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WIA Past Director Roger Harrison VK2ZRH with scattered items of news


The 2019 International Museums Weekends event is on this weekend and
in Central Queensland a number of museum sites are being activated
on HF and VHF by local Amateur operators.

Hi to the visitors at these locations listening to this the WIA
National News news broadcast and welcome to the great world of
Amateur Radio.

The Rockhampton and District Amateur Radio Club, VK4WIR is at the
family fun day at Archer Park Rail Museum, on HF and VHF.
IRLP Node 6973, Echolink Node 108959, DMR on the VK4RMA
digital repeater from about 0930 to 1400 local today Sunday 23rd June.

The Central Queensland Amateur Radio Association VK4CHV is active at
the Rockhampton Heritage Village on HF and VHF. IRLP Node 6102,
Echolink Node 9003

And Gladstone Amateur Radio Club, VK4GLA is at the Gladstone Maritime
Museum, HF 40m band around 7150 and VHF IRLP Node 6480

It is also noted the Western Australian VHF Group will be operating
VK6WH from the Wireless Hill Museum at Booragoon on HF, VHF,
Echolink and DMR.

(Ray VK4FRAL RADAR President)


Whoops let's reverse that..

NOVA CALLING are reporting that NovaEnt will upgrade seven metro
stations and one regional with high-efficiency GatesAir transmitters.

GatesAir, a global leader in wireless, over-the-air content delivery
solutions for TV and radio broadcasters, has won a large contract
with NOVA Entertainment in Australia to upgrade FM transmission
sites within the continent. GatesAir will supply a total of 16
Flexiva FAX air-cooled FM transmitters, with in-country partner
RaeAir conducting all site evaluations, installation, commissioning,
and post-sales services.

NOVA Entertainment's national FM footprint first took shape in 2001
with the launch of Nova 96.9 in Sydney, followed by stations in
Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne and Perth.

The broadcaster will first upgrade these five metropolitan sites,
beginning with the Melbourne and Perth locations.

NOVA Entertainment will subsequently upgrade the remaining
metropolitan sites, followed by a regional location on the
NSW Central Coast.

This is Roger Harrison VK2ZRH with scattered items of news

At the time of this Sunday morning's broadcast, the 2019 Winter
VHF-UHF Field Day is still under way.

Don't give up yet, there are still contacts to be had !

I'm out portable west of Bathurst NSW and I'd like to add a few more
contacts in the log . . even though mine will only be a check log.

Earlier this past week, some Winter solstice sporadic-E showed its
face, with 6m contacts up and down the eastern states, plus contacts
across the d'tch to ZL, for a bit of excitement.

In the inimitable way of sporadic-E, when the winds in the neutral
atmosphere's conditions up above about 90 to 100 km are favourable
to producing wind shears that compress metallic ions - generally
magnesium and iron, the detritus of meteors. - those wind shears
happen over intervals of 2, 5, 10 and 16 days.

Hence, last Thursday when I prepared this, I was curious to know if
the wind shear gods would favour this weekend. Or not.

Best wishes to all those who entered the contest.

Don't forget to put in a log. Do your best not to procrastinate . .
put it off . . mow the lawn that you didn't do because you were away
for the weekend playing radio.

Adopt the slogan of "Active Wear" manufacturer, Nike - "Just do it!"

Again, this week, while I'm here, I'd like to take this opportunity
to correct an error I made last week.

A what ?, I can hear some saying - even if not out loud and only in
your mind. A what ?

I made an error. Mea culpa.

For those who didn't learn Latin at school or university, it means
"my fault".

Last week, I gave a potted history about recent Order of Australia
recipient, Joe Taylor VK7JG. Joe is a silent key, so the award has
been given posthumously. And with no less significance for that.

Joe's got his first licence in October 1965 and his callsign was
issued in December that year.

However - and here comes the mea culpa - that first callsign of his
was VK7 Z G J, not - as I mistakenly advised last week - VK7 Z J G.
That error was all my fault. Hence, mea maxima culpa !
For pointing out my mistake, I must thank Justin Giles-Clark
VK7 W T . . NO ! - VK7 T W !!!


This is Roger Harrison V K 2 Z R H for VK1WIA News


Hello, I'm Geoff Emery, VK4ZPP, and I've been thinking.

You have probably seen some of the posts which report that the
French regulator is proposing the use of the lower part of our
2m amateur band for a new aeronautical segment. The world wide
communications company Thales is based in France and they may be
the commercial sponsors of such an idea.

Nothing can be done at the forthcoming World Radio Conference,
this year, as the agenda items have ben decided but it is mooted
that this could be a topic in 2022.

Rather than believe the sky is falling in maybe there could be
follow up to a story carried by Southgate AR News, last Sunday.

Now our supreme decision making body for the communications sector is
the ITU, the International Telecommunications Union, an arm of the
United Nations. Apart from adopting standards for technologies such
as Wi-Fi it also places the parameters in place for governments to
control radio communications services such as the Amateur Radio
Service. It is ITU Radio Regulation 1.56 that defines our Service and
25.6 which requires that operators shall meet standards of competency
set by local administrations.

We already have followed the UK design of an entry level licence
which we know as the Foundation Licence. Australia has not however
expanded the range of modes for its F-calls in the way that the UK
has. It seems as digital modes have been easier to use, the use of
the extensive voice repeater networks has fallen off to virtually
nothing in many countries worldwide. It is this state of affairs that
is causing fear in the minds of amateurs as they remember the loss of
part of 70cm, where amateurs are but a secondary service. Any
suggestion that a primary allocation could be at threat is the worry
that has sparked quite a reaction to the suggested loss of 2MHz of
the 144MHz band.

Now I am aware that notations which appear on certain VK licences
indicate adherence to certain standards adopted overseas such as CEPT.
I wasn't aware of the ITU minimum standard Recommendation M.1544-1
until I caught up with the piece from Trevor, M5AKA, on Southgate.
It states that several countries have an Entry Level Licence which
can be gained in 7hrs training which is roughly half the time for the
UK Foundation.

Now in case you want to make cracks about getting licences given away
with breakfast cereal, just think about a new cohort of people
joining the hobby using commercially made radios on the VHF/UHF bands
which are under utilised. The repeaters are there but the operators

The old axiom still applies to the bands, Use them or lose them!

I'm Geoff Emery and that's what I about you?



INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club,
the WIA.


Two proposals under discussion in Europe as possible World
Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23) agenda items
"could impact important Amateur Radio frequencies," IARU Region 1
President Don Beattie, G3BJ, reported this week on the IARU Region 1

Included is that proposal from France we told you of last week, to
consider the 144 - 146 MHz band as a primary allocation to the
Aeronautical Mobile service, as part of a broader consideration of
spectrum allocated to that service.

IARU has cautioned the amateur community against overreacting to the

"This is one of the few primary allocations to the Amateur Service
above 29.7 MHz and, as such, is an important and widely used part
of the amateur spectrum with a vast installed base of users and
operational satellite stations," Don commented.

"IARU views with grave concern any proposal to include this band in
the proposed study."

Another proposal has been raised to study the 23-centimeter amateur
allocation, 1240 - 1300 MHz, following reports of interference to the
Galileo navigation system Europe's GPS system.

Don said IARU is aware of "a handful of cases" of reported
interference to the Galileo E6 signal on 1278.750 MHz. "In all cases,
these have been resolved by local action with the full cooperation of
the amateur stations concerned," Don pointed out.


LED and power saving lamps

The South African Radio League is starting a project to list LED and
power saving lamps that can be safely be used in your house and
radio shack without causing interference.

You may ask why not the other way around?

The simple explanation is that the SARL cannot publish negative
comments about a product unless scientific testing has proved that
a product creates interference.

They can, they say, recommend products that are compatible with
amateur radio.


Historic trans-Atlantic contact made on 144 MHz

An historic contact was made on Sunday the 16th June 2019 when the
Atlantic was spanned for the first time on 144 MHz.

D 41 CV on Cape Verde Islands off the coast of Africa managed to work
FG 8 OJ in Guadeloupe on 144.174 MHz using the FT8 digital mode.

The distance was an incredible 3,867 kms.

To put that into context, the distance from Canberra, our nations
capital to Fiji is several hundred kilometres SHORTER.

Tropo prediction maps show a path right across the Atlantic and
suggest that even more incredible contacts may be possible.

More info here...


There are some big changes facing the communications regulator in
Britain - and it involves a changing of the guard at the very top.

Jeremy Boot G4NJH says that Ofcom, the British communications
regulator, is losing its leader at year's end. Sharon White,
chief executive of the Office of Communications, has announced she is
leaving the regulatory body, where she has been since 2015.

The Ofcom board has begun its search for a successor as she leaves to
become chairwoman of John Lewis Partnership, which operates
department stores, supermarkets, banking, financial and other
services in the UK.

Her replacement at Ofcom will require approval by the
Department for Culture, Media and Sport.


ARRL has produced and is making available the downloadable video,
"What is Amateur Radio?" to use at club meetings and public events,
including their ARRL Field Day, this weekend, June 22 - 23.

A PowerPoint version is also available for members to download.

Recognizing the tremendous need and desire for such a product among
ARRL members, ARRL's Lifelong Learning Department initiated the
project. ARRL Communications Content Producer Michelle W3MVP,
produced the video, which runs just under 3 minutes long.


Hap Holly, KC 9 RP, who's been producing the The RAIN Report Amateur
Radio newscast every week for 30 years, has announced that he's
retiring and closing down

The RAIN Report (Radio Amateur Information Network) archives will
remain online for those who want to download and/or broadcast them,"
Hap told ARRL.

A ham since 1969, Holly, a prolific reporter of Dayton Hamvention
news and forum accounts over the years, said he'll produce a
"Farewell to The RAIN Report" newscast. The grand finale could run
over more than one episode and will include clips from individuals
heard on The RAIN Report in past years.

Holly, who just turned 68, was named Hamvention's 2002 Amateur of
the Year, which he called "a very special honour."

He produced The RAIN Report, which typically runs 10 to 15 minutes,
from his home studio/ham shack in suburban Chicago.

In addition to being available via the internet, The RAIN Report is
transmitted over a wide network of Amateur Radio repeaters.

FCC Settles with Pirate Broadcaster

After filing a civil action and seeking an injunction to stop a
church-related pirate radio station from operating in Massachusetts,
the US Attorney's Office has reached a settlement with the station's
operators and Christian Praise International Church.

Oburoni (operator) and the church admitted that they had operated an
FM broadcast station without a license. According to a consent decree
filed and subject to court approval, they agree not to do so in the
future. They also agreed to surrender all of their broadcasting

According to the signed consent decree, Vasco Oburoni and
Christian Praise International Church admitted that they operated
a radio broadcast station on 97.1 MHz, without an FCC license and
previously had operated an unlicensed radio station on 102.3 MHz.
The FCC had issued multiple warnings and issued a Forfeiture Order
in the amount of $15,000 against Oburoni. The FCC said Oburoni
agreed to a payment plan but later began broadcasting again without
a license on a different frequency.



All major Australian contests, rules and results, are on the
Contest Section of the WIA website.


International Museums Weekend part 2 this weekend 22 and 23 of June.
22-23 June is also WIA WINTER VHF-UHF Field Days from 0100 UTC
Saturday 22 June 2019 to 0059 UTC Sunday 23 June - In VK6 the
contest runs from 0400 UTC Saturday 22 June 2019 to 0359 UTC
Sunday 23 June 2019.

IARU HF World Championship 13-14 July.

RSGB IOTA Contest July 27-28th

Trans-Tasman Low-Band Contest July 20

VK Remembrance Day Contest is August 17-18


Special event station CB 2 E is QRV until July 2 to mark a
total solar eclipse on July 2.
Activity is on the HF bands using SSB and FT8.
QSL via bureau.



Members of RAST, the Radio Amateur Society of Thailand are QRV
with special call HS 10 KING until July 31 to celebrate the
coronation of King Vajiralongkorn Bodindradebayavarangkun.
QSL via bureau.



QRV is V 6 K from Kosrae Island, IOTA OC-059, until Monday 24th.
Activity is on 40 to 10 meters.
QSL to home call, JA 1 XGI



The Aland Islands Postal Administration is issuing a postcard this
year to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the first DXpedition to
Market Reef, OJ 0 MR, in late December 1969 and its attainment of
DXCC status.

Soon after that initial operation, the permanent lighthouse keeper,
Karl-Erik, OJ 0 MA, also hit the airwaves, and a stream of
DXPeditions followed, establishing Market Reef as a dream location
for hundreds of operators.

The Northern California DX Foundation and the Finnish DX Foundation
later assisted the Finnish Light House Society to restore the remote
DX outpost between the Aland Islands and Sweden.

This year, many veteran DXpeditioners will return to Market Reef,
including some up-and-coming young DXers from Finland and Sweden.
The activity, which got under way on June 8, may even extend into
their winter in order to catch the best low-band openings.

OJ 0 A and OJ 0 Z will be on the air starting on July 6.

Market Reef will also be active as OJ 0 B during the IARU
HF World Championship Contest over the July 13 - 14 weekend.

Youth Week will follow, with OJ 0 C on the air starting on July 15,
followed by an Islands on the Air operation as OJ 0 DX, starting on
July 27.

For International Lighthouse/Lightship weekend, August 17 - 18,
the call sign OJ 0 O will be active.




Thessaloniki Radio Amateur Group SZ2T is hosting a special event
station in July to honour Mikis Theodorakis, considered Greece's
best-known living composer.

The artist is turning 94 years old and hams are paying a non-musical
tribute by calling QRZ from the 20th to the 29th of July, his actual
birthday. The call sign is SX 94 MIKIS.

You probably know the composer's music:
He scored such films as "Serpico," "Z" and "Zorba the Greek."
He is also the recipient of the Lenin Peace Prize and was a nominee
in 2000 for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Though amateur radio can't promise such high-level honours to
radio operators contacting this special-event station, the activation
does have an awards scheme of its own and the prizes include song
sheets written in the composer's own hand, provided from his archives.

So 'compose' yourself - and be listening next month to the bands -
just not the musical ones.



Next sunspot cycle may be 50% lower

NASA report research now underway may have found a reliable new
method to predict this solar activity

The Sun's activity rises and falls in an 11-year cycle.

The forecast for the next solar cycle says it will be the weakest of
the last 200 years.

The maximum of this next cycle - measured in terms of sunspot number,
a standard measure of solar activity level - could be 30 to 50% lower
than the most recent one. The results show that the next cycle will
start in 2020 and reach its maximum in 2025.



WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- INTERNET, THE HAMS DOMAIN. Institutes Password Security, Seller Verification Programs

In an effort to combat fraudsters and password phishers, the popular Amateur Radio website is offering the option of establishing
two-factor authentication (2FA) for its registered users.

The site's founder and president, Fred Lloyd, AA 7 BQ, explains that
2FA secures a user's password on the site.

"With 2FA, your actual password becomes nearly moot, and revealing it
to a crook has no detrimental effect," Lloyd told ARRL. "With 2FA,
you need the one-time code, and that's the only thing that will work.
It's a solid technology that is rapidly gaining in popularity."

Lloyd said that when a user logs into the site with 2FA, the
validation for the session is stored in the user's browser as an
encrypted cookie that can live for up to 30 days. "If your IP address
changes or the browser is cleared, the cookie is invalidated," Lloyd
said. "You will also have to sign in separately if you have multiple
computers or if you use multiple browsers on the same machine." staffers have been using 2FA successfully for a couple of
years now.



Global Map of Lighthouses

With the ILLW (International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend)
coming August 17-18, our text edition of the news this week has a
link to a map of all lighthouses across the globe.

WARNING: Large Image (19149 x 11585).




In Germany, a group of balloon enthusiasts get their chance for
some challenging airborne activity that also involves sending images
this weekend as Ed Durrant DD5LP reports.

ED: It's Up! Up! Up and Away! At Ham radio Friedrichshafen balloon
launches from the largest HamFest in Europe is nothing new but this
year the technology on-board is really reaching for the sky.

Three bands are in use, 2 metres for APRS to track the balloon,
70 centimetres for the AFSK & RTTY beacon DB0TTM and 13 cm to provide
a Hamnet RF IP network connection so that real time pictures from the
on-board camera can be transferred initially back to the fixed ground
station at the show and later to a mobile ground station following
the balloons location given by APRS. From the ground stations the
pictures will be sent to the projects website
where everyone can watch live via the Internet.

The launch will be on Saturday 22nd. June at 11am, from the Ham Radio
HamFest grounds.

For Amateur Radio Newsline I'm Ed Durrant DD5LP

Sub 9 kHz Yahoo Group:-

SAQ Grimeton Transmission on June 30th, 2019

The annual transmission on 'Alexanderson Day' with the Alexanderson
alternator on VLF 17.2 kHz with the call SAQ will take place Sunday,
June 30th, 2019.

Two transmissions are scheduled as follows:

Startup of tuning at 08:30 UTC with a transmission of a message at
09:00 UTC.

Startup of tuning at 11:30 UTC with a transmission of a message at
12:00 UTC

Both transmission events will be broadcasted live on YouTube Channel.

The Amateur Radio Station with the call "SK6SAQ" will be QRV on
7.035 kHz CW or
14.035 kHz CW or
3.755 kHz SSB


A Youth Net meets Saturdays at 0100 UTC on IRLP Reflector #2.
Young Hams Net 3.590 - 7:30pm Victorian time.

SARL to hand-over YOTA Flag and key at Friedrichshafen

It is almost a year ago that the SARL (South African Radio League)
received the YOTA Flag and the official Morse key and hosted what is
described as the best IARU Youngsters on the Air summer camp event
in South Africa.

On 21 June, SARL President, Nico van Rensburg, ZS6QL and Koos Fick,
ZR6KF, SARL Youth coordinator handed over the Flag and Morse key to
the Bulgarian Federation of Radio Amateurs team who will be hosting
the 2019 event.



Kennedy Region Scouts Nighthawk activity.

Your chance to make a real difference and show the youth of today
how useful Amateur Radio can be.

Teams tracking and a chance to set up portable at a spot you would
not normally go to. Arrive at Nighthawk HQ around 2pm on Saturday,
then go to your checkpoint for a night of easy operating in the field
tracking the progress of Nighthawk teams, with some in-flight
entertainment as you observe youth members try to impress the Scout
Leader judges with finesse in their activity.

Next weekend Sat 29 June and Sun 30 June - Kennedy Region Scouts
Nighthawk activity - Langleigh Retreat Reid River.

If you are in the area and would like more detail or can help
get ahold of the TARC. Try one of the RAT repeaters

Operators so far -
more needed


76 & 122GHz records set

Here is an extension to the 122GHz national record and a new
VK4 76GHz record.

On the 31 May 2019, Roland VK4FB and Stefan VK4CSD extended the
national and VK4 122GHz record to 43.2km.

On 6 June they also set the VK4 76GHz record with a distance of

Congratulations to Roland and Stefan.

(sourced to vk7arnews)


2019 Social Scene

VK3 - GippsTech 2019 13'14 July (vk3pf)

VK3 - Melbourne QRP by the Bay - Saturday 13 July at 3pm. (vk3ye)

Melbourne QRP by the Bay is an occasional gathering of homebrewers,
QRPers and portable operators.

Yes, it's the middle of winter but last year's winter gathering was
successful so they're doing it again.

Normally between about 15 and 30 people show up for a very convivial
couple of hours.

Bring yourself, an idea and an interesting piece of equipment.

Gather at Chelsea beach near the lifesaving club.

Afterwards many go for tea at a local restaurant.

That's 3pm Saturday July 13, 2019 for Melbourne QRP by the Bay at
Chelsea beach.

More details on the Facebook event page

Cranbourne Public Hall the corner of Clarendon and
High Streets Cranbourne 10am.
Contact Di by emailing

VK4 - Sunshine Coast Amateur Radios Sun-Fest 9AM, Saturday Sept 14
@ Woombye School of Arts. (vk4an)

VK4 - Townsville Amateur Radio Club's Cardwell Gathering 4 days
commencing October 4 (vk4zz)

VK3 - Yarra Valley Amateur Group HamFest, 13th October (vk3cnw)

WW - JOTA 2019 Friday 18th, Sat 19 & Sunday 20 October (vk2gx)

VK3 - Ballarat Amateur Radio Group, BARG Hamvention Oct 27 (vk3kqt)

VK3 - ROSEBUD RADIOFEST November 17 (wia)

VK3PDG says the Southern Peninsula Amateur Radio Club will run their
Rosebud RadioFest November 17 this year.

Start Time : 09:30 am

This is SPARC's annual celebration of all things Amateur Radio

It's the HamFest with everything.

Sales, displays, demonstrations, forums, prizes, clubs, emergency
services, SDR, electronics, computers, special interest groups,
great catering, indoor and outdoor meeting spots.

Rosebud never fails to please.

Ph 0407 844 063 for details and table booking info.

2020 Social Scene

ALARAMEET 2020 Bendigo (vk5yl)

October 2020 in Bendigo Victoria.

Heidi VK3FHID and Jenny VK3WQ are leading the team who are planning
an eventful weekend. This team is meeting regularly and are looking
forward to seeing you in Bendigo.

Submitting news items

If you would like to submit news items for possible inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to and don't JUST send url's links or posters,
but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio email and ask for the current
password then read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

We would appreciate items certainly no longer than 2 minutes in length
as we only have a half hour.

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it
being broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News.
Each item will only be broadcast once, if you want a couple of
mentions, please submit different slants to keep your event 'fresh'
and always if the news room is to read your item ---
write it in the 3rd person.

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug
DEALS from commercial traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put
your supporters 'goods' in this text edition "no worries."

We cannot give blatant 'plugs' to raffles. (new Jan 2019)



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
Who and where are they?

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
WIA affiliated clubs and active amateurs residing in Australia and
the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of
Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs.
Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but IF broadcast, are done so in the spirit in
which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form,
a credit to WIANews wouldn't go astray...

If you have call-backs to contribute to the National News call back
tally then please send through your call-backs to

Who listens to radio? A weekly 'tally sheet' is sent to all
rebroadcasters and interested listeners, to get your free copy
send a blank email to:-
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Once your unsubscription has been processed, you will probably
receive another message confirming your unsubscription from the list,
and at that point you should stop receiving messages.



The 2019 International Museums Weekends event is on this weekend and
in Central Queensland a number of museum sites are being activated
on HF and VHF by local Amateur operators.

Hi to the visitors at these locations listening to this the WIA
National News news broadcast and welcome to the great world of
Amateur Radio.

The Rockhampton and District Amateur Radio Club, VK4WIR is at the
family fun day at Archer Park Rail Museum, on HF and VHF.
IRLP Node 6973, Echolink Node 108959, DMR on the VK4RMA
digital repeater from about 0930 to 1400 local today Sunday 23rd June.

The Central Queensland Amateur Radio Association VK4CHV is active at
the Rockhampton Heritage Village on HF and VHF. IRLP Node 6102,
Echolink Node 9003

And Gladstone Amateur Radio Club, VK4GLA is at the Gladstone Maritime
Museum, HF 40m band around 7150 and VHF IRLP Node 6480

It is also noted the Western Australian VHF Group will be operating
VK6WH from the Wireless Hill Museum at Booragoon on HF, VHF,
Echolink and DMR.

(Ray VK4FRAL RADAR President)


Whoops let's reverse that..

NOVA CALLING are reporting that NovaEnt will upgrade seven metro
stations and one regional with high-efficiency GatesAir transmitters.

GatesAir, a global leader in wireless, over-the-air content delivery
solutions for TV and radio broadcasters, has won a large contract
with NOVA Entertainment in Australia to upgrade FM transmission
sites within the continent. GatesAir will supply a total of 16
Flexiva FAX air-cooled FM transmitters, with in-country partner
RaeAir conducting all site evaluations, installation, commissioning,
and post-sales services.

NOVA Entertainment's national FM footprint first took shape in 2001
with the launch of Nova 96.9 in Sydney, followed by stations in
Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne and Perth.

The broadcaster will first upgrade these five metropolitan sites,
beginning with the Melbourne and Perth locations.

NOVA Entertainment will subsequently upgrade the remaining
metropolitan sites, followed by a regional location on the
NSW Central Coast.

This is Roger Harrison VK2ZRH with scattered items of news

At the time of this Sunday morning's broadcast, the 2019 Winter
VHF-UHF Field Day is still under way.

Don't give up yet, there are still contacts to be had !

I'm out portable west of Bathurst NSW and I'd like to add a few more
contacts in the log . . even though mine will only be a check log.

Earlier this past week, some Winter solstice sporadic-E showed its
face, with 6m contacts up and down the eastern states, plus contacts
across the d'tch to ZL, for a bit of excitement.

In the inimitable way of sporadic-E, when the winds in the neutral
atmosphere's conditions up above about 90 to 100 km are favourable
to producing wind shears that compress metallic ions - generally
magnesium and iron, the detritus of meteors. - those wind shears
happen over intervals of 2, 5, 10 and 16 days.

Hence, last Thursday when I prepared this, I was curious to know if
the wind shear gods would favour this weekend. Or not.

Best wishes to all those who entered the contest.

Don't forget to put in a log. Do your best not to procrastinate . .
put it off . . mow the lawn that you didn't do because you were away
for the weekend playing radio.

Adopt the slogan of "Active Wear" manufacturer, Nike - "Just do it!"

Again, this week, while I'm here, I'd like to take this opportunity
to correct an error I made last week.

A what ?, I can hear some saying - even if not out loud and only in
your mind. A what ?

I made an error. Mea culpa.

For those who didn't learn Latin at school or university, it means
"my fault".

Last week, I gave a potted history about recent Order of Australia
recipient, Joe Taylor VK7JG. Joe is a silent key, so the award has
been given posthumously. And with no less significance for that.

Joe's got his first licence in October 1965 and his callsign was
issued in December that year.

However - and here comes the mea culpa - that first callsign of his
was VK7 Z G J, not - as I mistakenly advised last week - VK7 Z J G.
That error was all my fault. Hence, mea maxima culpa !
For pointing out my mistake, I must thank Justin Giles-Clark
VK7 W T . . NO ! - VK7 T W !!!


This is Roger Harrison V K 2 Z R H for VK1WIA News


Hello, I'm Geoff Emery, VK4ZPP, and I've been thinking.

You have probably seen some of the posts which report that the
French regulator is proposing the use of the lower part of our
2m amateur band for a new aeronautical segment. The world wide
communications company Thales is based in France and they may be
the commercial sponsors of such an idea.

Nothing can be done at the forthcoming World Radio Conference,
this year, as the agenda items have ben decided but it is mooted
that this could be a topic in 2022.

Rather than believe the sky is falling in maybe there could be
follow up to a story carried by Southgate AR News, last Sunday.

Now our supreme decision making body for the communications sector is
the ITU, the International Telecommunications Union, an arm of the
United Nations. Apart from adopting standards for technologies such
as Wi-Fi it also places the parameters in place for governments to
control radio communications services such as the Amateur Radio
Service. It is ITU Radio Regulation 1.56 that defines our Service and
25.6 which requires that operators shall meet standards of competency
set by local administrations.

We already have followed the UK design of an entry level licence
which we know as the Foundation Licence. Australia has not however
expanded the range of modes for its F-calls in the way that the UK
has. It seems as digital modes have been easier to use, the use of
the extensive voice repeater networks has fallen off to virtually
nothing in many countries worldwide. It is this state of affairs that
is causing fear in the minds of amateurs as they remember the loss of
part of 70cm, where amateurs are but a secondary service. Any
suggestion that a primary allocation could be at threat is the worry
that has sparked quite a reaction to the suggested loss of 2MHz of
the 144MHz band.

Now I am aware that notations which appear on certain VK licences
indicate adherence to certain standards adopted overseas such as CEPT.
I wasn't aware of the ITU minimum standard Recommendation M.1544-1
until I caught up with the piece from Trevor, M5AKA, on Southgate.
It states that several countries have an Entry Level Licence which
can be gained in 7hrs training which is roughly half the time for the
UK Foundation.

Now in case you want to make cracks about getting licences given away
with breakfast cereal, just think about a new cohort of people
joining the hobby using commercially made radios on the VHF/UHF bands
which are under utilised. The repeaters are there but the operators

The old axiom still applies to the bands, Use them or lose them!

I'm Geoff Emery and that's what I about you?



INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club,
the WIA.


Two proposals under discussion in Europe as possible World
Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23) agenda items
"could impact important Amateur Radio frequencies," IARU Region 1
President Don Beattie, G3BJ, reported this week on the IARU Region 1

Included is that proposal from France we told you of last week, to
consider the 144 - 146 MHz band as a primary allocation to the
Aeronautical Mobile service, as part of a broader consideration of
spectrum allocated to that service.

IARU has cautioned the amateur community against overreacting to the

"This is one of the few primary allocations to the Amateur Service
above 29.7 MHz and, as such, is an important and widely used part
of the amateur spectrum with a vast installed base of users and
operational satellite stations," Don commented.

"IARU views with grave concern any proposal to include this band in
the proposed study."

Another proposal has been raised to study the 23-centimeter amateur
allocation, 1240 - 1300 MHz, following reports of interference to the
Galileo navigation system Europe's GPS system.

Don said IARU is aware of "a handful of cases" of reported
interference to the Galileo E6 signal on 1278.750 MHz. "In all cases,
these have been resolved by local action with the full cooperation of
the amateur stations concerned," Don pointed out.


LED and power saving lamps

The South African Radio League is starting a project to list LED and
power saving lamps that can be safely be used in your house and
radio shack without causing interference.

You may ask why not the other way around?

The simple explanation is that the SARL cannot publish negative
comments about a product unless scientific testing has proved that
a product creates interference.

They can, they say, recommend products that are compatible with
amateur radio.


Historic trans-Atlantic contact made on 144 MHz

An historic contact was made on Sunday the 16th June 2019 when the
Atlantic was spanned for the first time on 144 MHz.

D 41 CV on Cape Verde Islands off the coast of Africa managed to work
FG 8 OJ in Guadeloupe on 144.174 MHz using the FT8 digital mode.

The distance was an incredible 3,867 kms.

To put that into context, the distance from Canberra, our nations
capital to Fiji is several hundred kilometres SHORTER.

Tropo prediction maps show a path right across the Atlantic and
suggest that even more incredible contacts may be possible.

More info here...


There are some big changes facing the communications regulator in
Britain - and it involves a changing of the guard at the very top.

Jeremy Boot G4NJH says that Ofcom, the British communications
regulator, is losing its leader at year's end. Sharon White,
chief executive of the Office of Communications, has announced she is
leaving the regulatory body, where she has been since 2015.

The Ofcom board has begun its search for a successor as she leaves to
become chairwoman of John Lewis Partnership, which operates
department stores, supermarkets, banking, financial and other
services in the UK.

Her replacement at Ofcom will require approval by the
Department for Culture, Media and Sport.


ARRL has produced and is making available the downloadable video,
"What is Amateur Radio?" to use at club meetings and public events,
including their ARRL Field Day, this weekend, June 22 - 23.

A PowerPoint version is also available for members to download.

Recognizing the tremendous need and desire for such a product among
ARRL members, ARRL's Lifelong Learning Department initiated the
project. ARRL Communications Content Producer Michelle W3MVP,
produced the video, which runs just under 3 minutes long.


Hap Holly, KC 9 RP, who's been producing the The RAIN Report Amateur
Radio newscast every week for 30 years, has announced that he's
retiring and closing down

The RAIN Report (Radio Amateur Information Network) archives will
remain online for those who want to download and/or broadcast them,"
Hap told ARRL.

A ham since 1969, Holly, a prolific reporter of Dayton Hamvention
news and forum accounts over the years, said he'll produce a
"Farewell to The RAIN Report" newscast. The grand finale could run
over more than one episode and will include clips from individuals
heard on The RAIN Report in past years.

Holly, who just turned 68, was named Hamvention's 2002 Amateur of
the Year, which he called "a very special honour."

He produced The RAIN Report, which typically runs 10 to 15 minutes,
from his home studio/ham shack in suburban Chicago.

In addition to being available via the internet, The RAIN Report is
transmitted over a wide network of Amateur Radio repeaters.

FCC Settles with Pirate Broadcaster

After filing a civil action and seeking an injunction to stop a
church-related pirate radio station from operating in Massachusetts,
the US Attorney's Office has reached a settlement with the station's
operators and Christian Praise International Church.

Oburoni (operator) and the church admitted that they had operated an
FM broadcast station without a license. According to a consent decree
filed and subject to court approval, they agree not to do so in the
future. They also agreed to surrender all of their broadcasting

According to the signed consent decree, Vasco Oburoni and
Christian Praise International Church admitted that they operated
a radio broadcast station on 97.1 MHz, without an FCC license and
previously had operated an unlicensed radio station on 102.3 MHz.
The FCC had issued multiple warnings and issued a Forfeiture Order
in the amount of $15,000 against Oburoni. The FCC said Oburoni
agreed to a payment plan but later began broadcasting again without
a license on a different frequency.



All major Australian contests, rules and results, are on the
Contest Section of the WIA website.


International Museums Weekend part 2 this weekend 22 and 23 of June.
22-23 June is also WIA WINTER VHF-UHF Field Days from 0100 UTC
Saturday 22 June 2019 to 0059 UTC Sunday 23 June - In VK6 the
contest runs from 0400 UTC Saturday 22 June 2019 to 0359 UTC
Sunday 23 June 2019.

IARU HF World Championship 13-14 July.

RSGB IOTA Contest July 27-28th

Trans-Tasman Low-Band Contest July 20

VK Remembrance Day Contest is August 17-18


Special event station CB 2 E is QRV until July 2 to mark a
total solar eclipse on July 2.
Activity is on the HF bands using SSB and FT8.
QSL via bureau.



Members of RAST, the Radio Amateur Society of Thailand are QRV
with special call HS 10 KING until July 31 to celebrate the
coronation of King Vajiralongkorn Bodindradebayavarangkun.
QSL via bureau.



QRV is V 6 K from Kosrae Island, IOTA OC-059, until Monday 24th.
Activity is on 40 to 10 meters.
QSL to home call, JA 1 XGI



The Aland Islands Postal Administration is issuing a postcard this
year to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the first DXpedition to
Market Reef, OJ 0 MR, in late December 1969 and its attainment of
DXCC status.

Soon after that initial operation, the permanent lighthouse keeper,
Karl-Erik, OJ 0 MA, also hit the airwaves, and a stream of
DXPeditions followed, establishing Market Reef as a dream location
for hundreds of operators.

The Northern California DX Foundation and the Finnish DX Foundation
later assisted the Finnish Light House Society to restore the remote
DX outpost between the Aland Islands and Sweden.

This year, many veteran DXpeditioners will return to Market Reef,
including some up-and-coming young DXers from Finland and Sweden.
The activity, which got under way on June 8, may even extend into
their winter in order to catch the best low-band openings.

OJ 0 A and OJ 0 Z will be on the air starting on July 6.

Market Reef will also be active as OJ 0 B during the IARU
HF World Championship Contest over the July 13 - 14 weekend.

Youth Week will follow, with OJ 0 C on the air starting on July 15,
followed by an Islands on the Air operation as OJ 0 DX, starting on
July 27.

For International Lighthouse/Lightship weekend, August 17 - 18,
the call sign OJ 0 O will be active.




Thessaloniki Radio Amateur Group SZ2T is hosting a special event
station in July to honour Mikis Theodorakis, considered Greece's
best-known living composer.

The artist is turning 94 years old and hams are paying a non-musical
tribute by calling QRZ from the 20th to the 29th of July, his actual
birthday. The call sign is SX 94 MIKIS.

You probably know the composer's music:
He scored such films as "Serpico," "Z" and "Zorba the Greek."
He is also the recipient of the Lenin Peace Prize and was a nominee
in 2000 for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Though amateur radio can't promise such high-level honours to
radio operators contacting this special-event station, the activation
does have an awards scheme of its own and the prizes include song
sheets written in the composer's own hand, provided from his archives.

So 'compose' yourself - and be listening next month to the bands -
just not the musical ones.



Next sunspot cycle may be 50% lower

NASA report research now underway may have found a reliable new
method to predict this solar activity

The Sun's activity rises and falls in an 11-year cycle.

The forecast for the next solar cycle says it will be the weakest of
the last 200 years.

The maximum of this next cycle - measured in terms of sunspot number,
a standard measure of solar activity level - could be 30 to 50% lower
than the most recent one. The results show that the next cycle will
start in 2020 and reach its maximum in 2025.



WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- INTERNET, THE HAMS DOMAIN. Institutes Password Security, Seller Verification Programs

In an effort to combat fraudsters and password phishers, the popular Amateur Radio website is offering the option of establishing
two-factor authentication (2FA) for its registered users.

The site's founder and president, Fred Lloyd, AA 7 BQ, explains that
2FA secures a user's password on the site.

"With 2FA, your actual password becomes nearly moot, and revealing it
to a crook has no detrimental effect," Lloyd told ARRL. "With 2FA,
you need the one-time code, and that's the only thing that will work.
It's a solid technology that is rapidly gaining in popularity."

Lloyd said that when a user logs into the site with 2FA, the
validation for the session is stored in the user's browser as an
encrypted cookie that can live for up to 30 days. "If your IP address
changes or the browser is cleared, the cookie is invalidated," Lloyd
said. "You will also have to sign in separately if you have multiple
computers or if you use multiple browsers on the same machine." staffers have been using 2FA successfully for a couple of
years now.



Global Map of Lighthouses

With the ILLW (International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend)
coming August 17-18, our text edition of the news this week has a
link to a map of all lighthouses across the globe.

WARNING: Large Image (19149 x 11585).




In Germany, a group of balloon enthusiasts get their chance for
some challenging airborne activity that also involves sending images
this weekend as Ed Durrant DD5LP reports.

ED: It's Up! Up! Up and Away! At Ham radio Friedrichshafen balloon
launches from the largest HamFest in Europe is nothing new but this
year the technology on-board is really reaching for the sky.

Three bands are in use, 2 metres for APRS to track the balloon,
70 centimetres for the AFSK & RTTY beacon DB0TTM and 13 cm to provide
a Hamnet RF IP network connection so that real time pictures from the
on-board camera can be transferred initially back to the fixed ground
station at the show and later to a mobile ground station following
the balloons location given by APRS. From the ground stations the
pictures will be sent to the projects website
where everyone can watch live via the Internet.

The launch will be on Saturday 22nd. June at 11am, from the Ham Radio
HamFest grounds.

For Amateur Radio Newsline I'm Ed Durrant DD5LP

Sub 9 kHz Yahoo Group:-

SAQ Grimeton Transmission on June 30th, 2019

The annual transmission on 'Alexanderson Day' with the Alexanderson
alternator on VLF 17.2 kHz with the call SAQ will take place Sunday,
June 30th, 2019.

Two transmissions are scheduled as follows:

Startup of tuning at 08:30 UTC with a transmission of a message at
09:00 UTC.

Startup of tuning at 11:30 UTC with a transmission of a message at
12:00 UTC

Both transmission events will be broadcasted live on YouTube Channel.

The Amateur Radio Station with the call "SK6SAQ" will be QRV on
7.035 kHz CW or
14.035 kHz CW or
3.755 kHz SSB


A Youth Net meets Saturdays at 0100 UTC on IRLP Reflector #2.
Young Hams Net 3.590 - 7:30pm Victorian time.

SARL to hand-over YOTA Flag and key at Friedrichshafen

It is almost a year ago that the SARL (South African Radio League)
received the YOTA Flag and the official Morse key and hosted what is
described as the best IARU Youngsters on the Air summer camp event
in South Africa.

On 21 June, SARL President, Nico van Rensburg, ZS6QL and Koos Fick,
ZR6KF, SARL Youth coordinator handed over the Flag and Morse key to
the Bulgarian Federation of Radio Amateurs team who will be hosting
the 2019 event.



Kennedy Region Scouts Nighthawk activity.

Your chance to make a real difference and show the youth of today
how useful Amateur Radio can be.

Teams tracking and a chance to set up portable at a spot you would
not normally go to. Arrive at Nighthawk HQ around 2pm on Saturday,
then go to your checkpoint for a night of easy operating in the field
tracking the progress of Nighthawk teams, with some in-flight
entertainment as you observe youth members try to impress the Scout
Leader judges with finesse in their activity.

Next weekend Sat 29 June and Sun 30 June - Kennedy Region Scouts
Nighthawk activity - Langleigh Retreat Reid River.

If you are in the area and would like more detail or can help
get ahold of the TARC. Try one of the RAT repeaters

Operators so far -
more needed


76 & 122GHz records set

Here is an extension to the 122GHz national record and a new
VK4 76GHz record.

On the 31 May 2019, Roland VK4FB and Stefan VK4CSD extended the
national and VK4 122GHz record to 43.2km.

On 6 June they also set the VK4 76GHz record with a distance of

Congratulations to Roland and Stefan.

(sourced to vk7arnews)


2019 Social Scene

VK3 - GippsTech 2019 13'14 July (vk3pf)

VK3 - Melbourne QRP by the Bay - Saturday 13 July at 3pm. (vk3ye)

Melbourne QRP by the Bay is an occasional gathering of homebrewers,
QRPers and portable operators.

Yes, it's the middle of winter but last year's winter gathering was
successful so they're doing it again.

Normally between about 15 and 30 people show up for a very convivial
couple of hours.

Bring yourself, an idea and an interesting piece of equipment.

Gather at Chelsea beach near the lifesaving club.

Afterwards many go for tea at a local restaurant.

That's 3pm Saturday July 13, 2019 for Melbourne QRP by the Bay at
Chelsea beach.

More details on the Facebook event page

Cranbourne Public Hall the corner of Clarendon and
High Streets Cranbourne 10am.
Contact Di by emailing

VK4 - Sunshine Coast Amateur Radios Sun-Fest 9AM, Saturday Sept 14
@ Woombye School of Arts. (vk4an)

VK4 - Townsville Amateur Radio Club's Cardwell Gathering 4 days
commencing October 4 (vk4zz)

VK3 - Yarra Valley Amateur Group HamFest, 13th October (vk3cnw)

WW - JOTA 2019 Friday 18th, Sat 19 & Sunday 20 October (vk2gx)

VK3 - Ballarat Amateur Radio Group, BARG Hamvention Oct 27 (vk3kqt)

VK3 - ROSEBUD RADIOFEST November 17 (wia)

VK3PDG says the Southern Peninsula Amateur Radio Club will run their
Rosebud RadioFest November 17 this year.

Start Time : 09:30 am

This is SPARC's annual celebration of all things Amateur Radio

It's the HamFest with everything.

Sales, displays, demonstrations, forums, prizes, clubs, emergency
services, SDR, electronics, computers, special interest groups,
great catering, indoor and outdoor meeting spots.

Rosebud never fails to please.

Ph 0407 844 063 for details and table booking info.

2020 Social Scene

ALARAMEET 2020 Bendigo (vk5yl)

October 2020 in Bendigo Victoria.

Heidi VK3FHID and Jenny VK3WQ are leading the team who are planning
an eventful weekend. This team is meeting regularly and are looking
forward to seeing you in Bendigo.

Submitting news items

If you would like to submit news items for possible inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to and don't JUST send url's links or posters,
but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio email and ask for the current
password then read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

We would appreciate items certainly no longer than 2 minutes in length
as we only have a half hour.

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it
being broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News.
Each item will only be broadcast once, if you want a couple of
mentions, please submit different slants to keep your event 'fresh'
and always if the news room is to read your item ---
write it in the 3rd person.

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug
DEALS from commercial traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put
your supporters 'goods' in this text edition "no worries."

We cannot give blatant 'plugs' to raffles. (new Jan 2019)



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
Who and where are they?

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
WIA affiliated clubs and active amateurs residing in Australia and
the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of
Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs.
Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but IF broadcast, are done so in the spirit in
which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form,
a credit to WIANews wouldn't go astray...

If you have call-backs to contribute to the National News call back
tally then please send through your call-backs to

Who listens to radio? A weekly 'tally sheet' is sent to all
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© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)