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WIA Director Aidan, VK4APM has this week's board comment.


On August 21, an earthquake of 6.9, on the coast of Venezuela was

YV5YA, National Director of the National Emergency Network of the
Radio Club Venezolano, reported that the YV5RNE Network is active
on the 7088 kHz frequency.

It is requested to keep the frequency 7088 kHz, and 7122 kHz,
free of interference as Amateur Rescue Radio Comms are happening in
4 four countries RIGHT NOW.

As well as Venezuela, we have the ongoing earthquakes of Indonesia,
flooding in India and of course Hurricane Lane in the US state of
Hawaii where their Governor, David Ige posted this on twitter AM
Saturday VK Eastern time.

#HurricaneLane northward motion is expected to continue
through tonight. A turn West is anticipated on Saturday.
Additional weakening is forecast later today and tonight.
Rain bands continue to overspread the Hawaiian Islands
ahead of #Lane. Latest info:

Lashed by 180km/h winds and torrential rains from Hurricane Lane,
forcing more than 1000 people into emergency shelters. "There's a lot
of uncertainty in this forecast," warned Federal Emergency Management
Administrator Brock Long. "We're going to see torrential rains
occur for the next 48 to 72 hours. We hope all citizens are heeding
the warning that local officials are putting out."

(many incl ARRL, Cesar Pio Santos, HR2P EMCOR IARU R2 via SouthGate)

IARU REGION 3 Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz

QRM gathers pollution.

German magazine Radioszene reports the issue of electromagnetic
interference from consumer devices, e.g. switched-mode PSU's and
LED lighting, is being raised in the Bundestag (Federal Parliament)

Bundestag Member Ralph Lenkert of the political party Die Linke
(The Left) has submitted 21 questions on "Protection of the resource
electromagnetic environment" to the German Federal Government.

While in South Africa their national amateur radio society, SARL,
reports the communications regulator ICASA has been quick to act in a
case of interference to the amateur bands from an inverter

Memories of a mis-spent youth: Learn about Simple Electronics

Writing on Hackaday, Jenny G 7 CKF takes a look at a book that,
for many, started our adventures in the world of electronics

She writes:
Early last spring, we featured a book review, as part of our
occasional Books You Should Read series. Usually these are seminal
tomes, those really useful books that stay with you for life and
become well-thumbed, but in this case it was a children's book.

Making a Transistor Radio, by George Dobbs, G3RJV, was a part of the
long-running series of Ladybird books that educated, entertained,
and enthralled mid-20th-century British kids, and its subject was the
construction of a 3-transistor regenerative AM receiver.

If you talk to a British electronic engineer of A Certain Age there
is a good chance that this was the volume that first introduced them
to their art, and they may even still have their prized radio

Presented in collaboration with the Australian Army, LAND FORCES 2018
is an international industry exposition to showcase equipment,
technology and services for the armies of Australia and the
Indo-Asia-Pacific and it takes place in Adelaide South Australia on
September 4-5-6

Organised by Industry Defence and Security Australia Limited, the
Future Force: Protection symposium is designed as a forum for
discussion of the operational and technical challenges facing defence
forces in the future on both the conventional battlefield and in
Counter-Insurgency (COIN) campaigns.

The lethality of modern weapons, including unconventional weapons
such as IEDs and, increasingly, CBR threats, means greater protection
is required. Both front-line combatants and rear-echelon personnel,
as well as civilian populations, are exposed to higher levels of risk.
Traditional protective measures such as protected/armoured vehicles,
hardened infrastructure and improved personal protection are only
part of the answer. What role do factors such as Situational
Awareness, generated and maintained through enhanced Intelligence,
Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) empowered by emergent
technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and 'Big Data', play in
protecting a deployed force and civilian population?

Required levels of protection are to a great extent a function of the
force's appetite for risk and casualties; what's changing in this
area? And what other factors are shaping the future battlefield for
modern defence forces?

The Panellists will be asked to address emergent threats, emergent
technologies and the enduring and joint Defence/Industry construct
required to respond rapidly to these threats by harnessing and
applying technology in an efficient and affordable way.

(Army Newspaper)

Further down the log, VK3FFF in special interest group news will
have, thanks to VK3DN, a recording some 25 years old when Tony VK5ZAI
made Australia's first School/Space QSO. The value of Tony's
contribution to amateur radio and the WIA was recognised by the
presentation of the prestigious Chris Jones Award in 2009


Howdy, It is Aidan, VK4APM for this week's board comment.

It is now 3 months since I began serving you, the members of the WIA,
as a member of the board and I would like to thank all who have
written and provided me with support, encouragement and information
along the journey.

A number of the commitments made during the AGM in May begin to take
shape, but first let's look at some news from our regulator.

In June the ACMA issued a consultation paper regarding alternate
qualification frameworks for Amateur Radio in advance of issuing a
tender in late August. The regulator has released the results of
this consultation process to which 45 responses were received. For
those who have been following this process the ACMA has announced
that they will be tendering for "Approach 1" (which is a similar
approach to that which is currently in place). The WIA will respond
to the tender when it is released at the end of August. Further
information will be made available on the WIA website as it becomes

In other news there has been forward movement on another issue that
has been the topic of much discussion in recent times. As promises in
the 2020 vision for the WIA we intend to have our own assigners to
ensure that repeater licences are processed quickly and efficiently
without increasing the load on the ACMA. I would like to call all
those who believe they have the skillset and experience required to
be an ACMA Accredited person (or perhaps you are already an
accredited person) to email

Details on the requirements for an Accredited Person can be found on
the ACMA website.

Over the coming weeks we will be putting further calls out for
volunteers in a number of areas as we deliver on the WIA's vision
Beyond 2020.

Until next time this is Aidan, VK4APM


INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club,
ARRL, Amateur Radio Newsline, RAC, NZART & the World Wide sources of
the WIA.


Amateur Radio responds to flooding in Kerala, India

Jayu VU2JAU reports that Radio Amateurs in the Indian state of Kerala
are actively responding to this disaster. Flooding caused by monsoon
rains and overflowing dams has currently killed over 300 people and
left over 300,000 evacuated to relief camps

They are using HF and VHF for both local and wide area communication
between the Senior District Administrators and many of their local
offices. Stations are working 24 hours a day on 7110kHz and VHF as
well as a local 2m repeater.

The stations are involved in passing messages assisting the
administration in running the evacuation, such as organising food,
water, medicines etc..

The preparedness of Amateur Radio has been demonstrated to the
State Disaster Management Authorities and Local Administrations before
and is now being put to good use.

Many radio amateurs in the area ( too many callsigns to list here )
are already active and many more are ready to assist. Stations
outside India are asked to help by avoiding QRM to their operations.


Ted 5Z4NU in a note to WIA news writes "our shack has again been
burgled and seriously vandalised.

The electricity meter and fuse board had been pulled off the wall,
leaving a hole which gave the vandals access. The inside was trashed
notice boards pulled down, everything broken which was capable of it,
including the washbasin.

Everything easily movable was stolen, but thankfully the only things
of value to us were the Scandinavian Vase award and the O'Rourke Key
for CW activity, (a military Morse key dating from WWII or earlier),
an elderly multimeter, a 2:1 mains transformer and the filing cabinet.

A 12V battery would have been well past its use by date, but went too.

Two boxes of junk accumulated over the years went as well, but the
old records in the filing cabinet were scattered around and how the
cabinet was removed is impossible to tell as it was too big to go
through the hole in the wall. Presumably it was smashed up for scrap

The bulk of the equipment stolen was old enough for a museum and
no longer usable - old HTs and the like which had no batteries, which
is why they were left there.

Because the power was cut off by the removal of the board the alarm
did not function. A report to the Police was made by Hemant, 5Z4HP,
who found them, as has been usual in past cases, unsympathetic and
not very helpful.

They are proceeding with repairing the fence and maybe putting a
steel sheet over the hole in the wall to discourage any more

Hemant was arranging to close the electricity account for good, as
it has only caused trouble anyway with wild overestimates and
exaggerated bills."

They are still trying to sell the plot but the times are not good and
there is little interest.


Finland's national society the SRAL reports the Finnish Communications
Regulatory Authority plans to make changes to the national frequency

It appears Finland's radio amateurs will get new secondary allocations
at 1855-1861 kHz and 1906 to 1912 kHz.

There will be removal of frequencies in the sub band 5250-5450 kHz and
inclusion of the WRC-15 band 5351.5-5366.5 kHz and it seems
alleviation of the threats to 1240-1300 MHz and 3400-3408 MHz.


Now a story of two rescues, 90 years apart - both made possible by
radio. Jim Meachen ZL2BHF in a report to Amateur Radio Newsline told
how it had been 90 years since the Zeppelin "Italia" crashed on the
way home from an expedition to the North Pole, killing several members
of the crew of explorers and leaving survivors stranded on an
ice pack 120 km northeast of Svalbard

Ninety years later, a North Pole expedition sponsored by the Air Ship
Italia Search Expedition and planned in tribute to that disaster met
with a harrowing fate as well. On August 2nd, the expedition yacht
Mea Lux with special event call sign India India Zero Papa November
encountered a serious storm off the south coast of Svalbard,
Norway and waves measuring 5 to 6 meters high - left the craft
rudderless as it caught fire and began to take on water.

Neither cell phone nor satellite phone service worked but the
20 meter Marine Net heard the calls for help from Simone Orlandini
IU 5 KUH and the Norwegian Coast Guard was dispatched. All on board
were airlifted to safety by helicopter.

The expedition and the yacht, however, were abandoned.

Fortunately, there is also a rescue story associated with the
historic zeppelin incident -- and it too came about because of radio.

A Russian radio amateur heard signals from the stranded crew being
transmitted by Giuseppe Biagi using the emergency transmitter and
receiver he had salvaged from the airship. Using a makeshift
quarter-wave antenna and a counterpoise he was able to get out a
distress call. Although the support ship never received the signals,
Russia's Nikolai Schmit did, a dozen days later.

An international rescue effort was launched. It became the first air
and sea polar rescue. Those rescued included the airship's commander
Umberto Nobile but the Swedish meteorologist Finn Malmgren died before
being rescued.

As for the modern-day rescue from the yacht, crew member Alberto
IT 9 MRM posted on DX-World.Net that it was sadly "ungovernable and
at the mercy of the waves."

For WIA News via Amateur Radio Newsline I'm Jim Meachen ZL2BHF.


Most listeners would recall the names of JVC and Kenwood, combined
the company name JVCKENWOOD recently has led the way in furthering
developments in cancer research, including new cancer diagnoses and
cancer treatment methods using exosomes as an indicator.

JVCKENWOOD Corporation have reached an agreement to jointly establish
a new company, Creative Nanosystems Corporation with Sysmex
to develop and manufacture bio devices.

These in vitro diagnostic ("IVD") devices will consist of
microfluidics to achieve rapid reactions among tiny amounts of
specimens and reagents.

Creative Nanosystems is expected to commence R&D in October 2018.

You may well ask 'what has this to do with Ham Radio? Well it has
just been announced JVCKENWOOD has entered into an agreement for a
share acquisition and a capital and business alliance with
Tait International Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of
New Zealand-based Tait Limited, with the aim of expanding the digital
radio solutions business.

In a statement, JVCKENWOOD said it is "stepping up its activities in
the public safety market in North America, which is expected to
continue expanding, by strengthening cooperation with its
communications system subsidiaries in the US, aiming to provide total
solutions for professional radio systems conforming to Project 25
(P25), a digital radio format for North America".

The company also said that it views the launch of a broadband
solution business as a new top priority business area to achieve
medium- and long-term growth.

Regarding the share acquisition and a capital and business alliance
with Tait, JVCKENWOOD said that by "integrating the technologies,
know-how, and sales channels of JVCKENWOOD and Tait International,
we will work to rapidly launch and expand the broadband solution

Read more:



August 25-26 - VK - ALARA YL CONTEST

Oct 6 - WW - Oceania DX contest
Oct 11-12 - WW - SELCALL ALE, not a contest but an exercise.

Aug 17-18 WW ILLW visit:


Amateurs who love radio - and radio by the water - have an event all
their own in Britain.

It's an all-purpose event that would combine Bicycles on the Air,
Boats on the Air and even Running Shoes on the air if they existed:

It's the British Inland Waterways on the Air event being held THIS
weekend between the 25th and 27th of August - which is the August
bank holiday weekend in 'The Mother Country.'

Amateurs who are making use of reservoirs, rivers, lakes, canals and
tow paths will be activating them either as individuals or as a club
event, some even using Special Event Station call signs.

Stefan 2 E 0 VKM, a member of the Nunsfield House Amateur Radio Club,
has been keeping track of which stations will be participating.
Primary HF band will be 40 meters but operators are not being
restricted from using any band.

The event is as a way of encouraging hams to use their radios to
celebrate the UKs waterways and of course amateur radio. Organisers
are hoping that everyone will, of course, be inspired by their
closeness to the water and simply "go with the flow."

No word if you can gain points if you work them on a 'piece of wet

(Amateur Radio Newsline)

4U1UN closer to being on the air!

James, K2QI, President of the United Nations Amateur Radio Club
(4U1UN), posted the following on FaceBook:

"It's been a while since the last update, but I have some news to
share. We're one step closer to being back on the air. As some may
know, Dmitri, RA 9 USU, along with Adrian, KO 8 SCA, have been working
with me behind the scenes to get the station operational again.

Through the generous donations of Dima and his associates, we were
able to get a rack mounted K3, Acom 2000 linear amplifier, and
associated network- enabled control hardware.

Adrian and I, finally erected a brand new SteppIR BigIR vertical
antenna on the Secretariat's roof. All that remains is to connect
and lay the ground radials, fine-tune the rack mounted devices, and
setup and configure the remote K3. Once done and after almost a
decade off-air, we can finally call CQ 20 de 4U1UN.....

73! James, K2QI"


From the RSGB, a nice idea for DX newcomers, the G5RP Trophy

The G5RP Trophy is an annual award to encourage newcomers to HF

Any established HF DXer may make a nomination. The nominee should
be an up-and-coming HF DXer who has made rapid progress in the
last year. This prestigious RSGB award will be presented at the
RSGB Convention on the 12th-14th October.

A large multinational team of YL operators will be active as TM 64 YL
from Noirmoutier Island, EU-064, from the 25th to the 31st August.
They will operate SSB, CW, RTTY and FT8.

Jacques, F 6 HMJ will be active as SV8/F6HMJ from Ios Island, EU-067,
from the 27th of August to the 6th of September. He will operate CW
and some SSB on the 40 to 10 metre bands.
QSL via his home call, F6HMJ.

Tev TA1HZ is in Kosovo until about August 27 active we understand as
Z 68 HZ on SSB and FT8.
Logs will be uploaded to Logbook of The World.

Jose, using the call sign CE 0 Y/NP 4 G will be on Easter Island between
the 26th and 29th of August. 40-10 meters using CW and FT8.
Send QSLs via LoTW or NP4G.



Region III IARUMS Coordinator Peter Young VK3MV

VK IARUMS reflector email to subscribe

SUBMITTING a report? go to

Friday 0730 UTC 7.065.5 with VK4CEU David.

Amateur exclusive frequencies where any non-amateur signal is definitely an

Amateur HF Spectrum world wide
7.050 to 7.100
14.000 to 14.250
14.250 to 14.350 No broadcasters
21.000 to 21.450
24.890 to 24.990
28.000 to 29.700

ICASA quick to act on Inverter interference.

South Africa's national amateur radio society SARL reports the
communications regulator ICASA has been quick to act in a case of
interference to the amateur bands from an inverter

Following a complaint about interference from a neighbour's mains
back-up system, ICASA acted quickly and ordered that the equipment
had to be removed as it was radiating signals across the medium wave
and all the HF amateur radio bands. An amateur's neighbour had
installed a battery backup system which from day one caused major
radio interference.

While the installer tried to install filters, they did not succeed in
eliminating the interference. The SARL advised the amateur to direct
a complaint to the ICASA Regional Manager, Gauteng. The ICASA
interference complaint section was quick to respond and proved that
the interference came from a power back up system.

Source SARL

THE QNEWS WORK BENCH - the nuts and volts report -
Measure Twice cut Once.

At the recent Youngsters on the Air event in South Africa,
participants got to construct and build a new 10 watt 40m SSB/CW
transceiver kit from QRP-LABS in the UK.

The design by Hans Summers is a SDR based transceiver which he hopes
to eventually sell for 75. This follows-on from the success of the
5 watt QCX CW kit which was introduced at YOTA 2017 and has sold over
5000 units to date.

In a follow-up video for the YOTA event, Hans also announced his
intention to release a 10 band version of his new radio with a guide
price of $150. His intention is to have a kit which has the
performance of a high end commercial transceiver at one fifth of the

Video and more info...


An Australian research project aims to develop dynamic tactical
communications for the difficult land battlespace environment.

Recall the scene from countless movies where the army signaller in
the heat of battle calls for urgent air support. He had control, was
acutely aware of the battle context and what information needed to be
transmitted, and got immediate feedback about the state of the voice
radio network (by the presence or lack of voice acknowledgement).

But since the advent of digitisation of the tactical network, the
data deluge has become too much for humans alone to manage. There are
just too many decisions to be made. Should the network be reporting
enemy locations, sharing friendly force locations or requesting
assistance with casualties? Calling for fire support or downloading
the latest software update?

The answer is to distil the data and send the highest priority
information first. Less-important data can then get through

To be able to transform the data, and to link into the radio hardware,
the SMARTNet team is calling on the skills of others in the field. A
partnership has been established with US Army Research Labs (ARL)
scientists who are now conducting research under the SMARTNet banner.

"Let me emphasise, the reason this hasn't been done before in any
other country is that dynamically prioritising information over a
tactical network is difficult. How can we find out what the network
is doing without clogging it up?" a spokesperson has said.

To solve these challenges, the SMARTNet team has been doing some
deep thinking, in conjunction with colleagues at the University of
Adelaide's Centre for Distributed and Intelligent Technologies, who
are looking at the artificial intelligence side of things. The
university's Centre for Defence Communication and Information
Networking (CDCIN) has also joined the fray. And the team is
partnering with Consilium Technology, a company with experience
building and commercialising artificial intelligence-based systems.


For those with access to the trunked digital radio system, the
mixed-mode UHF repeater VK2RAG on 439.950 MHz has been connected
to the MMDVM P25 network; as usual a 91.5 MHz CTCSS tone is required.

Dave VK2KFU, Publicity Officer, Central Coast Amateur Radio Club told
WIA news because it is also available for analogue use then it would
be best to use the 91.5 Hz tone on reception as well, otherwise the
noise heard when used in digital mode will drive you crazy.

Information on the various talk groups etc. can be found on the Club's
web page and its Facebook page, look for centralcoastarc, and there
is a Twitter account on @ccarclub [ pronounced "at CC AR Club" ].

More information about the Central Coast Amateur Radio Club can be
found on the web site

FT8CALL it's FT8 but with chat

FT8Call is a derivative of the WSJT-X application, restructured and
redesigned for keyboard-to-keyboard message passing. It is not
supported by nor endorsed by the WSJT-X development group.

FT8, as we know, has dominated the airwaves for over a year now.
Imagine the ability to have keyboard to keyboard rag chew, with the
same exact performance of FT8. Why wouldn't you? This is brand new,
still under development, and will surely take off big time!

FT8CALL is alive!

Watch FT8CALL.


On 27th August this year it will be 25 years since Tony, VK5ZAI did
his first radio link up between the Students of the Loxton High
school and the Mir Space Station so cosmonaut Alex Serebrov
could answer the student questions.

The value of Tony's contribution to amateur radio and the WIA was
recognised by the presentation of the prestigious Chris Jones Award
at the Open Forum following the 2009 WIA Annual General Meeting.

With more VK3DN Robert Broomhead.

"Over the years Tony have been personally involved with 104
telebridge linkups for students into 16 different countries including
53 Australian schools.

Since year 2000 when ARISS did their first contact from the ISS they've
completed 1,245 school linkups world-wide.

After working with Tony for around 15 years as the Australian ARISS
co-ordinator for the ISS Shane, VK4KHZ took over, and now their
roles have reversed.

With a waiting time of around 12 months from receiving a school
application the ARISS program is as popular as ever."


Yes that was the voice of Astronaut Alex Serebrov and Tony VK5ZAI
all of 25 years ago on their first school contact, ever since 1958
when the first 'satellite' went into space many contacts have been
made and more are to come going on this story ..

SSO-A Mission to Set Record for Number of Satellites Launched

Spaceflight announced details behind its SSO-A mission, the largest
single rideshare mission from a US-based launch vehicle to date.
Fox-1 Cliff will be among the satellites aboard this launch.

Spaceflight has contracted with more than 70 spacecraft from
approximately 35 different organizations, to launch from a SpaceX
Falcon 9 later this year. The mission, named SSO-A: SmallSat Express
represents the company's purchase of an entire Falcon 9 to
accommodate the growing number of domestic, international,
government and commercial customers seeking affordable rideshare
options to launch their spacecraft into orbit.

On May 20th, 2018, a pair of microsatellites, DSLWP-A and DSLWP-B,
were successfully launched into a lunar transfer orbit aboard a
Chinese launch vehicle.

On May 25th, DSLWP-B was successfully placed in lunar orbit.

Since then, it has continued transmitting GMSK and JT4G telemetry
data, including SSDV digital images, and a short message relay
service. More than 40 amateur radio operators around the world have
successfully received the satellite.

AMSAT has designated DSLWP-A as Lunar-OSCAR 93 (LO-93) and DSLWP-B as
Lunar-OSCAR 94 (LO-94).


The South Indian Ocean has many active satellite operators in the
region, mainly from Mauritius (3B8), Reunion (FR), South Africa (ZS)
as well as from Madagascar 5R8.

In spite many countries reachable, particularly on FO-29, they report
not hearing much traffic, maybe operators reachable around the Indian
Ocean (West Africa, Middle-East, Asia and Oceania) may not be looking
that way as they are not expecting any traffic and also due to
time difference.

Stations in the South Indian Ocean area would like to QSO with others
in that part of the globe. "Look for us on the birds!" is their cry.



FABIO FLOSI - PU2KLM says to make sure in your collection of stamps
you have the PNA issue of April 14th, 2017.

This is when the Palestinian National Authority (PNA - Gaza Office)
issued a series of 3 stamps to commemorate the World Amateur Radio
Day of that year (18th April).


Andrew White Memorial SOTA Activity Day 15th September.

Andrew ZL3CC went Silent Key unexpectedly earlier this year.
To remember him, and his contributions to SOTA, AREC and
amateur radio in general, the Saturday following his birthday
is to be the Andrew White memorial SOTA Activity day.

The aim is to encourage portable operation from a summit, and to
encourage new and experienced hams to give SOTA a go.

On the day, September 15, 40 and 20 metres are good places to gather
contacts. On 40 particularly the ZL's usually operate 7.090 but for
larger events like this they will spread out a bit each way.

On 20 the usual frequency is 14.310 =/- spread.

(Sourced to a posting by ZL2AJ, SOTA Association manager for ZL)


Social Scene 2018

Aug 26 VK2 SARCFEST (armag)

Sept 9 VK3 SadarC Hamfest/Comms day (armag)
Sept 21-23 VK4 Central Highlands AR Club AGM Lake Maraboon (TARC)

Sep 28-Oct 1 VK4 Cardwell Gathering (TARC)

Oct 14 VK3 Yarra Valley Amateur Radio Group HamFest (vk3kqt)
Oct 28 vk3 Ballarat Amateur Radio Group HamFest (vk3kqt)

Nov 11 VK5 - Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society HamFest
Nov 17 VK7 - VK7Hamfest Miena Community Centre (vk7wi)
Nov 18 VK3 - The Rosebud RadioFest (vk3pdg)

2019 Social Scene

May 3 - 6 VK4 - Claireview Gathering (tarc)

September 2019- Scandinavian YL Radio Operators Convention
will be in Norway LA8FOA is your contact

2020 Social Scene

ALARAMEET Bendigo (vk5yl)



The Australian National Four Wheel Drive Radio Network, otherwise
known as the VKS-737 Radio Network is in the middle of yet another
Codan Envoy Raffle, with tickets available until the draw on Friday
14th September.

First prize is a Codan Envoy X1 HF 100 Watt Radio with choice of
autotuner, valued at well in excess of Four Thousand Dollars.
Second and third prizes are metal detectors from Minelab.

The Codan Envoy can be programmed to work on any of the Australian
HF Radio Providers' frequencies. For Amateur Radio Operators, the
radio can be programmed to VFO throughout the Amateur HF Bands.
All controls are on the microphone.

Tickets are just Five Dollars each and proceeds will assist the
Network's vital function to travellers throughout Australia. You do
not have to be a subscriber to the VKS-737 Radio Network to enter
but the raffle is not open to anyone overseas.

Go to the VKS-737 Website ( for details. If you use
Australia Post's Snail Mail service, make sure to mail the form
before the end of August and please, remember to include the Dollar
to cover postage of the tickets back to you. We don't want to have
to pay a fifth of what we raise to Australia Post; we'd rather use
that for our peoples' benefit.

Get cracking if you want a chance.

Robert VK3ARM


Submitting news items

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug
commercial traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your
supporters in this text edition "no worries."

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to and don't JUST send url's links,
but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

We would appreciate items no longer than 2 minutes in length as we
only have a half hour.

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it
being broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News.
Each item will only be broadcast once, if you want a couple of
mentions, please submit different slants to keep your event 'fresh'
and always if the news room is to read your item ---
write it in the 3rd person.



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
Who and where are they?

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of
Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs.
Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but if broadcast, are done so in the spirit in
which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form,
a credit to WIANews wouldn't go astray...

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© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)