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Oh... and to contact us with your news because
If It Matters To You It Matters To Us!

Email (click news in member area) Submit your audio news


Please... If you are only submitting text and not audio, write your story as
you would expect to hear it being read back and NEVER send just links &
url's. When you upload audio email us the txt version.



WIA Radio and Electronics Convention and AGM. -

WIA's Dale Hughes VK1DSH attends Asia-Pacific Telecommunity gathering in Perth. -

WIA Directors Skype to your local club meetings. -

WIA President Justin VK7TW reports in this week's Board Summary.


Submitting news items

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug commercial
traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your supporters in this text
edition "no worries."

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to
and don't JUST send url's links but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

We would appreciate items no longer than 2 minutes in length as we only have
a half hour time slot window.

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only
be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different
slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your
item write in the 3rd person.



Communications Minister Mitch Fifield has announced an auction process for
the 3.6GHz band. Services in the 3.6GHz band will have up to seven years to
vacate in regional areas, and only two in most of the nation's capital cities.

Minister Fifield issued declarations for the services to move as part of
beginning an auction process for 125MHz of the 3.6GHz spectrum favoured for
use by upcoming 5G services. In its plan put forward in October, the ACMA
proposed auctioning off the 3.6GHz band in the second quarter of this year,
followed by auctions of 850/900MHz, 26GHz, and 1.5GHz bands in 2019.

The 3.6GHz spectrum band is currently used in Australia for fixed-line and
satellite services.

(Kerrie VK2FKND)

In an effort to improve aviation efficiency and safety, Inmarsat and
Airservices Australia have partnered up on satellite voice communications.
Specifically, the focus will be on evaluations for air traffic services in
Australia in areas beyond the reach of traditional VHF voice coverage.

Through the partnership with Inmarsat, Airservices Australia will help
airlines and operators to complement conventional voice communications
equipment with modern digital technology. The evaluation is working towards
two important customer benefits:

More effective and ultimately safer aviation safety services over the oceans
and remote areas, and lower weight for avionics, contributing towards reduced
fuel burn and greenhouse emissions.

SatVoice communications is a two-way channel, satellite-based service that
enhances accuracy in cockpit communications and therefore aircraft safety.

Read more:


Graham VK4BB back 'on deck' and thank you to everyone who stepped in to keep
the WIA News on the air this past 10 or so weeks.

It was a quirk of fate that the backup team for some 23 years or so announced
just a fortnight before I left suddenly were unavailable from 2018 on.

President Justin, VK7TW organised several anchors and writers then another
'pot hole' in the news road, the untimely death of WIA Secretary Jim Linton
who for the past 3 or 4 years weeks in week out supplied news of what our WIA
was up to.

Around the same time as this was going on a prolific writer and reporter for
WIA news, and an immediate past WIA Director lost HIS wife, Val. Roger VK2ZRH
again, thoughts are with you..

So as we move forward I'd like to say a huge thanks to the myriad of Hams
who reached out with condolences, entire call-back teams put pen to paper so
thanks one and all.

To the WIA via Executive Officer Bruce Deefholts and to our sister news
service in the USA, Amateur Radio Newsline via Editor Caryn Eve Murray a
huge thank you for the donations made (in lieu of flowers) to the
Gallipoli Medical Research Foundation

So with that... to WIA news:-

Hello this Justin VK7TW WIA Director presenting this week's board comment.

Over the past few weeks the other Board Directors have been letting you know
about some of the large scale strategic projects that the Board is considering.
This week I am focusing on some of the other more immediate key activities
that keep your WIA operational.

The Strategy Advisory Committee's last survey results clearly demonstrated
that members saw WIA involvement in international forums like the ITU, IARU
and WRC as the most important reason that they were members of the WIA. To
support this area the WIA Board approved the expenditure for Dale Hughes
VK1DSH to attend the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity gathering (APG) in Perth
last week.

Dale VK1DSH attended as APG coordinator for WRC19 agenda item 1.1
(ITU R1 50 MHz allocation) and, as such. takes an active part in the
APG meetings. Dale is also the Australian coordinator for Agenda Items 1.1
and 9.1.6 and represented the agreed Australian positions on these two agenda
items at the APG meeting. Agenda item 9.1.6 covers Wireless Power Transmission
(WPT) and it is important that we are able to express our concerns about radio
frequency interference that might be generated by WPT systems.

Board members meet regularly with the ACMA to discuss a broad range of topics
including the Deed of Agreement, Business Rules, reporting, submissions and
recently the legislative roadmap relating to the new Radiocommunications Act.
The WIA has an excellent working relationship with the ACMA. The Spectrum
Strategy group has a key role in this relationship through the research,
consultation, development, drafting and communication of many of the
submissions that go to the ACMA. The latest is the Licence Conditions
Determination recommendations that are about to go out for final comment to
members and the amateur radio community. Once final comments are received and
considered the submission will go the ACMA for consideration.

Finance reports form a big part of the Board meetings and the Board receives
monthly P&L and Balance Sheet reports. There are usually many questions that
are answered each month about these reports. In the last few months the board
agreed to the establishment of a Finance Committee. This committee once in
place will take over from the current Finance Working Group. This committee
will undertake finance and accounting functions for the WIA and address the
single point risks making this area more sustainable. This group along with
the Audit and Risk Committee will provide the governance structure the Board
needs to manage this area. The Board has decided to continue with the use of
independent bookkeepers and accountants in the short term whilst these
committees are established.

Supporting the Board's principle of making this organisation more sustainable,
the Board has put in place a Broadcast Team. This Broadcast Team now consists
of over 15 people who are involved in a variety of roles. This team puts
together the weekly WIA National News broadcast that you are hearing. The
Board approved the Terms of Reference and Role Descriptions and updated the
Policy for the Publication of Contentious Content to include the broadcast
along with publications. We now have a WIA National News Broadcast Handbook
to guide volunteers through the process in the future. The call for volunteers
was also successful in bringing in many new volunteers and we welcome them to
the Broadcast Team. We also welcome Graham VK4BB back into the anchor role
after a bereavement break.

The Board receives regular updates from the WIA Radio and Electronics
Convention - Beyond 2020 organising committee on the preparation of this event.
There are many elements to organise and the committee is busy making sure this
will be another one to remember. I encourage everyone to take a look at the
convention program on the WIA website. It has recently be updated with further
details. We have received a few questions about the relevance of it being held
at the SeaWorld venue. Even though this venue is a theme park resort, it has
excellent conference facilities and you don't have to go anywhere near the
theme park if that not what floats your boat. The venue is also close to a
wide range of accommodation options including caravan, camping and hostel
facilities. There is a fantastic Saturday afternoon technical program
including 2020 and beyond planning, the new Licence Conditions, FT8, both ends
of the spectrum with meteor scatter at the microwave end and dxing down at the
630 & 2200m end. There is also Telcall+ -HF meets 4G and Electromagnetic
Compatibility with the Board's very own Brian Clarke VK2GCE.

The Board gets many requests for Board members to attend club meetings. The
board has struggled with these requests given the financial position of the
WIA and all Board members are volunteers and most work full-time as well.
However, what we are able to offer clubs is a virtual presence. If your club
has the ability for a Director to Skype into your meeting and project it onto
a big screen with a suitable sound system for questions then this is something
the Board offers.

The QSL Bureau is another active area and with the establishment of the new
QSL policy there is a combination of education, compliance and endeavouring
to make the QSL bureau cost neutral. The general trend is toward electronic
QSL however there is a surprising number of hard copy QSL cards still going
through the Bureau especially for special events and DXPeditions. As an
example recently there was 45kgs or around 16,000 cards go out in a month and
postage these days is not a cheap option. The WIA also has an IARU obligation
in relation to QSL operations in that every attempt should be made to ensure
that inwards cards are delivered to members.

Data integrity issues within the ACMA Spectra system has haunted us again over
the last few weeks. What is data integrity I hear you ask and what does this
mean for me? Well there is supposed to be only one record in the Spectra
system per call sign. This is how the WIA determines which call signs are
available and which are allocated. If there are two records for the same
call sign then problems can occur. We discovered three call signs with
duplicated entries and these have been corrected by the ACMA and no call signs
or amateurs were harmed during this operation...HIHI. This was a good test of
our business rules that the WIA has in place with the ACMA.

Until next time this has been Justin VK7TW for the WIA National News Service.

WIA Merit Awards

The WIA Merit Award program identifies and recognises outstanding achievement
in the field of Amateur Radio that furthers the science of radio, and/or
service to the WIA.

The Awards play an important role in promoting excellence with nominations
made by WIA members and then decided by the WIA Board.

Nominations are now being called for the 2018 awards.

The WIA Merit Awards include:

GA Taylor Medal
WIA Honorary Life Membership
Chris Jones Award
Ron Wilkinson Achievement Award
WIA Technical Excellence Award
WIA Foundation Licence Award
Presidents Commendation

A full list of the origin of each award and the previous recipients is
available on the WIA web site.

The list of the current award recipients and their achievements will be
published in Amateur Radio magazine and on this WIA Sunday broadcast.

Nominations should be in the approved format utilising the form which is on
the WIA web site. Details in the text version of this broadcast.

The specific award is not part of the nomination process. That decision is
made by the WIA Board of Directors, and all WIA Merit Awards are not
necessarily awarded each and every year.

If a nomination is successful, these are usually announced at the WIA Annual
General Meeting, and where possible presented at that gathering of members.

Nominations close on 15th April 2018.

In addition there are also awards issued by the Publications Committee and
the WIA DX Awards Committee

Authorised by Peter Clee VK8ZZ, Secretary of the WIA (text edition only)

INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club,
ARRL, Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART, Local News Services VK2, 7 and the
WW sources of the WIA including VK2FKND

80-year-old radio ham rescued from top of mast

The Martha's Vineyard Times reports an 80-year-old radio amateur had to be
rescued from his 6m backyard antenna by the Edgartown Fire Department

William Welch K1IOC, an electrician and avid amateur radio operator, got his
SNEAKER caught atop a 20-foot-tall backyard antenna after he scaled the
structure to secure it ahead of an impending nor'easter, his wife Betty told
The Times.

Firefighters after plucking the plucky octogenarian from his high on mighty
perch took him by ambulance for observation at the local hospital.

His wife said. "His pride is a little bruised, but nothing else."


NZART is pleased to announce that it has negotiated with RSM and the NZ
Defence Force to obtain a licence to allow limited operation by ZL amateur
operators on 60m on a trial basis. The purpose of the trial is for RSM, NZART
and primary users to investigate the ability for the amateur radio operators
to operate on the frequencies of operation on a secondary basis without
causing interference to primary users. Operation centres on 5353 kHz and
5362 - 5364 kHz with a maximum output of 10 dBW e.i.r.p.

Swedish Telecoms Regulator Considering Charging Hams a Fee to Run More Than
200 W

Amateur Radio licenses were eliminated in Sweden in 2004, and Amateur Radio
in Sweden is "permission free," but prospective radio amateurs still must
pass an examination, typically arranged by Sweden's International Amateur
Radio Union member-society in Sweden, the SSA.

A certificate and call sign, valid for life, are issued without any future

Now Sweden's Post and Telecom Authority is considering lowering the maximum
transmitter output power for general Amateur Radio stations to 200 W PEP.
Under a set of wide-ranging proposed regulatory changes affecting many radio
services, radio amateurs wishing to run higher power would have to apply for a
license and pay an annual fee of about $33.


The BBC reports Trevor Baylis died on 5 March aged 80 years, of natural causes
after a long illness. His wind-up radio made communications available to
people across Africa without access to electricity.

In 1991, Trevor Baylis saw a television programme about the spread of AIDS in
Africa and he set about developing the wind-up radio. His first working
prototype ran for 14 minutes.

In 1995 BayGen Power Industries was set-up in Cape Town, South Africa
employing disabled workers to manufacture the Freeplay Wind-Up Radio.

His autobiography titled "Clock This" was published in 1999.


Although occurring in our region, IARU-MS Region 1 has reported interference
heard on the 15th Feb on 40m caused by one of Beijing's Over The Horizon

There is also a report of interference heard on 7120KHz in AM mode caused by
Radio Hargeisa in Somalia that was so strong it could be heard in Australia
and Japan.

What's more the same report mentions that on several occasions on
7000 -7040KHz there were Indonesian pirates 'SINGING' ON AIR.


All major Australian contests, rules and results, are on the
Contest Section of the WIA website.

March 17 & 18 - VK - John Moyle Memorial Field Day Contest

April 18 - WW - World Amateur Radio Day - IARU

June 17 - IARU R3 - 2018 QRP Day Region 3

August 11 & 12 - VK - Remembrance Day Contest
August 18 & 19 - WW - Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend

October 6 - WW - Oceania DX contest

VK2SRC activated for this year's John Moyle Field Day

VK2FAAD Pat, VK2FDJB David, VK2CDG Dave & VK2QJ Graeme are operating under
the SARC call sign VK2SRC for this year's JMFD from Vista Point Lookout near
Ebor, so please keep an ear out for them & give a call.

More on this year's JMFD here is Denis VK4AE, coordinator for the WIA
John Moyle Memorial Field Day.

"When you hear this news broadcast, this year's contest will be already in
progress over this weekend 17th 18th March and will conclude at UTC to 0059

While you may have left your run just a bit late as a portable station for
this year's field day, there is little to stop you from taking part as a
home station or a mobile (Portable) station and give out some numbers.

Those portable stations that are still out in the field may be too busy to
hear this news service as it goes to air, for they will still be flat out
making contacts and logging the many stations whom they have contacted during
this year's field day.

While the contest activities will soon be over, the next part of the field day
activity will soon commence.

When the contesting actually ends and the rigs are powered down, the task of
dismantling the station commences. This is not a lot of fun as everyone is
exhausted by the long effort of taking part. However, you must remember that
the job is not done until the paperwork is completed. Your log is vital to
your effort by recording all of the contacts you have made during those long
hours, but just as important in verifying all of the contacts made by the other
stations. So the log is a two part document, not just for you, but for
everyone else you have contacted.

So please do not forget to complete your log and submit it either
electronically to the various e-mail addresses or by snail mail by the
18th of April 2018, but remember the closing date will be midnight on the
25th April 2018.

I am looking forward to receiving the log of your efforts this year.

Last year there were well over 1,300 stations who took part, but only 162 took
the time, effort and bother to submit a log.

I hope that everyone has enjoyed the field day. As the logs are received they
will be noted on the WIA Website and as soon as the logs are all received the
results will be published in AR, on the WIA news broadcast and on the
WIA Website as soon as possible."


There is currently a chance to work some really rare grids.

HF Voyager is an ocean-going drone currently making its way from Hawaii to
California that can carry out amateur radio contacts in several digital modes.

On-board in a waterproof container is an Elecraft KX3 and a Raspberry Pi
computer enabling a variety of digital modes to be used. The station uses FT8
and PSK-31 on the 20 meter band as its primary operating modes.

You may also find it using WSPR in times of poor propagation.

Call sign to look for? KH6JF/MM. More details and the current location
of the drone are available

(Kerrie VK2FKND)


KH6QJ will be active again from Kiritimati Island, Eastern Kiribati, from
17 - 24 April as T32AZ. The station will operate on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10m
including activity in Worked All Provinces China (the WAPC) Contest.
(Kerrie VK2FKND)
VK Team will be active as VK9LI from Lord Howe Island 11 - 18 May 2018.
They will operate on 160 - 17m CW, SSB, FT8.
(Kerrie VK2FKND)

The Italian DXpedition Team are QRV from Cameroon as TJ3TT from 15 - 29 March.
Look for them on 160 - 10m CW, SSB and Digital.
Full details can be found on

Who IS that masked man?
A small group led by Zorro JH 1 AJT is in Bhutan till March 18 and have
reactivated their A 5 A call sign.
They will be on SSB, CW and RTTY.


Turkish Republic Of Northern Cyprus

TA 7 AZC, will be active as 1B/TA7AZC from the Turkish Republic Of Northern
Cyprus now till March 19th.

His main activity will be the Russian DX Contest (March 17-18th).

The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is a self-proclaimed state part of
Cyprus, which is only recognized by Turkey. The TRNC does not count for
anything for DXCC purposes. Also, the use of the 1B prefix is illegal and is
not sanctioned by the ITU.

For more details about TRNC, see:


Why we don't always publizice up and coming DXPeditions.

The D 2 TI DXpedition to Tigres Island, AF-108, has been cancelled due to a
whole host of ongoing factors. The Russian team had hoped to be active
mid-March for about a's a No-No.


News from the ANZAC front - RadioAmateurs remember

AM and CW on ANZAC Day, 25th April 2018

The traditional AM & CW event organised by Mike "Banjo" Patterson VK4MIK and
the Tablelands Radio Group of Far North Queensland, will again take to the air
for the 8th year.

This is not a contest.

It honours those modes used by service personnel in earlier wars.

The event idea came from a telephone conversation between Mike and World War 2
Coastwatcher in Papua New Guinea, Lionel Veale. Lionel set up his ATR4A HF
radio and orientated the antenna from behind enemy lines. Lionel was one of
those brave Coastwatchers who sent back vital information.

The concept developed by the Tableland Radio Group in Far North Queensland
basically asks us to consider changing modes on ANZAC Day nets, as an honour
and Amateur Radio salute to those who served or are serving.

(sourced to TARC)



The March PDF of the weather satellite publication GEO Newsletter produced by
the Group for Earth Observation is now available for free download.

The Group for Earth Observation's aim is to enable amateur reception of
weather and earth imaging satellites that are in orbit or planned for launch
in the near future.

An interesting article on ship tracks (similar to aircraft condensation trails)
is on pages 12 and 13 of the newsletter.


(Kerrie VK2FKND)

Still to come in WIA National News Colin VK3LED with special interest group
news including a "heavenly" look at satellites which reminds us that Monday
19 of March at 08:43 UTC students from Templestowe Valley P/S will have the
privilege to speak with Astronaut Scott Tingle KG5NZA on board the
International Space station.

Included amongst those students at the school is young Amateur Archie Toy
VK3FTOY who obtained his foundation licence early last year and has been a
very active and enthusiastic amateur.

If you would like to listen to the contact you can do so via the ECHOLINK
AMSAT conference node.

(From Tony VK5ZAI via VK3DN)


The Victorian D-Star Users Group are calling all hams with a reminder about
their next D - Star Technical Day, next Saturday at the Eastern Zone Amateur
Radio Club starting at 10.00

It's location:-

The Youth Room
39-49 Well Street,
Victoria 3840

( VK3SLR Allan Fowler - Secretary / Treasurer )



A 3U Cube Satellite, dubbed the HuskySat-1, is being developed by an
interdisciplinary team at the University of Washington and will be launched
into Low Earth Orbit.

A launch is planned for late 2018 with the ELaNA XXIV mission into a high
inclination Low Earth Orbit (LEO).

HuskySat-1 will carry a 30 kHz wide 145 to 435 MHz linear transponder for
amateur radio SSB/CW communications along with 1k2 BPSK telemetry. The
satellite will also transmit BPSK telemetry at 1 Mbps in the 24 GHz band.

(Kerrie VK2FKND)


On the same launch as an Amateur Radio satellite in January from India,
some tiny 0.25 U CubeSat's called SpaceBEEs not to be confused with the
fantasy insects in the "Futurama" TV cartoon also went into space when
they apparently should not have.

The US FCC says Swarm Technologies - a communications start-up, launched four
tiny internet satellites into space back in January. The FCC didn't approve
the project, saying the experimental satellites are dangerous. If confirmed,
it would mark the first known time in history that unauthorised satellites
have been placed in space.

The launch occurred on 12 January 2018, the state-owned Indian Space Agency
(ISRO) launched its 100th satellite, along with 30 others, four of these 31
satellites probably shouldn't have been packed to the cargo hold of the
Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV).

(Kerrie VK2FKND)

More Satellite news comes in this week from Peter VK7PD who tells us YOU
can send YOUR name to the Sun Aboard the Parker Solar Probe

NASA will send your name on a microchip to the Sun aboard the Parker Solar
Probe mission due to launch in the Summer of 2018. Coming from NASA we presume
they refer to the July/August 2018 Northern Summer.

The spacecraft and instruments will be protected by a 4.5-inch-thick
carbon-composite shield to survive in the 2500 F solar environment.

To submit your name follow the instructions at the web address you can find
on the text edition of this broadcast.

To learn more about the mission visit:


Doug VK4ADC asks WIA News listeners "Have you got something related to amateur
radio that you want to discuss in a forum environment on-line?

Are you seeking help with a technical issue and need quick advice?

The Australian Ham Radio Discussion Forum at might be just what you
are looking for.

There are currently over 1800 posts in over 350 threads with some 275
mostly-VK members contributing or tweaking their knowledge, and for those of
you who aren't already aware of it, it superseded the archived VKLogger forum
about 18 months ago.

The forum has sections dealing with HF, VHF and UHF, microwave, contesting,
digital, antennas, propagation, WIA info items, and even a wanted-to-buy or
sell listing area. If you need something else added, just ask, but most
aspects of AR in VK are already covered.

The forum is closely monitored for spam and offensive material and is safe
even for children to access.

Visit, register, and have your say.

Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz

WICEN Weather Watch
Cyclone Season is about and northern Hams need to be in the know
about curly wind movements to be ready for activation.

Check regularly the Australian Bureau of Meteorology website at for the Coral Sea Gulf of Carpentaria cyclone warnings.

Alternative source for information regarding cyclone formation at Joint Typhoon Warning Centre Vanuatu Meteorology & Geo-Hazards
Department Fiji Meteorological Service

Disaster Management Information
Queensland Government
Burdekin Shire
Cairns Regional
Cassowary Coast Regional
Charters Towers Regional
Hinchinbrook Shire
Mackay Regional
Townsville City
Whitsunday Regional

( Townsville Amateur Radio Club )

Australia has WICEN, the UK has RAYNET

RAYNET groups around the UK were activated during the heavy snowfalls last
week or so.

Cardiff & District RAYNET were called in to assist with the transportation
of key personnel, such as community care workers, as well as assisting
stranded motorists to reach safety. Lothian & Fife RAYNET groups provided a
communications net for the local 4x4 Response group, passing over 800 messages
during their sixty-five hours of continuous operation.

Glasgow & Clyde RAYNET assisted Scotserve, a voluntary medical response group,
who were transferring staff to and from the children's hospital in Glasgow.

Kent County RAYNET members with 4x4s turned their hand to transport as the
County Emergency Centre sought help for stranded health and care workers.
Altogether, they drove a total of 350 miles ferrying district nurses and
care home staff.

Further details on RAYNET's activities at


SW broadcasts to warn fishing vessels

After facing criticism for its failure to warn fishing vessels at sea during
Cyclone Ockhi, the Tamil Nadu State government plans to use shortwave radio
broadcasts to provide vital information

The Hindu reports the Tamil Nadu State Disaster Management Authority will
soon hold a meeting with the Regional Meteorological Centre and All India Radio
to discuss the possibility of starting a dedicated radio station to
disseminate weather forecasts to deep sea fishing vessels.


Social Scene


March 17 & 18 - VK7 - Meet The Voice Event - Ross Tasmania
March 24 - VK3 - D-Star Technical Day Eastern Zone ARC
March 24 - VK2 - Club Auction / Sale Day - Wagga ARC
March 25 - VK3 - EMDRC HamFest Great Ryrie Primary School Heathmont
Mar 31 - Ap 1 - VK2 - Urunga Radio Convention - Urunga

April 7-8 - VK3 - Antennapalooza 2018 - EMDRC, GGREC, MDRC & FAMPARC
at Drouin
April 22 - VK6 - Hill Amateur Radio Group HARGFest Swapmeet 10-2PM
April 22 - VK5 - South Coast Amateur Radio Club Annual Buy, Swap and
Sell 10-3PM

May 4-7 - VK4 Clairview Gathering ( between Rockhampton/Mackay )
May 18 to 20 - VK WIA Radio & Electronics Convention & AGM Gold Coast

June 9 & 10 - VK5 2018 South East Radio Group's Convention and
Australian Fox Hunting Championship - Mt Gambier
Jun 9 & 10 - VK2 - Oxley Region ARC Field Weekend - Oxley Radio ARC

July 7 & 8 - VK3 GippsTech 2018 The 21st annual Gippsland Technical

Nov 11 VK5 - Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society HamFest

Submitting news items

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug commercial
traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your supporters in this text
edition "no worries."

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to
and don't JUST send url's links but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

We would appreciate items no longer than 2 minutes in length as we only have
a half hour time slot window.

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only
be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different
slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your
item write in the 3rd person.



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time
and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
Who and where are they?

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in
"WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily
reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast
in the spirit in which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

If you have call-backs to contribute to the National News call-back tally
then please send through your call-backs to

Who listens to radio? A weekly 'tally sheet' is sent to all rebroadcasters
and interested listeners, to get your free copy send a blank email to:-
Put the word subscribe in the title or subject field

How do I join this National News List? (subscribe for an automatic weekly
Email to
from the email account that you wish the emails to go to.

How do I leave this National News List? (unsubscribe your weekly feed)
Open mail program which sends mail from the address you want to unsubscribe.
Send mail to the list unsubscribe address
You will be sent a confirmation mail and must follow the instructions given
in that mail to complete the unsubscription.

Once your unsubscription has been processed, you will probably
receive another message confirming your unsubscription from the list,
and at that point you should stop receiving messages.


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)