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WIA DIRECTOR VK5WTF with this week's board comment. -


AND FOR WEEK OF October 28


Kapooka satellite ground station under construction

Construction has begun on the Defence Satellite Ground Station at
Kapooka with the first sod being turned by Deputy Prime Minister
Michael McCormack on the $24 million project.

McCormack said the Wideband Satellite Capability project involved the
acquisition and sustainment of a new Satellite Ground Station in the
East of Australia and the implementation of a Wideband SATCOM Network
Management System.

"I'm pleased to be at Kapooka the Home of the Soldier today with
representatives from the project's contractors, Northrop Grumman
Australia and Viasat, for this ground-breaking activity which will
provide flexibility to the Australian Defence Force wideband beyond
line-of-sight communications," he said.

"This is a wonderful result for the Riverina and Kapooka Army Base to
remain a vital cog in Australia's Defence Force network into the

Minister for Defence Christopher Pyne said the new ground station
would provide site and frequency redundancy to the Wideband Global
Satellites visible from mainland Australia.

"Once completed in 2021, the ground station will ensure the ADF has
an end-to-end communications service consistent with the operational
need for network-enabled operations."

Read more:

Keeping on top of interference
Australian Communications and Media Authority

The following was written by Chris Fosten, Manager, Communications
Infrastructure, ACMA.

For the full story read

The article cites several cases of interference found in a typical
day in the field.

A mobile phone carrier reported to the ACMA that one of its base
stations near Flemington, close to Melbourne's CBD, was experiencing
interference. An ACMA officer travelled to the area to find the
source and stop the interference.

The information pointed to a transmitter located in a housing area.

The ACMA officer scoured the area using a spectrum analyser,
to gauge the signal strength and find the location of the transmitter. The high-density housing complicated the search because it caused high signal reflections, but the officer used his expertise to quickly narrow the search down to a couple of houses.
He then used his 800-900 MHz directional Yagi antenna to pinpoint the
exact location of the device on the second floor of a townhouse, near
an external wall.

With the cooperation of the resident, the inspector quickly
identified a malfunctioning indoor TV antenna booster as the source
of the interference.

The inspector explained to the resident why the device couldn't be
used and advised on how TV reception in the townhouse could be

With the booster out of action, the carrier's mobile network was
restored to its normal performance.

While ACMA inspectors are travelling around, they normally have a
spectrum analyser running in the vehicle. This picks up any unusual
radiocommunications activity. In the Melbourne suburb of East
Brunswick, the analyser identified interference in the 1920-1930 MHz
frequency range the frequency used for mobile phone services in

Stopping his vehicle, the inspector used his directional Yagi antenna
and spectrum analyser to determine the direction of the signal.

He soon narrowed it down to a nearby commercial multistorey building
and tracked the signal to a first-floor business.

After introducing himself and explaining the reason for his visit,
the inspector searched for the source of the interference, coming from
a wireless VoIP server.

The server was part of the business's telecommunications set-up
and, while other pieces of their phone equipment were appropriately
labelled with the relevant compliance mark, this device was not.

The device was disconnected and the inspector clearly explained why
the device could not be used in Australia. He also issued a warning
notice for the unlicensed operation of a radiocommunications device.

Again we urge you to read more:



Later in the bulletin further on the special callsigns issued to the
WIA by ACMA to commemorate the arrival of peace at the end of
World War One.

Look out for Victor_India_9_PEACE from Christmas Island also
VI4PEACE 3 and 4 then again 8 - 10 of November is locked in.
0000Z 8th of November until 2359Z 10th November on all bands


Hello, this is VK5WTF with this week's board comment

The WIA has a new affiliated club, and did I ever get distracted
trying to find the pronunciation. The town this new club shares
its name with, from The Sydney Morning Herald article in 1949,
claims the town name to be walk-op, but I'm reliably told by
Wikipedia, is pronounced war-hope. Either way, the WIA Board would
like to welcome the Wauchope (War-hope) Amateur Radio Club to the WIA.

Applications are open for a club or group to hold the 2020 WIA AGM
and Convention. It's still over 18 months away, and we have a few
people and clubs with experience that can help you put on an awesome
display. If you are not sure if your idea is what the WIA is looking
for, send us what you are thinking and we'll definitely consider it.
Applications can go to the

Does you club do challenges or activities to keep members engaged?
Many of the clubs I have been a member of have set small challenges
for members, you could homebrew a simple transmitter or receiver,
chase a fox or even introduce a new mode of operation to your club.
What does your club do to keep members engaged and experimenting?
Remember to keep the challenge simple enough for newbies to learn,
but complex enough that the older crew is challenged. And remember
share your challenges so other clubs can adapt your ideas for their
own members.

And apologies for the audio quality, this is being recorded while on

73, this is VK5WTF, going clear


The CQ World Wide DX SSB Contest is in full modulation right now.
She runs from 00:01 UTC Saturday 27 October to
23:59 UTC Sunday 28 October.


The ARRL Contest Branch has announced that participants in the
2019 ARRL RTTY Roundup will be permitted to use the FT8 protocol
which is part of the WSJT-X software suite.

A 1-hour 'practice contest' was held Thursday, October 25,
on 7.078 kHz.

(sourced to RSGB and SouthGate)

Aug 17-18 WW ILLW visit:



Citing 'security concerns,' the 4V7R DXpedition to Haiti that was to
take place between the 19th and the 29th of October has been
cancelled. No other details forthcoming.

Celebrating this year's WW1 Armistice Day Centenary, on air
November 3 to 15 will be VI6PAX

South African Radio League News report that in South Africa, the
special call ZS 100 WW I will be active from 1 to 30 November 2018
in remembrance of the South Africans who were involved in the
'War to end all Wars.'

This is Roger Harrison VK2ZRH with an update on special Event
callsigns for the Centenary of the Armistice that ended World War 1.

As already advised, the WIA has secured special event callsigns for
use across all Australian States and Territories, to commemorate the
signing of the Armistice that ended World War 1.

These callsigns are VI # PEACE and VI # LWF, with the # representing
the call area numerals - one through zero.

In addition, VI100PEACE has also been obtained.

The callsigns will be available for use over the nine days between
the third and the eleventh of November, now coming up fast.

In particular, look out for Victor_India_9_PEACE from Christmas

Clubs, groups and/or individuals can apply to use the State and
Territory callsigns on a roster basis for periods at least 24 hours
over the third to eleventh November.

To make application, send an email to
with "Armistice callsigns" in the subject line.

These callsigns and their licence fees are paid for by the WIA, and
the ACMA has agreed on their use for the nominated period.

Don't forget that the ACMA licence conditions apply when using the
special event callsigns: applicants must have an Advanced to apply
but all levels of licence can operate within the LCD that applies to
their licence.

Other allied countries that took part in World War 1 will also have
special event amateur callsigns on the air to commemorate the
centenary of the Armistice signing.

Indeed, the Italian special event station II3BVV began operating last
week, on 24th October, and will continue through to 4th November.
Look out for II3BVV on 80, 40 and 20 metres SSB, CW and digital modes.

The United Kingdom special event station GB100ARM will be on-air over
the 1st to the 28th of November.

From the United States, look for WW1USA which will be on-air over the
3rd and 4th of November.

TM5PAX will be operating from France, active on all bands and modes
from today, 28th October, through to 11th November.

South Africa will be on-air with ZS100WWI for the month of November.

Further details, particularly QSL details and website addresses, can
be found on the WIA website.

This has been Roger Harrison VK2ZRH for VK1WIA News.

YL100 has been created to celebrate Latvia's 100th birthday.
On 18 November 2018 Latvia will celebrate it's centenary.

Five different callsigns will be used between the 1st to 18th November
with this YL100 prefix, one from each of 4 Latvia's historical regions
and the fifth, from the capital city Riga.

The callsigns are
YL100 K

YL100 L

YL100 R

YL100 V

YL100 Z

These callsigns will be operated by multiple radio amateurs from the
related regions. Special awards for working YL100 stations on
different bands and modes will be issued.



INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club,
ARRL, RAC, NZART & the World Wide sources of the WIA.

Coming soon: The comet of the year

Get ready for a very nice comet.

In two months, Comet 46P/Wirtanen will sweep past Earth, making one
of the 10 closest approaches of a comet to our planet during the
Space Age.

If forecasters are correct, Comet Wirtanen could become visible to
the naked eye for weeks in Dec. 2018.

The small but unusually active comet comes closest to Earth just four
days after its closest approach to the sun, and it will be "up" all
night long, making this an exceptional flyby.

Visit for the full story.


K 1 W 1

Update on the prohibition of unrestricted two-way radios

In August, we mentioned how in New Zealand their spectrum management
agency were creating a prohibition notice for unrestricted two-way

This was to limit the availability to the general public for radios
that don't meet the Radio Standards.

The prohibition notice came into effect Thursday 18 October 2018.

The notice will affect the supply of two-way radios like Baofeng,
Pofung and Wouxun to the amateur market, but not equipment
factory-locked to the Amateur bands.


Radio Ham prevented from leaving Chad

ARRL reports a saga that has reached the diplomatic and foreign
ministry level is playing out in Africa's Republic of Chad, involving
Norwegian radio amateur Kenneth Opskar, LA7GIA

He had only operated as TT8KO for about 1 day before security police
shut down his station October 10. He'd logged 2,150 contacts, already
uploaded to Club Log, and all antennas except a 160-meter vertical
had been installed.

At the time, Opskar was optimistic that he'd soon be back on the air
after his license and equipment documentation had been scrutinized by
the security police and the foreign ministry, "followed by a CW demo."

According to information Opskar has been providing on a running basis
to DX-World, however, he's now being prevented from leaving the
country. has the latest and full story


RSGB Convention video released

The RSGB have released the presentation given by IARU-R1 President
Don Beattie G3BJ to the RSGB Convention in Milton Keynes October 13
"So what has the IARU ever done for us?"

What the IARU is and what it does is not well known to radio amateurs.
In this talk, Don describes what IARU is doing, how the challenges of
representing amateur radio globally are changing, and what the world
would be like without IARU.

He explains the work done on current threats to amateur spectrum
allocations - including Wireless Power Transmission - and describes
some of the "doomsday" scenarios if IARU is not successful.

Watch RSGB Convention lecture 2018 -
So what has the IARU ever done for us?
Link is in the text edition of this the WIA National News Service


Complex communications test for NASA observatory

Critical Comms magazine are reporting that engineers have successfully
tested critical communications systems in preparation for the launch
of NASA's James Webb Space Telescope.

When NASA's James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) launches in 2021,
it will write a new chapter in cosmic history. This premier space
science observatory will seek the first stars and galaxies, explore
distant planets around other stars and solve mysteries of own solar

JWST will be controlled from the Mission Operations Centre at the
Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland.

To prepare for launch, the flight operations team recently conducted
two successful communications tests. The first simulated the complex
communications among numerous entities in the critical period of
launch through the first six hours of flight. The second demonstrated
that the MOC could successfully communicate with the telescope.

Read more:

The Iridium satellite network will deliver critical data, imagery
and video for The Ocean Cleanup project being conducted by the
non-profit organisation deploying advanced technologies to rid the
world's oceans of plastic. It will clean up ocean plastic debris,
starting with what's known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

The Ocean Cleanup has chosen Iridium L-band satellite broadband
services to support this important mission. By creating a system of
600-metre-long floating plastic collectors (floating screens, or
systems) that include a 3-metre-deep skirt, The Ocean Cleanup
collects plastic pollution through a combination of the wind, waves,
natural ocean currents and the floating screen's ability to prevent
plastic escaping underneath it, or flowing over the top, while
avoiding ensnaring sea life.

Each system is equipped with two Iridium broadband terminals.

When the oceans aren't cooperating and several foot waves and
powerful winds are causing havoc, the Iridium system will help make
sure The Ocean Cleanup understands the operational status of each
floating screen in the fleet.

Read more:


The Federacin Mexicana de Radioexperimentadores, Mexico's IARU
member-society, is asking radio amateurs to avoid 7.060, 7.130, and
14.120 MHz, where Category 4 Hurricane Willa emergency nets are
operating in Spanish.

Willa has been a danger for forecasters as well. An aircraft with the
Air Force Reserve's Hurricane Hunters was forced to turn around
over concerns for its on-board equipment after a lightning bolt from
one of Willa's outer rain bands blasted it, according to the National
Hurricane Centre in the USA.

Commercial airlines started moving out of Willa's path early in the
week. Southwest Airlines cancelled all flights at the international
airport in Puerto Vallarta, a resort city in Jalisco state.
American Airlines cancelled its flights in Mazatln, about 275 miles
to the north.

Again the frequencies to avoid :-

7.060, 7.130, and 14.120 MHz


Daring spies who broadcast from behind enemy lines

An ITV News report says:
Owning just one of them in World War Two carried the death penalty,
but Ian Keyser, G3ROO has more than a dozen - ensuring a piece of
secret history is brought out into the open.

So what are they?

They are, of course, spy radios - used to send messages back to base
from behind enemy lines. And decades later, much of the collection
is still in use.

Tony Green has this special ITV report.

Watch this ITV News video at the link in this week's text editions:


WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS ATV (Every pixel tells a story) -

Amateur radio lunar satellite LO-94 on Hackaday

'signals be waiting for you
On the dark side of the moon

Said waiting, waiting for you
On the dark side of the moon'

(with apologies to Pink Floyd)

Al Williams WD 5 GNR writes on Hackaday about the amateur radio
spacecraft LO-94 (DSLWP-B / Longjiang-2) which has been taking
pictures from the far-side of the Moon

The spacecraft was built by students at the Harbin Institute of
Technology and launched on May 20, 2018.

LO-94 transmits in the 435-438 MHz amateur satellite band.

Some communications use the WSJT mode JT4G but the pictures are sent
by Slow Scan Digital Video. The SSDV mode was originally developed by
UK radio amateurs for use on high altitude balloons.

Read the article - Hams see Dark Side Of The Moon Without Pink Floyd

ARISS Joins NASA On-The-Air for a Special SSTV Event October 27-29

Amateur Radio On The International Space Station (ARISS) is planning
a very special Slow Scan TV event currently scheduled to start
October 27 about 1000 UTC. Helping to support the event will be
NASA's Space, Communication and Navigation (SCaN) Department.

The Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) program manages
NASA's three most important communications networks:
The Space Network
Near Earth Network
Deep Space Network.

Just as in past ARISS SSTV commemorations, twelve images will be
downlinked, but this time with six featuring the SCaN educational
activities while the other six images will commemorate major NASA
anniversaries, i.e., when NASA was established, astronauts first
landing on the moon, etc.

In addition to the fun of receiving these images, participants can
qualify for a special endorsement for the NASA On The Air celebration

To learn more about NOTA visit

Once received, images can be posted and viewed at

The transmissions are expected to be broadcast at the usual
frequency of 145.800 MHz using the PD-120 SSTV mode.



Ham radio spacecraft signal decoded after bouncing off Moon

Radio amateur Daniel Estvez EA4GPZ / M0HXM reports decoding a JT4G
signal from the LO-94 (DSLWP-B) spacecraft that was reflected off the

Daniel says "JT4G is a digital mode designed for Earth-Moon-Earth
microwave communications, so it is tolerant to high Doppler spreads.
However, the reflections of the [DSLWP-B] B0 transmitter at 435.4MHz,
which contained the JT4G transmissions, were very weak, so I had not
attempted to decode the JT4G Moonbounce signal."

However, by analysing a recording made on October 19, he was able to
decode one of the five JT4G transmissions in the recording.

Read his blog post at

The DSLWP amateur radio satellites built by students from the
Harbin Institute of Technology was launched to Lunar orbit on May 20,


ALARA and WIA Luncheon.

Sunday 14 October the President of ALARA - Shirley VK5YL and
the President of WIA - Justin VK7TW met and enjoyed lunch together
along with many other ALARA members and partners.

Shirley was in Tasmania for one of her other hobbies - Lace Making
and Linda VK7QP VK7 ALARA coordinator, organised a lunch gathering
at the Christmas Hill Raspberry Farm.



RMS Queen Mary (DM03) - Dec 15, 2018

A day of satellite operating from a deck on the RMS Queen Mary,
docked at Long Beach in southern California, is slated for
December 15.

Operations will be portable, almost like a Field Day, and should
include FM, SSB, and possibly packet. Depending on staffing, there
may also be HF activity during the satellite operation.

All operations from the Queen Mary will be as W6RO, the call sign for
the wireless room on the ship operated by the Associated Radio
Amateurs of Long Beach.

QSLing for the W6RO satellite activation will be handled per the
procedure on W6RO's QRZ page



Islands on the Air has announced the first of six new IOTA groups.

The new groups cover a Swedish/Finnish joint sovereignty island
and groups in North America, Asia, and Oceania. All new groups have
provisional numbers. This means they will need to be confirmed by a
thousand-plus QSO operation that takes place after the 14th of October
2018, as well as meeting the other normal validation requirements.

Only after confirmation of the number will credit for past operations
be considered.

The provisional new groups are:-

Kataja Island, EU-192P
Morane Atoll in the Tuamotu Islands, OC-297P
Puerto Rico Coastal Islands, NA-249P
Yakutat County Group, NA-250P
Bering Sea Coast East group AS-205P
Kuril'skiye Islands North, AS-204

See for more information.


Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz

IARU Region 1 3760 7110 14300 18160 21360 kHz

IARU Region 2 3750 3985 7060 7240 7275 14300 18160 21360 kHz

Cyclone Sunday promotes community awareness of the Cyclone Season
in VK's North East.

Organised by the Townsville City Council at Strand Park and supported
by the Townsville Amateur Radio Club it 'blows into town' Sunday 4th
of November between 3 and 6pm.

Are YOU Cyclone Ready?

Whether you are a new resident to Townsville or have lived there for
years Cyclone Sunday is a must attend community event.

(sourced to theTARCinc)


Summerland Amateur Radio Club suggest "Go for a Talk in the park."

Into Amateur Radio?

Into National Parks?

Why not combine both and activate a National Park or Nature reserve.

VKFF is the Australian chapter of WWFF; the World Wide Flora and Fauna
in amateur radio organisation. Their aim is to promote portable
amateur radio operation from designates national parks and protected
natural areas around the world.

Another 14 new WWFF parks in and around Lismore have recently been
added to the list. For example, Victoria Park on the Alstonville
Plateau is one of the parks. You can drive there on sealed roads and
it wouldn't be that hard to rack up the minimum of 10 simplex contacts
on 2 meters to qualify as an activation.

Just imagine what you could do with a bit of HF gear!


Social Scene 2018

Oct 28 vk3 Ballarat Amateur Radio Group HamFest (vk3kqt)

QRP by the HARBOUR in VK2

The ARNSW (Amateur Radio New South Wales) Radio Homebrew and
Experimenters Group is holding a QRP gathering on Saturday 3rd
November 2018.

The location is McILLWAINE Park in Rhodes. The location by the water,
on the site of the old Phillips Radio factory. Next to Concord Road,
with ample parking, express buses and a 5 minute walk from Rhodes
railway station, getting there couldn't be easier.

Start time is 3pm, which coincides with QRP by the Bay in VK3.

If it is raining, then the group will retire to the Kokoda Cafe in
Rhodes Park about 300 metres south.

Look for QRP by the Harbour on Facebook

( Peter O'Connell VK2EMU
Coordinator ARNSW Radio Homebrew and Experimenters Group )

Nov 3 VK3 - Melbourne QRP by the Bay (vk3ye)
Nov 11 VK5 - Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society HamFest
Nov 17 VK7 - VK7Hamfest Miena Community Centre (vk7wi)
Nov 18 VK3 - The Rosebud RadioFest (vk3pdg)

2019 Social Scene

March 23-24 VK7 - Meet the Voice event at Ross (vk7news)

May 3 - 6 VK4 - Claireview Gathering (tarc)

September 2019- Scandinavian YL Radio Operators Convention
will be in Norway LA8FOA is your contact

2020 Social Scene

ALARAMEET 2020 Bendigo (vk5yl)

October 2020 in Bendigo Victoria.

Heidi VK3FHID and Jenny VK3WQ are leading the team who are planning
an eventful weekend. This team is meeting regularly and are looking
forward to seeing you in Bendigo.

The dates will be confirmed within weeks.

Submitting news items

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug
commercial traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your
supporters in this text edition "no worries."

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to and don't JUST send url's links,
but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

We would appreciate items no longer than 2 minutes in length as we
only have a half hour.

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it
being broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News.
Each item will only be broadcast once, if you want a couple of
mentions, please submit different slants to keep your event 'fresh'
and always if the news room is to read your item ---
write it in the 3rd person.



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


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Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
Who and where are they?

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of
Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs.
Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but if broadcast, are done so in the spirit in
which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form,
a credit to WIANews wouldn't go astray...

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© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)