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Kimberley prison radio show instils confidence in inmates

'West Kimberley Regional Prison Radio Hour'.

A remote high-security prison in the Kimberley has created a weekly prison
radio program, presented entirely by inmates of the West Kimberley Regional

The WKRP show was first devised as an internal broadcasting service to give
updates on the goings on of the prison, and the initiative was so popular it
received permission from the West Australian State Government last year to
produce a weekly hour-long show through the National Indigenous Radio Service.

Producer Brad Spring (Derby Aboriginal Media Corporation) said it had given
the inmates new opportunities.

"It takes away the shame and that shyness," he said. 'I've seen some people
suddenly come alive and the way they speak has changed.'

What started as an internal program is now broadcast nationally, with inmates
putting together a weekly show which airs on community stations around the

'Jamie Boy', an inmate and radio presenter told the ABC:

"Doing it in here makes me feel like I'm somebody, it makes me feel important."

"I just pushed myself to do it, I've done a lot of self-confidence building
and that's going really good."

Media teacher Rebekah O'Meara who provides broadcast training to inmates said:
'The people want to learn and they want to know how to be better broadcasters,
and then when you explain how this is going to help them outside, that every
community has a small radio station, once they know how to broadcast and they
have those skills and get that confidence, that's another avenue for them.

'But it's a real shame that we have to wait until people are incarcerated
before we give them the skill to help them within their life.'

Jamie Boy enjoys broadcasting, saying 'it's okay here, but being away from
family, day by day I go through it knowing I'll be out one day.'

WKRP has a no shout-out policy, but Jamie Boy told the ABC his message for
his children would be 'I love you, miss you, and dad will be back soon.'


Good Morning this is Peter VK8ZZ

I was lucky enough to be able to take time off work to attend the WIA AGM
on the Gold Coast last month.

Having attended Hahndorf in 2017 I was very much looking forward to
meeting people again, taking part in the Forum events and seeing all the
fascinating field displays on the Sunday. I was not disappointed.

The AGM in 2017 had the feeling of an adversarial nature. This was not in
line with my expectation of my fellow amateurs. At that meeting
individuals went out of their way to cause disruptions to the meeting.
Whereas 2018 AGM was a very civilised and sober event.

Matters raised at the meeting were discussed with civility and motions
put were all passed on a show of hands.

No one I spoke with on the weekend felt they were not able to have their
say on the day.

The draft minutes and video of the 2018 AGM are now available on the
WIA Web site.

The 2019 AGM and Convention will be held in Sydney.

In an effort to allow amateurs plenty of time to prepare for that weekend,
the Board are currently seeking expressions of interest for the 2020
event. We encourage all clubs in all states to consider putting their
hand up for this event. Please write to the
for more information. Lots of assistance is available.

This is Peter VK8ZZ in Darwin


VK2 + VK4 + VK5 = A NEW VK3 HAM

All it took was a phone call + SARC

Duncan VK2DLR, the Lismore based club "Summerland's Education Officer
tells how a chance encounter while doing voluntary work in VK4 has
lead to another foundation licence.

A dormant interest in amateur radio was re-awakened after 'Sue' chanced
to meet an amateur radio operator while working as a volunteer in

A quick search of the Internet and a phone call from VK5WC put our
traveller in touch with SARC.

As flexible as ever SARC education quickly organised some study material
for Sue and arranged an exam day. A week later after a couple of hours
revising some of the finer points of the foundation syllabus, Sue sailed
through the exam.

We can now look forward to greeting a new VK3 SARC member as soon as the
paperwork gets through the system.


Robert VK3ARM pops in:-

G'day I've just completed the WIA Survey regarding the draft Licence
Conditions Determination submission to the ACMA.

A lot of hard work by the WIA has gone into that and I have to admit that,
as an Advanced Amateur Licence Holder, I'm disappointed that the WIA has
had to frame these recommendations based on the input of so few Amateurs,
given the number of current Members of the Wireless Institute of Australia
and the number of Australian Amateurs overall.

In particular, I feel that 460 odd survey contributions to these matters
makes it hard for the WIA to convince the ACMA that they are operating in
the best interests of all Australian Amateurs.

The final comments for the Licence Conditions Determination submission
are currently available to view on the WIA's website at

Click on News and Events, go to News Releases and look for the Final
Comments - WIA LCD Submission heading.

The WIA is calling for final input from you, WIA Member or not in a
survey. Here's a chance to really make a positive difference to our hobby.
Wouldn't it be nice to have thousands of final comments from Australian
Amateurs, not just a few hundred as has happened previously.

So come on, go to it! You only have until the 30th June.

My comments here are not in the role of any position holder within the
WIA but as a concerned individual. I am a member of the WIA,
Amateur Radio Victoria and the Ballarat Amateur Radio Group. I support
the need for change as outlined in the submission.

You should too.

Robert VK3ARM


INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club,
ARRL, Amateur Radio Newsline, RAC, NZART and the World Wide sources of
the WIA.

ARISS Ham Video Transmitter Aboard ISS Defective

Gaston Bertels, ON4WF has provided an update regarding the condition
of the ARISS HamTV system aboard the ISS.

In mid-April, the Ham Video transmitter on board the Columbus module
of the ISS stopped working. Extensive testing was performed by the
crew on June 1, 2018 which comprised connecting the transmitter to
the second ARISS L/S-band patch antenna on the nadir of Columbus.
The test was negative. Ground stations did not receive any signal
from Ham Video.

Since on-board repair is impossible ARISS is planning to return the
transmitter to Earth. Bertels wrote, "We hope this plan will be accepted
by the space agencies and the cost of operations funded by sponsors.
Schools and crew members performing educational ARISS school contacts are
delighted to use Ham Video. We will do the best we can to restart this
service as soon as possible. We will keep you informed on progress."

Additional information about the HamTV project can be found on-line at:

WRC-19 preparations underway

Preparations for the next World Conference in 2019 have continued
over the past few weeks with meetings at ITU in Geneva and CEPT
Project Team D in Estonia.

Volunteers from IARU and Member Societies have been engaged on two
key agenda items of interest to amateur radio; regarding a
potential 50MHz allocation for Region 1, and Wireless Power
Transfer for charging electric vehicles.

For the latter topic, the RSGB has provided further information on
Wireless Power Transfer, including IARU briefing slides and links
to Ofcom measurements, on our WRC-19 focus page at


Morse biggest challenge for Thai Intermediate candidates

Radio Amateur Society of Thailand President Jakkree (Jack) HS1FVL has
provided an update on results of May 2018 intermediate class amateur
radio exam

There were a total of 70 candidates participating of which a total of
24 passed both the theory and the Morse code components. Morse appeared
to have been the biggest challenge, with only 25 candidates passing this

Read the full report on the June RAST meeting at


Role of radio hams in Mumbai monsoons

The Indian Express newspaper reports on invisible warriors who battle
Mumbai monsoons - The warriors? - Radio Amateurs.

The forces on the frontlines of Mumbai's monsoon crisis-management have
a set of images that define their functions. The fire brigade invariably
rescues youngsters stranded out in the sea at Bandra Fort, employees of
the BMC clear out fallen trees, guard open manholes and disinfect
mosquito breeding spots, hospitals witness queues of patients with
water-borne diseases, the police are seen standing in waist-high water
diverting traffic and the National Disaster Response Force frantically
remove rubble from collapsed buildings, working to save lives.

All the while, there is no such picture to define the importance of a
band of 'invisible' volunteers who pull the strings from the sidelines
and ensure that lines of communications between the agencies never
break down. For close to half a decade, amateur radio operators have
worked side by side with the BMC during monsoons. While they are kept on
standby by the civic body in case a disaster or torrential rain knocks
down electricity and phone services, the amateur radio operators also
perform a vital function by relaying information from all corners of the
city on days with forecasts of rough weather.

"This is a technical hobby and our expertise is special, which common
people do not have. During a disaster, communications are very
important," says Ham operator, Sudhir Shah VU 2 SVS, a manufacturer
of go-karts.

The 71-year-old usually oversees operations from the BMC's Disaster
Management Control Room, which has its own transceiver, directing his
colleagues on the field in other parts of the city. While phones and
hotlines ring off the hook inside the control room and bring information
from all corners of the city, Shah's messages have a far greater reach.

"This is a secondary channel of communication. We are highly mobile and
independent. We are a voluntary service and use our own equipment and
are always on standby," he adds.

Read the full story at


Use of shortwave radio by financial markets

Bloomberg reports that financial market traders are using a super-charged
version of techniques dear to amateur radio operators worldwide

On a 58-acre field that grew corn last year, two towers rising about
170 feet support a military-grade antenna shaped like a giant spider's
web. The array is pointed toward market centres in New York, London
and Frankfurt. A third pole, topped with a single round microwave dish,
is aimed at a data centre 16 miles away that powers one of the world's
largest trading hubs: the futures exchanges run by CME Group Inc.

Public records point to a probable explanation: Traders appear to be
testing the idea of using shortwave technology to convey data between
the CME facility and key exchanges around the globe -- a few millionths
of a second faster than rivals. That can be the difference between
winning and losing in high-frequency markets, where the ferocious battle
for being first continues to escalate.

The secret project in Maple Park, Illinois, was discovered -- appropriately
enough -- by a ham-radio enthusiast, Bob Van Valzah KE 9 YQ. It remains
shrouded in mystery. Even county officials and neighbours are unclear
about its purpose.

Read the full story at


All major Australian contests, rules and results, are on the
Contest Section of the WIA website.

June 22-23 - VK - Winter VHF-UHF Field Day

July 14-15 - WW IARU HF Championship
July 21 - VKZL Trans-Tasman Low band contest

August 11-12 - VK - Remembrance Day Contest

Now I am going to replay an item originally voiced for the VK7 state news
by Vince Henderson, VK7VH.

Because of great participation from VK7 Amateurs, they have taken out the
Remembrance Day Contest State Trophy for 2016 and 2017. Can they take out
the State trophy 3 years in a row?

The State trophy is awarded to the State with the highest aggregate score.

"For example, for us, it is the number of VK7 licenses divided by how
many logs are submitted. This is known as the participation rate. So, put
simply, the more logs submitted from Amateur Radio operators in Tasmania,
the better our chance is of winning the state trophy.

The Remembrance Day contest date and time is set for 0300 UTC (local time
is 1.00pm) on Saturday 11 August 2018 until 0300 UTC on Sunday 12 August

Full contest rules as Felix reminds us each week are available on the
WIA website,

Let me tell you about a simple way of making many contacts within a
few minutes. Last year a few local operators in Hobart made a concerted
effort to do the band dance.

What is the band dance?

It is an effort to work 3 hour repeat contacts on many bands. Most of us
had capabilities to work 70CM, 2M, 6M, 10M, 15M, 20M, 40M and 80M. We did
the band dance by making contact on all these bands every 3 hours. During
one such band dance, I achieved 24 contacts within a few minutes. We just
started at 70CM and worked our way down the bands. Do the band dance with
a few others and your score will increase dramatically, especially during
the triple points available between 1.00am and 6.00am on Sunday.

Will you commit to making at least 10 contacts for the 2018 RD contest?

We have many Amateur Radio operators that listen to this broadcast. So,
if you have taken in all I have talked about, will you make an effort to
put in a log for the RD contest 2018? I do hope you will. Remember,
submit your log. Electronic logs must be submitted with 14 days of the
end of the contest and hand written logs need to be posted within 8 days
of the contest end.

Most importantly, the RD contest remembers those that have served and
those that have fallen.

We must never forget them.

This is Vince Henderson, VK7VH. Thank you for listening and I look
forward to working you during the 2018 RD contest.

(sourced from the vk7wi news broadcast)

August 18-19 - WW - Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend
August 25-26 - VK - ALARA YL CONTEST

October 6 - WW - Oceania DX contest

Members of the Rotarians Of Amateur Radio and Friends are now QRV
with special event station VE3R from June 20 to 30 for the
Rotary International Convention in Toronto. QSL via bureau.

In celebration of the 50th anniversary of IARU Region 3, members of
the Radio Society of Thailand are QRV as HS 50 IARU until October 31.

Members of the Brunei Darussalam Amateur Radio Association are QRV
with special event station V850IARU until October 31 to celebrate
the 50th anniversary of IARU Region 3. QSL via V85TL.

The WIA has been able to secure a special call sign VI 50 IARU 3
which will be on air until 31st August to celebrate the 50th anniversary
of IARU Region 3.

A large number of special event stations remain on the air worldwide
celebrating FIFA World Cup 2018. Many awards are available for working
various numbers and types of station

Details are at

Special event station 7X2FIFA is active until July 15 during the
2018 FIFA World Cup. QSL via operators' instructions.

Members of the Chinese Taipei Amateur Radio League are QRV with
special call BV18FIFA until July 15 during the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

Members of Hellenic Amateur Radio Association of Australia will be active
as VK 18 FIFA from Sydney on HF for the duration of the FIFA World Cup.

Special event station SU18FWC is QRV until July 15 during the
2018 FIFA World Cup. Activity is on all HF bands using CW and SSB.

Members of the Bangalore Amateur Radio Club are QRV with special call
VU18FIFA until July 16 during the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

Look for special event station 4A18FWC to be QRV until July 15 during
the 2018 FIFA World Cup. QSL via bureau.

WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- ATV (Every pixel tells a story) - Video

Move to New BATC Video Streamer

The long awaited New BATC Video Streamer is now a reality.

The streamer page has changed with a much larger viewing screen and
simplified Chat Box.

VK7AX has moved to the new streamer and recent broadcasts during last
week have produced some very encouraging results. Experiments have taken
place with streaming a 1280x720 Widescreen with good pictures filling the
entire screen.

A reminder that the WIA National News and the VK7 Regional news can be
viewed as a slide show with the associated audio file on the new stream.

The link for the new BATC Streamer is provided on the email edition of
this broadcast.

(VK7AX - News Officer NWTR&TVG)


The Reverse Beacon Network and FT8

A few weeks ago, several prolific Reverse Beacon Network (RBN) nodes began
spotting FT8 signals, using the combination of WSJT-X and an unreleased
Aggregator Version 5.

The purpose of this limited Alpha test was to get a feel for the load and
other implications of carrying FT8 spots on the RBN.

The most striking characteristic of FT8 spots is their sheer quantity and
it seems obvious that adding FT8 spots to the spot flow could have a huge
impact on the infrastructure of the RBN. "We frankly do not know whether
the RBN servers will be up to the task", the RBN Team says, "so we
decided we had better find out before the autumn contest season is upon

Effective immediately and on a Beta test basis, the RBN's current spot
feed port 7000 will only handle CW
and RTTY spots, while port 7001
will be set up for FT8 spots only.

See for more information.



Celebrating the 35th anniversary of the first American woman to
fly in space, NN4ASA will be on the air from NASA Marshall Space
Flight Centre Amateur Radio Club in Huntsville, Alabama, USA.

Operating from 00.00 GMT on the 18th until 23.59 GMT on the 24th,
activity is expected on 7.195, 14.235 and 21.295MHz.

An 'out of this world' QSL card is available.


Aug 18th - Aug 19th is da International Lighthouse & Lightship Weekend.


Members of the Darwin Amateur Radio Club will activate the Point Charles
Lighthouse over the weekend of the international event. The lighthouse
has never been activated before.

( )

Medical Amateur Radio Council

A Fresh Voice for Broadcast Reporter Jamie Dupree, NS3T

A Washington, DC-based broadcast journalist and radio amateur, whose
ability to speak was severely impaired a couple of years ago by a
rare disorder, is adopting a technological solution to return his voice
to the airwaves.

Jamie Dupree, NS3T, suffers from tongue protrusion dystonia, and he has
limited speaking ability --

He had to drop off the broadcast airwaves and turn to print and online
journalism to continue covering politics for Cox Media Group's capitol
bureau. But now, Dupree plans to leverage technology that will give him
a fresh voice.

Dupree, 54, a contester and Potomac Valley Radio Club member, said in a
blog post this week that his plight attracted the attention of his
colleagues at Cox Media Group, who mounted an effort at the company's
Atlanta headquarters to find a high-tech solution to get him back on the
broadcast airwaves.

"What they found was a Scottish company named CereProc, which agreed to
sift through years of my archived audio and build a voice," Dupree said.
"The big news today is that it looks like that is going to work, and
allow me to 'talk' on the radio again."

He's calling it "Jamie Dupree 2.0."

"Does the voice sound perfect?

No. But it does sound like me," Dupree continued. "When I type out some
words, the text-to-speech program that I use spits them out in my new
Jamie Dupree 2.0 voice." Dupree concedes that the voice will sound
robotic to some of his listeners, but "for the first time in 2 years,
I will be back on the radio."


A Youth Net meets Saturdays at 0100 UTC on IRLP Reflector #2.
Young Hams Net 3.590 - 7:30pm Victorian time.

What do crickets, frogs and grasshoppers have to do with ham radio?
Everything, if you ask the organizers of the School Holiday Electronics
Workshops being offered for school kids in July.

The Bendigo Amateur Radio and Electronics Club has organized the workshops
in Castlemaine to help grow the next generation of engineers and, of
course, radio amateurs as well. In sessions geared to beginners age 7 and
older, students will learn the basics of electrical circuitry and get to
build a solar-powered grasshopper of their own. The workshop for students
10 and older will teach the basics of soldering. Those students will get
a homebrew cricket or frog. The club is also planning a third workshop
for returning students who already have been through the basics in
previous workshops.

For information about fees and schedule, contact the club via email on

South African Technology site MyBroadband reports on the upcoming
Youngsters On The Air event being held in August

The site says:

The Youngsters on the Air (YOTA) event will be hosted in South Africa
with 80 young people from 34 countries taking part. YOTA is the most
prestigious event on the International Amateur Radio Union Region One
youth calendar. It brings together young radio amateurs who have a
passion for radio and technology to learn new skills and share ideas
about amateur radio and its future.

The week-long programme includes:
- Building a radio transceiver kit.
- Launching and tracking of a high-altitude balloon with various
radio equipment on board.
- Honing their communication skills using multi-frequency amateur
radio stations and other technology.


Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz

Bom Bom Horse enduro another SARC (Lismore) success.

It was cold - down to below 5 degrees.
It was windy - gusting to over 40km/hr.

Roger VK2LRB, Paul Vk2PMG, Chris VK2ACD and Duncan VK2DLR weathered the
weather and delivered another successful SARC radio support for the
Bom Bom Horse Enduro.

The operation kept track of just short of eighty rider competing on rides
ranging from 20 to 80 kilometres.

The relatively compact nature of the course lent itself to 2M simplex
operation. Each checkpoint and base operation had its challenges.

Operators withstood the onslaught of riders, still bunched together
from the start approaching them in pitch black conditions that was
taxing their navigation skills. The riders were already under pressure
so calling out their rider number was lower than normal on their priority

There were no serious incidents but SARC handled requests for floats to
recover horses that withdrew from the event.

SARC's biggest contribution to the event was keeping track of the riders
doing the longer multiple loop even. The event organisers who do a
fantastic job considering how small their committee is, had to rely on
SARC's monitoring to ensure that all riders had been accounted for.

Another page in the long chapter of SARC providing radio progress and
welfare reporting for a community event.

(sourced to SACR newsletter)


VK1 SOTA Winter QSO Party here is the VK1 SOTA Association Manager, VK1AD.

"I'm proposing we hold the chilly winter event on Saturday 4 August 2018
from 9 am to 11:30 am ish. The VK1 winter SOTA QSO Party is popular
with interstate activators seeking a boost to their S2S log. In VK1 you
can use this event to combine a SOTA Peak and VKFF Park activation to
work potential P2P contacts. For those interested, past events have
culminated in lunch at the Ainslie Football Club around 12:30 pm.

I trust the majority will find Saturday 4 August 2018 suitable, this date
avoids a conflict with the high power WIA RD contest 11-12 Aug 18.
Please mark your calendars now and work on banking credits for a leave
pass on Saturday 4 August 2018.

While on the subject of winter, a reminder SOTA winter bonus points
commenced at 00:00h UTC 15 June 2018. The winter bonus concludes at
23:59h UTC Sunday 14 October 2018. The three point winter bonus applies
to summits >= 1200m ASL.

Andrew VK1AD
VK1 SOTA Association Manager
Andrew.VK1ad at

YLs Around the World

YL Nets
ALARA Net Mondays 1030 utc on 3.570 MHz
YL 222 DX Net 0530 utc 14.222 MHz
YL Activity day is the 6th of each month Listen on the hour and
call CQ YL 14.288, 21.188, 28.588 MHz
ANZA DX Net Monday is Ladies Day 0515 utc 14.183 MHz

Introducing MaryAnn NS7X.

MaryAnn made a comment on social media that I am sure the ladies
will love and will provide some insight to those planning ham
radio events. She said- 'I've decided to do a forum at the next
HamFest. I'm calling it: The Ladies' Afternoon Sewing Circle
and RF Society.

It's all about ambiance. Let's face it, the typical ham program
could just as easily be the Thursday afternoon engineering
department graduate student seminar. There's the sterile
environment, the expert standing at the front of the room
pontificating with a power point, the occasional query from the
audience, and the obnoxious guy who thinks he knows it all.

My YL panel is going to be a bit more fun. It'll be like after
the big holiday feast, when all the dishes are done, the guys
are in the den watching football, and the women are gathered
around the kitchen table engaged in animated conversation.
Of course, we be chatting about amateur radio, maybe over tea
with ham and cucumber sandwiches. I've ordered a few "fascinators"
to hand out to help with the mood. I figure I'll add miniature
Yagi's to the hats."

I think Maryann is on to something.

I'm Kimberly Olsen VK2KMI for the WIA National News

Social Scene 2018

July 2 - 6 VK4 Theresa Creek Campout all week long. (tarc)
July 7 & 8 VK3 GippsTech 2018 The 21st annual Gippsland Technical

Aug 4 VK3 Gippsland Gate Radio & Electronics Club HamFest (vk3bft)

Sept 21-23 VK4 Central Highlands AR Club AGM weekend Lake Maraboon (TARC)

Sep 28-Oct 1 VK4 Cardwell Gathering (TARC)

Nov 11 VK5 - Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society HamFest
Nov 17 VK7 - VK7Hamfest Miena Community Centre (vk7wi)

2019 Social Scene

May 3 - 6 VK4 - Claireview Gathering, between Mackay and Rockhampton (tarc)

Submitting news items

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug commercial
traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your supporters in this text
edition "no worries."

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to
and don't JUST send url's links but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

We would appreciate items no longer than 2 minutes in length as we only have
a half hour time slot window.

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being
broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only
be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different
slants to keep your event 'fresh 'and always if the news room is to read your
item write in the 3rd person.



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time
and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
Who and where are they?

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in
"WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily
reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast
in the spirit in which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...

If you have call-backs to contribute to the National News call back tally
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© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)