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WIA Director/Sectrary Peter VK8ZZ Board Comment. -

WIA Monitoring Service. -

WIA Returning Officer, Mr John Marshall re WIA Board election. -

WIA Vice President Greg VK2GPK on annual WIA Conference and AGM. -

WIA Spectrum Strategy Committee with Roger Harrison VK2ZRH.


Buy Swap Sell and Wanted--is it actually a breach of Australian law?

Last week mention in the news was made of how it is "against the law"
for operators discussing buying and selling of equipment on Amateur
Radio Frequencies.

This may not be entirely correct as George vk3eip points out in
several pieces of correspondence received this week. I'd suggest
you read the text edition for his full explanation but in brief
it reads..>

We all know that Part 2(6) of the Amateur Radio LCD tells us we must
not make a transmission on the amateur bands for 'financial gain'.
But what does 'financial gain' mean?

This term is not defined in the LCD and so we should not be
surprised that there may be many different views about the meaning
of Part 2(6).

One way to make Part 2 clearer, could be to define financial gain
in the LCD.

The problem with this approach is that defining terms is always more
complicated than it appears and we will probably end up with an
LCD that is tangled up in legal knots.

But why reinvent the wheel when we could use one of the definitions
that are already out there?

For example the Australian Taxation Office is very interested in the
definition of financial gain, it is the basis upon which our
taxation system rests. The Income Tax Assessment Act has an
explicit definition of financial gain and the definition
distinguishes between what constitutes financial gain and simply
receiving money. For example, many of us may have sold a computer,
a car and yes, a radio. As long as the item was for private use only,
then the ATO does not consider the money you received in such a sale
as a financial gain and you did not have to declare the money you
received in your tax return.

If you were lucky and sold the item for more than what you paid for
it there are prescribed thresholds below which a capital gain does
not need to be declared as a financial gain as well.

If you use the ATO's definition of financial gain then all you need
to ask yourself before using your radio to discuss a potential sale
would be 'will the money you receive from the potential sale need to
be declared for tax purposes?'

If you do need to declare the money you receive then that money
probably fits the definition of a financial gain and so don't talk
about it on the air. Otherwise, if it does not fit the ATO's
definition of financial gain then you can probably talk about it on
the air.

But if you decide to do this proceed carefully. George vk3eip goes
on to say "If you have any doubts at all, then don't do it."
Alternatively you might find it useful to talk to your accountant
first to ensure you are clear as to whether such a sale would
constitute a financial gain.

Clearly it is not as simple as was implied last week and perhaps we
need a dialogue between amateurs, the WIA and ACMA to sort out this
part of the conditions on our licenses.

Based on advice precedent received by the WIA from the ACMA in 2014,
the issue is the combination of an advertisement and perception of
financial gain - irrespective of the ATO view which depends on
personal circumstances which are entirely unknown to any listener.
Legal interpretations of the LCD aren't useful, as it is the
perception of financial gain not the reality that matters to the

So, with an abundance of caution, here are the advertising guidelines
for the WIA broadcast:

Personal advertisements in any context, included in submitted
content to the WIA broadcast, will NOT go to air. Usually, due to
editing logistics, this will mean the entire content that was
submitted will be withheld from the broadcast. This applies whether
or not a price is included.

This policy does not apply to club or community events, raffles
where tickets are sold only at the event or club premises
(i.e. Not available online) or even Silent Key estate notices
( with no prices or equipment details) etc. - these will continue
to be broadcast as a service to the current and aspirant amateur



Hello everyone I am Peter VK8ZZ,

I recently attended Perth Tech 2019. The event was well attended and
the 2019 callbooks were all snapped up very quickly. There were some
great presentations. Of particular interest to me was a presentation
by Phil VK6PH on High Efficiency HF Linear Amplifiers - or a kW in
your pocket. Phil had a very attentive audience. Peter VK3YE also gave
a great presentation on QRP and Portable operations. It's amazing who
you can work operating pedestrian or bicycle portable, well done Pete.

In Australia we are very grateful for the great work, time and
dedication of Peter VK3MV. He is the Co-ordinator of the WIA Monitoring
Service. Also, we are very grateful to the team of volunteers, both
amateurs and SWL's who submit reports on intruders into our bands.
There continues to be significant incursions into our bands. Reports
can be easily and quickly made using the Online Intruder Report Form
which is located on So, when you next hear a possible
intruder, report the matter and help protect our bands. These reports
feed into the International Amateur Radio Union and to the ACMA and
are taken very seriously. These reports do matter. There also is an
urgent need for more volunteers to assist the service. Amateurs and
short wave listeners are encouraged to make enquiries. More
information can be found on the WIA website,

In our March WIA Board meeting we advanced a proposal to digitise
over 10 years of historical documents that had been created in
providing the examination and licensing services under the ACMA deed.
These digitised documents will be archived for ACMA for 75 years.

The Board also considered a proposal to update the Bookshop. This was
accepted and the updated WIA Amateur Radio Bookshop is now online for
members to use. A big thanks to Marc VK3OHM and his team. In relation
to the bookshop, the Board have decided to seek the services of
volunteers to curate the bookshop. So if you or your club have an
interest in this area then contact the secretary for more information.

The Board also endorsed Ron VK3AFW as the WIA representative to
Standards Australia replacing Phil VK2ASD. A big thanks to Phil

The WIA Returning Officer, Mr John Marshall has advised detail of the
election for the WIA Board. He has confirmed that four WIA Board
positions are to be vacated at the conclusion of the 2019 AGM which is
to be held in Sydney in May.

The current directors who were elected in 2017 that will vacate their
positions are :- President, Justin VK7TW, Vice President, Greg VK2GPK,
WIA Director and Secretary, Peter VK8ZZ, and WIA Director, Marcus VK5WTF.
All directors were eligible for re-election.

Three nominations were received so the returning officer has
determined that an election is not necessary and that the three
nominees will be elected unopposed.

Nominations were received from

Greg Kelly VK2GPK returning director
Peter Clee VK8ZZ returning director
Mike Alsop VK8MA new director

The Returning officer has prepared a notice to be published in
AR magazine and on the WIA Web site.

I for one am keen to be part of the field day on the Sunday which will
be held at AR NSW's DURAL site.

The WIA Merit Awards are presented each year at the WIA AGM. The Board
are keen to receive nominations for worthy recipients of these awards.
Details on the awards and how to make nominations are on the WIA web
site. Nominations are currently open and need to be submitted by the
end of APRIL.

With more on the AGM here is WIA Vice President Greg VK2GPK, over to
you Greg

The annual WIA Conference and AGM is scheduled for the weekend
May 24 through May 26, 2019.

This year it is being held in Sydney to celebrate the 100 year
anniversary of the founding of the Waverley Radio Club in 1919 - the
longest continuously licenced radio club in Australia, The club,
based in Waverley, a suburb of Sydney, was renamed in the 1970s to
the Waverley Amateur Radio Society. It became a WIA affiliated club
in 1926 and has been ever since.

The agenda for the technical presentations is currently being
finalised. The technical paper proposals that have been submitted
are now under review for inclusion - and based on the quality of
submissions you can be assured of an exciting range of topics and
interesting speakers.

Holding the conference in a capital city does mean that
accommodation is somewhat more expensive than regional areas.
A range of accommodation options is on the WIA website, including
budget friendly options. Consider staying at cheaper accommodation
in the suburbs and use the efficient public transport system to get
to the main venue in the CBD on Friday and Saturday, and then take
advantage of the conference bus to the Sunday events being hosted
by ARNSW at their Dural site.

Alternatively, I would suggest billeting with a fellow Sydney based
radio amateur. From my own personal experience, radio amateurs are
most hospitable and very happy to assist interstate or intrastate
travellers. As a Sydney sider, I am billeting 3 people attending
this year's WIA Conference. So if you know some Sydney based VK2s,
give them a call - or if you don't contact one of the WIA Affiliated
clubs in Sydney - I am sure they will be happy to assist with some
Sydney hospitality. Refer to the WIA website for club contact

If you are a Sydney based amateur, and would like to billet an
amateur or two, please send your details and the number you can
billet via email to the Waverley club.

This is Greg VK2GPK, on behalf of the WIA board.

This is Roger Harrison VK2ZRH from the Spectrum Strategy Committee.

Earlier this week, the Australian Communications and Media Authority
released a document setting out the work that it plans to do in
spectrum management over the next four years, 2019 to 2023.

Called the "Five-year spectrum outlook 2019-23", the 71-page document
is what the Authority calls a consultation draft. That is, they are
calling for all interested stakeholders to comment on any and every
aspect of interest to them.

Naturally, that includes the WIA, on behalf of members and the radio
amateur community in general, which includes both licensed amateurs
and prospective licensees.

Of particular interest - at the top of many amateurs' wish lists - is
work to progress access to the sixty metre band at 5.3 MHz, allocated
world-wide to licensed amateurs at the 2015 World Radio Conference.

The ACMA notes that the band is included in the Australian
Radiofrequency Spectrum Plan, but there is opposition to the
allocation from Defence due to potential interference. However, the
ACMA intends to publish a discussion paper in the third quarter of
2019-2020 seeking view on implementation issues.

Under the title of licensing and licensing systems, the ACMA says that,
over 2019-2020, it will seek the inclusion of amateur qualifications
in the Australian Qualifications Framework to enable more education
and training bodies to provide amateur training and qualifications.
Sure to be of wide interest in many quarters. There will be public
consultation, says the ACMA.

Of direct interest to ALL amateurs and prospective amateurs is the
ACMA's intention to commence consultation on potential changes to
licence conditions on the fourth quarter of 2018-2019 - coming up
real soon, now, and maybe further consultation in the first quarter of

A few other topics of some interest are also covered in the ACMA's
work plan, which I will get to in a later broadcast when I expand on
the topics raised here.

The website link to the ACMA's consultation paper can be found in a
separate announcement in WIA News on the WIA website.

This is Roger Harrison VK2ZRH for VK1WIA News.


INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club,
the WIA.


$2250 fine for using illegal radio transmitter on New Zealand
police channels has been issued by their regulator.

The man in question's offences were relating to the possession and
use of unlicensed radiocommunication equipment.

On 24 of August 2018 Mr Elvis Johnstone was stopped by Police in the
Whangarei area. On search of Mr Johnstone's car, police located a
Baofeng UV-5R two way radio. When switched on the device was set to
the same frequency as the Northland Police channel.

Charges were laid by Radio Spectrum Management under sections 113
and 114 of the Radiocommunications Act 1989.


Radio ham receives Viking Sky communications

Norwegian and Swedish broadcasters report a radio amateur managed to
capture the communication between the distressed cruise ship
Viking Sky and the coast guard

Staff of the Norwegian cruise ship Viking Sky had hit the alarm.
The engines had stopped working and the ship stopped operating in
the harsh weather. A radio amateur managed to capture the
communication between the distressed ship and KV Njord coast guard
on 156.8 MHz.

With up to 15 meters high waves, the cruise ship lost engine power
and according to a preliminary investigation, there was a low oil
pressure reading which led to the ship ending up in the drama on
the high seas

Viking Sky, with 1,373 people on board, was just 100 meters from
going ashore when the sea anchors 'bit.'

WIA news has gained access to parts of the communication between the
ship's crew and the Norwegian coast guard during the subsequent
rescue operation. The sound recording was made by a Norwegian radio
amateur and aired on NRK.

Norway's NRK report is at


BREXIT isn't the only news from the UK. There have been some
interesting changes announced to the UK Foundation Licence
examination syllabus, which will come into effect September, 2019.
The major change, from my initial review, is the introduction of
digital signals in Section 2F. This includes audio sampling using
CD "Red book" examples, how digital signals are processed, what are
DACs and ADCs. Section 3M then covers SDRs.

There are some other additions such as introducing polar plots for
antennas. The safety section has also been expanded to cover earth
leakage RCBOs.

These UK changes will set clear precedents for similar changes to be
made to the Australian Foundation Licence syllabus, and for the
follow on LCD changes to allow digital mode operation for new F
calls and existing F calls that have demonstrated knowledge of
digital principles. Watch this space over the next year or so

This is Greg VK2GPK


The US Department of Defence plans to start making use of a
provisional time slot on WWV and WWVH to announce upcoming
HF military communication exercises and how the Amateur Radio
community can become involved in them. The announcements will occur at 10 minutes past on WWV and at 50 minutes past on WWVH. WWV and WWVH transmit on 2.5, 5, 10, 15, and 20 MHz.

The initial announcements are set for the period April 20 - May 3.

At the outset, broadcast messages will likely be static. For future
exercises, announcements could be updated throughout an exercise.

The messages will direct listeners to a specified website to provide
reception reports and feedback.

Emergency neighbourhood communications courtesy of HELPER

For many people, phone and Internet connectivity are omnipresent and
always available. It's possible to upload selfies from a Chinese
subway, and search for restaurant reviews in most highway towns, all
thanks to modern cellular connectivity.

However, in emergencies, we're not always so lucky.

If towers fail or user demand grows too large, things can collapse
all too quickly. It's in these situations that HELPER aims to

HELPER stands for Heterogeneous Efficient Low Power Radio.

It's a radio system designed to operate in the absence of any
infrastructure, creating a pop-up network to serve community needs
in disaster areas. Users can share information about available
resources, like water, gasoline and food, while emergency workers
can coordinate their response and direct aid to those who need it.

Hackaday says it's a system built around commonly available parts.
Raspberry Pis run the backend software and communicate with
individuals over Wi-Fi, with LoRa radios handling the longer-range
communication from node to node.

Combining this communication ability with GPS location and stored
map data allows users to more easily find resources and assistance
when things go wrong.

The journal article is freely available for those wishing to learn
more about the project, a project which aims to keep people safe
when conventional networks go down.

The key is to remember that once disaster strikes, it's usually too
late to start distributing radio hardware - emergency gear should be
in place well before things start to go south. Of course, there's
also the government side of the equation - in the USA, the Emergency
Broadcast System is a great example of emergency communications done



All major Australian contests, rules and results, are on the
Contest Section of the WIA website.


20th Harry Angel Memorial Sprint May 4

IARU HF World Championship 13-14 July.

Trans-Tasman Low-Band Contest July 20

VK Remembrance Day Contest is August 17-18


The Grid and Prefix Award Program (GAPA)

This is the most detailed and comprehensive Digital Awards Program
available today for both Radio Amateurs and SWL Operators.

Awards offered by GAPA fall into two major categories based on call
sign prefixes and grid square locations.

Popular digital modes such as FT, JT, RTTY and PSK can be used to
earn individual awards and as award endorsements.

The program also encourages the use of other modes like T10, Throb,
SSTV and Hell. Contacts can be confirmed through use of LOTW, eQSL,
QRZ or direct QSLs.

Awards are based on operator contacts, not an operator's location.

The Prefix Award is earned by working digital mode stations with
different prefixes from around the world. A basic award begins with
submission of 50 to 400 unique prefixes based on the mode used.
Additional endorsements then can be added for different bands, modes
and continents worked.

Grid square awards begin with a basic award that requires 50 to 300
unique grid square locators depending on the mode used. Additional
endorsement can be added for band, mode and continent worked.

A separate portion of the GAPA Program is based on confirming a
specified number of unique grid square locators within a specific
political entity or subdivision that are used to earn a certificate
bar. These bars can be for individual countries or specific US States
or Provinces and Districts within Canada, New Zealand, Australia,
Italy, United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands and Japan.

There are many 'one-grid-countries', such as Heard Island, Aruba,
or Guam; however, many larger and more populated countries require
multiple grids such as 20 grids for Brazil or 10 grids for Poland.

The GAPA Program provides attractive collector sheets where the bars
can be affixed.

Amateurs that collect all the bars associated with a collector's
sheet qualify for GAPA's top achievement, their series of Pinnacle
Awards. Some of the awards include working 100 countries (DXCC),
all US States, all Provinces of Canada and Districts of Japan.
Amateurs that complete a Pinnacle Award are also recognized online
with the GAPA OnLine Digital Award Record (OLAR).

Take to a look at the GAPA Program's Certificate Family Tree page
to examine the certificates offered and see some examples of
certificates with their band and continent endorsement stickers.

GAPA has a group on the GroupsIO site at

For further information contact Ernie Mills WM2U or Rich Kennedy
K3VAT. Email addresses for both are found on the or websites





Celebrating the 40th anniversary of the signing of the Norfolk
Island Act, the VI9NI Team of VK3QB, VK3HJ, VK2PN and VK3BDX will
be active from Norfolk Island, OC-005, from the 1st to the 14th of
April. They will operate on 160 to 17m, FT8, CW and SSB. QSL via



In the world of DX, be listening for special event station, EM 75 FA,
between the 6th and 14th of April. This station is commemorating the
75th anniversary of the liberation of city of Odesa from the Nazi
invaders during World War II.

That took place on the 10th of April in 1944.

QSL via UT7FA.

(EM75FA page on

Ali, EP 3 CQ, who went QRT on March 23rd, will once again be active
as 6 O 1OO starting April 15th, for one month.

Activity will be limited, he works for the UN Department of Safety
and Security in Mogadishu.

Operations will be all bands but mostly 40/20 meters using SSB
and FT8. Last time he suggested that he will be on every day between
1800-2000 East Africa Time (EAT) and on the weekend (Friday and
Saturday) between 1400-1800.

See for more info

QSL direct to:
Ali Solhjoo, C/O Dr. de Vivanco, Schnackenburgstr. 3, Berlin 12159,

Elvira, IV3FSG is QRV as 6W/IV3FSG from near Dakar, until April 16
while working for the Informatici Senza Frontiere organization.

Activity is on 80 to 10 meters using SSB and possible digital modes.

QSL via IK 3 GES.


International Marconi Day 2019 will take place on 27th of April when
amateur radio stations will operate from various locations around the
world with historical connections to Marconi.
EI 0 MAR will be QRV as an award station once again this year from
the Hurdy Gurdy Museum of Vintage Radio in Howth. This is a
twenty-four hour event and EI 0 MAR will be QRV from about
0700 Zulu that day.

Listen for Jacques, F 6 HMJ on the air as 6W7/F6HMJ from
Senegal until the 28th of April on SSB and CW, 80-10 metres.


Join Cricket World Cup Marathon

The RSGB is hosting an international amateur radio marathon event
on the HF bands to celebrate this year's Cricket World Cup, which
is being held in England and Wales.

The marathon will run from the 30th of May to the 14th of July.

Full details are at

DF13, German special event

Look for special event stations with Prefix's DF13 to be active
until June 30th, 2019.

This to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the maiden flight of the
Junkers F-13, The first all-metal built airplane, was introduced
to civil aviation and is the mother of all commercial aircraft.

All QSOs will be automatically confirmed after July 15th, 2019, with
a QSL card via Bureau. If you do not need a QSL card, let them know.

Send direct QSLs via DM2TO -- shipping starting after August 1st,

For more details and info on awards, see

Panama special event
Look for special event callsign H 31 A to be active until August 15
to commemorate 500th anniversary of the foundation of Panama City.

Activity will be on most HF bands using SSB and the Digital modes
(RTTY, PSK31 and FT8).

QSL manager is HP 1 AVS


Anniversary of the Federal Republic of Germany

Look for special event stations DM 70 GER and DL 70 BRD now active
until December 31st, 2019 to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the
Federal Republic of Germany which was established on May 23rd, 1949.
Operations will be on CW and SSB.


Celebrating its 50th anniversary, Sweden's National Society for
the Active Visually Impaired is active as SF 50 CG throughout 2019.
QSL via SM 0 BYD.


Special call EI 19 RE active for 2019

The special call sign EI 19 RE will be active for the duration of
2019 to commemorate the establishment of the first Irish parliament.
It first met in January of 1919 following a landslide victory for
Irish nationalists in December 1918.


Scouting's Gilwell Park is being honoured through 2019 with GB 100 GP.


In the World of DX, amateurs in Turkey are using the special call
sign TC 10 GITRAD to mark the 10th anniversary of the radio group

They are on the air all year through the 31st of December.

No cards are required. However, if you need a paper QSL card please
mail yours directly to TA 7 AZC and include a stamped self-addressed
envelope and money for postage.



The latest issue of MagPi magazine (number 80) contains a feature
on Amateur Radio, and includes a number of radio-related projects.

For those who don't know, MagPi is a magazine dedicated to the
low-cost RaspberryPi microcomputer. By "low cost", we mean from
around $10 for the basic model.

Richard VK2SKY told us starting on page 68 of the magazine, the
project list includes:
an ADS-B flight tracker,
a WSPR transmitter,
a remote Software Defined Radio scanner,
a Digital Voice hotspot,
a satellite tracker,
an APRS IGate, and more.

As you might guess, the projects also involve using one of the
popular low cost RTL-SDR dongles to provide the radio end of the

The magazine will probably appear in newsagents soon, but you can
also download an electronic copy (PDF) for free, from the
Raspberry Pi Foundation web site.

The Foundation's web site also includes many great learning
resources to help you get the biggest bite out of your "Pi"!

So get yourself a Raspberry Pi and get hacking!

MagPi issue #80:

MagPi back issues are also available on:





Grant VK5GR here

As I mentioned in last week's news, the Amateur Radio Experimenters
Group is sponsoring a new event during April 27th and 28th designed
for people to "come and try FreeDV", the new digital HF voice
transmission mode developed by David VK5DGR.

The FreeDV QSO party is all about getting on the air with this new mode
and encouraging people to try making as many QSOs as possible with it.
The latest 700D version of FreeDV has performance characteristics
that rival SSB voice while delivering the signal in less than 1kHz. To
get on the air, you can use open source free software. Just couple
your computer to your radio (the same interface you use for FT8 would
do), and your headset and microphone to your computer, configure the
program and away you go!

But hang on you say - how do I know what a FreeDV signal sounds like,
so I can even identify it on the bands? Well, here is a sample:

{audio edit}

Waterfall images can also be seen on the AREG website.

To help you find FreeDV signals in VK, centres of FreeDV activity have
been listed on the AREG website as well as details of
the QSO party rules and where to get started downloading and
installing FreeDV. Head on over and have a read. During the QSO party,
AREG member stations will also be on hand to help answer your
configuration questions should you have problems!

We will tell you more about this unique event during next week's

73 from Grant VK5GR


FT8 Growing as DX Mode in an Era of Waning Propagation

In his 2018 update of his survey of modes used on the air,
Club Log's Michael Wells, G7VJR, says the number of Club Log users
uploading at least one FT8 contact to the site grew from 8,000 in
2017 to 14,200 in 2018.

G7VJR worked with data from Club Log users who, he reports, uploaded
41.3 million contacts in 2018, up by 12% from last year.

He thinks that fact is more significant given the ongoing decline
of this particular solar cycle, and it's possible evidence of extra
activity from FT8 and newly active amateurs who'd run out of steam on
CW and SSB, but are back to try digital modes.

(arrl letter)

Also a date to claim, it's April 20.

This is when hams from around the world using a variety of modes
are being invited to celebrate the one thing they may all have in

they all love a good rag chew.

The 420 Ham Radio Network is hosting a 24-hour Net that is
accessible via :-

DMR Talk Group 302024

Yaesu Fusion 36037

D-STAR reflector 420A

All-Star 49447 and

EchoLink 66420.

Martin Swinimer VE1KLR, who will serve as net control, said that
the net has been scheduled to call attention to the need for more
good ragchews. He told our US counterpart, Newsline,

[quote] "that part of the hobby is in need of attention." [endquote]

On April 20, rag chewing will be in the spotlight for 24 hours.
Find access information by visiting 4-2-0 reflector dot net

WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS ATV (Every pixel tells a story) -

Fun Video showing use of the SSB and FM ham radio satellites

John KG4AKV has released a new video showing amateur radio contacts
through the XW-2C, XW-2D, CAS-4A SSB satellites and the SO-50 FM

On the AMSAT-BB John writes:

A long-time friend who lives near Raleigh, which is on the way to
my Myrtle Beach, usually stops to see. We worked four passes on
four different satellites.

The highlight was making contact through a satellite while we were
standing mere feet away from each other. We actually did this
twice on two different satellites.

Watch Talking through a satellite from 15 feet apart

(sourced to SouthGate)


How to get into DMR without a radio!

Are you a licensed ham who is interested in DStar or DMR - but
without the cost of expensive radios?

There are three steps you can take to accomplish the task. This
applies to the three most popular protocols.

It begins by acquiring a special USB Dongle that contains an
analogue to digital and digital to analogue IC chip referred to as an
AMBE3000. They sell for about the 1/4 the cost of a radio

Go to Southgate's link in our text edition this week for all
the various url's required etc.


The interest in QRP activities is everlasting in the amateur radio
community worldwide.

QRP radio communications demonstrates a high skill and knowledge
level of radio amateurs, and offers advantages concerning, among
others, through the reduction of man-made interference or QRM on
the amateur bands.

At the 10th IARU Region 3 Conference held in September 1997 in
Beijing a resolution was passed to recommend the following:

Why not think about your club hosting a QRP Field day or a
QRP contest?

The VK QRP Club has a great annual contest that is held in October
each year. This club also has some great resources available.

A good example of a QRP activity is the QRP by Bay event held in
VK3 and organised by Peter Parker VK3YE.

VK3YE has some fantastic QRP resources, eBooks and videos available
from his website

(wia front page news)


AO73/FUNcube-1 Mode Changes

The transponder on AO73/FUNcube-1 appears to be being affected by
its many months in continuous sunlight. It's anticipated that the
situation may be resolved when the spacecraft starts to experience
eclipses again at the end of April.

The spacecraft will therefore remain in education mode until that
time with the usual high-power telemetry downlink active.
In addition to the telemetry, Fitter messages also remain available.




When the International Amateur Radio Union was created in Paris in
1925, no one could have envisioned the changes that would shape the
hobby so many decades later, including internet-linked modes such as
EchoLink and IRLP.

Using the special event call sign W 2 W, a 12-hour VOIP net will be
among those "on the air" around the world marking the occasion,
celebrating amateur radio and the friendships the hobby has built.

This 12-hour net will begin taking check-ins on the 18th of April
beginning at 1600 UTC. It is accessible via IRLP 9251, the World
Conference Server. For the first time, check-ins will also be
possible from Allstar Node 47620, the World Conference Hub.

A special World Amateur Radio Day 2019 QSL Card will be available for
all participants who contact one of the 10 different net controllers
during the event.

Technology may have changed since 1925-- but ham radio friendships

(Amateur Radio Newsline)

A Youth Net meets Saturdays at 0100 UTC on IRLP Reflector #2.
Young Hams Net 3.590 - 7:30pm Victorian time.

On Sunday nights at 11 p.m. UTC, some of the world's youngest radio
enthusiasts are taking time out to get to know one another better.

This is the Young Operators Digital Voice Net and it' hosted on the
Quadnet Array which draws operators from DMR, D-STAR and Yaesu Fusion.

At the helm is 10-year-old Danielle Edgington KE8JNU.

Though Danielle is a relatively new ticket holder her enthusiasm for
radio dates back to all those car rides listening to her father's
scanners and radios. Now she's spreading that enthusiasm with other
new licensees - or license candidates who check in as a third-party
using the call sign of a nearby parent.

The net has even had DX from young hams in Trinidad & Tobago, the
Philippines and England.

Danielle has said even if the kids check IN a little nervous -
as they often do - they always check OUT knowing they are very

Youngsters wishing to check in should visit the Quadnet Array Website for details on how to gain access via Yaesu Fusion,
D-STAR, EchoLink, DMR and even the Peanut app on Android smartyphones.


Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz

IARU Region 1 3760 7110 14300 18160 21360 kHz

IARU Region 2 3750 3985 7060 7240 7275 14300 18160 21360 kHz


TCAC King Of The Hill Hill climb on the Mount Stuart Road.

The next even after last week's successful operation takes place May 27.

This is a chance to get out in the field and mix your radio with
high speed organized auto sports. It's also an opportunity to get your

Operators needed to man the Start and Flying Finish positions on the
Mount Stuart Road.

7-30am start, free food at lunchtime, finish by 3-30pm.
Make sure you bring a comfy chair !

Sunday 27th May.

(TARC newsletter)

Disaster Relief Department appoints amateur radio consultants

Frank Brinkmann, DO1FRK, and Andreas Kleiner, DG4OAE, have been
nominated by the Hannover Region as amateur radio consultants in
the disaster relief department of the Hannover Region

A Google translation of the DARC post says:

In the future, both of them will be available to the region's crisis
staff for questions on amateur radio and its use in the event of a

Emergency radio, within amateur radio, in the Ministry of
Interior of the state of Lower Saxony enjoys a high priority.

The Ministry thanks all members of the DARC e.V. for the long-term
commitment of the radio amateurs to support disaster situations.

(Sourced to SouthGate)


2019 Social Scene

VK4 - Redfest 2019 April 13 (vk4tfn)

Redcliffe and Districts radio club.

Greetings from the Redcliffe and Districts
Radio Club, here in South East Queensland.

Robert Thomson VK4TFN here.

REDFEST 2019, 13th April. It's one week away.
Got your table booked yet? Be quick don't delay.
$10 per table. Vendors admitted at 7:00AM
For table bookings email:

Breakfast at 8:00AM
REDFEST Opens at 9:00AM $5.00 Entry.

Don't forget the raffle, $2.00 per ticket, 3 tickets for $5.00 and
6 Tickets for $10.00.
We'll draw the raffle at 10:30AM. It's a
UHF Digital Mobile Radio transceiver value $130.00

Of course: To win it, you must be in it.
And to be in it, you must be at REDFEST 2019
on Saturday the 13th April.

After the raffle there's a fox hunt.

We will also have a display of the ingenuity of the
Redcliffe and Districts Radio Club.

For more details please go to:
tripple "w" dot redcliffe radio club dot org dot au
You can also find us on Facebook.

Bye and 73

VK6 - HARGfest April 14 (vk6zms)

VK3 - Moorabbin & District Radio Club HamFest 2019 Saturday 11th May.

2019 WIA Annual Conference Sydney weekend 24-26 of May. (wia)

VK2 Oxley Region Amateur Radio Club Field Day June 8 and 9 (vk2zhe)

VK5 - South East Radio Group 2019 Annual Convention and Australian
Fox Hunting Championships 8-9 June (vk5hcf)

VK3 - GippsTech 2019 13'14 July (vk3pf)

VK4 - Townsville Amateur Radio Club's Cardwell Gathering 4 days
commencing October 4 (vk4zz)

VK3 - Yarra Valley Amateur Group HamFest, 13th October (vk3cnw)

VK3 - Ballarat Amateur Radio Group, BARG Hamvention Oct 27 (vk3kqt)

2020 Social Scene

ALARAMEET 2020 Bendigo (vk5yl)

October 2020 in Bendigo Victoria.

Heidi VK3FHID and Jenny VK3WQ are leading the team who are planning
an eventful weekend. This team is meeting regularly and are looking
forward to seeing you in Bendigo.

Submitting news items

If you would like to submit news items for possible inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to and don't JUST send url's links or posters,
but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

We would appreciate items no longer than 2 minutes in length as we
only have a half hour.

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it
being broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News.
Each item will only be broadcast once, if you want a couple of
mentions, please submit different slants to keep your event 'fresh'
and always if the news room is to read your item ---
write it in the 3rd person.

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug
DEALS from commercial traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put
your supporters 'goods' in this text edition "no worries."

We cannot give blatant 'plugs' to raffles. (new Jan 2019)



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
Who and where are they?

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
WIA affiliated clubs and active amateurs residing in Australia and
the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of
Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs.
Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but IF broadcast, are done so in the spirit in
which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form,
a credit to WIANews wouldn't go astray...

If you have call-backs to contribute to the National News call back
tally then please send through your call-backs to

Who listens to radio? A weekly 'tally sheet' is sent to all
rebroadcasters and interested listeners, to get your free copy
send a blank email to:-
Put the word subscribe in the title or subject field

How do I join this National News List?
(subscribe for an automatic weekly feed.)
Email to
from the email account that you wish the emails to go to.

How do I leave this National News List? (unsubscribe your weekly feed)
Open mail program which sends mail from the address you want to
unsubscribe from. Send unsubscribe to the list
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You will be sent a confirmation mail and must follow the instructions
given in that mail to complete the unsubscription.

Once your unsubscription has been processed, you will probably
receive another message confirming your unsubscription from the list,
and at that point you should stop receiving messages.


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)