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also email us the text version.



Buy Swap and Sell and Wanted

Townsville Hams have been doing a lil 'snooping' (on the airwaves)
again and make the observation there seems to have been an increase
in operators discussing buying and selling of equipment on
Amateur Radio Frequencies.

This is being done by operators holding any class of licence.

You need to know this is a breach of Australian Law.

Haggle, Discuss or Bargain face to face, or on the telephone.

Be Responsible ! Now - onto the news !

Dave VK2KFU, Publicity Officer, Central Coast Amateur Radio Club
dropped wia news a note to say we amateurs and listeners with GPS
receivers may like to check them on Sunday 7th April, as the system
will "roll over" at 0000 GPS time.

This is not the same as the leap second adjustment.

Cheaper receivers may go berserk, and the more inferior ones will
already have. It is completely coincidental that this is also the
end of Daylight Saving.

Lockdown over!

After 57 hours on RED ALERT from Cyclone Veronica, Karratha has been
given the all clear.

The Spirit Radio Network covered the progress of the cyclone 'live
and local' across the weekend to keep the residents of the Pilbara
up to date with the very latest info.

Pablo Miller from Spirit Karratha broadcast for 12 hours on Saturday
before evacuating the studio when the Red Alert was called, to be
home safe with his family.

"There was an incredible sense of community spirit out there during
the ordeal. Karratha residents really rallied together to help each
other out, and then keep each other entertained during the lock down.

In this story sourced to they also note that a baby
born during the cyclone was appropriately called Veronica as well
and we're potentially expecting a baby boom in about 9 months or so


The IARU Region 3 Band Plans have been reviewed at the triennial
IARU Region 3 Conferences. A version using a new format was adopted
at the 17th IARU Region 3 Conference, Seoul, back in September 2018
on condition of further modifications taking into account the
comments/corrections raised and approved at the conference.

BUT What is a band plan?

A band plan is an agreement that divides the RF spectrum into
different bands or segments for different uses.

Internationally, the International Telecommunications Union is
responsible for allocating bands for each service such as fixed,
mobile, broadcasting or amateur. Most countries follow the ITU
frequency allocations very closely, but each country also has the
right to vary its frequency allocations to suit local conditions.

In Australia, spectrum management is the responsibility of the
Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA). It determines
frequency allocations for all transmitting stations in Australia and
its territories.

Band planning within the amateur bands follows the same pattern as
international and national band planning. To make the best use of
the available spectrum, our bands are divided into segments that are
used for different purposes.

The IARU Region 3 band plan committee, which was set up in Region 3
in December after the conference and chaired by Sion Chow, 9 M 2 CQC,
reviewed the outcome of the Conference and completed the revised
work with the conjunction of Region 3 Chairman and directors.

The revised IARU Region 3 band plan can be uploaded in the IARU
Region 3 website.

(Shizuo Endo JE1MUI Secretary, IARU Region 3 and



Hello, I'm Geoff Emery, VK4ZPP, and I've been thinking.

One of the much awaited events occurred, this past week, in VK3.
Assessment packs were received from AMC and the first trials of the
new system were run on the same Monday night. There has been more
words expended than in the abridged version of "War and Peace" on
the topic of exams and the recommencement and slowly the deal seems
to be coming together.

I note that some people are claiming that they are not receiving a
response to their applications to become AMC assessors after having
filled that role with the WIA.

None the less, there is a list of available assessors on the AMC
amateur radio web site with more names to come. There is some
confusion amongst people who were preparing for their licence tests
as to whether the new question banks and papers will be vastly
different to what they expected under the old regime.

As time goes on, many of these questions will be answered . The one
issue that is of concern to many is the new requirement for only one
person to invigilate ham radio assessments. In this age of needing
to hold working with children cards and claims by the MeToo movement,
it seems a valid point to protect all parties who will spend an hour
or two in a closed environment. Similarly, there seems to be some
concern that claims of historical cheating, could become a reality
under these same circumstances.

For these reasons, two assessors were present during the historic
process in Victoria.

The situation needs some solid thought.

I'm Geoff Emery and that's what I about you?

(extracted from this weeks qnews)


INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club,
the WIA.



This on 30 March.

Sentech inherited South Africa's Bloemendal shortwave radio station
when Radio RSA was closed down. Radio RSA started its broadcast in
1966 and by 1976 the station transmitted for 36 hours a week in
twelve languages.

The service was discontinued in 1992.

The only transmission that survived the close down was a broadcast
into Africa, renamed Channel Africa. The SABC also transmits
Radio Sonder Grense (RSG) on shortwave to the Northern Cape.


Interference from LED Lighting

The Greek national amateur radio society RAAG report on the problem
of radio interference from polluting LED lighting

A Google translation says:

According to repeated and intense protests from colleagues from
various parts of the country on the marketing of pollutant LED lamps,
there are phenomena of intense interference in the range of short
and VHF waves.

As the phenomenon is becoming uncontrollable due to the introduction
of inappropriate products from Asian countries with a fictitious CE
marking, we draw the attention of colleagues immediately to denounce
every case that comes to their perception, either directly in the
local regions to address this immediately.

Several municipalities within the country may replace all their
light bulbs with economic LEDs. If for any reason they are getting
the wrong products, the situation will be difficult to reverse
and therefore, in order to avoid the devastating consequences, it is
necessary to be quickly informed and to take immediate action to
avoid such anomalies without delay.

Based on the current "Greek Frequency Band Distribution Regulation",
the law provides radio amateurs with protection against interference
with frequency bands assigned to them on a primary basis.


Public Safety Communication Europe (PSCE) will hold a training
workshop on how to best implement article 110 of the European
Electronic Communication Code 'Public Warning System' (PWS).

The workshop, to be held on 16 May at Belgian Police Headquarters in
Brussels, will be based on the experience and learning from
Australia's equivalent system and will focus on the benefits of an
outcomes-driven and requirements-led approach against which to
evaluate the best available technologies.

Critical Comms e-magazine says Michael Hallowes will facilitate
much of the workshop. He is a former Victoria Emergency Services
Commissioner and former National Director of Australia's
Emergency Alert Program.


Special event call EI 100 YXQ marked the 100th Anniversary of the
first voice transmission across the Atlantic

On Tuesday the 19th of March 2019, the Marconi '100 Years
Celebrations' in Ballybunion marked this 100th anniversary.

The first across the Atlantic in an East to West direction took
place between the former Marconi Radio Station in Ballybunion,
County Kerry in Ireland and Louisburg, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia in
Canada. The historic event occurred on 19th March 1919 and used the
call "YXQ".

Marconi's daughter Princess Elettra, her son Prince Marconi & his
wife Princess Victoria were also present to mark the anniversary.


Canadian artist uses HAARP to transmit SSTV

Concordia transmission artist Amanda Dawn Christie used the
world's most capable high-power, high-frequency transmitter HAARP
in Alaska to send art around the world and into outer space using
Slow Scan TV

In the shadow of Mount Sanford, surrounded by Alaskan wilderness,
you'll find the most powerful radio transmitter on earth. On this
remote site, scientists use a unique tool called the Ionospheric
Research Instrument to create radio-induced aurora, also known as
airglow. But it had never been used by a Canadian artist to transmit
art until now.

The IRI's human-made northern lights inspired interdisciplinary
artist Amanda Dawn Christie to create Ghosts in the Air Glow:
a transmission art project which used the IRI to play with the
liminal boundaries of outer space.

She embedding her own encoded SSTV images, audio compositions and
propagation tests into IRI experiments last week, March 25 to 28.

Read the full story at



All major Australian contests, rules and results, are on the
Contest Section of the WIA website.


CQ World Wide WPX SSB Contest over the March 30 - 31 weekend.

20th Harry Angel Memorial Sprint May 4

The 2019 International Amateur Radio Union HF World Championship
Contest takes place the second full weekend of July, beginning
1200 UTC Saturday and ending 1200 UTC Sunday (13-14 July 2019).

Both Single and Multi-operator stations may operate the entire
24-hour period.

All licensed amateurs worldwide are eligible to participate in this
contest. The objective of this contest is to contact as many other
amateurs as possible, especially IARU member society HQ stations,
around the world using the 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meter bands.

You can find the complete rules on

Interest within VK is requested for stations wishing to operate
VK x WIA callsigns for the contest.

Trans-Tasman Low-Band Contest July 20

VK Remembrance Day Contest is August 17-18



Commemoration of the 900 years of Knights Templar in Portugal

In order commemorate the 9 centuries' of the Templars presence in
Portugal a diploma will be granted to all the Ham radio stations
who made contact with, at least, 4 of the castles on the air, last
weekend, 22nd, 23rd and 24th of March.

Request for QSL, application for the Diploma and further information
may be attained by the Amateur Radio Association of Ribatejo
(Associao de Radioamadores do Ribatejo) -



BUT SI 9 AM is on the air

SI9AM from the 'King Chulalongkorn Memorial', the largest Thai
Pavilion in the world outside Thailand in Raganda, Sweden,
till April 1st.

Activity includes the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 30-31st) as
Multi-2 entry.

QSL this operation via ON3UN.

Visit the SI9AM Web page on:


Peter, DC 0 KK is QRV as 4 S 7 KKG from Moragalla, IOTA AS-003, until
April 1, 2019. Activity is on the HF bands using mainly CW and various
digital modes.

Alex, 5 B 4 ALX is active as E 6 ET from Niue, OC-040 to the 2nd of

He is on SSB, CW, RTTY and FT8, 160, 60, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 10
and 6 metres.

FT8 using a multi answer protocol with a focus on 20m during his day
and 40/60m during his night, 0700 to 1700UTC.

QSL via IZ 4 AMS, either direct or via the bureau.

A group of operators are QRV as XR 0Z RC from Robinson Crusoe Island,
IOTA SA-005, until April 3.

Activity is on 160 to 10 meters using CW, SSB and FT8.

QSL direct to R 7 AL.


Another 'Island' maybe not as adventurous as Robinson Crusoe Island
is just a stone's throw off Port Macquarie , yes NORFOLK

VI 9 NI from Norfolk Island (OC-005) between April 1-14th.

VI9NI is being activated to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the
signing of the Norfolk Island Act.

Plans include some SOTA activation from "Mt. Bates" and "Jacky Jacky"

QSL via VK4FW, direct or by the VK4 Bureau.

(Sourced to Southgate)

Elvira, IV3FSG is QRV as 6W/IV3FSG from near Dakar, until April 16
while working for the Informatici Senza Frontiere organization.

Activity is on 80 to 10 meters using SSB and possible digital modes.

QSL via IK 3 GES.


Also listen for Jacques, F 6 HMJ on the air as 6W7/F6HMJ from
Senegal until the 28th of April on SSB and CW, 80-10 metres.

Smithsonian Institution call sign revived

Historic American callsign NN 3 SI is being reactivated under the
aegis of the Smithsonian Institution Amateur Radio Group.

Although presently lacking a permanent station location and unable
yet to support guest operation, the group's president, John Weise,
N4NPG, told ARRL "This this is the start to Amateur Radio slowly
coming back at the Smithsonian. We expect to begin operating
holiday-style starting next month, April."





We all know that listening to the radio pays off, sometimes even
more than keying the mic. For one ham in India, however, four
decades of listening have paid off with a lifetime achievement.

From Amateur Radio Newsline, here's Jim Meachen ZL2BHF with that story.

Congratulations to Jose Jacob VU2JOS. Jose, the assistant director
of the National Institute of Amateur Radio in Hyderabad India is an
accomplished DXer of a very different sort. His hobby, even before
amateur radio has been broadcast DXing, or BCDXing. More than four
decades later his BCDXing has landed him in the Limca Book of Records
for 2019. Jose has received the most certificates of reception - QSL
cards - from stations that are part of All India Radio:

A total of 132.

His QSL cards came from short wave, medium wave and VHF FM stations
beginning with his first confirmed reception in 1976 when he was 17.




How to get into DMR without a radio!

Are you a licensed ham who is interested in DStar or DMR - but
without the cost of expensive radios?

There are three steps you can take to accomplish the task. This
applies to the three most popular protocols.

It begins by acquiring a special USB Dongle that contains an
analogue to digital and digital to analogue IC chip referred to as an
AMBE3000. They sell for about the 1/4 the cost of a radio

Go to Southgate's link in our text edition this week for all
the various url's required etc.


Hello - this is Grant VK5GR - on behalf of the Amateur Radio
Experimenters Group.

Many a HF operator enjoys using SSB for voice communications on the
HF bands. However, did you know that there is a new voice
transmission mode available that can out perform SSB?

FreeDV is a digital HF voice mode that can do just that. Developed by
David Rowe VK5DGR, it is the only completely open source digital
voice modulation system available to the amateur radio community.
Since the release of FreeDV 700D, its performance has been measured
to be at least as good as SSB if not better, while using as little
as 1kHz of bandwidth.

Like all new things, it can take some getting used to however. To get
on the air with FreeDV, you need a HF station capable of
transmitting a digital signal from a computer. The computer and the
FreeDV software is where the magic happens, as that is how your
audio signal is converted into a digital stream and back again. All
you need to add is a set of headphones and a microphone to your
computer. Next, set up the connection from your computer to your
radio and you can get on the air with FreeDV. The neat thing with
Free DV is, being open source has also led the system to being open
platform too. It is available for Windows, Macintosh and Linux
systems, so no matter what your preference you can take part!

Now, you might be thinking that "I've never heard anyone using it"
so what good is it? This would be partly true, as the number of
users is fairly low today. So, to help encourage people to have a go,
the Amateur Radio Experimenter's Group is staging another
"FreeDV QSO Party", this time on April 27th-28th from 0300 UTC.
The aim is to work as many FreeDV stations as you can in 24 hours.
To help you find them, AREG members will be operating FreeDV stations
across the HF bands. Extra points are gained by working one of the
AREG stations. Multipliers are earned through working
inter-continental DX using FreeDV too, so why not give it a go?
There are active groups of FreeDV users in both North America and
Europe so you never know your luck!

If you are based in Adelaide, a FreeDV setup night will be held at
the Fulham Community Centre, Phelps Crt, Fulham on Friday 5th of
April, starting at 7pm. While intended for club members, visitors in
this case will be most welcome. Bring your gear and get some help
making it work!

Next up, the AREG general meeting on Friday 12th April (1 week early
due to Easter), will also feature FreeDV - with David VK5DGR coming
to explain how it all works and how to get involved. If all goes to
plan, he will also unveil a new High Quality version of FreeDV
called FreeDV 2020 for your listening pleasure. FreeDV month will
then be topped off with the FreeDV QSO party on April 27th/28th.

For more information visit to read the rules and
access information about this new mode, or head over to to access the software and read about how to get it

73s from Grant VK5GR on behalf of the Amateur Radio Experimenters
Group Inc.

Nigel Goldstone ZL2SEA has applied for a H.F. base station licence
in the 80 m , 40 m and 20 m bands to use the modes, USB digital data,
Pactor, Winmore, Ardop, and Vara.

The proposed frequencies are:-
3647, 3657, 3717,
7113, 7123, 7133,
14127, 14137 kHz.

Nigel says only one frequency is in use at any time.
The user selects a clear channel, the base receiver scans between
the channels and finds the clear incoming channel and the
transmitter responds on that frequency.

It does not transmit or beacon unless it receives a connect session.

All connections are monitored and logged.

The location is Kaipara Road, Papakura.
Topo50 BB32 761.1 966.7.

(HQ Info 389)



When the International Amateur Radio Union was created in Paris in
1925, no one could have envisioned the changes that would shape the
hobby so many decades later, including internet-linked modes such as
EchoLink and IRLP.

Using the special event call sign W 2 W, a 12-hour VOIP net will be
among those "on the air" around the world marking the occasion,
celebrating amateur radio and the friendships the hobby has built.

This 12-hour net will begin taking check-ins on the 18th of April
beginning at 1600 UTC. It is accessible via IRLP 9251, the World
Conference Server. For the first time, check-ins will also be
possible from Allstar Node 47620, the World Conference Hub.

A special World Amateur Radio Day 2019 QSL Card will be available for
all participants who contact one of the 10 different net controllers
during the event.

Technology may have changed since 1925-- but ham radio friendships

(Amateur Radio Newsline)


Maritime Radio Day 2019

As part of the activity, callsigns GB 0 GKA and GB 0 GKB will be
representing Portishead Radio / GKA, the UK's long-range maritime
radio station which closed in 2000.

Other coast radio stations, DAN, PCH, WCC, IAR and quite a few others
will also be represented.

The event starts at 1200z on Sunday 14th April and finishes at
2200z on Monday 15th April.


Hallo everyone. This is Clive VK6CSW reminding you that the
Radio Amateurs Old Timers Club of Australia's April bulletin
goes to air tomorrow, April One.

This month we have a special notice concerning a deceased Member's
equipment, all the latest Club news and four articles for your
enjoyment, the main one entitled the Big Discone, followed by two
short articles on the International Space Station crew, plus a short
item on Morse Code.

Everyone is most welcome to tune in and to join in the call backs

Although I think by now just about everyone is aware of your local
broadcast times there have been some minor changes so please visit
the RAOTC website for full details of our morning and evening
transmission schedules. In particular, please note that the current
audio file can now be downloaded as from tomorrow rather than
Tuesday as before. If you do listen via the audio file, would you
please take a moment to email some feedback.

Our website address is or just Google RAOTC and
click on the links. Here you will also find details of Club
membership and qualifications needed to become an RAOTC member.

Once again, check the website for your local transmission schedule,
tune in tomorrow or download the file for the April bulletin, and
we look forward to hearing your call sign in the call backs

73 from Clive VK6CSW.


April 6 is the SOTA VK ZL JA & EU S2S QSO Party starting at 0600 UTC.
Unfortunately no other details but we thank VK1 News in Canberra
for the date...April 6.


New Aussie 47GHz and 122GHz Records Set

It would appear VK5KK and VK5APN set a new mobile record for
the 47 GHz band over a distance of 20.8 km.

Keen microwave enthusiasts in VK2 have a set a VK2 122GHz record.
Matt VK2DAG and David VK2JDS have set a new state record
over a distance of 0.1 km. That's not a 'typo' over .1 or 100 meters.

Although this is some way short of the world record, the 122GHz
band is fiendishly difficult and has serious attenuation
challenges due to an atmospheric oxygen resonance.

The full lists of current and past VK records are on the



2019 Social Scene

VK5 - BRL Radio Group Annual Gathering, Overland Corner, S.A
April 6 (vk5la)

VK4 - Redfest 2019 April 13 (vk4tfn)

VK6 - HARGfest April 14 (vk6zms)

VK3 - Moorabbin & District Radio Club HamFest 2019 Saturday 11th May.

2019 WIA Annual Conference Sydney weekend 24-26 of May. (wia)

VK2 Oxley Region Amateur Radio Club Field Day June 8 and 9 (vk2zhe)

The Club's 44th annual Field Day will be held at the Wauchope
Showground hall on Saturday and Sunday the 8th and 9th of June
2019 during the Queen's Birthday Long Weekend. There will be
all the usual field day activities including foxhunting and a
homebrew display.

The Field Day dinner will be held at the Port Macquarie
Golf Club on the Saturday night.

Mark your calendar now for the June Long Weekend.

The Wauchope Showground permits camping so it is possible to
stay on site in your own motor home, caravan or tent with
power and amenities.

VK5 - South East Radio Group 2019 Annual Convention and Australian
Fox Hunting Championships 8-9 June (vk5hcf)

VK3 - GippsTech 2019 13'14 July (vk3pf)

VK3 - Yarra Valley Amateur Group HamFest, 13th October (vk3cnw)

VK3 - Ballarat Amateur Radio Group, BARG Hamvention Oct 27 (vk3kqt)

2020 Social Scene

ALARAMEET 2020 Bendigo (vk5yl)

October 2020 in Bendigo Victoria.

Heidi VK3FHID and Jenny VK3WQ are leading the team who are planning
an eventful weekend. This team is meeting regularly and are looking
forward to seeing you in Bendigo.

Submitting news items

If you would like to submit news items for possible inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to and don't JUST send url's links or posters,
but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

We would appreciate items no longer than 2 minutes in length as we
only have a half hour.

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it
being broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News.
Each item will only be broadcast once, if you want a couple of
mentions, please submit different slants to keep your event 'fresh'
and always if the news room is to read your item ---
write it in the 3rd person.

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug
DEALS from commercial traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put
your supporters 'goods' in this text edition "no worries."

We cannot give blatant 'plugs' to raffles. (new Jan 2019)



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
Who and where are they?

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
WIA affiliated clubs and active amateurs residing in Australia and
the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of
Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs.
Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but IF broadcast, are done so in the spirit in
which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form,
a credit to WIANews wouldn't go astray...

If you have call-backs to contribute to the National News call back
tally then please send through your call-backs to

Who listens to radio? A weekly 'tally sheet' is sent to all
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© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)