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AND FOR WEEK OF November 11

SOS for lost Morse code message

The North Wales Chronicle reports a Holyhead man has put out an
SOS for a lost morse code message which played an important role
in heralding the end of the First World War

Reprinted in Southgate News the story goes on to explain how a
Trevor Williams has appealed for help to find the treasured
Armistice message his father "Billy" Williams transcribed
100 years ago today when he worked as Wireless Telegraphist,
in the Royal Naval Voluntary Reserves.

Back in 1916, he joined the RNVR aged 18, and after training was
posted to the Mersey U-boat-hunting flotilla under the command
of Captain, Gordon Campbell VC, DSO x 3. (yes DSO with THREE bars.)

On the 11th day of the 11th month, 1918 he was Wireless
Telegraphist of the Watch, on Captain Campbell's ship HMS Patrol,
in Holyhead Breakwater Harbour. At 0630 hrs, he received a
Morse Code message from the Eiffel Tower, saying war was to end at

He was given the message as a memento. Another message,
from King George V, at 0200 hrs on November 12, 1918,
was also given to him.

Trevor's father died aged 63 in 1960. Trevor, who is now 87,
and his twin brother John looked after the items until their
80th birthdays.

"We hoped to retrace our Dad's footsteps to the Town Hall and
present it to the Mayor, a proud day for us." But his brother died
before they could carry out their plan and the treasured message
was lost.

Read the full story at


Hello this is Justin VK7TW WIA Director, with this week's
Board comment.

Today is a significant historical day. The day one hundred years ago,
that an Armistice was signed between the allies of World War I and
Germany. It took effect at eleven o'clock in the morning of the
eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month - one hundred
years ago.

The war to end all wars was finally over. WWI saw the mobilisation of
over 70 million people and left 16 million people dead, over 60,200
were Australians, with as many as one third with no known grave. At
the first anniversary in 1919 a two minutes silence was instituted as
part of the main commemorative ceremony. A little known fact is that
the silence was proposed by Australian journalist Edward Honey who
was working in London at the time. After WWII the Australian and
British Governments changed the name to Remembrance Day. We remember
all those who died or suffered for Australia's cause in all wars and
armed conflicts on this day.So in a couple of hours time at
11 o'clock I encourage you to pause and remember.

Reminder that VI100PEACE will be operating up to 1100 hours today
when the transmitters will fall silent.

As heard from Director Aidan last week, your Board is working on a
bid for the ACMA's Approach To Market for Assessment Services and
there are some exciting innovations and improvements being proposed
as part of that bid. It is certainly not a done deal that the WIA
will be successful, and to this end a group of Directors met recently
with the ACMA to discuss Transitional Arrangements. This is to ensure
a smooth and seamless transition from the current arrangements to a
new provider whoever that may be. The WIA has been providing these
services on behalf of the ACMA for nearly ten years, and there many
records that need to be carefully dealt with under the Deed that the
WIA has with the ACMA.

WIA Board elections are coming up for the 2019 Board and there will
be a nomination form included with the November/December AR magazine.

Nominations close on 31 January 2019 and postal ballot will be sent to
members by 7 March 2019 with ballots closing on 27 March 2019.
I encourage everyone to consider standing for the WIA Board.
If you believe you have something you can contribute then please
complete a nomination form and send it into the returning officer.

The ICT group is working with a number of WIA committees to help them
use the ticketing system. The system provides a central automated
process of capturing all requests that come into the WIA. The system
enables the WIA to ensure requests are resolved in a timely fashion.
The ticketing system importantly provides reporting on what is coming
in and out of the WIA and enables the prioritisation and the best use
of the limited resources the WIA has at its disposal.

Lastly - it has been brought to the attention of the Board that
Learning Facilitators were not getting the same service recognition
that Assessors. This has now been rectified and Learning Assessors and
other long term volunteers will now receive that recognition at the
AGM. The Board sincerely apologises for this and we look forward to
recognising this service at the 2019 AGM in Sydney.

For WIA National News this has been Justin VK7TW.


INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club,
ARRL, RAC, NZART & the World Wide sources of the WIA.

Soyuz rocket: 'Faulty sensor' led to launch failure

Russian space agency Roscosmos said on Wednesday it hopes to resume
manned missions with a three-person launch to the ISS on the 3rd
of December.

Russian officials believe the component was damaged during

They warned that two other Soyuz rockets could be defective, and
said additional checks have been introduced.

The rocket had been transporting two personnel, one Russian and
one American, to the International Space Station when they had to
abort. The crew members were then recovered in good health from an
escape capsule.

The incident, on 11 October, was the first serious launch problem
by a manned Soyuz space mission since 1983.


The Swedish amateur radio society, SSA, reports radio amateurs
gained access to the new WRC-15 5 MHz band on November 1

Now the band is free to use for all Swedish radio amateurs.

Band limits are 5 351.5 to 5 366.5 kHz and the maximum allowable
power is limited to 15 watts EIRP.

According to the IARU Region 1 band plan , it is recommended that
hams wanting long QSO's still use the 80 and 40-meter bands, as
the new band is only 15 kHz wide.



Regulators in Belgium may soon be introducing a license to ease
radio operations for visiting hams.

BIPT has told the nation's amateur radio associations that it wants
to introduce a CEPT novice licence.

CEPT, the European Telecommunications authority, has agreements to
allow compatible, HAREC compliant, full and novice licence-holders
in signatory countries to travel to other such nations in Europe
and go on the air without the need for additional permits or

The current Belgian novice licence allows 50-watts output on all

The revision to the CEPT compatible novice specification would
permit 100 watts output on the HF bands, and, 6 metres with
50 watts on 2 metres and 70cms.

The proposed CEPT novice licensee would have access to all HF bands
except 60 metres plus a portion of 160 metres as well as 6 metres,
2 and 70 cm."


India gets 3 new bands - 60, 630 and 2300m !

The Indian Government's Telecommunications regulator has published
a 2018 Update to the Indian National Frequency Plan, effective
25th October 2018, which lists new bands at 5 MHz/60m,
472 kHz/630m and 135 kHz/2300m.

In the 5MHz Newsletter, Editor Paul Gaskell G4MWO says the
exact frequencies are:-

5 351.5 to5 366.5 kHz - Amateur 5.133B (Secondary, 15W EIRP)
472 - 479 kHz - Amateur 5.80A (Secondary, 1W EIRP )
135.7 - 137.8 kHz - Amateur 5.67A (Secondary, 1W EIRP)


At 10:45 CAT today Sunday 11 November 2018, Amateur Radio Today
will broadcast a Remembrance Day message by Rev Jan Kramer, ZS6JRK.

This as a mark of respect and in memory of those who lost their
lives in service of their country, Hams are requested to observe
radio silence from 10:45 to 11:00 CAT.


A published news report says Paul Bittner W0AIH fell 50 feet from
his tower on Wednesday and was later found dead at the scene.

W0ATH would you believe in his 80's ! An age when many of us
would be a lil wary even of a 4ft step ladder to change a light

Paul W0ATH was locally referred to as Pastor Paul, being
a retired Lutheran Minister. Paul had participated in the World
Radiosport Team Championship in Germany this past US summer.
He had competed in the CQ WorldWide DX contest in October and had
just posted a score of about 2.2 million points.

Paul's many honours included induction in 2009 into the CQ Contest
Hall of Fame.

One report says W0AIH, known locally as 'The Antenna Farmer', was
performing maintenance on one of his many towers at his
"antenna farm."

FCC fines Amateur Radio licensee $25,000 for operating unlicensed
FM station

The FCC has issued a Forfeiture Order to KC2ALN, a General class
licensee. The fine followed an April 2018 Notice of Apparent
Liability for Forfeiture issued for alleged "wilful and repeated
violation" of Section 301 of the Communications Act of 1934, as
amended, by operating an unlicensed FM radio station on 90.9 MHz.

Read the full ARRL story at



November 24/25 are is our next 'days out in the field.'

Spring contest for 2018 - Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 November.

One station to look out for in this VHF/UHF Field Day will be
VK2SCR . Summerland Amateur Radio Club members Graeme VK2QJ and
Dave VK2CDG, will be going to Vista Point and entering VK2SCR
in the 24 hour multi-op portable category.

The location is near Mt. Hyland, in the nature reserve of the
same name, in the mountains west of Coffs Harbour, an elevation
over 1000m.

Also that weekend will see the CQWW DX CW Contest (Nov 24-25)


Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 January, the Summer VHF /UHF Field Day.

May Four the 20th Harry Angel Memorial Sprint.

July 20 Trans-Tasman Low-Band Contest

Aug 17-18 VK Remembrance Day Contest.



The 'DXCC Most Wanted' entities list has been updated on ClubLog
as of October 30th.

The list contains 340 entities and here are the top 5 entities

1. P5 DPRK (North Korea)

2. 3Y/B Bouvet Island

3. FT5/W Crozet Island

4. CE0X San Felix Islands

5. BS7H Scarborough Reef

As a matter of interest, coming in in 9th position, VK 0 M
Macquarie Island

St. Vincent Island

6 Operators will be active as J8NY from St. Vincent Island (NA-109)
between November 21-28th.

Activity will be on 160-6 meters using CW, SSB and the Digital

They will also be in the CQWW DX CW Contest (November 24-25th)
as a Multi-2 entry.

QSL via VE7NY.

Andy OE7AJH is on holiday in Madagascar until November 13. He will
be on the amateur bands in the mornings and evenings using the
callsign 5 R 8 UP. QSL to his home call, OE7AJH.

A mainly German group is QRV from Barbados as 8P9AE until the
20th of November. QSLs go via DL 7 DF.

Gary is operating from St Kitts Island as V 47 FWX until
14th November. QSL via M 0 URX.

Prefix hunters may be interested in the callsigns
DL 32 EUDXF and

These are on the air during November to celebrate 32 years of the
European DX Foundation. Further info on EUDXF can be found on

(above dx thanks to IRTS)

HMS Belfast special callsign

The HMS Belfast Radio Group has obtained the special callsign
GB 100 ARM to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Armistice
that ended fighting in World War I, 100 years ago today, the 11th
of November 1918.

The callsign will be active until the 28th of November from the
Bridge Wireless Office on-board HMS Belfast.

HMS Belfast is a Town-class light cruiser that was commissioned
in 1939 for the Royal Navy. I would think everyone who has visited
London since the early 70's would know of her. She is permanently
moored as a museum ship on the River Thames in London near
Tower Bridge and is operated by the Imperial War Museum.

GB 100 ARM



Channel 292 tests

The Amateur owned and run AM Short-wave broadcast station
CHANNEL292 have started testing on their new 41 metre broadcast band
frequency of 7440 kHz.

Rainer Ebeling DB8QC who owns and operates the station from Bavaria
in southern Germany would appreciate all signal reports which can be
sent simply via the form on the website

(sourced to SouthGate)




From time to time 'newbies' of our hobby ask "how can I receive
ISS Photos?"

Well in this week's Summerland AR Clubs newsletter has a 3 line
'keeping it simples' explanation.

The frequency to receive the images is 145.8 simplex.
You will need the software MMSSTV and the mode is usually PD180.

The quality of the images varies, depending on the height of the
ISS above the horizon. Noise bars are often seen on the images
but that doesn't affect the pleasure of receiving such images
from space.

Nothing 'amateurish, about this set up, infact you could say it's
out of this world!

Just when you may have been contemplating upgrading your home
TV subscription service to the 'new' 4k box comes news that fans of
science in space now can experience fast-moving footage in even
higher definition as NASA and ESA (European Space Agency) deliver
the first 8K ultra high definition video of astronauts living,
working and conducting research from the International Space

The same engineers who sent high-definition (HD) cameras,
3D cameras, and a camera capable of recording 4K footage to
the space station now have delivered a new camera capable of
recording images with four times the resolution 4k previously

The camera can be used for shooting at resolutions ranging from
conventional HDTV up to 8K, specifically 8192 x 4320 pixels.

While the 4K camera brought beautiful footage of fluid behaviour
in the space station's microgravity environment to the world,
the new 8K video takes viewers through a variety of experiments
and facilities aboard the orbiting outpost, which on Friday,
Nov. 2 celebrated the 18th anniversary of humans living
continuously aboard and the 20th anniversary of the launch of the
first two space station elements.


Amateur Radio Experimenters Group's balloon success

To celebrate its 20th anniversary, the Amateur Radio Experimenters
Group released a high altitude balloon carrying transmitters for
APRS and SSTV, and a crossband FM repeater last Sunday.

"Good morning, this is Grant VK5GR for the AMateur Radio
Experimenters Group!

As announced last week, the group was able to fly its 50th high
altitude balloon last Sunday in celebration of the 20th anniversary
of the club. The response from the amateur radio community was
unprecedented with record numbers of people tracking the telemetry,
watching the Slow Scan TV pictures or talking through the flying
cross band voice repeater. Distance records go to Alan VK3DXE who
copied the SSTV in Melbourne, as well as to Andrew VK3BQ who copied
the RTTY telemetry on 70cm also from Melbourne.

We had over 30 contacts through the balloon repeater, despite
difficulties with the receiver. The furthest voice repeater contacts
included John VK5DJ in Millicent as well as several amateurs in
Whyalla and Port Pirie.

The flight itself lasted 2 hours and 45 minutes, with the balloon
reaching 35.8km altitude (or 117,000 feet). It traveled down range
82km from the launch site, landing in a wheat field near Wynarka.
This launch was pursued by 4 tracking teams, including some new comers
to the project which was great to see. The teams were within a
kilometre of the landing zone as the balloon touched down, and managed
to see it land.

All up it was a fantastic day and a great flight. Thank you to
everyone who participated either through launch, tracking, telemetry,
and recovery. You can find out more from the club's website

73 from Grant VK5GR for the Amateur Radio Experimenters Group.



The founder of a net for hams who love D-STAR and railroads has a
message for everyone who's checked in so far.

Here's Paul Braun WD9GCO.

"The D-STAR Trains Net has just marked its first year on the air,
bringing train and railroad enthusiasts together once a week to
talk about one of their favourite subjects. Daryl Stout WX1DER,
who calls himself the net's conductor, told Newsline he is
pleased with so many hams coming on board but said not everyone
has claimed their commemorative certificate.

He and Paul Frey, K9PTF, designed the certificate, which is
emailed to hams after their first check-in - and that is the
date that appears on the certificate. If you need a certificate
or a replacement, send Daryl an email at

Of course, if you're not yet "all aboard," the net meets on
D-STAR Reflector 26A every Friday at 8pm Eastern, 7pm Central.
Participants can expect a bit of railroad trivia provided by Paul.

The net is conducted to honour its predecessor that ran on
EchoLink for more than eight years, and also in memory of Daryl's
late uncle Frank K3VRM, the youngest engineer hired by the
Penn Central Railroad. Daryl told Newsline it was Uncle Frank who
gave him his love of trains and, of course, ham radio.

For Amateur Radio Newsline/WIA News I'm Paul Braun WD9GCO."

We'll have more on railroads, coming to a stat ion near you,
particularly those of us in the Ballarat area
further down the 'track' today.


An SDR CubeSat on the cards

AMSAT SA has announced that parallel to its analogue Kletskous
CubeSat, the group is working on a digital project featuring a
Software defined transponder.

Called AfriCUBE, the CubeSat will use the same space frame as

The development and final construction of the AMSAT SA KLETSKOUS
is plagued by electronic component obsolescence. This forces
unwanted design changes to be made to ensure that when the time
comes to construct the final launch unit, the main components are
still available.

The KLETSKOUS team has decided to freeze the design and purchase
a quantity of devices to proactively mitigate future obsolescence.

(sourced to SouthGate)



EP6RRC Update

EP2LMA will be active as EP6RRC from Shif Island, Iran,
between November 17-23rd on 160/80/40/30/20/17/15/10 meters
using CW, SSB and FT8.

During the CQWW DX CW Contest (November 24-25th), operation will
be for only 2-3 hours in the beginning of the contest before
leaving the island.


Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz

IARU Region 1 3760 7110 14300 18160 21360 kHz

IARU Region 2 3750 3985 7060 7240 7275 14300 18160 21360 kHz

Canberra Region Amateur Radio Club have been advised that the
'Rallye des Femme (Lady Drivers Rally) is proposed to be conducted
on Saturday December 1st.

The proposed location is out in the Tidbinbilla / Laurel Camp /
Pierces Creek area and consists of 2 stages, one run 3 times
and one run once only, with HQ & Service Park being located on
Tidbinbilla Lane

At this point it is unclear whether the event will actually be
conducted as the Rally routes traverse the area where the
Pierces Creek bushfire has been burning and hence there are
concerns for road condition, safety (burnt out trees falling, etc.)
and so forth and Phil Longworth VK1PL Deputy State Coordinator,
WICEN ACT is awaiting further advice from the organisers.


Record News

VK7WI news say that a 3 cm EME World Record ZL/VK7MO to G3WDG
has been set.

On 25 October 2018 VK7MO operating portable in New Zealand worked
G3WDG portable to extend the existing 3 cm EME World Record between
WA3LBI and VK7MO by some 156 km to around 19107 km

(exact distance still to be confirmed).

Key issues are absorption and absorption noise combined with
ground noise which can increase losses significantly at 10 GHz
at the low elevations that are necessary to achieve such long

To gain an adequate window both stations operated portable with
take-offs over the sea.

In the case of VK7MO it was necessary to fly to New Zealand and
develop a flyable dish for the exercise. Within New Zealand,
operations were supported by Roger ZL3RC and Dave ZL3FJ.

In the UK it was a combined operation between Charlie G3WDG and
Petra G4KGC.



Bendigo Amateur Radio and Electronics Club
'Train communications, looking at latest technology in Victoria'.

The State Technical Director for the new High Capacity Metro Train
project, Michael Neal, will be presenting a talk on recent
developments with the metropolitan digital train radio system, and
how it will be utilised for the new train to provide enhanced
passenger communication and functionality. Michael will also
present briefly on the recent developments on the V/Line trains
regarding enhanced mobile coverage.

Also discussed will be the new Communication Based Train Control
System, currently being designed to be deployed for the new Metro
tunnel in Melbourne and between Sunshine and Dandenong.

Michael will also take guests through the high level architecture
of the new seven car high capacity train communications system,
digital route map displays, CCTV and passenger intercom systems.

The evening commences at 7.30 pm, Friday November 16th at the
1st Castlemaine Scout Hall, 16 Reckleben St, Castlemaine.

A gold coin donation would be appreciated.

Tea, coffee and biscuits available.

(Graeme Knight VK3GRK)

Social Scene 2018

Nov 11 VK5 - Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society HamFest
Nov 17 VK7 - VK7Hamfest Miena Community Centre (vk7wi)
Nov 18 VK3 - The Rosebud RadioFest (vk3pdg)

This is Andrew VK3CAH from the Southern Peninsula Amateur Radio
Club with a reminder that the Rosebud RadioFest , will be held
this year on Sunday, 18 th November.

In addition to sales of new and pre-loved equipment in the main
hall, the Rosebud RadioFest sets itself apart with the excellent
range of forums which are presented. This year, topics being
covered are:-

Automatic location of interfering signals on amateur repeaters
by Ralph Parkhurst VK3LL

Analysis of multiple QRP rigs and operating them in the field
by Peter Parker VK3YE

A QRO 160/80Metre antenna for amateurs with limited space
by Steve Adler VK5SFA

So come along and enjoy the equipment sales, great catering and
excellent forums of the Rosebud RadioFest.

See you in Rosebud. This is Andrew VK3CAH.

2019 Social Scene

February 24 VK2 - Wyong Field Day (vk2kfu)

March 23-24 VK7 - Meet the Voice event at Ross (vk7news)

Sept 2019 - Scandinavian YL Radio Operators Convention
will be in Norway LA8FOA is your contact

Oct 27 VK3 Ballarat Amateur Radio Group, BARG Hamvention 2019 3kqt

2020 Social Scene

ALARAMEET 2020 Bendigo (vk5yl)

October 2020 in Bendigo Victoria.

Heidi VK3FHID and Jenny VK3WQ are leading the team who are planning
an eventful weekend. This team is meeting regularly and are looking
forward to seeing you in Bendigo.

The dates will be confirmed within weeks.

Submitting news items

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug
commercial traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your
supporters in this text edition "no worries."

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to and don't JUST send url's links,
but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

We would appreciate items no longer than 2 minutes in length as we
only have a half hour.

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it
being broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News.
Each item will only be broadcast once, if you want a couple of
mentions, please submit different slants to keep your event 'fresh'
and always if the news room is to read your item ---
write it in the 3rd person.



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


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nor the National WIA, but if broadcast, are done so in the spirit in
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© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)