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If It Matters To You It Matters To Us!

Email click news in member area & submit your audio

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it
being broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News.
Each item will only be broadcast once, if you want a couple of
mentions, please submit different slants to keep your event 'fresh'
and always if the news room is to read your item ---
write it in the 3rd person.



IT'S A WRAP - Harry VK6YBZ, WIA Director.


Hi all. This is Harry VK6YBZ, WIA Director giving you a wrap up of
the WIA Conference and AGM.

The Sydney WIA AGM and conference was well attended with over
100 amateurs from a range of states attending the proceedings.

The events kicked off in great style on Friday evening with a welcome
party to celebrate the Waverley Amateur Radio Society 100 birthday.
This club is one of the oldest continuously licensed and most
successful clubs in Australia.

A well-attended AGM was preceded by a meeting of club executives from
around Australia with the board of the WIA. The future of amateur
radio was discussed in detail with wide ranging ideas on what was
wrong with the future direction of the hobby and how to solve matters.
Essentially, the role of the clubs and communication with the WIA and
our intended audience were the big topics of discussion.

Communication of what the hobby is about to potential young new
members and its value to the community were deemed to be core issues.
It was noted that clubs need to put out information on their
activities via local press and social media to ensure the hobby was
valued in the community. The WIA was challenged to work with the
clubs to market itself and the hobby better and to work with clubs
to ensure the message on the value of the hobby was communicated to
potential new members.

Members at the AGM accepted the director's reports and financial
statements. These are available on the WIA website for anyone wishing
to read them.

Justin VK7TW as retiring Board Chairman was thanked for his efforts
at the WIA.

An open forum was held after the AGM and falling membership and the
loss of the ACMA deed were raised as concerning issues. This was
very much a follow on, expressing the ideas and concerns registered
at the club executives meeting earlier. The WIA Board noted these
concerns and took on board the resolve to move the Institute into a
new era with these matters of concern forefront in its activities.

An interesting range of technical papers were presented.
These technical sessions ranged from a presentation on Amateur
involvement in CubeSat Missions by Dr Tony Monger VK2KZ through a
paper on FreeDV by David Rowe VK5DGR to Secrets of KiwiSDR by
Jamie Campbell VK2CJ.

A board meeting, held after the AGM elected Greg VK2GPK as the new
WIA President and Aidan VK4APM as the new Vice President.
Peter VK8ZZ was re-elected as Secretary and Mike VK8MA was welcomed
as a new board member.

We look forward to a challenging year as a new board.

As announced at the 2019 WIA Annual Conference in Sydney the 2020
Conference will be held on May 8-10, 2020 in Hobart Tasmania.
Antarctic Gateway is the theme and this will see tours of the
Mawson's Hut Replica Museum, Australian Antarctic Division and the
Grote Reber (the first radio astronomer) Museum and there are some
other interesting tours in the wind.

The Conference will be centred around the Best Western Hotel in
Bathurst St Hobart and the WIA has been able to secure excellent
room rates at the hotel and these can be booked by calling
(03) 623 262 43 or emailing
and quoting WIA to receive a $149 discounted room rate. To see the
hotel take a look at the website that can be found on the internet
version of this broadcast.

Look forward to seeing you in Hobart.

Harry VK6YBZ, WIA Director.

This is Roger Harrison VK2ZRH, Interim Manager for the VHF-UHF Field

The Winter solstice is next Friday, the 21st of June.

Hence, the 2019 Winter VHF-UHF Field Day is next weekend !

For this event there is the first single set of rules.

No more Division 1 and Division 2. Scoring is now to be

So. Over Saturday the 22nd and Sunday the 23rd, Winter Field Day fun
and frolics is on for all you stalwart enthusiasts keen to brave
whatever the weather can throw at us.

That often means very different things in different places.

All the Sections and Sub-sections featured in past events remain,
as do the two-hour re-work period and the exchange of 6-character
locators for all contacts.

Rovers keen to travel cross-country from ridge to rise still have to
travel from Square to Square, but the scoring is based on 6-character
locators from which distance between stations is calculated.

You can concentrate your efforts on one band, if that's what you
fancy, and go hammer and tongs to pile up contacts.

Alternatively, enter the Four-bands Sub-section.

You can operate on any two of the bands from six metres to
23 centimetres - or three bands, or the whole four !

You don't have to be a "gun" operator with a "super station" to get
out there and have fun on the Field Day.

And remember, why not invite an F-call or Standard to join you in the
field or your home QTH?

Yes. Home stations are welcome !

You'll find the rules on the VHF-UHF Field Days page of the WIA

While I'm here, I'd like to take the opportunity to pay a tribute to
one of Australia's VHF-UHF pioneers - Joe Gelston VK7JG.
Unfortunately, he became a silent key last year but was honoured
recently to receive an Order of Australia in last weekend's Queen's
Birthday Honours.

Joe sat for his Amateur Operators Limited Certificate of Proficiency
in October 1965 and was issued with VK7ZJG in December that year.

Later, in August 1976, he sat for his A-O-C-P and was issued VK7JG in

Throughout his decades on the air, Joe became known for establishing
and maintaining VHF-UHF beacons and repeaters across northern
Tasmania, many in remote locations. For this work, he received a
WIA President's Commendation in 2014.

Joe was also an Honorary Life Member of the Institute.

He set a number of VHF-UHF DX records, too.

On 6m, he set the Australian digital EME distance record in 2014
working EA8 delta baker mike, for a distance of more than 17,900 km.

On 2m, Joe set the VK7 DX record in 2006, working VK6AO over a
distance of 2967.7 km.

Up in the light spectrum, at 474 THz, in February 2005, Joe set the
Australian DX record of 167.7 km.

Many don't know, or don't recall, that he was active in WIA affairs.
During the era before the National WIA was formed, Joe served on the
WIA Federal Council as the Tasmanian Division Federal Councillor,
from the late 1980s through to the mid-1990s.

He was a quiet achiever and is certainly missed.

This is Roger Harrison VK2ZRH for VK1WIA News.


Alan Parr (Lance Corporal 1RAR) received an Order of Australia for
his Services to veterans . Alan was one of four Battle of Balmoral
veterans who spent three years to have 2000 Australian personnel
recognised for their bravery during this Vietnam War battle.

Alan was Secretary and committee member for the Fire Support Base
Coral-Balmoral Veterans Group.

Congratulations to Alan Parr fior his Queens Birthday Honour.

(sourced to Clive Sait VK4ACC RADAR CLUB Secretary)

VK3US/AQ Raymond Francis James took on the presidency of the
Trafalgar/Thorpdale RSL in 2007 believing it would a 12-month role,
then in these recent Honours List comes word he was aw awarded an OAM

Almost 12 years later he still leads the revitalised sub-branch and
the humble Vietnam veteran was awarded a Medal of the Order of
Australia in the General Division in the Queen's Birthday honours'
list for service to veterans and their families.

(advised by vk6pop)


INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club,
the WIA.


Radio Spectrum Management (RSM) has published a new issue of
'Table of Radio Spectrum Usage in New Zealand (PIB 21)' - Issue 10

This incorporates a number of minor amendments from Issue 9.1,
including a number of modifications to Management Rights in the VHF
and SHF bands.

In conjunction with this revision, RSM has updated its interactive
table version of PIB 21 on the RSM website. This interactive table
provides an easy-to-access format directly on the website.

Table of Radio Spectrum Usage in New Zealand


The latest IARU-R1 Monitoring System newsletter reports a new kind of
Over The Horizon Radar has been operating in the amateur radio 14 MHz
primary allocation across 14140-14150 kHz

Parameters: FMOP - 30 sps - 40 sec blocks every 10 minutes

The International Amateur Radio Union Monitoring System (IARUMS)
Region 1 May 2019 newsletter can be read at


The Millennium Post reports that a charge imposed on radio amateurs
if they changed location is to be abolished within India.

The newspaper says:

The Centre has given the nod to ham radio enthusiasts to set up
amateur radio stations anywhere in India except in restricted areas
and has waived the 'change of location charge' that was earlier
imposed on them.

"This decision is historic for the ham radio community.

We often need to change location of our radio stations for various
activities and for this we had to pay a fee to the Department of
Telecommunication. But, from now on we will have to dole out no fees
for such location change," said Ambarish VU 2 JFA, custodian and
secretary of West Bengal Radio Club.

Read the full story at


AMSAT President and ARRL Life Member Joe Spier, K6WAO, has been
awarded the Russian E.T. Krenkel Medal, a prestigious award granted
to individuals and organizations for outstanding global contributions
to Amateur Radio.

K6WAO is a long-time supporter of Amateur Radio in Space and
international cooperation, is President of the Radio Amateur
Satellite Corporation (AMSATS) and has served AMSAT as Executive
Vice President, Vice President, and Educational Relations.

The award's namesake, E T Krenkel, was a radio amateur who, over the
years, used the call signs RAEM, U3AA, and UA3AA. Born in Poland,
Krenkel was an Arctic explorer who took part in the first Soviet
"drifting station," "North Pole-1".

He was made a "Hero of the Soviet Union" in 1938 for his exploits.


REF President Jean-Louis Truquet F5DJL has called for a meeting
with their regulatory authority

A number of nominations to CMR23 for Frequency Request or
Sharing Study have been submitted very recently, they pose a
definite risk for the experimental and educational use of some
amateur radio bands. As many associations have informed us, the
REF is clearly unfavourable to these requests, which are currently
the subject of no structured consultation of the French amateur radio
community by the administration.

A number of regulatory amendments that were the subject of a public
consultation in 2018 are still not published more than 12 months
after this consultation and some decisions of the 2015 WRC are still
not applied in France, a unique situation in Europe.

REF suggests that the objective is to finalize a proposal document
at a final meeting organized at the latest on the occasion of the
HAMEXPO fair. October 12th at Le Mans.

France proposes 144-146 MHz for Aeronautical Mobile Service

The next meeting of the CEPT WRC-19 Conference Preparatory Group
takes place this week, June 17-21, in Prague

France has submitted a paper with the subject Agenda Item 10
revised proposal for an agenda item for new non-safety aeronautical
mobile applications.

The paper says:

"The list of bands that are proposed for study of possible new
allocations to the aeronautical mobile service on a primary basis
is revised by adding the band 144-146 MHz, the bands 5000-5010 MHz
and 15.4-15.7 GHz being maintained."

Aeronautical applications like fire and border surveillance,
air quality environment and traffic monitoring, disaster monitoring,
terrain modelling, imagery (visible, infrared, radar, etc.),
video monitoring require non-safety communications between various
types of aeronautical platforms.

Consequently the need of non-safety data communications between
various types of aeronautical platforms increases and so the need
for new frequency bands."


Rob Styles M 0 TFO has started a petition calling on Ofcom to allow
radio amateurs in the UK be issued with Vanity Call Signs

The petition says:

The FCC in the USA offers amateur licensees the opportunity
to request a specific call sign for a primary station and
for a club station also known as a vanity call signs.
A Vanity call sign is a call sign that the licensee wants
assigned in place of an existing call sign.

The petition is at


Dominica News reports four amateur radio handheld transceivers have
been donated to the Dominica Association of Persons with Disabilities

Members of DAPD who have received amateur radio training, will now be
able to apply the knowledge they have gained.

Four radios were handed over to the DAPD by two Swedish members of
the Dominica Amateur Radio Club Inc. (DARCI) who have joined the DAPD.

Executive Director of the DAPD, Nathalie Murthy said she is thankful
to DARCI for their donation. "It's one thing to do the theory but its
another thing to do the practicals and without such devices that won't
be possible so we want to extend a big thank you to the Dominica
Amateur Radio Club for considering and ensuring that the program
that we followed now we are able to implement it practically,"
Nathalie stated.

She added, "After you have had the training and you have been
certified as an amateur radio user, you have to get your license and
this is issued by the National Telecommunications Regulatory
Commission and our applications are before them."

Read the full story at



All major Australian contests, rules and results, are on the
Contest Section of the WIA website.


This and Next weekend see's the International Museums Weekend
15th and 16th, and 22nd and 23rd of June.

More details about the event can be found at the link in this
weeks text edition, it includes a list of the stations registered.
An award certificate can be obtained for 5 and 20 stations worked,
or 10 heard by a SWL.


22-23 July WIA WINTER VHF-UHF Field Days

IARU HF World Championship 13-14 July.

RSGB IOTA Contest July 27-28th

Trans-Tasman Low-Band Contest July 20

VK Remembrance Day Contest is August 17-18


AMSAT Field Day on the Satellites

The weekend of June 22-23, 2019 is Field Day!

Each year the American Radio Relay League sponsors Field Day.
The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT) promotes their own
version of Field Day focused on operation via the amateur satellites,
held concurrently with the ARRL event.

The AMSAT Field Day 2019 event is open to all Amateur Radio operators.
Amateurs are to use the exchange as specified in ARRL rules.

The AMSAT competition is to encourage the use of all amateur
satellites, both analogue and digital.

The congestion on FM LEO satellites is always so intense that they
must continue to limit their use to one-QSO-per-FM-satellite.
This includes the International Space Station.

You will be allowed one QSO if the ISS is operating Voice.

NO points will be credited for any contacts beyond the ONE allowed
via each single-channel FM satellite.

Operators are encouraged NOT to make any extra contacts via the FM



In the UK, Norfolk Amateur Radio Club (NARC) have been operating
GB 19 AUS (Australia) as part of the Cricket World Cup celebrations.

At the club's recent "Radio Active" event, held on National Field Day
on 1 and 2 June, GB19AUS was given an airing, making more than 500
contacts. NARC says it will activate the call sign again in the near
future as the Marathon runs from 30 May to 14 July 2019.

Special UK and international call signs are active on nine HF bands
using SSB, CW and Digital modes. The UK is activating 31 special
call signs with 11 for the cricket grounds in England and Wales and
10 for the tournament teams.

There are also call signs for Scotland, Northern Ireland, Jersey,
Guernsey and the Isle of Man. All UK call signs start with the
prefix GB19.

GB19AUS activity is being coordinated by Peter M 0 RYB



Cyprus Special Event

Hot on the heels of GB19AUS comes Special event station 5 B 19 CWC
being used by the Cyprus Amateur Radio Society to celebrate the
Cricket World Cup which began May 30th and will end July 14th.

The Cricket World Cup event is taking place in England and Wales.

QSL via 5 B 4 AJT



Special event station 8 N 7 JAPAN is QRV until October 31, 2020
to commemorate the Olympic Games 2020, the Paralympics 2020,
and the World Cup Games 2019. QSL via bureau.


Active is OX 3 LX from Nuuk, Greenland, NA-018, until the 21st of
June, with possible activity also from Kook Island, NA-220.
QSL via OZ0J, Club Log OQRS and Logbook of the World.


KH 0 N is 'on the wireless' from the Mariana Islands until Monday 17th
June. HF bands on CW and FT8. QSL via the home call JA 6 CNL

Prefix hunters may be interested in working the special event station
TM 500 LV. The station is on the air until 6th October and
commemorates the 500th anniversary of the death of
Leonardo da Vinci.

QSL manager is F 1 IOZ.



WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS ATV (Every pixel tells a story) -

The Raspberry Pi magazine MagPi have published a guide to receiving
amateur radio Slow Scan TV pictures from the International Space

MagPi magazine @TheMagPi tweeted:
" we've updated our guide on how to receive and decode these
transmissions. It now includes a fall back mode in case there are any
(TECHNICAL) issues."

Read the article at


How to find hidden cameras in your Airbnb, and anywhere else

In recent months there's been a number of alarming reports of
Airbnb hosts installing hidden cameras in their properties
but not disclosing them to the guests staying there.

Back in January, Fast Company, reported on a computer science
professor who discovered two hidden cameras recording him and his
family in an Airbnb. And just last month The Atlantic reported on a
New Zealand family who was renting an Airbnb in Ireland and found
they were being live-streamed from a hidden security camera.

If you see an alarm clock in a bathroom or some other place you
wouldn't expect one to be, that could be a tip-off that something
is amiss. Similarly, if you see any devices, such as a USB wall plug
pointed directly at a bed or shower, something could be up.

Now many of we hams are into 'fox hunting' so Smartphone users can
use apps like "FING" that display all the wireless devices connected
to a Wi-Fi network. So after arriving at your Airbnb and connecting
to the host's wireless network, whip out Fing and give that network
a sniff. It'll show your device and any other connected to that same



Ham Radio at Women in Tech event

Dorothy M 0 LMR has given a short talk on amateur radio at a
"Women in Tech Talk" event run by Southend Tech in the UK.

Dorothy's talk was all about amateur radio, outlining how she got
started, some of the experiences she's had so far on her amateur
radio journey, and some of her highlights, such as her first go at
EME moon bounce at just 10 watts.

Well done to Dorothy for delivering her first amateur radio talk
and helping to spread the word about amateur radio.

Read the full Essex Ham story and watch the video of the talk at



China Set to Launch New Amateur Satellite with "Sail Ball"

Chinese Amateur Satellite Group (CAMSAT) has announced the impending
launch of the CAS-7B satellite, also designated as BP-1B, a
short-lived spacecraft that will carry an Amateur Radio payload.

An unusual feature of the spacecraft is its "sail ball" passive
stabilization system. The CubeSat is attached to a flexible film ball
-- or sail -- that will offer passive "pneumatic resistance"

CAS-7B is expected to remain in orbit for up to 1 month and
will transmit a CW telemetry beacon on 435.715 MHz.

The FM voice transponder downlink will be 435.690 MHz, and the
transponder uplink will be 145.900 MHz (16 kHz passband).



Latest FT4 beta release 'Leaps and Bounds' better

ARRL say user reports have been favourable in the wake of the release
of another new beta version of the FT4 protocol by the WSJT-X
Development Group.

Release Candidate 7, WSJT-X 2.1.0-rc, which is now available for
testing, is not compatible with any previous FT4 releases.

Read the full ARRL story at

New Beta version of FT4 now available

144 MHz DX - FT8 signal received over 5102 km path

The VHF DX site Many More Miles on VHF reports that on June 9, 2019,
D 41 CV in Cape Verde was received on 144 MHz FT8 in Austria,
a distance of 5102 km.

PSK reporter shows that at least a dozen Italian stations have
received/worked D41CV using the digital mode FT8
Many More Miles on VHF


New Light in ILLW activity from South Africa:-

Roman Rock, built in 1861, is active from a 14 m cast iron tower with
flared top, lantern and gallery, mounted on a circular stone pedestal.
Entire lighthouse is painted white.

The tower was prefabricated in England, but it took four years to
build the base on a wave swept rock in False Bay.

The lighthouse was extensively renovated in 1992, and the original
lantern was replaced with a modern lantern and light. In 2015 the
power supply was upgraded and the light strengthened.

Located on a rock in False Bay about 2 km east of the Simonstown
Dockyard Light it is accessible only by water craft.

SouthGate Amateur news say entries for this year's event have passed
200 which is on track for a final total of around 500 by the 3rd full
weekend in August.

Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz

IARU Region 1 3760 7110 14300 18160 21360 kHz

IARU Region 2 3750 3985 7060 7240 7275 14300 18160 21360 kHz

Members of the Greene County Virginia Amateur Radio Club are now
working with the sheriff's office to help folks during an emergency

NBC Channel 29 reports:
Some tech lovers in Greene County are now on the front lines of
keeping everyone safe.

Members of the Greene County Virginia Amateur Radio Club are
now working with the sheriff's office to help folks during an

"We're always telling the citizens to be prepared for storms
or whatever may happen, so we're just doing what we're always
preaching," Greene County Sheriff Steve Smith said. "We got
these guys willing to come in here and donate their free time."

"We set up some amateur radio communications - there's an antenna
up on his tower out back," said GCVARC President Bill Steo K4FZE.
"We also have a computer that's used for packet radio, which you
can send an email using the radio waves rather than the internet."

Read the full story at


2019 Social Scene

VK3 - GippsTech 2019 13'14 July (vk3pf)


Saturday, July the 20th the Gippsland Gate Radio and
Electronics Club is once again holding its annual HamFest
at Cranbourne Public Hall the corner of Clarendon and
High Streets Cranbourne.

Doors will open to sellers at 8.30am and buyers at 10am.
Entry price for buyers is $7.00 which includes1 raffle ticket
for the door prizes. Sellers can book a table for $22 which
includes entry and 2 door prize tickets.

There will be a BBQ at the front of the hall, weather
permitting, for all the early and also not so early arrivals
and bottomless tea and coffee will be available inside the hall
at the kitchen servery.

Anyone wishing to book a table position should contact the Club
soon, as tables are going quickly.

Contact Di by emailing

VK4 - Sunshine Coast Amateur Radios Sun-Fest 9AM, Saturday Sept 14
@ Woombye School of Arts. (vk4an)

VK4 - Townsville Amateur Radio Club's Cardwell Gathering 4 days
commencing October 4 (vk4zz)

VK3 - Yarra Valley Amateur Group HamFest, 13th October (vk3cnw)

WW - JOTA 2019 Friday 18th, Sat 19 & Sunday 20 October (vk2gx)

VK3 - Ballarat Amateur Radio Group, BARG Hamvention Oct 27 (vk3kqt)

2020 Social Scene

ALARAMEET 2020 Bendigo (vk5yl)

October 2020 in Bendigo Victoria.

Heidi VK3FHID and Jenny VK3WQ are leading the team who are planning
an eventful weekend. This team is meeting regularly and are looking
forward to seeing you in Bendigo.

Submitting news items

If you would like to submit news items for possible inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to and don't JUST send url's links or posters,
but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio email and ask for the current
password then read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

We would appreciate items certainly no longer than 2 minutes in length
as we only have a half hour.

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug
DEALS from commercial traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put
your supporters 'goods' in this text edition "no worries."

We cannot give blatant 'plugs' to raffles. (new Jan 2019)



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
Who and where are they?

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
WIA affiliated clubs and active amateurs residing in Australia and
the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of
Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs.
Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but IF broadcast, are done so in the spirit in
which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form,
a credit to WIANews wouldn't go astray...

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© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)