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WIA President/Director Justin VK7TW with this week's board comment. -

WIA secures Special Event callsigns for the Centenary of the Armistice
that ended World War 1, Roger Harrison VK2ZRH tells more.

AND FOR WEEK OF October 07

Hello this is WIA Director Justin VK7TW with this week's board comment.

What a fantastic celebration the Hornsby and District Amateur Radio
Club and the Karingai Historical Society put on for the Marconi
Centenary Celebrations. Greg VK2GPK our WIA Vice-President attended
the day as the WIA representative. I am sure you will hear more from
Greg about this celebration in coming broadcasts. I would also like to
thank Phil VK2ASD for attending the day. Phil was the WIA liaison
person for the celebration.

The IARU Region 3 Conference was held in mid September and we
congratulate Peter Young VK3MV for being re-elected a Region 3
Director. One output from the conference that the WIA is eagerly
awaiting is a revised Region 3 Band Plan. This Band Plan will provide
the basis to address a number of long standing issues.

As you have heard in previous broadcasts Phil Hutchings VK4PG has been
appointed interim Chair of the Strategic Advisory Committee. Phil is
currently in the United Kingdom and will be attending the RSGB
National Conference next weekend. This conference is being held at
Kents Hill Park Conference Centre in Milton Keynes. We look forward to
the report from Phil on the conference.

The Board has a number of standing agenda items that relate to the
committee structures and we are always looking at ways to make the
committees more representative and effective for members and the WIA.
One in focus at the moment is the overarching Media and Publications
Committee. This is an umbrella committee that will end up working
closely with the Sales and Marketing group, Publications, Broadcast,
Digital Publications and Bookshop working group. Casey VK2FACE is
full steam ahead with finding people interested in the Sales and
Marketing Group and developing Terms of Reference for the group.

Once a month at the second Board meeting the Board reviews the profit
and loss statement and the balance sheet for the WIA. I am pleased to
report that the organisation is currently running with a slight
surplus which considering the our position at the same time last year
is an improvement and certainly good news. This is especially
heartening given the recent large outlays to meet our international

Another area the Board is carefully working through is improving
diversity and inclusion within the WIA. What this means is actively
trying to remove access barriers across the hobby and WIA for all
within our community. Exploring how can we build equity by addressing
structural and cultural inequities and build a culture of inclusion
for all groups within our community so, they feel part of this great
hobby. Where we identify disadvantage how can we address these.
This is a challenging area that will take sometime to implement and
your Board is starting to think about this area.

The Board has received an invitation from the Norfolk Amateur Radio
Club in the UK. They are interested in a presentation via video
conference to form links between the UK and VK. This is currently
being organised for mid-2019.

Planning for Annual General Meeting 2019 in Sydney is underway with
calls for nominations going out soon, notices will be in AR magazine
to facilitate the election of Board Members for 2019-2020.

Finally the Board is eagerly awaiting the release of the Request for
Tender document for the future amateur qualifications framework from
the ACMA.

On behalf of the WIA Board this has been Justin VK7TW.

This is Roger Harrison VK2ZRH with news about Special Event callsigns
for the Centenary of the Armistice that ended World War 1.

As is well-known, many radio amateurs played a key role in wartime

To show respect, the WIA has secured Special Event callsigns for use
across all Australian States and Territories.

These commemorative callsigns will be much sought after on-air,
throughout the world.

Two States and Territories callsigns will be available -
VI # PEACE, along with VI # LWF (for Lest We Forget).
The call area numeral substitutes for the # - one through zero.

The callsigns will be available for use between the third and the
eleventh of November, a few short weeks away.

These callsigns and their licence fees are paid for by the WIA, and
the ACMA has agreed on their use for the nominated period.

Clubs, groups and/or individuals can apply to use the State and
Territory callsigns on a roster basis for periods up to 24 hours over
the third to eleventh November.

It is expected that the roster will fill quickly. To make an
application, email:-

with "Armistice callsigns" in the subject line.

As they are Advanced grade callsigns, applicants must have an Advanced
licence. Intermediate and Foundation licensees will be able to use the
callsigns, but such operators' licence conditions apply regarding
bands, modes and power, unless an Advanced operator is present during
the operation.

Further details, including all criteria for application and use, will
be posted on the WIA website news pages and advised via social media,

This is Roger Harrison VK2ZRH for VK1WIA News.



Oct 6 - WW - Oceania DX contest
Oct 11-12 - WW - SELCALL ALE, not so much a contest but an exercise.

Aug 17-18 WW ILLW visit:



Frequency: 137.444 kHz
Callsign: VK4RBC
Location: Caboolture, Queensland, Australia
Maidenhead: QG62lw
Mode: WSPR2 (6H00F1D) plus CW Ident
Power: 1 Watt EIRP
Antenna: 500m Long Wire, 40m max height
TX %: 50 %
Status: On Air

In the gaps between transmission, the station will report all
WSPR decodes to Link

(sourced to wia's vk7tw - text editions)




Until October 10 - 9X the Rwanda DXpedition
Members of the Italian DX Team are active as 9 X 0 T but only till
October 10th.
Activity is on 160-6 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY, RTTY will only
be on 14084 kHz.
QSL via I 2 YSB direct only.
(Sourced to SouthGate)

G 4 EDG is active as ZD 9 CW from Tristan da Cunha, AF-029, to the
22nd of October, CW and RTTY with some SSB on the 15 to 40m bands
and possibly 80m.
QSL via Logbook of The World or via LZ 1 JZ.

Stan LZ1GC will be signing 5W0GC until 14th October from Apia in Samoa.
Stan is well-known from previous Pacific trips and will be on all
HF bands on CW, SSB and RTTY BUT the main focus of this DXpedition is
160 and 80m.

Following on from his visit to Samoa, Stan LZ1GC will move to Vanuatu
where he will team up with OM5ZW and OK2WM to activate the callsign
YJ0GC until 4th November. Once again they will focus on 160 and 80m. QSLs go via Club Log OQRS.

Ulrich DL2AH is active on the wireless from American Samoa as
WH8/DL2AH until October 29. He will be on 80 - 10m on SSB, RTTY and
FT8. He will take part in the CQWW DX SSB contest at the end of
October. QSL to his home call DL2AH.

In celebration of the 50th anniversary of IARU Region 3, members of
the Radio Society of Thailand are QRV as HS 50 IARU until October 31.

Members of the Brunei Darussalam Amateur Radio Association are QRV
with special event station V850IARU until October 31 to celebrate
the 50th anniversary of IARU Region 3. QSL via V85TL.

Special event station OL 100 CSR is QRV until October 31 to celebrate
the founding of Czechoslovakia 100 years ago. QSL via bureau.

In the United Kingdom the R.N.I.B, the Royal National Institute of
Blind People, was founded on 16 October 1868.
As part of the celebration of their 150th anniversary, Terry, GM3WUX
will run a special event callsign GR 150 NIB until October 28.
Activity on SSB and CW across all HF bands.
(sourced to rsgb)

Special event stations SN100, with suffix's IP, JH, JP, PS and PW
are QRV until November 11 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Poland's
QSL via bureau.

Celebrating this year's WW1 Armistice Day Centenary, on air
November 3 to 15 will be VI6PAX

GB1NHS permanent special event call sign
"Essex Ham" reports the official launch of GB 1 NHS.
This unique permanent special event call sign is being looked after on behalf
of the National Health Service by Paul Devlin G1SMP
Paul has plans to put the call sign to good use promoting both amateur radio
within the NHS, and NHS initiatives using amateur radio.
(Sourced to SouthGate)



The ARRL reports Global Learn Day on the Air (GLDOTA) is an extension
of Global Learn Day, which celebrates learning and encourages everyone
to recognize the importance of education

GLDOTA started at 0001 UTC on October 5 and continues through 2359 UTC
on October 8.

Individual radio amateurs and clubs are encouraged to exchange
contacts with each other and to include children in this learning

"Each contact during GLDOTA is a celebration, reducing the distance
between us as we shrink the planet one contact at a time," the event
announcement said.

Suggested frequencies are 3.803, 7.187, 14.287, and 21.387 MHz.
Contacts via satellite and with the International Space Station are
also valid.

Email CSV or TSV logs in the format
<My Call Sign> <Contact Serial Number>
<Date> <Time> <Band> <Mode>
<Other Station's Call Sign>.

Thanks to Terry Redding, W6LMJ

Source ARRL

(text editions only)


INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club,
ARRL, Ed Durant and the team at Amateur Radio Newsline, RAC, NZART &
the World Wide sources of the WIA.

Indonesia Earthquakes and Tsunami

A sequence of earthquakes and a tsunami in the Indonesian areas of
Donggala and Palu September 28 have left around a thousand people dead
and many more injured

Dani Halim, YB2TJV, as the new IARU R3 Disaster Communication
Coordinator reports, Amateur Radio Operators in Indonesia immediately
activated to respond to the disaster unfolding in Central Sulawesi

Following the magnitude 7.7 earthquake, electricity, mobile (cellular)
and all other communication facilities in the area are cut off.

Communications have been established from the Luwuk Disaster Management
Agency located 700 km from the epicentre of the Earthquake with
YD8MII (Net Control) and YC8OBM.

Indonesian National Society ORARI immediately established an Emergency
Net on 7.110 MHz and also activated the Lapan-Orari IO-86 satellite as
a backup. Due to QRM on 7.110MHz though, a second net has been set up
on 7.065 MHz.

ORARI asks that they are given room to use 7.110 MHz AND 7.065 MHz
since this earthquake is/could be worse than the one in Lombok at the
end of August please allow them a QRM free space to complete their

ESEO Satellite Completes Vibration Tests - Final Testing to Begin

On September 28, 2018 the European Space Agency reported that the
European Student Earth Orbiter (ESEO), a student-built project is
about to enter its exciting final test phase, after having just
concluded the vibration tests, that demonstrated that the satellite
is able to withstand the harsh vibrations of launch.

ESEO is a 45kg micro-satellite mission to Low Earth Orbit developed,
integrated, and tested by European university students. The student
experiments on board ESEO include:

+ FUNcube-4 1260 MHz to 145 MHz amateur FM transponder together
with FUNcube compatible telemetry for educational outreach
+ Taking pictures of the Earth
+ Measuring radiation levels
+ Test technologies that can be used for future education
satellite missions.

In the next couple of weeks ESEO will undergo the thermal vacuum
and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) tests to confirm that ESEO
is capable of coping with the thermal environment that it will
experience in orbit, and the electromagnetic conditions generated
during launch preparation, during the launch itself and in orbit.

FUNcube-4 is the amateur radio payload on the ESEO mission. This
payload will provide similar FUNcube telemetry to its predecessors
but will have a more powerful transmitter and thus be even easier
to hear. For amateurs, this payload will also provide a single
channel L/V transponder for FM.

Uplink: 1263.500 MHz FM voice with 67Hz CTCSS tone
Downlink: 145.895 MHz FM voice and telemetry



New Zealand's regulator RSM reports: ' In August, we mentioned
creating a prohibition notice for unrestricted two-way radios.
This was to limit the availability to the general public for radios
that don't meet the Radio Standards.

The prohibition notice is ready to gazette and will come into effect
on 18 October 2018.

The notice will affect the supply of two-way radios like Baofeng,
Pofung and Wouxun to the amateur market, but not equipment
factory locked to the Amateur bands.

Amateur radio operators or suppliers need to hold a 'Licence to supply
radio transmitters' to import and supply this equipment.

Special conditions to the licence will allow the import and supply of
this equipment, monthly returns of your imports and sales, including
nil returns.

And from NZ to a story where one of these 'to be prohibited'
handies really WAS HANDY!


It was radio to the rescue in Indonesia recently - and the happy
ending came about because of one of those low-priced HTs!

One global news item in the past week or so was the rescue of
Indonesian Aldi Novel Adilang who told reporters that his hand-held
transceiver was key to his rescue on the high seas.

Adilang was adrift for 49 days in the Pacific after the unpowered
rompong fishing platform he was working on lost its anchor line.

It broke loose some 125 km off the coast, during high winds on the
14 of July. After a week, Adilang ran out of food, but managed to live
on fish he caught and when it didn't rain, he drank drips of sea water
that he wrung from his clothing.

Using his generator-driven light and a makeshift white flag, he had
tried to attract the attention of many passing ships, but to no avail.

He drifted with the winds and current over 1900 km.

When the huge bulk carrier MV Arpeggio passed within a mile of him on
August 31st he tried to attract them but the ship just kept going.

It was only when he remembered the HT on his boat and tuned it to a
Marine VHF Channel frequency, that a friend had told him to use if he
got in trouble, that he got the ships attention by calling HELP (in
English) into the HT.

The ship reversed its course and rescued Adilang.

Adilang was quoted as saying he 'no longer wants to work on rompong
platforms! '

HamSCI Expanding to the Southern Hemisphere

The South African Radio League (SARL) and AMSAT-SA are taking the
ham radio/citizen scientist concept to the Southern Hemisphere.

The new organization will be known as Amateur Radio Science Citizen
Investigation, or HamSCI SA, and will be based on the successful
HamSCI now operating in the US and the UK.

The HamSCI concept was developed by American scientist-radio amateurs
who study the upper atmosphere and space physics. According to a recent
ee publishers article by Hans van de Groenendaal, ZS6AKV, HamSCI SA
will be a platform for publicizing and promoting projects that advance
scientific research and understanding through Amateur Radio activities,
encourage the development of new technologies to support such research,
and providing educational opportunities for the amateur community and
the general public, with a focus on youth.


UK's rarest lizard to be tracked by tiny radio tags

The Warrington Guardian reports tiny radio tags are being used to
track the movements of a group of Britain's rarest reptiles as
they are reintroduced into the wild

Marwell Wildlife in Hampshire has fitted transmitters to 24 out of 86
sand lizards being released at the site of special scientific interest
at Eelmoor Marsh in Farnborough.

The aim is to use the trackers, which weigh just point 29 of a gram -
less than 5% of the lizard's body weight - to help understand their

Read the story at

IARU volunteers have been working for three years to progress
Agenda Item 1.1 for the World Radio Conference 2019.

This agenda item seeks a Region 1 allocation at around 50 MHz for the
amateur service in the Radio Regulations Table of Frequency
Allocations, to align with the allocations in Regions 2 and our own
(VK)Region 3.

Extensive work has been undertaken in the African Telecommunications
Union, CEPT, Arab Spectrum Management Group, RCC and of course ITU
to gain support for such an allocation rather than the current
country-by-country allocations under Article 4.4 of the Regulations.
IARU has represented the global voice of amateur radio in these
meetings arguing that new applications in amateur radio require
significant bandwidth at 50 MHz and has set out a proposed utilisation
of the band which supports its claim.

IARU has also engaged in extensive work on sharing studies using
propagation models recognised by ITU and CEPT

After many weeks of planning and meetings in both regional and global
forums post the WRC in 2015, the next step on the route to WRC19 took
place last week, where CEPT project team PTD considered its position
on this agenda item in preparation for the CEPT Conference Preparatory
Group meeting in November and the ITU CPM in February 2019.
(that story in text editions only)




Allied bombing in WW2 altered ionosphere

Research by Professor Chris Scott, from the University of Reading,
shows the impact on the Ionosphere of the Allied bombing raids over
Europe during WW2

Chris says "Each raid released the energy of at least 300 lightning

Researchers studied daily records kept at the Radio Research Centre in
Slough, UK, looking at how the concentration of electrons changed in
the upper atmosphere around the time of 152 Allied air raids in Europe.

The data showed the concentration of electrons fell significantly when
a bomb was detonated, which in turn heated the upper atmosphere.
This caused a small but significant depletion in the ionosphere above
Slough, even though the bombs were deployed hundreds of miles away.

In his paper, the contribution of ground-based disturbances to
ionospheric variability is investigated by considering the response of
the ionospheric F2 layer over Slough, UK, to 152 major bombing raids
over Europe during World War II.

Download PDF from

BBC News story



Digital Mobile Radio registrations continue to grow, WW.

At the end of the 3rd quarter of 2018, the latest stats from Ireland
show that roughly 500 individuals have registered for DMR numbers on
that island of Ireland.

The numbers continue to grow as Digital Mobile Radio spreads across
the emerald isle, while the initial growth was in the north-east
of the Ireland in 2016, the numbers in the rest of Ireland are now
beginning to grow as more digital radio infrastructure is put in place.

There is now a regular net on Monday evenings at 20:30 on the
Irish talk group 2722 with a roll call of each of the Irish counties.

All are welcome to call in.


Flight Engineer Ricky Arnold, KE5DAU, joined Expedition 56 Commander
Drew Feustel and Flight Engineer and Soyuz Commander Oleg Artemyev
on an October 4 return voyage to Earth after more than about 6 months
in space.

They travelled in a Soyuz MS-08 spacecraft heading for a
parachute-assisted landing on the Kazakh Steppe some 3 hours later.

The crew completed a 197-day mission.

At a change-of-command ceremony, Wednesday Oct 3, Drew Feustel
formally handed over command of the ISS to crewmate Alexander Gerst,
KF 5 ONO, of the European Space Agency.

(Sourced to ARRL)

Mini Space Elevator.

Japan's seventh HTV mission, Kounotori 7, arrived at the ISS this
past week and is planned for deployment this weekend. (October 6)

This mission here consists of two 1U CubeSats connected by a
tether which includes a mini space elevator experiment, the climber,
by Shizuoka University.

The climber has a Bluetooth connection that will transmit its data to
a ground station via a STARS-Me downlink. Radio amateurs can monitor
the behaviour of the climber in the telemetry data.

Additional experiments include radio wave propagation studies, and
flight dynamics including tethered spacecraft position and rotation.

UHF downlinks will transmit CW, 1k2 AFSK and 9k6 GMSK telemetry.

Mother satellite - 437.245 MHz CW Beacon; 437.405 MHz telemetry
Daughter satellite - 437.255 MHz CW Beacon; 437.425 MHz telemetry

(Sourced to AMSAT-NA)


GB 100 MCV

Remembering the sinking of the RMS Leinster

On the 10th of October 1918, just a month before the Armistice which
ended World War 1 was signed, the RMS Leinster (call sign 'MCV') was
sunk after being torpedoed by German submarine UB-123.

The Leinster was sunk 12.5 nautical Miles off the Irish coast while
sailing from near Dublin to Holyhead in Wales.

The sinking resulted in the deaths of at least 567 of those on board,
including the Radio Officer Arthur Jeffries. To add to the tragedy,
two weeks later UB-123 was sunk with the loss of all 36 crew, the
eldest of which was just 27 years old.

To commemorate this tragic event, Dragon Amateur Radio Club, from a
Welsh village, are going to activate the special call sign GB 100 MCV
and this is being activated periodically now until the 28th October.

Also a special effort using the call will be from the 10th until the
14th of October, when she will operating intensively from the
T.S. Prince of Wales; the headquarters of the Sea Cadets in Holyhead.

Similarly the National Maritime Museum of Ireland Radio Club will be
active with the call sign EI 100 MCV and if you contact BOTH of these
wireless stations between October 10 and 14, you can claim a special

(Search either call sign on QRZ.COM for details)

((sourced to SouthGate))


Just a reminder that Melbourne QRP by the Bay is coming up next month,
Saturday 3 November at 3pm.

Melbourne QRP by the Bay is an occasional gathering of homebrewers,
QRPers and portable operators.

Peter Parker VK3YE says normally between about 15 and 30 people
show up for a very convivial couple of hours.

Bring yourself, an idea and an interesting piece of equipment.

Gather at Chelsea beach near the lifesaving club.

Afterwards we go for tea at a local restaurant.

That's 3pm Saturday November 3, for Melbourne QRP by the Bay
at Chelsea beach.

More details on the Facebook event page at

Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz

IARU Region 1 3760 7110 14300 18160 21360 kHz

IARU Region 2 3750 3985 7060 7240 7275 14300 18160 21360 kHz


Our top Radio Rescue story this week isn't about hams assisting AFTER
floods, famines and earthquake but about the way hams keep people OUT
of danger in the first place.

Andy Morrison K9AWM explained to Amateur Radio Newsline listeners
how Colorado ARES ( pronounced AIR-REEES) mobilized to help with an
epic race in the Rocky Mountain foothills - by mountain bike.

As 100 mountain bike riders from all over the country took on the
foothills of the Rocky Mountains just outside Canon City, Colorado,
the cyclists couldn't be too careful. As they commenced on the scenic
Royal Gorge Bridge to race the Royal 50 on Saturday, September 22nd,
they knew they had to be on their toes: With cactus in every corner,
rattlesnakes, treacherous downhill areas, overall rough trails and
significantly higher than normal temps they had to be ready for
anything to happen.

Fortunately, they weren't the only ones who were prepared.

To ensure everyone's safety, it took 16 members of Colorado ARES,
interoperability with the ARES comm van, some operators hiking or
biking in to their positions and the use of ATVs to cover the event.

There were also some IP cameras on the trails live-streaming back to
command over their ham radio microwave link system.

Radio traffic needed to be brief and concise, and an Incident Action
Plan was essential. Everyone needed to know exactly what to do IF
there was an emergency.

Thankfully AMR was also on site to assist with the 2 medical
situations they had. Yes there were injuries but they were thankfully
minimal: One rider had a close encounter with a cactus bush and
another crashed at the end of a downhill lane.

Overall the event was a huge success and Colorado ARES is planning to
support the Royal 50 again next year with even more riders

For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Andy Morrision K9AWM.

On a personal note from the WIA News Crew, we'd like to add this was
a job well done by the team, whose members included Amateur Radio
Newsline's own Amanda Alden K1DDN as one of the coordinators


At 2147hrs on Tuesday the 25th of September, the Region 1, 144MHz
tropo record was broken again, this time from England.

G3SMT worked D4Z on the Cape Verde Islands via the marine duct
caused by the Azores High system.

At 4,431km, it broke the previous record of 4270km set just
one minute earlier by GW 0 KZG !



News from the Central Coast Amateur Radio Club
7th October, 2018

The next Central Coast WICEN meeting will be on Saturday the 13th
October starting at 1300, with the usual BBQ beforehand,

The next Club lecture, on 20th October, will be by Allan VK2EFM on
Radiation Hazards, and it will involve a practical demonstration and
a talk on field strength readings of Electromagnetic Radiation in
relation to acceptable levels of exposure on the human body in
accordance with APANSA.

The following Saturday, the 27th October, will be a Working Bee at
the Club rooms.

All meetings of the Central Coast Amateur Radio Club are held at the
club rooms in Dandaloo St, Kariong, just past the fire station at 1pm,
preceded by the famous sausage sizzle run by Steve VK2SKC, starting at
noon. The club rooms are accessible by bus, with a stop just opposite
Dandaloo St, serviced by the route 34 bus from Gosford railway station
every hour. The Club rooms are usually open from 10.30 every Saturday,
for general chit-chat and access to the Club workshop and library.

The Club relays VK2WI News broadcasts every Sunday morning and evening.
Callbacks are taken after the morning news only, on the Somersby 6m
and 2m repeaters VK2RAG on 53.725 and 146.725 MHz respectively; please
note that both repeaters require the usual sub-audible tone of 91.5 Hz.

The Club also runs a mixed-mode repeater VK2RAG on 439.950 MHz, which
is connected to the P25 network; the 91.5 Hz tone is required for
analogue access, and is highly recommended for receiving (unless you
like hearing digital noise).

There is a net held every Thursday on the 2m repeater VK2RAG on
146.725, starting at 8pm; all members are encouraged to join
(especially if Club news for the ARNSW broadcast is involved).

The Club has a new website, and comments are requested; please send
them to "".

The Club also has a Facebook page: just look for "centralcoastarc".

There is also a Twitter account on @ccarclub

More information about the Central Coast Amateur Radio Club can be
found on the web site

(Dave VK2KFU, Publicity Officer, Central Coast Amateur Radio Club
text edition only)


Social Scene 2018
Oct 14 VK3 Yarra Valley Amateur Radio Group HamFest (vk3kqt)
Oct 28 vk3 Ballarat Amateur Radio Group HamFest (vk3kqt)

Nov 11 VK5 - Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society HamFest
Nov 17 VK7 - VK7Hamfest Miena Community Centre (vk7wi)
Nov 18 VK3 - The Rosebud RadioFest (vk3pdg)

2019 Social Scene

March 23-24 VK7 - Meet the Voice event at Ross (vk7news)

May 3 - 6 VK4 - Claireview Gathering (tarc)

September 2019- Scandinavian YL Radio Operators Convention
will be in Norway LA8FOA is your contact

2020 Social Scene

ALARAMEET Bendigo (vk5yl)

Submitting news items

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug
commercial traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your
supporters in this text edition "no worries."

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to and don't JUST send url's links,
but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

We would appreciate items no longer than 2 minutes in length as we
only have a half hour.

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it
being broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News.
Each item will only be broadcast once, if you want a couple of
mentions, please submit different slants to keep your event 'fresh'
and always if the news room is to read your item ---
write it in the 3rd person.



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
Who and where are they?

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of
Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs.
Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but if broadcast, are done so in the spirit in
which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form,
a credit to WIANews wouldn't go astray...

If you have call-backs to contribute to the National News call back
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© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)