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Please... If you are only submitting text, write your story as you would
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So "to the news'

it's now official!
sunspots ARE vanishing faster than expected
so careful 'aiming' of your YAGI should still net a bunch of special calls
this weekend from Europe as they celebrate EUDOTA:

Europe Day 'on the air' 2018

This year, 9 May is on a Wednesday, but, active from Friday 4, this whole
weekend, listen out fore special callsigns with an AO prefix and an EU suffix
commemorating the creation of the EU in 1950.


So far in 2018, the sun has been blank more than half the time.

Whole weeks have gone by without a single sunspot.

Although forecasters have been expecting sunspots to disappear with the
approach of Solar Minimum, it is happening faster than predicted.

Visit to see the data and to find out what it means to we
mere Earthlings.


Hello this is WIA Director Justin Giles-Clark VK7TW with this week's Board comment.

The WIA Radio and Electronics Convention - Beyond 2020 is close. It will be a full
weekend of activities and a huge thank you to the Gold Coast Amateur Radio Club.
They have done a fantastic job organising the weekend and activities.

The Seaworld
Conference Centre will the centre of activities on the Saturday and the Sunday
activities will be centred around the North Pavillion of the Broadwater Parklands
in Southport.

In keeping with the "Beyond 2020" theme we will be bringing some technology to our
management process including automated processes for validating entry into
the various functions.
When you check in and receive your lanyard you will
notice that the lanyard is barcoded.

This unique barcode is your ticket to entry
into the functions, food, tours and events to which you have have registered.
Keep your lanyard with you - its your ticket to the 2018 WIA Radio and Electronics
Convention and AGM.

For those who wish to purchase book, raffle tickets, pay membership fees we will
be accepting credit / debit cards at the venue.

There are some fantastic prizes from ICOM and RF Solutions. ICOM have come to the
party with an IC-7300 - SDR Transceiver and RF Solutions has supplied a headset
as a prize. Each delegate receives one entry into the raffle and extra tickets
can be purchased during the events on Friday or Saturday. Ticket holder must be
present at the Saturday night dinner to be eligible. If the winning ticket-holder
is not the holder of, or related to the holder of an AOCP, they will receive a
$1000 courtesy of Icom Australia.

After the AGM and Open Forum on the Saturday there will be an opportunity for
members to participate in shaping the WIA beyond 2020 workshop. This workshop will
be facilitated by the WIA Strategy Committee and will provide a forum for
participants to share their views on a number of issues critical to the long term
sustainability of the WIA and Amateur Radio in Australia.

After lunch there are so
many presentations we have had to split them into two parallel streams.

The first stream has the following presentations:

The FT-8 Revolution with Rex Moncur (VK7MO)

David Rowe (VK5DGR) will be letting us know about FreeDV What is it - How does it

MMDVM How does it work ? with Lindsay Harvey (VK2AMV)

Dr Kevin Johnston (VK4UH) from the Redcliffe Club will be telling us about
Meteor Scatter

630m and 2200m Dxing with Roger Crofts VK4YB

In the second stream there are these presentations:

Tim Dixon (VK5ZT) will be telling us about Light Talkers

HF meets 4G in the bush: How Telcal+ is improving outback communications with
Geoff Peck from Austravel Safety Net Inc

WIA Director Brian Clarke (VK2GCE) will be telling us about Electromagnetic

Learn about the New Licence Conditions Determination. & Spectrum Outlook with
members from the Spectrum Strategy Committee

WIA Strategy Group will be talking about Knocking down barriers to entry


There is then some time to explore the Gold Coast before a great conference dinner
on the Saturday night. Our keynote speaker will be Jeff Johnson (VK4XJJ) and he
will be talking about his walk across Australia with Amateur Radio. Jeff is
66 years young and has walked from the Spencer Gulf to the Gulf of Carpentaria.
Along the way he raised funds and awareness for the Deaf-Blind Association (NSW) Inc.

After a sound sleep on Saturday night there are a range of activities available on
the Sunday morning from Balloon rides, museums and tours. Sunday afternoon will
see a huge number of activities at the Broadwater Parklands, North Pavilion,
These include:

Microwave Shootout with the Redcliff Amateur Radio Society

MMDVM Demonstration with the Amateur Radio Central West Group

GCARS Field Command Centre, the black art of Duplexers and Upgrade Assessments &
Foundation Training with the Gold Coast Amateur Radio Society)

Moonbounce EME @ 10GHz Demonstration with Rex VK7MO

Demonstrations from:

RF SOLUTIONS demonstrating the ICOM IC-7610 connected to an SPE EXPERT 1.5K-FA
linear amplifier, and a wide range of other amateur radio products on display
and for sale.
Future Systems demonstrating the latest in SDR by Flex Radio.

The Australian HF Touring Club demonstrating coast to coast HF Land Mobile

Bushcomm HF Antenna / Showcasing Bushcomm antenna systems and the
new Barrett 4050 HF SDR Transceiver

VKS737 Radio Network Showcasing the national VKS737 HF radio network for
nationwide emergency and general communications

Austravel Safety Net Inc. showcasing SelCal+ bridging the gap between HF and
mobile phones

Queensland Fire and Emergency Service Emergency communications centre

Queensland Ambulance Service Operations support unit

Queensland SES Communications Unit

Queensland Police Service Mobile Policing Facility

After all that if you are still around on the Sunday night we finish off with a
BBQ courtesy of the Gold Coast Amateur Radio Society.

So, if you haven't booked yet then please do so soon as time is running out and
places are limited. Don't forget to use the Sea World accommodation booking form
on the WIA website to receive the delegates rates.

Look forward to seeing you there.

This has been Justin VK7TW for the WIA Board.


INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club,
ARRL, Amateur Radio Newsline, NZART, Local News Services VK2, 7 and the
WW sources of the WIA including VK2FKND

3D6/3DA0, Kingdom of eSwatini (new country name)

King Mswati III of Swaziland has announced that he was renaming the country
'the Kingdom of eSwatini'.

The monarch announced the change in a stadium during celebrations for the
country's 50th anniversary of Swazi independence and the king's 50th birthday.

The new name, eSwatini, means "land of the Swazis".

The new name does not change the DXCC status of this entity.

RF pollution from solar panels

The Netherlands amateur radio society VERON reports on a case of RF pollution
from a solar panel installation

Jaap PA3GYM received an unpleasant surprise when neighbours installed
solar panels on their roofs - high levels of interference to his HF

It made his amateur radio hobby impossible so he asked for help from the
VERON EMC-EMF Committee.

Read the VERON report in Google English at the link in this week's text
edition, best read at

New RSGB President elected

The RSGB received one nomination for President and so is pleased to announce
that Dave Wilson, M 0 OBW has been duly elected as RSGB President until the
2020 AGM. Dave's term of office will start on the 12th of May.

For the second year, the Barry Amateur Radio Society of South Wales in the UK
has gained permission to operate within the Royal Mint, and regulator Ofcom
has granted the call sign GB 4 RME ("Royal Mint Experience").

The theme of the June 1 - 2 event is "Covert Radio as used in World War II."
At the same time, The Royal Mint will release a new 10-penny coin bearing a
James Bond 007 theme.

"They asked for our support in setting up a World War II covert radio display
in keeping with James Bond exploits in the movies," said Glyn Jones, GW0ANA.

The building's lead roof "RF killer" and razor-wire "Faraday cage," plus
electronic alarms, give the radio amateurs "loads of technical problems to
overcome," Jones said.

GB4RME will operate on SSB, CW, digital modes, and satellite.

Ham radio regulatory changes in Eire

ComReg's massive allocation of low-band VHF spectrum to radio amateurs in Eire
is most welcome and sets an example to other regulators

The low-band VHF allocations are now:

30.0-49.0 MHz

50.0-52.0 MHz

54.0-69.9 MHz

69.9-70.5 MHz

The national amateur radio society, IRTS, is to be congratulated on achieving
amateur access to so much spectrum and they will be producing a local band
plan in consultation with countries that have allocations at these frequencies
and IARU.


All major Australian contests, rules and results, are on the
Contest Section of the WIA website.

May 12-13 - WW - Mills On The Air

June 17 - IARU R3 - 2018 QRP Day Region 3

August 11-12 - VK - Remembrance Day Contest
August 18-19 - WW - Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend

October 6 - WW - Oceania DX contest

Antique Wireless Association Valve QSO Party

The Antique Wireless Association of Southern Africa, AWA Valve QSO Party is a
phone contest held over two sessions on Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 May this year.

The South African Radio League say Saturday afternoon the AM session will be
on the air from 13:00 to 17:00 UTC and on Sunday the SSB session will run from
13:00 to 17:00 UTC.

Activity on both days takes place on 40 metres between 7 063 and 7 100 kHz and on
80 metres between 3 603 and 3650 kHz with your call sign a RS report, a
consecutive serial number starting at 001 and the type of radio used, e.g.
HT37 TX as the exchange.

Certificates will be awarded to the first three places in each category

(sarl via SouthGate)

A special event station, GB60OT (that's GB sixty OT), will operate CW, the
Digital modes and occasional SSB, between the period of May 19-27th, inclusive.

This station is celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Radio Amateur Old Timers
Association (RAOTA) and the station will be very active during the
CQWW WPX CW Contest (May 26-27th).



A large, mainly Belgian, group are active as C 8 T from Mozambique the 2nd
to the 15th of May.

They will operate SSB, CW and RTTY on 160-10 metres with four stations.
A fifth station will operate 2m EME, 60m and extra digimodes on all bands.



Yes whilst the Commonwealth games have drawn to a close, making contact with
the special event station VI 4 GAMES is still possible right up until the 31st
of May when the licence issued by the ACMA expires.

VI 50 IARU 3

IARU Region 3 has 39-member countries and to help celebrate the formation
50 years ago, the WIA has been able to secure a special call sign VI50IARU3
which will be on air until 31st August.

(sourced to memnet)

GR9RW 19th - 23rd May 2018

Ofcom has issued this unique 'Special Event Call sign' to be used from 19th to 23rd
May inclusive, and we believe it may be the first time that the 'GR9' prefix
has ever been active.

The special callusing GR9RW will be active for five days in May to mark the
occasion of the Royal Wedding between HRH. Prince Harry and Ms. Megan Markle
due to take place on 19th May 2018 at St. George's Chapel in Windsor Castle
in England.

GR9RW will primarily use SSB and CW, and additionally FM on the VHF and UHF

Two HF stations and one VHF station will be active and will cover all bands
from 80m to 70cm.

A very special QSL card will be sent on request.

(Sourced to SouthGate)

This month the First Class CW Operators Club, FOC, will be celebrating its
80th anniversary.

Between May 1-31st, FOC members from around the world will be active on the
bands with CW with special callsigns, many of them containing the number '80'
or an 'FOC' suffix.

VB18FIFA: World Cup 2018 Football Amateur Radio Marathon

Special call VB 18 FIFA will be on the air from June 1 to July 15 for the
2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia.

Members of the Maritime Contest Club will represent Canada and Radio Amateurs
of Canada at the request of the Russian Amateur Radio Union, the national
organization of Radio Amateurs in Russia.

The SRR has partnered with Amateur organizations in 60 countries to organize
special event stations.

Unfortunately QSLs will be via Logbook of The World only but an award for
working FIFA stations is available from the SRR online


See the VB18FIFA page on QRZ for more details.

(sourced in part to RAC)

VK Team will be active as VK9LI from Lord Howe Island 11 - 18 May 2018.
They will operate on 160 - 17m CW, SSB, FT8.

From the Holy Land, prefix hunters will be interested in Special Event
stations on the air to celebrate 70 years of the State of Israel.

Some 7 stations with Prefix 4 X 70

and one station 4 Z 70

The actual calls to listen out for are:-
4X70A, 4X70E, 4X70I, 4X70L. 4X70R, 4X70S, 4X70J and 4Z70IARC.

The calls are on the air until 27th June.


Japanese Special Event

Look for special event station, 8J1ITU, to be on the air from Japan until
May 31st.

Activity is to celebrate the anniversary of the foundation of the ITU
(World Telecommunication and Information Society Day - May 17th).

8J1ITU is operated by the Japan ITU Amateur Radio Club during the month of
May every year. This activity counts for Japan Honshu Island (AS-007,
JIIA AS-007-001, WLOTA 2376), as well as Kasumigaura City (Japan JCC# 1430).

QSL via the Bureau (JARL).

FISTS Club - East Asia
FISTS Club - Australasia
FISTS Club - UK & Europe
FISTS Club - Americas

Recommended FISTS calling frequencies (MHz):
1.808 3.528 7.028 10.118 14.058 18.085 21.058 24.908

In May 2018 the First Class CW Operators Club (FOC) will celebrate with the
FOC 80th Anniversary Challenge, a members-only event. During the entire month,
FOC members from around the world will be active on CW, using special
call signs, many of them containing the number "80" or having an "FOC" suffix.



Annual Armed Forces Day Cross band Communication Test Set for Saturday, May 12

In the USA their Military Auxiliary Radio System (MARS) will sponsor the
traditional military/amateur radio communication tests to mark the 67th annual
Armed Forces Day Saturday, May 12. Armed Forces Day is May 19, but the AFD
Cross band Military-Amateur Radio event traditionally takes place 1 week
earlier in order to avoid conflicting with Hamvention.

Complete information, including military stations, modes, and frequencies, is
available on the US Army MARS website.

The annual celebration is a unique opportunity to test two-way communication
between radio amateurs and military stations. It features traditional
military-to-amateur cross band SSB voice, CW, practice using legacy
interoperability waveforms, and the opportunity for participating hams to
utilize more modern military modes, such as MIL-STD Serial PSK and Automatic
Link Establishment.

Military stations will transmit (USB, unless otherwise noted on the schedule)
on selected military frequencies and will announce the specific amateur
frequencies they are monitoring. MARS stressed that frequencies used for the
test will not impact any public or private communications and will not stray
outside the confines of the exercise.



A third public test of the nascent FT8 "DXpedition Mode" is set for Saturday,
May 5, the WSJT Development Group has announced.

A fourth "release candidate" now is available, and participants in the public
test should install WSJT-X version 1.9.0-rc4, beforehand.

"Once again, the goal is to simulate a rare-DXpedition pileup by having many
stations ('Hounds') calling and trying to work a designated pseudo-DXpedition
station ('Fox')," Joe Taylor, K1JT, said on behalf of the WSJT Development

"Everyone participating in the test must use WSJT-X v1.9.0-rc4." Taylor urged
participants to "read, understand, and carefully follow" the FT8 DXpedition
Mode User Guide, which contains some operating procedure details that differ
from earlier versions of the beta mode software.

"If you have legitimate access to more than one call sign (spouse, a club call,
or whatever), please feel free to call and work each Fox more than once,"
Taylor said. "The more Hounds, the better; we want the test pileup to be as
deep as possible."

Participants are asked to report their test results and any problems
encountered to the WSJT-X development lists on or to the
Yahoo WSJT-X Development Group reflector.

The third beta release of the new DXpedition Mode has been tested over the
past several weeks, including during a public test on April 7. " A few
additional bugs were identified and corrected, and the -rc4 release also
includes some minor enhancements," Taylor said.



NASA sets sights on May 5 launch of InSight Mars Mission

NASA's next mission to Mars, Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations,
Geodesy and Heat Transport (InSight), was scheduled to launch Saturday, May 5,
on a first-ever mission to study the heart of Mars.

Coverage of prelaunch and launch activities began Thursday, May 3, on NASA
Television and the agency's website.

InSight, the first planetary mission to take off from the West Coast of the
USA, is targeted to launch from Space Launch Complex-3 at Vandenberg Air Force
Base in California aboard a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket.


Net is held each Mondays on 3.570 MHz, commencing at 1030 UTC.
(1000utc during daylight saving)

Back on April 15 we ran a story on Jerri Ellsworth who will be guest speaker
at HamFest 2018 in May. VK2KMI has been digging around the interweb and has
more on the activities of one very bright Amateur

Before I introduce you to this week's YL a big thank you to the Australian
Academy of Science for inviting me to speak at the Early Mid-Career
Researchers Forum on the subject of making science more inclusive.

You can check out the forum via the links

Now introducing Jerri Ellsworth AI6TK

Jerri epitomizes the young ham of today. Amateur Radio is just one of the tech
interests that she has and she manages to fuse as many of those interests
together as she can manage. Despite her young age, she holds a number of
patents & creates and works on some incredible inventions, including an
integrated circuit created using lithography, and a bass guitar made from a
Commodore 64 computer.

She is currently integrating aspects of virtual reality in Amateur radio

She recently spoke at the DX Convention in the US on the future of radio
communications and Amateur Radio. You can find more details of her work in the
link provided with the text version of this broadcast.

I'm Kimberly Olsen VK2KMI


ILLW involving the public at Point Lonsdale, Victoria

One of the most important lighthouses in Victoria, Australia is at Point
Not only does it house a Fresnel lens but also a communications room manned by
Pilots who control the entrance to Port Philip Bay from Bass Strait which is
guarded by a very dangerous piece of water called "The Rip". All ships have to
have a Pilot on board to guide them through this narrow channel with the one
exception being the vehicular ferry from Melbourne to Tasmania. The "Spirit of

Queenscliffe Maritime Museum will again participate in International Lighthouse
Lightship Weekend (ILLW) at this lighthouse with a number of activities being
conducted in conjunction with the Geelong Amateur Radio club.

These include Flag Raising, sounding of the restored 1928 Fog Horn, tours of
the light station precinct including guided tours up the lighthouse. The radio
club will broadcast from the lighthouse car park both days using the call sign

All activities are conducted by Queenscliffe Maritime Museum volunteers, by
arrangement with the Victorian Ports Corporation which continues to operate
the Vessel Traffic Control Station, the last remaining manned lighthouse in
coastal VK3.

Further information at



Organisers of a replica of the 1968 Golden Globe Yacht Race are after Radio
Amateurs from Around the world to help set up a network of stations to
communicate with participants.

F4GRS is asking all Radio Amateurs today to help them build a solidarity
network around the planet, so that we can communicate with the Navigators
during the race.

John VK6RD passed on some details but for further maybe 6RD is the 'point man.'

Medical Amateur Radio Council


Chertsey Radio Club based in the UK are using a long-distance road trip to
raise money for the children's ward at Saint Peter's Hospital in Chertsey.

James Preece, M0JFP will leave the UK on the 12th of June and drive 1,500 miles
from the UK through France to Benidorm in Spain, arriving on the 18th. He will
be working a lot of radio over the week including Satellites, HF and some
local repeaters.

To find out more email



Hallo everyone this is Clive VK6CSW reminding you that the Radio Amateurs Old
Timers Club of Australia's May bulletin goes to air tomorrow. This month as well
as all the latest Club news, Ian VK3JS will be presenting two articles on battery

Everyone, RAOTC members and non-members alike, is most welcome to tune in and to
join in the call backs afterwards.

The broadcast originates in Melbourne at 10 am local time on the VK3REC 2m
repeater with simultaneous relays on 1843 kHz and 7146 kHz.

At 0100 UTC for eastern states listeners, Hans VK5YX will transmit the program on
20 metres on 14.150 MHz

At 0200 UTC, for West Australian listeners the program is transmitted
simultaneously on 7088 kHz and via the linked repeater network.

At night the broadcast is repeated at 2030 hours Melbourne time on 80 metres on
3650kHz, in Tasmania at 1930 on the VK7RAA and 7RTC networks plus a TV
presentation by Tony VK7AX at 2030 hours Tasmanian time.

From Tuesday you can download the audio file from the Club website at where you also find full details about our Club.

Tune in tomorrow for the May RAOTC bulletin.

73 from Clive VK6CSW.

A Youth Net meets Saturdays at 0100 UTC on IRLP Reflector #2.
Young Hams Net 3.590 - 7:30pm Victorian time.

Young South African radio amateurs invited to apply for YOTA 2018

The SARL reports that South Africa will host 80 young Radio Amateurs from
34 countries in Europe, Africa and parts of the Middle East, for a week-long
international event from 8 to 15 August 2018.

This is the first time that YOTA (Youngsters-on-the-Air Summer Event) is
presented in South Africa and hosted by the South African Radio League (SARL).

"This annual event creates, in addition to amateur radio, the opportunity to
learn about different nationalities and cultures, foster international
friendships and goodwill as well as learning new radio communication and
technical skills", says SARL President, Nico van Rensburg, ZS6QL.

YOTA brings together young radio amateurs under the age of 26 who have a passion
for amateur radio and technology to learn new skills, discuss and share ideas
about amateur radio and its future. This year's camp will not just focus on
teaching individual skills but look at empowering the group to become mentors
and transfer the skills they have learned.

The week-long programme includes building a radio transceiver kit, becoming
involved in launching and tracking of a high-altitude balloon with various
radio equipment on-board, hone their communication skills using
multi-frequency amateur radio stations and other technology and
communications-based activities.

Social Scene 2018

May 4 - 7 - VK4 Clairview Gathering ( between Rockhampton/Mackay )
May 12 - VK3 Moorabbin & District Radio Club HamFest (VK3GL)
May 18 - 20 - VK WIA Radio & Electronics Convention & AGM Gold Coast

June 2 - VK4 Redcliffe and Districts Radio Club's REDFEST 8.30AM (VK4TFN)
June 9 & 10 - VK5 2018 South East Radio Group's Convention and
Australian Fox Hunting Championship - Mt Gambier
June 9 & 10 -VK2 Oxley Region ARC Field Weekend - Oxley Radio ARC

July 7 & 8 - VK3 GippsTech 2018 The 21st annual Gippsland Technical

August 4 VK3 Gippsland Gate Radio & Electronics Club HamFest (vk3bft)

Nov 11 VK5 - Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society HamFest
Nov 17 VK7 - VK7Hamfest Miena Community Centre (vk7wi)

Submitting news items

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug commercial
traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your supporters in this text
edition "no worries."

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the VK1WIA broadcasts,
please email your item in text to
and don't JUST send url's links or 'fleyrs, but take the time to pen YOUR

To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

We would appreciate items no longer than 2 minutes in length as we only have
a half hour time slot window.

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only
be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different
slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your
item write in the 3rd person.



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time
and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
Who and where are they?

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in
"WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily
reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast
in the spirit in which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

If you have call-backs to contribute to the National News call back tally
then please send through your call-backs to

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© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)