13 February 2018
The seventh UNESCO World Radio Day has come and gone with the theme this year being 'Radio and Sports' - very apt in that the Winter Olympics are underway in Pyeongchang, South Korea. The date 13 February was selected for this annual day of celebration because it was the day in 1946 when the United Nations Radio was established. Amateur radio is very much a part of the celebration as its wide reach and usefulness especially during times of emergencies is well recognised.

We may have missed World Radio Day but we still have

World Amateur Radio Day - April 18

Every April 18, radio amateurs worldwide take to the airwaves in celebration of World Amateur Radio Day. It was on that day in 1925 that the International Amateur Radio Union was formed in Paris.

In 1927 the International Radiotelegraph Conference, Amateur Radio gained the allocations still recognized today 160, 80, 40, 20, and 10 meters. Since its founding, the IARU has worked tirelessly to defend and expand the frequency allocations for Amateur Radio.

Thanks to the support of enlightened administrations in every part of the globe, radio amateurs are now able to experiment and communicate in frequency bands strategically located throughout the radio spectrum.

From the 25 countries that formed the IARU in 1925, the IARU has grown to include 160 member-societies in three regions. IARU Region 1 includes Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Northern Asia. Region 2 covers the Americas, and Region 3 is comprised of Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific island nations, and most of Asia.

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has recognized the IARU as representing the interests of Amateur Radio.

World Amateur Radio Day is the day when IARU Member-Societies can show our capabilities to the public and enjoy global friendship with other Amateurs worldwide.

Reminder that you can only use the AX prefix on 26 January is Australia Day, 25 April is Anzac Day and 17 May is World Telecommunication Day

WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- ATV (Every pixel tells a story) -

VK3RTV - the search continues
After thirty years, amateur tv repeater VK3RTV closed operations in late 2017 and the site de-commissioned as the lease at Mount Dandenong could not be renewed. The station equipment is in storage while the search for a new location occurs, and redesign to the system may be necessary to make best use of the available options. Sites under consideration include Surrey Hills and Mount View at Mount Waverley. The stations output has been moved from 446.5 Mhz to 445.6 Mhz to provide guard band from 449 to 450 Mhz in order to reduce out of band emissions.


News from the ANZAC front - Radio Amateurs remember
AM and CW on ANZAC Day, 25th April 2018

Traditional AM & CW event organised by Mike "Banjo" Patterson VK4MIK and the Tablelands Radio Group of Far North Queensland, will again take to the air for the 8th year.
This is not a contest.It honours those modes used by service personnel in earlier wars. The event idea came from a telephone conversation between Mike "Banjo" Patterson VK4MIK and World War II Coastwatcher in Papua New Guinea, Lionel Veale.

He set up his ATR4A HF radio and orientated the antenna from behind enemy lines. Lionel was one of those brave Coastwatchers who sent back vital information.

The concept developed by the Tableland Radio Group in Far North Queensland basically asks us to consider changing modes on ANZAC Day nets, as an honour and Amateur Radio salute to those who served or are serving.

The annual event involves ex-military sites and related museums. plus many stations will be also operating and switching to the old modes during the day.

Many Amateurs joined our Defence forces and took their skills into their service lives in a wide range of activities such as Coastwatchers, Air force Radio operators, Radar operators and repair, navy radio operators and Army operations.


Sourced from VK4MIK Mike ex RAN -


Satellite shorts......
Wind satellite survives vacuum

ESA's Aeolus satellite has been particularly tricky to build. One of the main stumbling blocks has been getting its lasers to work in a vacuum, but recent tests on the satellite show that the vacuum or temperature of space won't get in the way of Aeolus measuring Earth's winds.

At the RSGB 2017 Convention, there was a fascinating presentation on "Amateur deep space reception", by Paul Marsh, M0EYT.

Paul gives an introduction into deep space mega-DX, the equipment needed and the techniques used to identify extremely weak signals coming from man-made space probes in various parts of our solar system.

X-Band (8.4GHz) is the primary band of discussion but Paul also talks briefly about S and Ka reception equipment and antennas. You can receive signals from spacecraft in excess of 1 billion Km with a modest size dish in your garden.

If you have an interest in EME or microwave weak signal reception, Amateur DSR can help you push the limits of what is possible with home-built equipment.

The video can be found on the email edition of this broadcast.

(Sourced from the AMSAT News Service)


Net is held each Mondays on 3.570 MHz, commencing at 1030 UTC. (1000utc during daylight saving)

Women in Amateur Radio
ALARA is Australia's Ladies Amateur Radio Association and has been running since 1975. Membership numbers stand at over 200. Through the sponsorship scheme, membership is open to YLs anywhere in the world and this has facilitated the establishment of many firm friendships. The ALARA-Meet 2017 was held in Cairns last September. This is a triennial event where members meet in person and enjoy various activities and tours. ALARA is active across Australia and any ladies licensed or not are welcome to join. All the membership details and more are available from the ALARA website


YLs Around the World features news and views about and by YLs
YL Forum at HAMCATION Orlando Florida
Hamcation held 9 to 11 Feb featured Catherine Andrews AC4YL and Melanie Glemser AG4YL who conducted a forum titled YLs and Amateur Radio - Getting Involved, Staying Active, and Having Fun! They later spoke to Gary Pearce (KN4AQ) of Ham Radio Now, giving some great tips on how to get women involved in ham radio. You can take a listen to all that they had to say via the link provided in the text edition of this broadcast.

Some of the points they made that are of interest are
Many women they first come into contact with amateur radio ask themselves, is there a place for me in this hobby?
Men typically have an advantage as they often have had more mentoring and experience in technical fields, so often it is about how to level the playing field.
When introducing women to amateur radio, don't make assumptions about what we will be interested in, introduce us to as many different aspects of the hobby as you can. You never know where our interests may lie it may not be in making the scones.

Falcon Heavy and YLs
Last week when SpaceX launched the Falcon Heavy containing Elon Musk's Tesla Roadster from Cape Canaveral, YLs 12 year old Faith Hannah Lea (AE4FH) and 10 year old Hope Lea (KM4IPF) were there conducting a special event. Complete with their newly constructed go-box the girls made contact with satellites Fox1A, Fox1B, SO50, Fox1D and they also made 100 HF contacts. You can follow Hope and Faith Hanna's video blogs by following the link in the text version of this broadcast.

YLs in Social Media
With the growth of the girls in STEMM movements, many younger girls are getting into various tech fields including maker spaces and coding. With the growth of digital modes continuing, who knows the next digital mode may well be invented by a woman. There are a bunch of Social media pages dedicated to these girls and their pursuits, one of the newest is @TechHamGirls.

Don't forget, Wyong Field Day is on Sunday 25th of February, make sure you come by the the ALARA stand at the Wyong Field Day and why not bring a YL with you.
I'm Kimberly Olsen VK2KMI for the WIA National News

WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- RESCUE RADIO IARU REGION 3 Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies 3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz

Gopal VU2GMN from the IARU Region 3 invites the attention of all societies to World Amateur Radio Day (WARD) which is observed each year on 18th April. We hope societies will take this opportunity to showcase this wonderful hobby to the general public and conduct events in their respective areas to give hands - on experience to those who are not already radio amateurs.

Tackling the menace of intruders on our bands is a constant effort that needs attention from all and getting administrations to act on the reports of intruders we generate is a difficult but necessary activity.

IARU addresses new radio spectrum pollution threat

The Administrative Council (AC) of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) held a meeting late last years just before the IARU Region 1 Conferencein Germany.

The AC is responsible for the policy and management of the IARU and reviewed its priorities and positions with regard to the agenda items for the 2019 World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-19) of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

A key priority is High Power Wireless Power Transmission (WPT) for electric vehicles as it is seen as having a significant potential for interference to radiocommunications. Addressing this threat requires an increased commitment of resources by potentially affected radiocommunication services, including amateur radio.

To read more about this please take a look at the link on the email edition of this broadcast.


Microwave QSO Party in VK7

This takes place every Sunday morning after the WIA and VK7 Regional News broadcasts. It starts on 1296MHz in Hobart and uses the large passive reflector of Mt Wellington to bounce microwave signals off. It then turns to digital contacts between the North and South of the State. There are 5-6 regulars on 23cm.

It has recently moved to 10GHz and there are four stations using Mt Wellington as a microwave passive reflector. FM, SSB and FT8 modes are used.

Thanks to Rex VK7MO for that report.


We learned about the first YL amateur in VK7 last week - this week we learn about the first female member of the WIA....

VK2FV our first YL

Florence McKenzie was the first female member of WIA but that is not all this dynamic woman achieved. She was the first female electrical engineer in Australia, opened her own electrical supplies store in Sydney, co-founded the Wireless Weekly magazine, authored several electrical handbooks, formed the Electrical Association for Women Australia, and importantly for Australia's war effort she formed the Womens Emergency Signalling Corp with her trained telegraphist in 1941 forming the nucleus of the Womens Royal Australian Navy. Florence has many more achievements to her name and also found the time to pursue interests in tropical fish and antique furniture, and to correspond with Albert Einstein. Described as dainty, generous and humble she was fondly known as Mrs Mac. Florence lived a full and long life dying at the age of 92 in 1982.


February 18 VK3 - 9am WANDARC HamFest Italian Sports Club, Werribee
February 25 VK2 - Wyong Field Day
March 11 - VK2 - Sydney Amateur Radio Ferry Contest - Waverley ARS
March 17 & 18 - VK7 - Meet The Voice Event - Ross Tasmania
March 17 & 18 - VK - John Moyle Memorial Field Day Contest
March 25 VK3 - EMDRC HamFest Great Ryrie Primary School Heathmont
April 7-8 VK3 - Antennapalooza 2018 - EMDRC, GGREC, MDRC & FAMPARC at Drouin in VK3
April 18 - World Amateur Radio Day - IARU
April 22 - VK6 - Hill Amateur Radio Group HARGFest Swapmeet 10:00-14:00
May 4 -7 - VK4 Clairview Gathering ( between Rockhampton/Mackay )
May 18 to 20 - VK4 - WIA Radio & Electronics Convention & AGM weekend
June 9 & 10 - 2018 South East Radio Group's Convention and Australian Fox Hunting Championship
July 7 & 8 - VK3 GippsTech 2018 - The 21st annual Gippsland Technical Conference
August 11 & 12 - VK - Remembrance Day Contest
August 18 & 19 - WW - Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend
October 6 - WW - Oceania DX contest
Nov 11 VK5 - Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society HamFest

Weird and Wonderful

Spy like number station in North Korea

Musical tones followed by a stern voice have been heard over shortwave radio, timed with the Winter Olympic Games in South Korea

Received by at least one radio amateur the numbers station is meaningless except to those with the spy message decipher book.

This transmission under the callsign VI5 is quite strange.

A signs of the times

Trying to get if hold of a modern receiver that covers the shortwave spectrum can be hard.

Now comes news from Sony of Japan that it has stopped production of two shortwave receivers.

With few broadcasters left on the international frequencies it seems the demandhas also fallen off.





Submitting news items

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug commercial traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your supporters in this text edition "no worries."

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to

and don't JUST send url's links but take the time to pen YOUR contribution. To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

We would appreciate items no longer than 2 minutes in length as we only have a half hour time slot window.

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News.

Each item will only be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your item write in the 3rd person.


WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.

TWITTER Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.

Who and where are they?

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs.

Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to WIANews wouldn't go astray...

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© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)