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WIA Comment Sep 9, 2018, by Greg VK2GPK


Contrary to the belief by a couple that it is 'kosher' to advertise
gear for sale on ham radio channels, and before the 'auctioneers'
hammer I have a deal for you!

Shortwave stations used by BBC up for sale!

Babcock International Group's Media Services business is to be sold.

Engineering/defence contractor Babcock, which owns UK's last
remaining shortwave transmitting station (Woofferton) and operates
BBC shortwave and medium wave relay stations in Ascension Island,
Cyprus, Oman and Singapore, is selling its media operations!


'She' asked to see what I was doing (FT8 DXing).
'She' watched a few minutes while I demonstrated.
After a few more minutes she said,
"So it's like stamp collecting with radios."
Satisfied, she went back upstairs and left me in peace. Yes. It's
like stamp collecting with radios

Airwave philatelists! I dig it.

We'll take a look at a set of 'Radio Stamp' later down the log
when Bruce, VK3FFF takes a look at 'Stamp Collecting Amateurs'
in his edition of World Wide Special Interest Groups this week.

WIA Comment Sep 9, 2018

This is Greg VK2GPK, one of the directors of the WIA, with this
week's edition of the WIA Board comment. This week my focus will be
the on the WIA financial performance for this 2018 financial year.
It should be noted that the financial year for the WIA is January
through end of December.

At the last WIA AGM last May (2018), I stated that the budget changes
implemented by the board in the last quarter of 2017 to address the
unsustainable deficits the WIA had been running for a couple of years
were planned to move the WIA towards a neutral cash flow (i.e. neither
profit or loss) around mid-year 2018. I am pleased to report to the
membership that this planned result has occurred.

This is a significant turnaround and puts the WIA in a position to
start investing in improved, more time efficient back-office systems
and on-line presence. The first of these was the "ticketing system"
(aka Service management system) which has now been running
successfully in pilot for a number of months. Our immediate focus,
however, remains the pre-work we are doing for the tender anticipated
to be released shortly by ACMA for the AOCP examinations and
qualifications framework.

As at the end of July, our interim financial results show a moderate
"Profit & Loss" surplus of $16,000 year-to-date. Whilst month to
month results still fluctuate between a small surpluses and deficits,
the overall financial position of the organization is much improved
relative to the last two financial years.

The balance sheet remains healthy, with no substantive change, change
from what was reported in the 2017 audited results at the May AGM.
Please note that these are interim results and will be subject to the
audit process for finalisation early 2019.

September 22 this month marks the 100th anniversary of the first
direct radio contact from England to Australia. A commemorative
event to mark this occasion has been organized with over 600 people
expected to attend. I will be attending to represent the WIA. Also,
next week is the IARU Region 3 conference, being held in Seoul. The
WIA is represented on the board of the IARU R3 and will be attending
to represent the entire Australian amateur cohort at this important

This is Greg, VK2GPK, on behalf of the WIA board


INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club,
ARRL, Amateur Radio Newsline, RAC, NZART & the World Wide sources of
the WIA.


Radio ham VU3KBN in flood rescue mission

Mathrubhumi reports when the floods hit the state of Kerala, many ham
radio operators assisted the State Disaster Management Authority in
rescue and relief operations

The newspaper says:

Among them was Sree Murugan VU3KBN, who took up the role of a
messenger. Tied to a wheel chair with his ham radio, he dedicated his
time to communicate the messages to the rescue team from his home.

He helped in the rescue of many people from floods and provision of
food to flood hit areas.

Sometimes, his ham radio was the medium for communication to district
collector and RDO.

When the deluge hit the state, he was busy sending messages to the
rescue team for six days without rest. He received the messages from
many flood hit areas through his ham radio community and transferred
the same to the concerned authorities.

Ham radio was the only medium of communication in flood hit districts


The Malta Communications Authority (MCA) is planning to introduce
new amateur radio regulations but the proposal appears to ban use of
popular Amateur-Satellite Service allocations

A consultation on the proposed changes was held earlier this year but
the final outcome has not yet been announced.

The Malta Amateur Radio League (MARL) say "Most of the proposed
changes had been recommended by MARL over the last years."

The MARL response to the consultation is at

The MARL have been successful in getting the regulator MCA to agree to
a Lifetime license and also HAREC compatibility. It is understood
MARL are trying to get an Entry Level License (ELL) at some point in
the future.

There are some apparent anomalies in the proposed regulations:

29.3 - 29.51 MHZ is being restricted to satellite downlink only.

435 - 438 MHz is one of the most popular amateur satellite
allocations but the regulations say satellite
use in Malta is not permitted.

2400-2450 MHz also an ITU satellite allocation but regulations
appear not to permit it in Malta.


They get 60m and other new bands in 90 days and more!

ANATEL, the Brazilian telecoms regulator has produced an updated
band plan, effective in 90 days, which releases 60m to their amateurs.

This is the WRC-15 Secondary allocation 5351.5 to 5366.5 kHz with
25W EIRP for Class A operators.

In addition they have been granted another two new bands -
135 kHz (1W EIRP) and 472 kHz (5W EIRP)

Paul Gaskell, G4MWO Editor, The 5 MHz Newsletter

( )


The 160m band in Brazil has been expanded from 1850 kHz, making it
now 1.8 - 2 MHz and the 80m band now becomes 3.5 - 4 MHz (previously
3.8 MHz).

The new frequencies are expected to come into operation in the week
beginning Monday 26th November 2018.

ANATEL declaration


Howard E. Michel, WB2ITX, is New ARRL Chief Executive Officer

The ARRL Board of Directors has elected WB2ITX to be ARRL's new
Chief Executive Officer. He will start on October 15.

Michel (rhymes with "nickel") is currently Chief Technology Officer
at UBTECH Education, and Senior Vice President of UBTECH Robotics,
a $5 billion Shenzhen, China, artificial intelligence and robotics

As the Chief Technology Officer at UBTECH Education, Michel helped
build this company from a startup in China to $100 million in

"I have Amateur Radio to thank for starting me on a very successful
career, and I'm excited about the opportunity to further ARRL's goals
as CEO. Leading the League will allow me to 'give back' to a great
community and provide a similar opportunity for future generations,"
Michel said.

"I have been a licensed ham for 50 years, and I've seen many changes
in the hobby. One of my top priorities as CEO will be to develop new
products and services so all hams, whatever their license class or
interest, find value in League membership," wb2itx added.

New director for Yasme Foundation

The Yasme Foundation has announced the election of Marty Woll, N 6 VI
as the newest Foundation Director.

The Yasme Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation organised to
support scientific and educational projects related to amateur radio,
including DXing and the introduction and promotion of amateur radio
in developing countries.

See for more information on their work.


Our last international story is another tale of a ham's involvement
in a rescue operation - but this one was very different, as we hear
from the Editor of Amateur Radio Newsline Caryn Eve Murray KD2GUT.

CARYN: On a recent broadcast of "To Tell the Truth," an American TV
quiz show, Rick Gruber KD7NHM of Phoenix, Arizona told the truth - and
a story. It's the story of a very special rescue that happened four
years ago when he spotted a drowning victim in a swimming pool he had
come to repair. At first there was frantic struggling and splashing...
but then it stopped.

RICK: I walked over to him and I could see he had no movement at all.
So I reached over with a pipe and pulled him closer to the edge of the
pool. I brought him out and laid him on the ground and thought: "The
poor guy. It hasn't been that long, it's only been about a minute or
so, I wonder if I could give him CPR."

CARYN: Rick had saved a tiny ground squirrel - now limp and
unconscious. Draping him over a PVC pipe, Rick put his CPR and first
aid training to use - and began capturing it on video.

RICK: I just started doing some compressions on the side of his ribs
with my fingers and eventually after 30 or 40 seconds or so I saw a
little bit of water come out of his mouth and he spit it up, almost
hiccupped, and so I kept doing and I thought "wow it is actually
working on him."

CARYN: As the squirrel came to, Rick stayed by his side.

RICK: I tried to talk to him real nice and comfort him and keep him
as calm as I could to show him I wasn't a threat to him until he was
fully recovered.

CARYN: An hour later, the squirrel had revived completely and
scampered off. Once the video hit YouTube, this selfless act went
viral, grabbing the attention of CNN, the Steve Harvey Show in Chicago
and even a morning news show in Australia. This year, it landed
Rick on TV's "To Tell the Truth" on August 12. Meanwhile, Rick has
been receiving hundreds and hundreds of emails thanking him for his
life-saving kindness.

So what does this have to do with amateur radio?

Well..nothing, really - except

Rick has been a ham since 2001 and enjoys 2 meters, DMR, DXing and
climbing the local mountaintops to call QRZ. Ah, and thanks to that
little squirrel, he's now got some company on those outdoor trips:

RICK: "One of the best things to come out of that squirrel video is
that's how I met my wife."

CARYN: A woman in England, moved by the video, became his Facebook
friend, then his real-life friend and eventually - his life partner.
Her father, it turns out, had been a ham radio operator too.

The squirrel, however, did score an award for most QSLs, says Rick.
who went on to say he'd made more QSOs from Facebook and from people
messaging him from around the world on Facebook because of the
squirrel video than anything on ham radio."



We'll start this week with news of a 'party' not so much a contest
but an On-Air QSO Party next Saturday.

With more here is Clive.

"Hallo everyone, this is Clive VK6CSW reminding RAOTC members that
the Radio Amateurs Old Timers Club of Australia is holding its
annual on-air QSO Party on Saturday September 15th for two hours
from 0600 to 0800 UTC, that is 4 to 6 pm Eastern, 3.30 to 5.30 pm
Central and 2 to 4 pm Western Stand time.

The Party will be held on 40 and 20 metres only, and modes are CW,
SSB and AM.

Everyone, RAOTC members and non-members alike is invited .

The idea is to make as many contacts as possible, especially with
members of the RAOTC.

Each contact scores one point and if your radio is 25 years old or
more, you get a bonus 25 points.

Certificates will be awarded to
Scorer with highest total contacts
Highest Scorer using an old rig, and
Highest Scorer on each mode in each hour.

Logs should be submitted by email to
or by post to Secretary, RAOTC, PO Box 107, Mentone, Victoria 3194.

Once again, the RAOTC on-air QSO Party is on Saturday 15th September,
between 06 and 08 UTC.

For full details, please visit the RAOTC website on

73 from Clive VK6CSW.

Thanks Clive, now just ahead of a look thru the DX window a couple
of contests coming up on our "grey line.'

Oct 6 - WW - Oceania DX contest
Oct 11-12 - WW - SELCALL ALE, not so much a contest but an exercise.



100th anniversary of the first radio contact between Australia and
the United Kingdom.

This will be celebrated in September.

On this occasion there will be special callsigns for each of our
call areas, as an example 0 thru 9

So using the symbol known as the Octothorpe, Number, or Hash, more
commonly these days called the hashtag we have

VI # MARCONI (where the hash tag # is the state or territory)
during the month of September.

The 'Hornsby and Districts Amateur Radio Club' will additionally
bring VK 100 MARCONI on the air.

More information about this activity and related awards can be found


Special Event Station GB0FS on Flying Scotsman 15th September 2018

Bury Radio Society will be holding a special event station from a
MOVING train carriage being pulled by the Flying Scotsman. This on
Saturday September 15.

Jacek, SP 5 APW will be active as 3W9JK/P from Cham Island (AS-162)
from September 15 to 22, and as 3W9JK from Ho An City in the
Quang Nam Province from September 22 to 27.
Activity will be on 20 to 6 meters using SSB.
QSL via his home call sign, SP5APW via the bureau.

Hans, PA3HGT is QRV as 3B8/PA3HGT from September 4 to 24 while on
vacation there. Activity will be on 40, 20 and 10 meters using mostly
SSB with a little CW and digital modes.
QSL to home call PA3HGT

Zorro, JH1AJT and Champ, E21EIC are QRV as A 5 A.
September 4 to 14.
The main purpose of this trip is to meet with Foreign Ministry
officials to discuss progress on a youth development project.
Activity will be on 40 to 10 meters using CW, SSB and FT8.
QSL via JH 1 AJT.

Members of the Discolo DX Group will be QRV as XR208A, XR208B,
XR208C and XR208D during September to celebrate the 208th anniversary
of the first government of Chile as an autonomous republic.
Activity will be on the HF bands using on SSB, PSK31 and FT8.
QSL via bureau.


Members of the Pontefract and District Amateur Radio Society are now
active as GB 250 CC until September 28th to celebrate the 250th
anniversary of Captain Cook's first voyage of discovery to the
Pacific, spanning the years 1768-1771.

Captain Cook sailed out of Plymouth on August 25th, 1768, on the
ship the "Endeavour".

Other activations may be possible over the next 3 years to coincide
with "key moments" of the voyage.

For more details, see

QSL by the Bureau to GB250CC


159 years ago: A geomagnetic mega storm

On Sept. 2, 1859, a powerful CME rocked Earth's magnetic field,
causing a geomagnetic storm that set fire to Victorian era telegraph
offices and sparked auroras as far south as Mexico and Cuba.

Now known as the "Carrington Event," that mega storm 159 years ago is
a touchstone of modern extreme space weather research.

What are the odds it could happen again?

Find out on


History Makers Podcast - Wireless Communications

Dr Lucy Rogers M 6 CME is joined by comedians Bec Hill and
Harriet Braine for the History Makers podcast, exploring
modern technology and the people throughout history who have made it
all possible

In episode one, the trio discusses whether wireless communication is
our salvation or damnation. Dr Lucy explains how Wi-Fi works,
"robot" Harriet uses her databanks to bring some makers to life and
Bec tells us why we should have never moved on from plastic cups and
a piece of string.

So set your ears to receive and your mind to blown for History Makers
episode one!

Listen to the Podcast at



FISTS Club - East Asia
FISTS Club - Australasia
FISTS Club - UK & Europe
FISTS Club - Americas

Recommended FISTS calling frequencies (MHz):
1.808 3.528 7.028 10.118 14.058 18.085 21.058 24.908

Morse code's vanquished competitor: The Dial Telegraph

The IEEE Spectrum website has a fascinating article by
Allison Marsh about the early needle telegraphs.

She writes:

"Recently, I learned about the needle telegraph. On both the sending
and receiving end, the needle or needles would simply point to the
desired letter.

A user-friendly telegraph system, provided the user knew how to read.

The first needle telegraph was patented by William Cooke and
Charles Wheatstone in Britain in 1837.

The design used a set of magnetic needles arranged in a row, with
letters of the alphabet arranged above and below them in a diamond
grid pattern. Each needle could point left, right, or neutral;

to indicate a letter, two needles would point so as to outline a path
to that letter. The sending operator controlled the direction of the
needles by pressing buttons that closed the circuits for the desired
letter combination.

Operators needed minimal training to use the system, which their
employers appreciated. But the system was otherwise costly to operate
because it required a wire for each needle plus an additional return
wire that completed the circuit. Maintaining multiple wires proved
expensive, and many British railroads adopted a version that used
just one needle and two wires.

A single-needle system, however, required that operators learn a code
to send and receive signals. Gone was the ease of simply reading

You can read the rest of Allison's fascinating article at the link
on this week's text edition of WIA National News, and that, if
you are not subscribed to our PodCast is available on Along with the link to sign up for our podcast.



DMR Station QRM's AO-92 Uplink

On August 27th, AMSAT Vice President-Operations Drew Glasbrenner,
KO 4 MA, noted:

"Recently there has been a DMR signal QRM'ing the AO-92 uplink on
435.350 or close by.

Hotspots, repeaters, terrestrial simplex (anything not satellite)
should not be in 145.8-146.0 or 435-438 by international band plan.

Please QSY these radios ASAP.

Please share to DMR, D-star, Fusion, P25 groups and similar.



Interns create visualization of NASA space-ground communications

For the first time ever, we humans worldwide can get an inside look
into what it takes to enable communications for nearly 40 NASA
missions, thanks to a small team of college students.

NASA's Near Earth Network (NEN) leverages more than 15 antennas
across the globe to provide a downlink for critical space and Earth
science data collected by the agency's satellites. A new web-based
app called "NEN Now" shows, in real time, simulations of the
complicated manoeuvres these antennas undergo to link with passing
satellites, following them from horizon to horizon as the data streams
to the ground.

Ryan Turner, a ground system manager, had an idea to efficiently and
effectively develop the NEN app at Goddard by leveraging the skills
of college students and utilizing experienced engineers to provide
guidance. "We started with three interns, who worked with the public
engagement team, NEN engineers and the GMSEC to lay out a prototype,"
Turner said.

GMSEC is the Goddard Mission Services Evolution Centre, which creates
data system solutions across multiple projects and disciplines.
"It gave everyone a sense of what would be possible if we created an
operational version of the system."

Naje Fields was one of the first interns on the project in summer
2015. "Our biggest challenge for the prototype phase was to figure out
how to get the data from the real-time status server at
[NASA's Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia] to Goddard and into our
app," she said. She and her partners, Kierra Harrison and
Wallace Phillips, used a number of networking and security techniques
to make it happen.

NEN Now and another app, DSN Now, have been incorporated into a
even larger app called "SCaN Now."

NEN Now is now available to the public at the link in this week's text
editions of WIA National News best read on

NeN Now

SCaN Now

(sourced to SouthGate)



Operators XYL Bigi/DE3BWR and Helmut "Heli"/DD0VR will activate
a bunch of Greek islands in September:

We will have to 'listen up' here in VK as this is a QRP backpack
operation with 10 watts SSB and 5 watts CW with various wires and
vertical antennas

QSL via DD 0 VR, direct or by the Bureau.

September 1-10th -- Crete (EU-015)

Islands all with IOTA designator EU-067 are

September 10-14th -- Santorin
September 14-17th -- Ios
17-21st -- Naxos
21-25th -- Paros

and Sept 25-30th -- Mykonos

A Youth Net meets Saturdays at 0100 UTC on IRLP Reflector #2.
Young Hams Net 3.590 - 7:30pm Victorian time.

Radiosport hits teen's wavelength

The New Zealand Herald reports high-school student Xenia Berger ZL4YL
had a contact with King Juan Carlos I, of Spain

To know and understand Hastings teenager Xenia Berger and her band of
people requires others to tap into her wavelength, so to speak.

Oh, and Xenia impresses, it pays to have a licence to do that.

The Year 12 pupil should know because engaging in the art of
radiosport got her in contact with King Juan Carlos I, of Spain,
in April. The now 80-year-old monarch goes by the credentials of EA0JC

He reigned from 1975 until his abdication in 2014 when his son,
Felipe, ascended to the throne.

Royalty aside, the teenager immensely enjoys the excitement that
comes with establishing a lucky dip-type of contact with someone
unsuspecting in a random part of the world without the use of

Read the full story at



Hams competing in the Amateur Radio Direction Finding World
Championships in Korea had something to write home about - and they
have a special postage stamp they can use to send their message home
from Korea.

A report by the Korea Stamp Society shows the commemorative postage
stamp being issued by the Korea Post to mark the 19th global event
which concluded Saturday.

The stamps have been printed as a sheet of 16, with each stamp
carrying a value of 330 South Korean won, or about 41 cents in
Australian currency. It shows two competitors engaged in the contest's
activities, which include the search for hidden transmitters, or
fox hunting.

This year's event was hosted by the Korean Amateur Radio League.

At least 30 nations including the WIA VK team were represented in the
challenge, which takes places every two years.

(ARNewsLine and


Scene Social 2018

Sept 9 VK3 SadarC Hamfest/Comms day (armag)
Sept 21-23 VK4 Central Highlands AR Club AGM Lake Maraboon (TARC)

Sep 28-Oct 1 VK4 Cardwell Gathering (TARC)

Oct 14 VK3 Yarra Valley Amateur Radio Group HamFest (vk3kqt)
Oct 28 vk3 Ballarat Amateur Radio Group HamFest (vk3kqt)

Nov 11 VK5 - Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society HamFest
Nov 17 VK7 - VK7Hamfest Miena Community Centre (vk7wi)
Nov 18 VK3 - The Rosebud RadioFest (vk3pdg)

2019 Social Scene

May 3 - 6 VK4 - Claireview Gathering (tarc)

September 2019- Scandinavian YL Radio Operators Convention
will be in Norway LA8FOA is your contact

2020 Social Scene

ALARAMEET Bendigo (vk5yl)

Submitting news items

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug
commercial traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your
supporters in this text edition "no worries."

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to and don't JUST send url's links,
but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

We would appreciate items no longer than 2 minutes in length as we
only have a half hour.

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it
being broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News.
Each item will only be broadcast once, if you want a couple of
mentions, please submit different slants to keep your event 'fresh'
and always if the news room is to read your item ---
write it in the 3rd person.



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


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Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
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The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of
Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs.
Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but if broadcast, are done so in the spirit in
which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form,
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© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)