Oh... and to contact us with your news because
If It Matters To You It Matters To Us!
Email click news in member area & submit your audio
Please... If you are only submitting text and not audio,
NEVER send just links & url's but write your story as you would
expect to hear it being read back and then when you upload audio
also email us the txt version.
WIA Director Peter VK8ZZ.
What's what and who's who this week in the Hamdom
Some unusual calls, LZ 1146 SPS (for Bulgaria All Saints Diploma),
LY44WFF (A Lithuanian Light House) and on 28.200 4U1UN/B in
New York and more on 4U1UN when Jason VK2LAW takes a trip to
South Park later in this bulletin.
Jason will also look at more newcomers on 5 MHz - Ecuador and
With a week to go 355 entries for the 2018 International Lighthouse
Lightship Weekend amateur radio event have been received, Col VK3GTV
takes a shine to a few and looks at them in his Special Interest
Group segment.
It was 'rig for silent running' radio silence for nearly 6 hours
at a Wisconsin radio station after one of the DJs was shot.
Around 3 a.m., a masked and hooded man got into the WORT station and
opened fire on the DJs, one was taken to hospital and is recovering
from his injuries. But, for staff at the wireless station, they're
mired in mystery. "No, we don't know why. That's quite a concern of
ours," said a WORT spokesperson.
CQ Magazine report Hamvention will continue to be held at the
fairgrounds in Xenia. They cited improvements made for the 2018 show
and promised more for 2019. However, a new commercial exhibits
building will not be among them.
Australia's Amateur Radio Club that each year puts on the
Southern Hemispheres largest 'HamFest' the WYONG FIED DAY
had a change in leadership.
The following executive positions were filled at the Central Coast
Amateur Radio Club's Annual General Meeting last Saturday;
President: Myles VK2ASS, Vice President: Jaye VK2FOMG,
Secretary: Mark VK2CCR, Treasurer: Dave VK2DLS; the new
Publicity Officer is Dave VK2KFU.
The Club has a Facebook page on
and a Twitter account on #ccarclub
More information about the Central Coast Amateur Radio Club can be
found on the web site it will soon have various
interactive features.
And never a club to let the opportunity go by, they invite you to
the WYONG FIELD DAY in February 2019.
(Dave VK2KFU)
The WIA's RD contest commemorates the Amateurs who died during
World War II and is designed to encourage friendly participation
and help improve the operating skills of participants.
It is held on the weekend closest to the 15th August, the date on
which hostilities ceased in the southwest Pacific area. This was
the date of VP or VJ day, back in the day.
The Contest is preceded by an opening address and the reading of
the names of all Radio Hams who gave the Supreme Sacrifice during WW2.
The 2018 RD Contest Opening Speech (of 20 minutes) sequence is,
4min 40sec of "this frequency is in use" and pips.
Then a 15min 20sec speech sequence.
The 2018 address is given by Garry White, who on May 2nd 2016 was
promoted to WO-N.
As WO-N (Warrant Officer of the Navy), Garry is responsible to the
Chief of Navy (CN), and as the most senior ranking sailor in the Navy
is entitled to exercise command over all other Sailors in the RAN.
The WO-N is a member of the personal staff of the CN and as such,
operates from the office of the CN and is a member of Chief of Navy's
Senior Advisory Committee.
You can hear this year's opening here:-
Hi there, this is WIA Director Peter VK8ZZ
The Board of the WIA consists of members located in 4 different
states of Australia. They meet at least twice each month by video
The monthly meeting is generally held over 2 non-consecutive weeks
and is usually some 2 - 3 hours duration on each occasion.
The WIA Board is committed to openness and transparency and to this
end the monthly minutes of each WIA Board meeting since May 2017 have
been published on the WIA web site.
In his recent broadcast, WIA President Justin VK7TW mentioned several
items that were considered by the Board at the July meeting. A few
more things that were considered by the board included:
Approval of the new structure for the Media and Publications
Committee. This committee will be the overarching committee for the
following groups : -
AR Publications Group (previously the Publications Committee)
Broadcast Group (previously the Broadcast Committee)
Bookshop Projects Group
Sales and Marketing Group
Digital Publications Group
Ratification of the qualifications for student membership discount
Considered a sample item for the proposed Michael Owen Award
The Board of the WIA are very mindful of limiting unnecessary
expenditure. It is regretful that we have been unable to reply
positively to the many invitations that the Board receive to attend
the AGM, ordinary meetings and functions that clubs hold. Unnecessary
travel expenditure has been eliminated.
Board members can still attend club events but will be at the board
members own expense.
However, the Board are keen to attend club events and have already
attended a number of events by video conferencing facilities.
Just this last week three directors attended the North East Radio
Group's Annual General Meeting which was held in Briar Hill Victoria,
by way of a video conferencing facility.
We encourage clubs to request such attendance. It is often possible
to have more than one director attend in this way.
Just a reminder to clubs that we are seeking expressions of interest
for the 2020 AGM and Conference. If you club or group might be
interested then please contact me for details
This has been Peter VK8ZZ
Hello, I'm Geoff Emery, VK4ZPP, and I've been thinking.
We are here gathered around our radios listening to another episode
of amateur radio news. Many of us will take part in the call backs
run by local operators but how many of us have stopped to think
who else is listening too?
I know that there are people other than transmitting stations tuned
into these broadcasts from listening to my local relay. In my area,
the Sunday news goes out on UHF CB and internet streaming and people
calling in often list the listeners in their shacks. This would
suggest that the audience is probably far greater than the official
callback figures would suggest as there are many radio enthusiasts
around the country who listen to HF and other feeds and these days
the online SDRs make it easy to take a broadcast.
In my own case, it was whilst I was still at school that I started
listening to the state broadcasts on Sundays. Back when most amateur
broadcasts were still using AM, it was no harder than switching the
family radio to shortwave and delicately turning the tuning knob to
be able to listen. Now with scanners and other radios with broadband
receive as well as shortwave receivers and the internet, the ears of
the world can listen to activities from sources around your state
and the world.
It is one of the most effective communication methods as listening
to the radio keeps the mind focussed on the material being presented.
Whether we think in terms of podcasts or we like our news in company
with with the unseen listeners, items of interest, upcoming events
and activities of an electronic or radio nature can inspire someone
we have never met and cannot see. The person who follows the news can
turn up to your club swap meet or want to sign on for the next
training course.
We look around for the enthusiast seeking a new interest and yet we
neglect the people listening to this program. We like to think our
special hobby is growing and we don't see the potential and power of
what we do.
Try the power of the news and spread the word about amateur radio on
amateur radio.
I'm Geoff Emery and that's what I about you?
Renewing Amateur Radio Licences - A Reminder
It can happen to anybody - you forget to renew your licence and it
lapses. When you ask the ACMA, they tell you that a WIA callsign
recommendation is needed after which you make a new licence
Although the ACMA sends licence renewal notices, that's not an
obligation under the Radiocommunications Act. The ACMA sends the
notice as a courtesy, but if the renewal notice doesn't arrive for
some reason, it's still your responsibility to renew on time.
In fact, it's always the licensee's responsibility to ensure that a
licence is current. So check: do you know your licence expiry date,
and are your address details correct?
What about your callsign? Well, your callsign needs to be protected
too if you're attached to it. Your callsign indicates that you hold
a valid licence, but if your licence lapses and is not renewed, your
callsign is released and will be put on the WIA Public List 60 days
after the lapse date.
After 7 days the WIA will issue a Callsign Recommendation to whoever
wants it - with ballot provisions applying to 2-letter callsign in
some states. So the message is: if you don't want to fight to get
your call back, keep your licence current.
Full information of the process and forms needed can be read at
'All about Callsigns' and 'New licence or expired licence, or
reclaiming a former callsign' - on the WIA website at
INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club,
ARRL, Amateur Radio Newsline, RAC, NZART & the World Wide sources of
the WIA.
INDONESIA - Lombok Earthquake Communications, STAY OFF 7110 kHz.
ORARI - the Indonesian Amateur Radio Organisation, is actively
supporting Government efforts to provide relief with counter-disaster
communications on 7110kHz.
Information via Greg/G0DUB and Ewan/VK4ERM to theTARCinc indicate
that the counter-disaster traffic is heavy and vital and 7110kHz +/-
5kHz needs to be kept clear to facilitate efficient messaging.
Radio Amateurs throughout the world are asked to keep the frequency
clear, and stations near the region are asked to monitor the
emergency traffic if they can, in case they can assist.
also activate, ORARI Satellite LAPAN IO-86 to assist communication.
From YB0QA, the Operation and Technical Head of ORARI HQ, is
negotiating with one of the communication equipment agents to help
with the communication equipment to support the rescue operation.
The Indonesian Search And Rescue Council Central Java Region has sent
a group of rescuer and vehicles, led by YB2QC to join the
National Rescue Operation in Lombok
At this time there are 4 repeaters operating in the disaster area.
(WIA affiliated club VK4WIT theTARCinc and WIA home page)
Access to 71MHz driving innovation
UK amateurs continue to make remarkable progress with innovative
technology in the experimental 71MHz band.
The BATC Forum reports contacts of reduced bandwidth digital amateur
TV of between 59 and 87km, using the latest high efficiency video
coding. This follows the initial short range contacts when simplified
Notice of variation, ( NoV ) access to 70.5-71.5MHz was introduced by
Ofcom and the RSGB in June.
A decade of digital dependency
Ofcom study shows how a decade of technological revolution has
transformed behaviour.
One in five people spend more than 40 hours a week online. Brits now
need constant connection to internet, and are checking their
smartphone every 12 minutes, TWELVE!
Most people in the UK are dependent on their digital devices and need
a constant connection to the internet, following a decade of digital
transformation revealed by Ofcom. The findings are from Ofcom's
Communications Market Report - the most comprehensive study of how
communications services in the UK are changing.
This year it focuses on how technology has revolutionised lives
within ten years.
More Newcomers on 5 MHz - Ecuador and Bosnia-Herzegovina
The Ecuadorian telecoms regulator, ARCOTEL, has authorized operation
on 5 MHz under new WRC-15 Secondary Allocation 5351.5 - 5366.5 kHz
with a maximum power of 25W EIRP.
Bosnia & Herzegovina have also been authorized by their regulator,
RAK, for 5 MHz operation under the new WRC-15 Secondary Allocation
5351.5 - 5366.5 kHz with a maximum power of 15W EIRP
(Paul Gaskell G4MWO)
It looks like APRS and packet radio will be back aboard the
International Space Station sooner rather than later.
"NASA has given the go-ahead for the launch of a new packet module to
replace the one that died aboard the space station in July of last
year. The module has been outfitted with a new battery and given
sufficient testing to verify that it is operational. A request has
been made to send it up as part of the manifest for supply mission
71P, which could be sent as early as the 31st of October with a
projected docking on November 2nd. Meanwhile, the ARISS hardware team
have been working on the new Interoperable Radio System which it now
hopes can be deployed in early 2019. As for the packet module, the
crew will make an attempt to get that installed as time permits.
ARISS reports that it is expected to be operational again by late
I'm Robert Broomhead VK3DN."
FCC take action regarding illegally marketed HT's
The ARRL report the US communications regulator, the FCC, is taking
action against an importer of hand-held transceivers alleged to be
illegally marketing unauthorized RF devices
The ARRL says:
The FCC has issued a Citation and Order to Amcrest Industries,
LLC (formerly Foscam Digital Technologies, LLC), an importer and
marketer of popular and inexpensive Baofeng hand-held transceivers,
alleging that the company violated FCC rules and the Communications
Act by illegally marketing unauthorized RF devices.
The FCC asserts that Amcrest marketed Baofeng model UV-5R-series FM
hand-held radios capable of transmitting on "restricted frequencies."
The Baofeng models UV-5R and UV-5R V2+ were granted an FCC equipment
authorization in 2012 to operate under Part 90 Private Land Mobile
Radio Service rules.
"Under 2.803 of the Commission's rules, an entity may not market a
device that is capable of operating outside the scope of its
equipment authorization," the FCC Citation said. "RF devices that
have been authorized under Part 90 rules, such as the model at
issue, must operate within the technical parameters established in
those rules." The FCC also maintained that the UV-5R 2+ is capable
of operating at 1 W or 4 W, while the Part 90 Equipment Authorization
limits the power output to 1.78 W.
Amcrest conceded that the units were capable of operating on
restricted frequencies but told the FCC that, per discussions with
the manufacturer, were "only capable of operating at 1 W, the FCC
said. The company instructed the manufacturer to fix the problem and
later confirmed with the manufacturer that all Amcrest inventory on
order and in the future would operate only on 145 - 155 MHz and
400 - 520 MHz.
ARRL Board Adopts Volunteer Monitoring Program;
Official Observer Program to be Retired.
The ARRL Board of Directors has adopted the recommendations of the
Official Observer Program Study Committee, which would retire the
venerable Official Observer Program and institute the Volunteer
Monitoring Program.
The transition "be implemented as soon as practicable."
Under the terms of the new program, current Official Observers will
be invited to apply for appointment as Volunteer Monitors. The Board
expressed its appreciation for the OOs and their dedicated volunteer
service over the years.
ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR who moderated the Board meeting,
and ARRL CEO Barry Shelley, N1VXY and board said the action is
expected to re-energize enforcement efforts in the Amateur Radio
bands and was undertaken at the request of the FCC in the wake of
several FCC regional office closures and a reduction in field staff.
Coordination of cases and evidence gathering would become the
responsibility of ARRL Headquarters staff, while the FCC will retain
the responsibility for final decisions regarding action in specific
Take the East River Ferry from South Park to 4U1UN
Situated in the heart of New York City is the United Nations
Headquarters Building. This particular "DXCC entity" (4U1UN) is
ranked at #34 most wanted on Club Log.
I'll say that again, #34 most wanted.
Put in perspective, it's more wanted than Swains Island (KH8/S),
Kermadec (ZL8), Tokelau (ZK3) to name a few "rare" ones.
How can this be?
4U1UN - What's the issue?
The '' web page has an interesting article by James,
K2QI, current President of UNARC/4U1UN, on why 4U1UN United Nation
station is not on the air keeping it at number 34 most wanted.
Article can be found at:
August 11-12 - VK - Remembrance Day Contest
VK4KG Activates for the RD.
VK4KG, the Amateur Radio Station based at the RAAF Townsville
Aviation Heritage Centre is ON OPERATIONS over this Remembrance Day
Contest, THIS weekend Sat 11th and Sun 12th August.
It operates from the Radio Shack at RAAF Garbutt Centre.
Look out for VK4KG on all the HF bands !
August 18-19 - WW - Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend
August 25-26 - VK - ALARA YL CONTEST
October 6 - WW - Oceania DX contest
The 2017 WIA Contest Champion results are now finalised.
The Peter Brown trophy has been issued to Hilary Bridel VK2AZ.
1st: 320 points - VK2AZ
2nd: 240 points - VK4ADC
3rd: 220 points - VK4SN
4th: 208 points - VK2PR
8, YES EIGHT! stations tied for 5th place with 200 points.
Bob Bristow, VK6POP says for this year's Armistice Day Centenary
VI 6 PAX will be on air November 3 to 15.
Centred around an activation at Blackboy Hill, the site of a large
WW1 training camp on 10-11 November, the Callsign will be activated
at significant sites, club and private stations.
The event is conjunction with the Bellevue RSL.
(wia events)
Hardy, DL 7 JLL will operate as A 35 JLL from the Kingdom of Tonga
August and September, mainly on 40, 20, 15 and 10m.
Until the 15th of August he will be at Nuku Alofa.
QSL via DL7JLL direct or by the bureau.
9M61, Malaysian special event
Look for the special event callsigns with the prefix '9M61' to be
active (as of August 1st) through September 1st.
Activity is to celebrate the 61st anniversary of the independence of
Malaysia, and to promote Malaysia's amateur radio enthusiasts in the
The callsigns to look for are:
9M61MA - Perak 9M61MN - Negeri Sembilan
9M61MB - Selangor 9M61MP - Penang
9M61MC - Pahang 9M61MQ - Sarawak
9M61MD - Kelantan 9M61MR - Perlis
9M61MJ - Johor 9M61MS - Sabah
9M61MK - Kedah 9M61MT - Terengganu
9M61MM - Melaka 9M61MW - Kuala Lumpur
QSL via the operator's instructions.
There are four different certificates available from the Malaysian DX
and Contest Group's (9MDXC).
Details can be found on their Web site at:
VOACAP (Voice of America Coverage Analysis Program) is free
professional high-frequency (HF) propagation prediction software from
NTIA/ITS, originally developed for Voice of America
People have really been missing the good old REL Prediction Wheel so
it's back. Move the markers and see the predictions change on the fly.
Scientific American magazine reports sunspot cycles are not just
every 11 years but also every 88, 200, and 2,400 years
The sun's pockmarked surface is always shifting. Sunspots and solar
flares rise and fall every 11 years, a cycle associated with regular
reversal of the star's magnetic field.
Huge quantities of plasmaknown as coronal mass ejections fly into
space, which can disrupt satellites and other electronic signals if
they reach Earth. More solar activity during the cycle also amplifies
auroras and warms Earth's temperatures slightly.
Careful study has shown that longer periodicities also exist.
The Gleissberg cycle, first identified in 1862, strengthens and
weakens the 11-year cycle over the course of a century. One paper
posts that the Gleissberg pattern is caused by a slow swaying of the
sun's magnetic pole.
The Suess-DeVries cycle lasts about 200 years, whereas the Hallstatt
cycle runs on the order of 2,400 years.
Read the Scientific American article at
Turner Classic Movies (TCM) has been showing a short feature in the
USA (10 min.) about amateur radio entitled "Radio Hams".
The feature is from 1939.
It is also viewable on YouTube:
A Group of amateurs here in VK have started a Facebook group to
investigate the roll out of a Decentralised Amateur Paging Network,
based on a German application called DAPNET.
The group plans to use 432.625 MHz as it is common with an
Amateur Paging Network already operating in New Zealand and
144.625 MHz in some areas.
The paging network will be linked and accessed via the Internet
to send messages via individual's low powered hot spots and also
dedicated higher powered simplex transmitters spread across the
country. All that will be required to receive pager messages is a
standard UHF POCSAG Pager, VHF Pager in some areas or an SDR dongle.
Anyone interested in the project is welcome to join the Facebook
Group or contact
(Simon VK3XEM)
AMSAT-DL Announces IARU coordinated frequencies for P4-A, Es'hail-2
Es'hail-2 is a commercial geostationary broadcasting satellite which
will also provide the first amateur radio Phase 4 transponders.
The satellite will be positioned at 26 degrees east.
Es'hail-2 will carry two transponders operating in the 2400 MHz and
10450 MHz bands.
A 250kHz bandwidth linear transponder intended for conventional
analogue operations and an 8 MHz bandwidth transponder for
experimental digital modulation schemes and DVB amateur television.
The following frequencies have been coordinated:
for narrowband linear transponder
downlink 10489.550 - 10489.800 MHz with 100 Watts output power
uplink 2400.050 - 2400.300 MHz
for wideband digital transponder
downlink 10491.000 - 10499.000 MHz with 100 Watts output power
uplink 2401.500 - 2409.500 MHz
[ANS thanks AMSAT-DL for the above information]
Summerland Amateur Radio Club will be taking part in the 2018
International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend.
Cape Byron ( AUS 0 0 0 6 ) as VK2SRC, and
Ballina ( AUS 0 0 0 1 ) as VK2DLR.
The event runs from 1000 Saturday to 1000 Monday, August 18-20.
Club operations will likely be on Saturday and Sunday only.
For further info go to
Three stations from EI are listed although it is believed a few more
intend to participate but have not just yet registered.
The Avondhu Radio Club will operate EI 1 E from Charlesfort
Lighthouse in Kinsale, County Cork.
South Eastern Amateur Radio Group will operate EI 2 WRC form the
Hook Lighthouse in County Wexford.
Limerick Radio Club will operate from Loop Head, while the
Lagan Valley ARS will operate using the callsign EJ 0 L from
Arranmore Lighthouse in County Donegal.
And in South Africa, for the 21st year in a row, the Cape Town ARC
will be activating the Green Point Lighthouse with ZS 1 CT.
A Youth Net meets Saturdays at 0100 UTC on IRLP Reflector #2.
Young Hams Net 3.590 - 7:30pm Victorian time.
Bryant Rascoll, KG5HVO, is 2018 Newsline Young Ham of the Year
14yr-old Bryant, KG5HVO, of Montgomery, Alabama, has been selected
as the 2018 Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, Memorial Amateur Radio Newsline
Young Ham of the Year.
The son of Tim and Lauren, KG5TQO, Bryant was the youngest
participant in the recent World Radiosport Team Championship 2018
in Germany.
Bryant says he became enthusiastic about Amateur Radio after joining
the Boy Scouts and earning the Radio Merit Badge. Listening to a
counsellor's contact with a station in the Netherlands during an ARRL
DX contest fuelled his desire to become a radio amateur.
First licensed as a Technician in 2015, he had upgraded to Amateur
Extra class by late 2017.
Closer to home than Alabama is the Bendigo Amateur Radio and
Electronics Club which invites you to their August meeting,
where the subject will be about the 'School Amateur Radio Club
School Amateur Radio Clubs are a great way to foster interest in
science and technology, expand horizons, build confidence and develop
new skills.
SARCNET promotes STEM using Amateur Radio, and offers different
activities such as radio operation, using satellites, hidden
transmitter hunts, electronic kit construction and robotics.
School Amateur Radio Clubs have been established all over the world,
and Joe and Julie Gonzales have helped a number of schools to set up
and promote their own clubs.
Find out more about the program by going to
The evening commences at 7.30 pm, Friday August 17th at the
1st Castlemaine Scout Hall, 16 Reckleben St, Castlemaine. A gold
coin donation would be appreciated. Tea, coffee and biscuits
Brett Nicholas VK2BNN is Scouts Australia National co-ordinator for JOTA.
Lorraine O'Hare VK2FICQ is Girl Guides Australia National JOTA-JOTI
Please QSY off the calling frequency after establishing communication.
Australian voice calling frequencies:
3.650, 7.090, 14.190, 21.190, 28.590, 52.160
World CW calling frequencies:
3.570, 7.030, 14.060, 18.080, 21.140, 24.910, 28.180, 50.160
World voice calling frequencies:
3.690 & 3.940 MHz, 7.090 & 7.190, 14.290, 18.140, 21.360,
24.960, 28.390, 50.160
Calling frequencies for Slow Scan TV (SSTV):
3.630, 7.033, 14.227
Calling Frequencies for PSK31
JOTA -- Now for the Future!
Scout and Guide Groups are now contacting their regular Radio Amateur
Operator to line up sites and personnel to participate in this years
world-wide event, the largest event on the Scout, Guide and Amateur
Radio Calendar.
Jamboree on the Air and Jamboree on the Internet is happening on the
weekend of 20th and 22st October.
If you can help out with any groups then please contact your
local JOTA Co-ordinator, o ,
Brett Nicholas VK2BNN Scouts Australia National co-ordinator for
Lorraine O'Hare VK2FICQ is Girl Guides Australia National JOTA-JOTI
EI 3 KD works Cape Verde Islands on 144 MHz to set new DX record
On Sunday the 5th of August 2018, Mark Turner EI3KD managed to work
D 4 Z on the Cape Verde Islands off the coast of Africa on
144 MHz, a distance of some 4163 kms.
This remarkable contact, made on CW, was a new record for tropo in
IARU Region 1.
The previous record of 4130 kms was set back in July of 2015.
The contact was made on 144.300 MHz at about 18:26 UTC at a time when
the band was also open to the Canary Islands from the south of
Ireland and the UK.
Just to give an idea of just how far the new record is, if the same
distance of 4163 kms was measured west of EI3KD's location in Ireland
then it would reach as far as Nova Scotia in Canada!
Social Scene 2018
Aug 25-26 VK6 NCRG HAMFEST WEEKEND (armag)
Aug 26 VK2 SARCFEST (armag)
Sept 9 VK3 SadarC Hamfest/Comms day (armag)
Sept 21-23 VK4 Central Highlands AR Club AGM Lake Maraboon (TARC)
Sep 28-Oct 1 VK4 Cardwell Gathering (TARC)
Oct 14 VK3 Yarra Valley Amateur Radio Group HamFest (vk3kqt)
Oct 28 vk3 Ballarat Amateur Radio Group HamFest (vk3kqt)
Nov 11 VK5 - Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society HamFest
Nov 17 VK7 - VK7Hamfest Miena Community Centre (vk7wi)
Nov 18 VK3 - The Rosebud RadioFest (vk3pdg)
2019 Social Scene
May 3 - 6 VK4 - Claireview Gathering (tarc)
Submitting news items
A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug
commercial traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your
supporters in this text edition "no worries."
If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to and don't JUST send url's links but
take the time to pen YOUR contribution.
To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page
We would appreciate items no longer than 2 minutes in length as we
only have a half hour time slot window.
Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of
it being broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News.
Each item will only be broadcast once, if you want a couple of
mentions, please submit different slants to keep your event
'fresh' and always if the news room is to read your item
write in the 3rd person.
WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.
Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail
Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".
Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
Who and where are they?
The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.
We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of
Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs.
Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they
were submitted."
Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a
credit to WIANews wouldn't go astray...
If you have call-backs to contribute to the National News call back tally
then please send through your call-backs to
Who listens to radio? A weekly 'tally sheet' is sent to all rebroadcasters
and interested listeners, to get your free copy send a blank email to:-
Put the word subscribe in the title or subject field
How do I join this National News List? (subscribe for an automatic weekly
Email to
from the email account that you wish the emails to go to.
How do I leave this National News List? (unsubscribe your weekly feed)
Open mail program which sends mail from the address you want to unsubscribe.
Send mail to the list unsubscribe address
You will be sent a confirmation mail and must follow the instructions given
in that mail to complete the unsubscription.
Once your unsubscription has been processed, you will probably
receive another message confirming your unsubscription from the list,
and at that point you should stop receiving messages.