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"Celebrating Amateur Radio's Contribution to Society".




Apolgies but this is an 'audio' only news item naming this
years winners.

Sometime over this weekend written results will be available on


Hello, I'm Geoff Emery, VK4ZPP, and I've been thinking.

I was impressed this week to see the WIA posting news from the
IARU Region 3 meeting in Korea. Often this type of involvement
is overlooked when the membership renewal arrives and we start to
think about the home budget and the value we get from being a member.

In the great scheme of regulation and advocacy, the International
Amateur Radio Union is an important part of maintaining consistency
in international planning spectrum usage for us amateurs. With the
World Administrative Conference around the corner, in 2019, there is
much negotiation and burning of midnight oil in preparation. Not the
least of that is the fact that many sectors of the user groups are
pressing for greater access to RF and regulators are trying to
accommodate the various claims and it all should mesh.

One of the biggest demands for bandwidth in the microwave bands is
the exponential expansion with the coming of the internet of Things
(IoT) and the impending release of the 5G mobile standards. Then
there is the matter of compatibility of service requirements between
users of HF radio spectrum. Already as the NBN progresses its rollout
amateurs are reporting interference from internet equipment radiation
into amateur station equipment. The fact that we amateurs are primary
users of particular segments should ensure that we are protected and
faults such as this are quickly remediated.

Then think back a couple of weeks and we have the instructions to US
Coast Guard vessels to minimise the use of led lights because of the
interference they are causing to electronic systems on board.
Ambient noise levels have been increasing because of what has been
dubbed "electronic smog " as switch mode power supplies, solar pv
regulators, led lights and on and on. Ask a consistent HF operator
what the bands are like and then what the noise level at their QTH
has become. It is not a pretty picture.

As poor as the compliance is to the standards that should help remove
this electronic trash, just think how much worse it would be if there
was no attempt at control. If there was no ITU oversight of standards
and co-ordination and the manufacturers and service providers could
just do what the best money return would allow, just think, there
would be little standardisation until perhaps a monopoly won the
technology war.

So as amateurs pool their expertise in conferences like the one in
Seoul we should all be thankful that we do have a system and an
input in the protection of our recreation. Without the dedication of
these people in negotiating on an international platform, we would be
without the bands, the modes and the operating privileges we enjoy.

I'm Geoff Emery and that's what I about you?

(thanks to QNEWS for that item)


INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club,
ARRL, Amateur Radio Newsline, RAC, NZART & the World Wide sources of
the WIA.


Technical consultation:

Adding new usages to the General User Radio Licence - Short Range Devices
in frequencies below 30 MHz.

Radio Spectrum Management has released a consultation document concerning
increased use in portable electrical appliances and mobile devices. These
devices have driven interest in wireless charging in what they do and
how they work.

This technology has two components that require use of radio spectrum
below the 30 MHz frequency range.

Wireless power transfer system

Inductive loop system

The consultation document identifies that these components fall within
the definition of short range devices and are covered by the
General User Radio Licence (GURL-SRD). It would mean that the existing
technical conditions in the GURL SRD would need to be modified to
explicitly allow the use of wireless power transmission and inductive loop


IARU Region 3 Conference.

The 17th IARU Region 3 Regional Conference, hosted by the Korean Amateur
Radio League (KARL), took place September 10-14 in the PJ Hotel in Seoul,

KARL reported that to promote the hobby an Entry Level License (ELL) has
been introduced as the fourth class of amateur radio license in Korea.
Obtaining this license requires participating in eight hours of tuition
introducing amateur radio to beginners. License holders will be allowed
to operate on VHF/UHF bands with up to 10 watts output power.

CRAC reports the population of radio amateurs in China is expanding
steadily and the number of amateur radio operators now stands at:
130,115 and China believes there are about 80,000 active station licences
with their highest license class permitting 1 kW on HF.

IARU-R3 conference documents are available at

There were 74 attendees at the International Amateur Radio Union Region 3
Conference in Seoul, Korea.

All delegates and observers from the Region 3 member societies assembled
for the opening plenary session and worked its way through the extensive
agenda. One area of the agenda that stands out are the many band planning
items that included:

Harmonize 2m APRS MARTS
Interim IARU Region 3 Band Plan
Coordination between the IARU Regions on VHF, UHF and MW Bands
15m Band Satellite Planning

IARU has also announced that the theme for World Amateur Radio Day,
April 18, 2019, will be:-

"Celebrating Amateur Radio's Contribution to Society".

The Administrative Council (AC) of the International Amateur Radio
Union held its annual in-person meeting on September 8 and 9, in
Seoul, Republic of Korea, immediately prior to the IARU Region 3
Conference. The AC is responsible for the policy and management of
the IARU and consists of the three IARU international officers and
two representatives from each of the three IARU regional organizations

After consideration of several possible alternatives the theme for
World Amateur Radio Day, April 18, 2019, was confirmed as
"Celebrating Amateur Radio's Contribution to Society".

Attending the meeting were IARU President Tim Ellam, VE6SH/G4HUA;
Vice President Ole Garpestad, LA2RR; Secretary David Sumner, K1ZZ;
regional representatives Don Beattie, G3BJ, Hans Blondeel Timmerman,
PB2T, Reinaldo Leandro, YV5AM, Ramn Santoyo, XE1KK, Gopal Madhavan,
VU2GMN, and Peter Young, VK3MV. Present as observers were regional
executive committee members Jay Bellows, K0QB, Ken Yamamoto, JA1CJP,
and Don Wallace, ZL2TLL.


Reduced ham radio power limit from November 1

Representatives of Sweden's national amateur radio society, the SSA, have
met with the communications regulator, the P.T.S.

The agenda included the follow-up to the delegation decision and
information on the new exemption regulation to be decided this month.

In the autumn of 2017, PTS opened a supervisory issue on how SSA manages
delegated duties. PTS has said its satisfaction with the measures that
SSA has taken and will take to improve its routines. The audit was
abolished in mid-July.

SM6CNN and SM5PHU were part of a delegation meeting.

Initially, SSA presented the Hams vision and view on the amateur radio
and community benefit, which was well received by the Authority, BUT,

No Entry Level certificate

SSA raised the issue of an alternative certificate class. PTS declared
that no new certificate class would be introduced.

Reduced power limit from November 1

PTS will proceed with decision on the proposed reduction of power limit
to 200 watts. There has been no objection to the objections made by
several referral bodies. As a reason for the new regulation, it is stated
that you want to implement PTS spectrum strategy. SSA demanded an
explanation of what the Authority would like to achieve, but no further
motivation was given.

During the meeting, the SSA also asked what criteria should apply when
assessing license applications for higher impact. The general answer is
that license applications are assessed in accordance with the
Electronic Communications Act, but no further details are currently
available. SSA was somewhat wondering how applications are being assessed
at the moment. When the new regulation is decided, PTS will inform about
application procedures and fees. The processing time for license
applications is currently reported to 42 days.

Source SSA


Reverse-Polarity Sunspot Group Does Not Belong to Cycle 25,
Observatory Says

The Royal Observatory of Belgium's Solar-Terrestrial Centre of Excellence
(STCE) has asserted that the reverse polarity sunspot group 2720 observed
in late August belongs to the current solar cycle Cycle 24 and does
NOT represent the start of Cycle 25.

"Because of its reversed polarity, some news services claimed sunspot
group 2720 was possibly one of the first groups of new solar Cycle 25,"
the Centre said. "This is simply not true, in view of its very low
8 latitude.

The next solar Cycle 25 sunspot group should have both reversed magnetic
polarity and much higher heliographic latitude, typically 20 to 40 from
the equator. Only two tiny, short-lived numbered sunspot groups are
currently assigned to new solar Cycle 25, sunspot group 2620 in
December 2016 and 2694 in January 2018."


Ham radio at World Maker Faire

The ARRL reports amateur radio will be represented at 9th Annual
World Maker Faire in New York City, September 22-23, that is expected
to attract 90,000 attendees

The Garden School (K2GSG) and Hall of Science Amateur Radio clubs in
New York City will join forces this month to put Amateur Radio on
display during the 9th annual World Maker Faire NYC at the New York Hall
of Science in Queens.

Last year's World Maker Faire NYC drew some 90,000 attendees.

The Garden School's ham radio club advisor and science teacher
John Hale, KD 2 LPM, said participating youngsters will introduce
Amateur Radio and mentor attendees in constructing small, electronic
"Maker Key" Morse code oscillators. The project helped Garden School
win a blue ribbon at last year's Maker Faire.

Visiting radio amateurs will be able to build a tape-measure Yagi for
satellite or terrestrial use. In cooperation with the Hall of Science ARC,
radio amateurs will attempt to make satellite contacts with the
tape-measure Yagis as a demonstration, Hale said.



Oct 6 - WW - Oceania DX contest
Oct 11-12 - WW - SELCALL ALE, not so much a contest but an exercise.

Aug 17-18 WW ILLW visit:


The first successful exchange of messages between Australia and the
United Kingdom via wireless in 1918 is marked every 5 years by contact
between the Dragon Amateur Radio Club in Wales and the Hornsby Amateur
Radio Club VK2, together with the Ku-ring-gai Historical Society also
in VK2.

This year, 100 hundred years after the original experimental transmission
between the two nations, the experiment is about to occur again - this
time on the 22nd of September as a re-enactment of the original Morse Code
message and a broader celebration.

With this being a 100-year anniversary, the Ku-ring-gai Municipal Council
is planning to host a celebration that will include displays in the
nearby St. Andrew's Church hall as well as an amateur radio station
operated by the Hornsby and District Amateur Radio Club with the callsign

At the same time in Wales, the Dragon Amateur Radio club will operate its
own HF station from the site of the Marconi transmitter there, using the
call sign GB 2 VK. (GB TO VK)

The day's activities will include replication of the original message
sent from Wales by Australian Prime Minister Billy Hughes to Ernest Fisk,
who was at home at his wireless station in Wahroonga.

The Wireless institute of Australia has been celebrating all month and
hams have been allocated state- and territory-based special event
call signs for the duration of the observance. The call signs have the
prefix "VI" and the suffix "MARCONI" with the appropriate number in
between designating each state or territory.


Special event stations SN100, with suffix's IP, JH, JP, PS and PW
are QRV until November 11 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Poland's
QSL via bureau.

Three special event stations will be active from the
Republic of San Marino on 15th - 16th September.
Look for the callsigns T 71 A, T 71 B and T 71 C which will be
transmitting from towers on the three peaks of Monte Titano in San Marino.
This event is being held in conjunction with a local civil protection
QSLs go via T7 0 A.


AMSAT-UK tweeted:

September edition of Satmagazine has an article on the Goonhilly
Earth Station by Matthew Cosby.

Download the free magazine PDF from


(text edtion only)


Team USA took home 10 medals from the just-concluded 2018 Amateur
Radio Direction Finding (ARDF) World Championships, the highest
medal count since the US team began participating in the
international event 20 years ago. The 19th World ARDF Championships
took place September 2 - 8 near the resort city of Sokcho in Korea's
Gangwon Province. Hidden transmitters were scattered in forests
encompassing 1,000 acres or more.

No word yet to the WIA on how Team VK faired.

This marked the second time that ARDF Team USA had competed in Korea.
Before traveling to the competition, a weekend training camp for
Team USA members and other ARDF enthusiasts took place August 10 - 12
at Mt. Pinos in the Los Padres National Forest of California.



Introduction to Amateur Digital Television

Jim KH 6 HTV has released a new book titled Introduction to Amateur
Digital Television

This free book pulls together a lot of information previously scattered
in over 40 application notes.

Download the PDF from



The 70cm VK5RDM DMR repeater is now running at the LMARC clubroom in
Murray Bridge on 439.850

VK5RDM is fully operational as a Brandmiester DMR repeater

TG 50 5 for TS 1
TG 50599 on TS 2 number 505505



There's a lot going on above us!

BUT, satellites are more at risk from fast solar winds than a major space
storm according to a UK-US study published in the Journal Space Weather.

Researchers investigating the space weather risks to orbiting
satellites calculated electron radiation levels within the
Van Allen radiation belts. This ring-doughnut-shaped zone
wraps around the Earth, trapping charged particles.
Geostationary orbit lies inside the Van Allen radiation belts.

The study, which analysed years of satellite data, found that
electron radiation levels at geostationary orbit could remain
exceptionally high for 5 days or more, even after the solar wind speed
had died down. As a result, electronic components on satellites could
charge up to dangerously high levels and become damaged.


Jupiter has an extra magnetic pole

NASA's Juno spacecraft has discovered something extraordinary about

There is an extra magnetic pole near the giant planet's equator, dubbed
"The Great Blue Spot" by researchers who identified it.

Jupiter's unexpected magnetic morphology is a sign that strange things
may be happening deep beneath her cloud tops.

Visit for the full story

Radio Amateurs Receive Images from Chinese Lunar Satellite

Some earthbound radio amateurs and sky watchers have received images from
a tiny Chinese satellite now orbiting the moon.

In May, China launched the DSLWP-A and DSLWP-B microsatellites also
known as Longjiang-1 and Longjiang-2 into a lunar transfer orbit,
although Longjiang-1 was apparently lost in the process and likely
remains in deep Earth orbit.

They were deployed as secondary payloads with the Quequiao relay
satellite as part of the Chang'e 4 mission to the far side of the moon.
DSLWP stands for "Discovering the Sky at Longest Wavelengths Pathfinder."

The satellite is testing low-frequency radio astronomy and space-based
interferometry, and while it carries Amateur Radio and educational
payloads, no transponder is aboard.

The Chang'e 4 mission will be the first-ever attempt at a soft landing
on the far side of the moon. The Chang'e-4 lander and rover are scheduled
to launch in December. The Harbin Institute of Technology (BY 2 HIT)
developed and built the DSLWP spacecraft and is overseeing that mission.
The microsat also carries optical cameras from Saudi Arabia.

An open tele command protocol allows radio amateurs to take and download

The spacecraft transmits on 70 centimetres (435.400/436.400 MHz) with
250/500 bps GMSK using 10 kHz wide FM single-channel data, with
concatenated codes or JT4G. JT4 uses four-tone FSK, with a keying rate of
4.375 baud; the JT4G sub-mode uses 315 Hz tone spacing and 1,260 Hz total


Bendigo Amateur Radio and Electronics Club invites you to 'Bendigo
Internet of Things Network', a presentation by Dr Simon Egerton of
La Trobe University, and Chris Rowlands of the City of Greater Bendigo.

La Trobe University and the City of Greater Bendigo are teaming up to
trial a new 'Internet of Things Network' in Bendigo.

By installing open source 'gateways' in several locations around Bendigo,
the project will enable anyone in the local community to connect to the
IoT, to gather their own data. The IoT is a giant network of connected
"things", including mobile phones, weather stations, machines and
electronic devices - basically any physical object that features an
IP address for internet connectivity.

It enables users to gather data on literally anything - for example,
weather patterns, footpath usage, wildlife movements, traffic congestion
and water distribution.

Driven out of La Trobe's new Technology Innovation Lab in Bendigo, this
will be the first open source IoT network established in regional

The evening commences at 7.30 pm, Friday September 21st at the BAREC club
room, 20 Longlea Lane, Longlea, near Bendigo. A gold coin donation would
be appreciated. Tea, coffee and biscuits available.


Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz

IARU Region 1 3760 7110 14300 18160 21360 kHz

IARU Region 2 3750 3985 7060 7240 7275 14300 18160 21360 kHz

The NSW Telco Authority and the NSW SES have launched the first
agency-operated, fully MOBILE government radiocommunications site in

The cell on wheels (CoW) will provide public safety agency frontline
workers with a deployable mission-critical solution for operational

"The CoW will provide significant support to emergency and operational
response agencies as they work with communities during disasters,"
NSW Telco Authority Managing Director Kate Foy explained.

"It is the newest addition to the state's supply of mobile radio assets
and the latest product resulting from collaboration between the
Telco Authority and NSW SES to improve frontline communications during
critical incidents."

The CoW was jointly funded by NSW SES and the Critical Communications
Enhancement Program (CCEP), which will increase radio coverage on the

The CoW is based on an 'Iveco 4WD' platform that facilitates access to
locations normally inaccessible by regular 4x4 vehicles and trailers.
Where road access is not possible, the equipment is purpose built to be
dismounted from the vehicle and deployed by helicopter.

Read more:



Shortwave Radio Reports May Offer Best Evidence of Amelia Earhart's
Fate, Group Believes.

The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery (TIGHAR)
believes it has the key to unlock the decades-old mystery of what
happened to famed aviator Amelia Earhart and her navigator
Fred Noonan in their planned circumnavigation of the globe in 1937.
TIGHAR's The Earhart Project analysed dozens of radio transmissions
received by radio amateurs and other shortwave listeners during the
frantic search to locate Earhart's plane when she did not make her
scheduled arrival at Howland Island.

Many theories have sprung up over the years to explain the mysterious
disappearance, but a TIGHAR research paper entitled The Post-Loss
Radio Signals, published by The Earhart Project, maintains that
"the patterns and relationships emerging from the data show that
TIGHAR has answered the 81-year-old question:

'What really happened to Amelia Earhart?'"

The Earhart Project "is testing the hypothesis that Amelia Earhart
and Fred Noonan landed, and eventually died, on Gardner Island, now
Nikumaroro in the Republic of Kiribati," its website says.

In July 1937, a young teenager named Betty Klenck, listening to
shortwave bands on her family's radio, intercepted and transcribed
pleas for help that TIGHAR calls "a remarkable record of perhaps the
last communication" from Earhart and Noonan and "leave little doubt"
that the 15-year-old heard a genuine distress call from the pair,
transmitted from the aircraft Electra.

Klenck's notebook, discovered in 2000, inspired TIGHAR's effort to
catalogue all reception reports. TIGHAR analysed nearly 60 other
reception reports made in the wake of Earhart's failure to arrive on
Howland Island. The vast majority, TIGHAR said, came from government
or commercial operators as well as "licensed amateurs" working for the
US Interior Department on Howland and Baker Islands, listening on
Earhart's primary, harmonically related frequencies of 3,105 and
6,210 kHz.

TIGHAR contends that higher-order harmonics of the primary frequencies
enabled the "accidental" reception of Earhart's transmissions at
greater distances, because those higher-frequency signals would be
more prone to ionospheric propagation.

Reports came from the Pacific and the continental US, TIGHAR said,
with Earhart reporting her plane down "on an uncharted island" that
was "small, uninhabited." According to accounts, the radio
transmissions became progressively more desperate, with Earhart
reporting that Noonan was injured and subsequently delirious.

The commander of the US Coast Guard vessel Itasca, which was involved
in the search, discounted the contemporary radio reception reports,
saying that all available land areas had been searched. He expressed
doubt that Earhart and Noonan made any radio transmissions after their
plane disappeared on July 2, 1937.

Social Scene 2018
Sept 21-23 VK4 Central Highlands AR Club AGM Lake Maraboon (TARC)

Sep 28-Oct 1 VK4 Cardwell Gathering (TARC)

Oct 14 VK3 Yarra Valley Amateur Radio Group HamFest (vk3kqt/vk3cnw)

"Hi, this is Craig VK3WAR on behalf of the Yarra Valley
Amateur Radio Group. Join us on Sunday October the 14th
for our annual Hamfest at the Gary Cooper Pavillion in
Yarra Glen.

Doors open from 10:00AM till 2:00PM.

Entrance fee of $7:00 includes Tea and Coffee.

For table bookings phone Colin VK3CNW on 0423 535988.

Hope to see you there on Sunday the 14th of October."

Oct 28 vk3 Ballarat Amateur Radio Group HamFest (vk3kqt)

Nov 11 VK5 - Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society HamFest
Nov 17 VK7 - VK7Hamfest Miena Community Centre (vk7wi)
Nov 18 VK3 - The Rosebud RadioFest (vk3pdg)

2019 Social Scene

May 3 - 6 VK4 - Claireview Gathering (tarc)

September 2019- Scandinavian YL Radio Operators Convention
will be in Norway LA8FOA is your contact

2020 Social Scene

ALARAMEET Bendigo (vk5yl)

Submitting news items

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug
commercial traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your
supporters in this text edition "no worries."

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to and don't JUST send url's links,
but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

We would appreciate items no longer than 2 minutes in length as we
only have a half hour.

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it
being broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News.
Each item will only be broadcast once, if you want a couple of
mentions, please submit different slants to keep your event 'fresh'
and always if the news room is to read your item ---
write it in the 3rd person.



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


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We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of
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nor the National WIA, but if broadcast, are done so in the spirit in
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© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)