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WIA Education Group, David VK4QM with this weeks comment.



Each November, Melbourne plays host to Comms Connect, Australia's
premier radio and wireless communications industry conference,
during which the Australian Radio Communications Industry Association
- ARCIA - hold their annual Gala dinner and awards presentation.

At the Awards ceremony on Wednesday November 21st, ARCIA honoured a
well known member of the VK6 amateur community - Anthony Benbow VK6AXB
with the Peter Wallace award for Australian radio communications
Industry Professional of the Year. This was in recognition of his
work in ensuring electronics apprentice training remains accessible
and relevant to the radio communications industry; and for his
general contribution to the industry over three decades, including
seven years as Manager of Radio Communications for WA's fire and
emergency service agencies.

Speaking after the ceremony, Anthony said the award came as a
complete surprise, and he feels very humbled to have been honoured
by his peers with such a prestigious award.

"My journey into the radio communications industry began
with Amateur radio, gaining my Novice license as a
high school student in the mid-1980s. Having that license
as a recognised qualification was instrumental in me gaining
my first job in the radio industry, and the innovative,
hands-on and problem-solving approach of Amateur radio has
served me very well in my career ever since", VK6AXB said.

"What started with Amateur radio has become a long and
interesting journey through the wider radio and
communications industry, but I never dreamed it
would lead here!"

"I have had the privilege of meeting and working with some
fantastic people over the years, many of whom, like myself,
are inspired and motivated by their participation in
Amateur radio. I would not be here today without everything
I have learned from them. I owe all those people a great debt
of gratitude for the help they have given me, and I hope
I can keep making a worthy contribution into the future,
helping others to ensure that RF industry training remains
available, and that the contribution Amateur radio can make
to the wireless and radio industry is recognised"


I'm David VK4QM with this weeks comment from WIA Education Group.

As many of you would know the ACMA released the Approach to Market
for the next deed to supply the Amateur Community with Exam and
Callsign management services on their behalf - the current deed
expires early next year.

The WIA Education Group was recently formed following an appeal to
members by the WIA to form an expert team to respond to the ACMA
call for tenders - known as the ATM. This group consists of
volunteers with many and varied experiences such as Legal,
Education, Training & Assessment.

We would like to introduce ourselves:
Ron VK2DQ, Steve VK2LW, Elizabeth VK2XSE, Dr Harry Edgar VK6YBZ,
Phil VK4PG, Sue Evans, Joseph VK5FJDE and myself, VK4QM.

Since the release of the Approach to Market our team has been
working to provide a response that is in the best interest to the
Amateur Radio Community and allows the most UpToDate and flexible
delivery options for future Exams and Callsign management. We have
taken what we feel were the best of delivery and service options
within our current offerings as well as external sources such as the
RSGB, ARRL & NZART to put together a world class approach for the
Australian Amateur Radio Community now and into the future.

Our guiding principle for this whole process was to reduce barriers
to entry with cost reduction, immediate delivery, quicker processing
times as well as automating the process to ensure a smooth and
quicker entry into the hobby. We have not only been able to achieve
this but have addressed all of ACMAs mandatory and desired
requirements as outlined in their approach to market

Over the coming weeks as we move closer to the end of the current
deed and what we believe will be our success in securing the future
deed we will be expanding the education group to ensure that on
day 1 we are ready to move into a brighter future for our
Amateur Radio Community.

We will be working with the current Nominated assessors in the first
instance, then with the wealth of experience and knowledge of
Assessors and Learning Facilitators to build the examination system
of the future. If you are an assessor or learning facilitator you
will be hearing from us by email shortly.

We would like to thank WIA Members for their ongoing support of the
WIA, who represent the whole of the Amateur Radio Community in
Australia. With this new initiative for the exam and callsign
management service we would like to invite past members as well as
those who have never been a member to become members and support this
great hobby into the future.

We wish to acknowledge Fred VK3DAC for all his tireless support of
the WIA and for his service in delivering assessor and learning
facilitator services under the 2009 deed. Without Fred's support
over many years the WIA would not have been able to grow and move
forward with this very important service for all in the Amateur
Radio Community.

Whilst we won't know the outcome of the ATM tender selection process
for some weeks, we are hopeful of a successful outcome. We have put
together a comprehensive and forward-looking submission on behalf of
the WIA, its members and also the entire Australian radio amateur

I'm David VK4QM from Roma Qld and would like to thank our team and
the WIA board for its support through this process and to our success
as the Australian Amateur Radio community in growing and moving
forward into the future together.


INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club,
the WIA.


NASA InSight lander arrives on Martian surface to learn what lies
beneath the surface of the Red Planet.

Mars has just received its newest robotic resident. NASA's Interior
Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport
(InSight) lander successfully touched down on the Red Planet after an
almost seven-month, and almost half a BILLION kilometres journey from

The landing signal was relayed to NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory
in Pasadena, California, via one of NASA's two small experimental
Mars Cube One (MarCO) CubeSats, which launched on the same rocket as
InSight and followed the lander to Mars. They are the first CubeSats
sent into deep space.


Radio hams intercept suspicious signals

Teangana Today reports amateur radio operators have intercepted
suspicious signals in and around Kolkata. West Bengal, signals in
coded languages For the past few weeks have been intercepted by
Ham radio operators, prompting authorities to deploy round-the-clock
monitoring of radio signals.

"For past few weeks especially after midnight we have been hearing
such coded conversations. The whole thing is highly suspicious
because whenever we tried to converse with them, there was no
response. And when we asked them about their identity, there was
total radio silence," said VU 2 JFA, secretary of Bengal Amateur
Radio Club.

"Those who were communicating on the radio frequencies alluded to
Pashto accent but we couldn't identify the language. I was first
alerted by a fellow HAM radio club member who overheard such
conversations," he told PTI.

Pashto is a language widely spoken in Afghanistan.

After the incident came to light, they had written to the Union
Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, highlighting
the strange signals and the suspicious mode of coded communications.

Read the full story at


Ham radio regulatory changes

The VSV reports Manfred Mauler OE 7 AAI has summarized the
amendments to the new Austrian Telecommunications Act in relation
to Amateur Radio

Among future changes listed are:

Use of club radio stations liberalized at international events
Licenses are limited to 10 years (also for foreign CEPT holders)
Callsign approved for 10 years (and reserved for 5 years)
Existing licenses phased out from December 31, 2022
License to cost 200 Euros
Emergency and disaster radio communications at the request of
Deadline for registration of emergency and disaster radio exercises
Penalty of 1,000 Euros for late registration of exercises

Download the summary by Manfred Mauler OE7AAI


FCC filing claims digital modes raise national security concerns

Ted Rappaport N9NB submitted a filing to FCC, Nov 10, saying FCC's
NPRM 16-239, on amateur radio digital modes symbol rate, is viewed
as "a direct threat to the national security"

A Radio Resource Media Group story by Sandra Wendelken says:

A wireless expert says the FCC is putting national security at risk by
not enforcing amateur radio rules.

The FCC's notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) 16-239 attempts to
remove a limit on the baud rate of high-frequency (HF) shortwave
transmissions. In an ex parte filing, Theodore Rappaport, Ph.D, told
the FCC's chief technology officer Eric Burger the FCC should first
address ongoing rule violations to proper usage of the amateur radio
service specifically, the use of obscured, private messaging, which
is forbidden in Part 97 rules and creates national security concerns,
as well as other violations.

"In my personal conversations with FBI and FCC officials, they admit
they also are unable to readily decode these types of transmissions,"
Rappaport said. "In my discussions with vendors of amateur radio
equipment, they tell me that they are concerned about purchases of
amateur radio equipment by criminal cartels, and that they believe it
is happening daily."

Rappaport urged the FCC to recognize the danger of NPRM 16-239 and
address Part 97 rules to remove this type of obscured communication
and other ongoing violations, before it enacts NPRM 16-239.

Read the full Radio Resource Media Group story at

Read FCC filing by Ted Rappaport N9NB at

ABC Eyewitness News reports on a radio equipment donation which the
Salvation Army says will improve disaster response

The Salvation Army Northern Division Emergency Disaster Services
could soon be getting thousands of dollars' worth of much-needed

Jim Daly has responded to more disasters than he can count.
The retired Ramsey County Sheriff's Office lieutenant became a
volunteer in 2000.

The ham radios are going to give us much better range, said Daly.

If it's approved by the St. Paul City Council, the fire department
will be donating more than $18,000 worth of equipment it no longer
needs. It will help the Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network
(SATERN) expand into Minnesota and North Dakota.

"This is the first time we'll have the equipment right here for our
region," said Daly. "It's really a big expansion of [it] and
something we've been wanting to do in this division for a long time."

The equipment will also outfit a 17-foot mobile command centre, which
will have a 50-foot antenna.

Watch the news report at

Sony, in the USA, has announced that all of their OLED TV's will be
getting the IMAX Enhanced treatment, along with many of their 4K

Given that there's no date set for Sony's displays to receive
IMAX Enhanced Certification in Australia, we're assuming that much
like IMAX receivers, Sony's TV's and perhaps some projectors will
receive a firmware update to make them IMAX Enhanced compatible.

When you think IMAX, you can't help but think big - gigantic even.
Its system of high-resolution cameras, projectors and mega-screens
can now be found in over 75 countries. Hardly the sort of stuff which
is going to fit in the majority of dedicated home theatres,
let alone your average lounge room.

'IMAX Enhanced' however is an emerging format that is beginning
to be included on the latest product spec sheets and in particular,
the current generation of AV Receivers.

IMAX Enhanced Certification will be reserved for the biggest UHD
televisions and projectors. However, size and resolution alone
aren't the only criteria as the display also needs to meet the
program's standards regarding colour reproduction and contrast ratio.

IMAX will be releasing select titles from their catalogue of
documentaries, in addition to working with its content partners,
currently Sony and Paramount Pictures, to develop a range of
IMAX Enhanced movies. The first two of which are the IMAX
documentaries 'A Beautiful Planet' and 'Journey to the South Pacific'
which have been scheduled for release in the US on 11 December.

As yet, there's no news of when these titles will hit 'Sydney's Shores."



The first "serious" FT8 contest the FT8 Roundup is set for this,
the December 1 - 2 weekend.

In the brand-new operating event, radio amateurs worldwide will
contact and exchange information with other amateurs using FT8 on 80,
40, 20, 15, and 10 meters. Any station may work any other station.
The exchange is signal report and state/province for US and Canadian
participants. Non-US/VE stations will transmit a signal report and
consecutive serial number starting with 001.


Straight Key Night

New Zealand Straight Key Night - normally held on the first Sunday
in November - will be held this year on the first Sunday in December.

Tonight NZ time 9pm to 10pm on 80 metres.

Get all the details at

ARRL 10M Contest

The ARRL ten meter contest is described as an event "for Amateurs
worldwide to exchange QSO information with as many stations as
possible on the 10 meter band".

This year it will take place during the second weekend of December.

In terms of modes only CW and SSB are permitted.

Terms of the contest can be found from



Inaugural "Green Keys Night" Set for New Year's Day, January 1

NZART Portable Activity Day - New Year's Day

ARRL RTTY Roundup January 5 - 6
This contest will, for the first time, permit the use of FT8 as well
as traditional RTTY.

Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 January, the Summer VHF /UHF Field Day.

March 17 - 18 John Moyle Field Day

May Four the 20th Harry Angel Memorial Sprint.

July 20 Trans-Tasman Low-Band Contest

Aug 17-18 VK Remembrance Day Contest.





The Radio Club de Nice is active as TM 8 AB between the 24th of
November and the 12th of December to commemorate the 95th anniversary
of the first trans-Atlantic amateur two-way contact between F 8 AB
and 1 MO, on the 28th of November 1923.


AU2JCB - Special event call sign from India

AU2JCB is a special event call-sign to commemorate the birth date
(30 NOV) and to pay homage and to tell about the great INDIAN
scientist Acharya JAGADISH CHANDRA BOSE- the "Father of Wireless

Aacharya J.C.Bose transmitted wireless signals to a distance of a
mile in 1895.

Marconi was successful only in May 1897 using the instruments
developed by Bose in 1895

AU2JCB special event call-sign now until 11th DEC.

(sourced to SouthGate)

Look for 4W/HL1AHS and 4W/DS3EXX from Timor Leste, OC-148,
till the 3rd of December. They are operating SSB, CW and FT8
on the 160 to 10m bands.

Roly ZL 1 BQD is QRV as P 2 9RR from Papua New Guinea till 4th
December. He will take part in the CQWW CW Contest on 24th - 25th
November. QSLs go via his home call.

Peter, DC 0 KK is QRV as 4 S 7 KKG from Moragalla, IOTA AS-003, until
April 1, 2019. Activity is on the HF bands using mainly CW and various
digital modes.

Santa's Radio Club special event

You might wonder what is happening in Arctic Circle this year.

Well, Santa's Radio Club will be active December 1-8th, from the
Arctic Circle as OH9S.

Activity will be mainly on 80-6 meters using all modes; also
including the popular FT8 Digital mode.

QSL via ClubLog's OQRS (Preferred) or LoTW. QSOs will automatically
be QSLed via the Bureau.

For some additional info, see:

GB1NHS permanent special event call sign

"Essex Ham" reports the official launch of GB 1 NHS.

This unique permanent special event call sign is being looked after on behalf
of the National Health Service by Paul Devlin G1SMP

Paul has plans to put the call sign to good use promoting both amateur radio
within the NHS, and NHS initiatives using amateur radio.

(Sourced to SouthGate)



ATV (Every pixel tells a story) -

CRARC launches its YouTube channel

With more and more Canberra club presentations being recorded, the
CRARC committee resolved at the last meeting to launch its own
YouTube page. Already on the site is the Sporadic E presentation
by Roger VK2ZRH and one given by Wade VK1MIC about his 3-day work
in Bimberi.

It is envisioned that all recorded club presentations will be
uploaded there - For ATVers interested in streaming some of these
contact CRARC for more info.

CRARCs YouTube channel is located on


TOWNSVILLE HAMS DO the 2019 Defence Welcome and Information Expo

theTARCinc will be involved with the 2019 Defence Welcome and
Information Expo run by the Townsville office of Defence Community
Organisation North Queensland and happening on Saturday 23rd February
at RSL Stadium Murray Complex from 10am to 1pm.

TARCadians will be drawing on expertise gained from participation in
other Expos at the complex to show Defence members and their families
currently residing or new to the region some of the aspects of the
wonderful world of Amateur Radio.

The club will demonstrate our hobby through a mixture of static,
dynamic and interactive displays, with members experienced in many
facets of the hobby able to provide meaningful answers and guidance
for those attending the Expo.



Android App connects to D-STAR

David PA7LIM reports the Peanut App enables you to talk to other
radio amateurs around the world via an Android device. Some of the
rooms are connected to D-STAR reflectors

Among the D-STAR reflectors that can be used are REF001C, REF030C,
XRF076B, XRF076F, XRF71L, XRF070C.

The App works with Android 4.x or higher.

Peanut on Google Play



Hallo everyone this is Clive VK6CSW reminding you that tomorrow is
the first Monday of the month, time for the Radio Amateurs Old Timers
Club of Australia's December bulletin to go to air.

This month as well as the latest Club news, we have talks on
Mary Somerville, the remarkable Scottish science writer and polymath
who became the first female admitted to the Royal Astronomical
Society, and Grey Hair.

Everyone, RAOTC members and non-members alike, is most welcome to
tune in and to join in the call backs afterwards.

There have been some minor changes and additions to the broadcast
schedule. Please visit the RAOTC website at for
full details but here is a summary of the changes only.

Other schedules remain as before.

Trevor VK3VG and Hans VK5YX have swapped transmissions.

At 0100 UTC Trevor will transmit tomorrow's bulletin on 20 metres
on 14.150 MHz from Shepparton, beaming north for east coast

At 10 am Victorian time, 9.30 South Australian time, Hans will
transmit the bulletin on 40 metres on 7146 kHz from Adelaide.

In Western Australia Chris VK6JI will transmit an additional bulletin
tomorrow at 9.00 am WA local time on 80 metres on 3620 kHz.

The 40 metre and linked repeater transmissions at 10 am remain

On Tuesday evenings at 9.00 pm local time, the Geelong ARC will
transmit the bulletin via their VK3RGL repeater.

All other schedules remain unchanged, but please visit
for full details.

Remember, too, you can download all recent bulletins from the Club

Tune in tomorrow for the December RAOTC bulletin.

73 from Clive VK6CSW.

A Youth Net meets Saturdays at 0100 UTC on IRLP Reflector #2.
Young Hams Net 3.590 - 7:30pm Victorian time.


December is Youngsters on the Air Month in IARU Region 1 when young
radio amateurs and prospective young amateurs get on the air from
stations throughout the Region using call signs bearing YOTA suffixes.

The idea is to demonstrate Amateur Radio to the younger generation
and to encourage young people to become licensed and active on the
air. The December YOTA Month activity is not a competition; it's all
about having fun!

In South Africa the SARL has registered the special callsign ZS9YOTA
on the IARU Region 1 website as an educational call sign for use by
clubs and individuals during December 2018.


Brett Nicholas VK2BNN Scouts Australia National co-ordinator for JOTA.
Lorraine O'Hare VK2FICQ is Girl Guides Australia National JOTA-JOTI

Please QSY off the calling frequency after establishing communication.

Australian voice calling frequencies:
3.650, 7.090, 14.190, 21.190, 28.590, 52.160

World CW calling frequencies:
3.570, 7.030, 14.060, 18.080, 21.140, 24.910, 28.180, 50.160

World voice calling frequencies:
3.690 & 3.940 MHz, 7.090 & 7.190, 14.290, 18.140, 21.360,
24.960, 28.390, 50.160

Calling frequencies for Slow Scan TV (SSTV):
3.630, 7.033, 14.227

Calling Frequencies for PSK31

Girl Guides shown ham radio

Searchlight reports that, thanks to radio amateur Donald De Riggs
J 88 CD, 20 Girl Guides received basic training in wireless

The St. Vincent publication says:

Over 20 girl guides from the No. 28 Kingstown Guide Company were
given their first exposure to amateur radio and wireless
communications as part of Guiding activities.

Rainbow Radio League (RRL) Director, Donald De Riggs J88CD was
invited by Guide Leader Oneka Morgan to share his skills in this
field. De Riggs informed the young ladies that communications is
essential for everyday activities. He noted that the phonetic
alphabet which they learned was essential for pilots, air traffic
controllers, aviation service personnel, sea captains, military and
para-military organisations among others including Ham radio.

The activity, which was held at the Girl Guides headquarters
saw the use of two popular forms of wireless communications, namely;
VHF and HF communications with both types of radios and antennas in

Source Searchlight (via SouthGate)


Allen Harvie VK3ARH has timed it out just right for this
year's early celebration of Christmas - on Christmas Island, no less.

Allen, who is active in portable and Summits on the Air operations
has planned a trip of a lifetime with his wife to see the red crab
migrations on this distant Australian territory.

He hopes to activate Murray Hill VK9/CH-001, a rare summit in the
SOTA awards scheme and VKFF-0098, Christmas Island National Park.

This is not ordinarily a place they would plan a one-week holiday,
he says, but ah, there are those crabs and this trip is carefully
planned out to coincide with the creatures' annual march to the
sea to spawn.

John Williams VK4JJW 'netted' Allan this week...

ALLEN: "Beause the crabs are using the road. They will be gone in
four hours and we will be able to go down there. We might have to
wait until the next day. It is going to happen - we are just going
to have to be ready to act when we are allowed to move.

JOHN: Propagation may not necessarily be the best for the bands but
at this time of the year, propagation should be perfect if you're a

ALLEN: You have to time if when you're there. I am hoping to see the
tail end of the migration of the crabs and part of the spawning from
an earlier migration.

JOHN: Meanwhile, they are there through to the 7th of December.
Allen is planning to do some CW as well as operate SSB at 30 watts
of power. He's hoping for chasers to be listening mainly on 20 meters
14.062 for slow CW and 14.310 MHz for phone. His call sign: VK9ARH.
So be listening as he goes for a parks activation, a SOTA activation
and - yes a bit of nature in action.

ALLEN: It's going to be a bit of touch-and-go but what else have you
got to do on your holidays?

JOHN: Best of all, he said, no matter how it plays out, you won't
catch him crabbing about it.

For Amateur Radio Newsline and the WIA I'm John Williams VK4JJW.




theTARCinc held their 2018 Annual General Meeting at Rossiter Park
Aitkenvale last Sunday 25th November in shady surroundings near
Ross River.

The meeting got underway at 8-35am under the shady trees and even
though a HOT morning SNOW prevailed.

Elected President, Snow Herodes/VK4ME

VK4 VK Contest Club Christmas Get Together

2018 get together will be on the Brisbane South side - Ipswich Jets

Date at this stage with be Saturday the 29th December

Lunch as usual

Dancing Girls will start at 2pm followed by the Sword Swallowers and
the Lion Tamers at 3pm.

RSVP Trent


"Merry Xmas from the Redcliffe and Districts Radio Club.
This is Robert Thomson VK4TFN announcing REDFEST 2019.
It will be held, on the 13th April 2019.
Please mark it, in next years diary.
Look for our advertisement, in the first AR magazine of
It's too early to sell tables.
As the event draws closer, listen for further announcements.
You can find us at:
www.redcliffe radio
You can also find us on FACEBOOK.
Merry Xmas, drive carefully, thank you and 73('s)."

2019 Social Scene

January 24-28 VK4 TARC Australia Day Long Week Family Radio Camp

Happening from Thursday afternoon 24th
to Monday afternoon 28th January 20180:

Girl Guides Association of Queensland Campsite
and Training Centre 46-56 Toolakea Beach Road

AX4WIT will be on-air from the camp to provide
directions and contact.

Assessors on site for exams and tutoring. (tarc)

February 13 VK4 - Redfest 2019 (vk4tfn)

February 24 VK2 - Wyong Field Day (vk2kfu)

March 23-24 VK7 - Meet the Voice event at Ross (vk7news)

April 6 VK5 - BRL Radio Group Annual Gathering, (vk5la)
Overland Corner, S.A

The BRL Gathering is a yearly meeting of those who
check in and or participate in the BRL Group on-air Nets,
held Wednesday and Saturday on 40M, and Tuesday Evenings
on 80M.

See for more details.

Participants from all over VK meet yearly at the Historic
Overland Corner Hotel, a family and pet friendly Pub with
great food in an idyllic setting, for a drink, a laugh and
a chat.

May 3 - 6 VK4 - Claireview Gathering (tarc)

Sept 2019 - Scandinavian YL Radio Operators Convention
will be in Norway LA8FOA is your contact

Oct 27 VK3 Ballarat Amateur Radio Group, BARG Hamvention 2019 3kqt

2020 Social Scene

ALARAMEET 2020 Bendigo (vk5yl)

October 2020 in Bendigo Victoria.

Heidi VK3FHID and Jenny VK3WQ are leading the team who are planning
an eventful weekend. This team is meeting regularly and are looking
forward to seeing you in Bendigo.

Submitting news items

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug
commercial traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your
supporters in this text edition "no worries."

If you would like to submit news items for inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to and don't JUST send url's links,
but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

We would appreciate items no longer than 2 minutes in length as we
only have a half hour.

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it
being broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News.
Each item will only be broadcast once, if you want a couple of
mentions, please submit different slants to keep your event 'fresh'
and always if the news room is to read your item ---
write it in the 3rd person.



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
Who and where are they?

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of
Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs.
Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but if broadcast, are done so in the spirit in
which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form,
a credit to WIANews wouldn't go astray...

If you have call-backs to contribute to the National News call back
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© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)