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WIA Conference Weekend 2020 Billeting. -

WIA Secretary Peter VK8ZZ re WRC-19. -

WIA GRID SQUARE AWARDS, Graham Alston VK3GA, for Award Committee. -

WIA PRESIDENT Greg VK2GPK with this week's comment from the Board.


Not a WIA Member? details email
OR the link on bottom right of

WIA Conference Weekend 2020

Billeting & Keynotes

The organising committee of the WIA Conference Weekend 2020 took to
the air last weekend during the VK7WI local news looking for
expressions of interest from Southern VK7 amateurs and families
who would be prepared to billet people during the weekend of 8-10 May

If you are a VK7 ham this is a great way to show Tasmanian
hospitality for Conference attendees and help reduce the cost
of the visit. It is also a great way to meet people who you may only
talk with on the radio.


The WIA Annual Conference 2020 is being held in Hobart at the
Best Western Hotel and the theme is Antarctic Gateway.

The weekend features many visits and tours of Antarctic related
locations and museums.

The presentations on the Saturday afternoon are coming together
with a great focus on Antarctica and radio and can be viewed on the
WIA website.

WIA President Greg will have more on the AGM in his Board Comment
this week.

Now to WIA Secretary Peter:-

Good morning this is Peter VK8ZZ

Dale VK1DSH has been nominated by the Wireless Institute of
Australia to attend the ITU World Radio Conference in 2019 (WRC-19)
at Sharm El Sheik, Egypt. The WRC-19 conference is to be held over
1 month. Dale will be assisted by Peter VK2EMR. Dale has had
extensive experience in representing the WIA at international events
and the Board are pleased that Dale and Peter have been able to make
themselves available for this important event.

Dale will depart Australia tomorrow for Egypt and is expected to
arrive around mid-night on Saturday. Peter Pokorny has already
departed and is currently in Shanghai at the CISPR meeting, after
which he will travel to Sharm El Sheik and should arrive late on

WRC-19 starts on Monday with various formalities and we expect that
the first of the drafting groups will start on Tuesday or more
likely Wednesday. We'll do our best our best to keep you up-to-date.

WRC-19 has a number of Agenda Items that are relevant to the amateur
and amateur satellite services.

Most attention by amateurs is likely to be focussed on the prospect
of harmonising the 50 MHz allocation, but several other topics are
included which concern and potentially threaten amateur activities.
Detail are available on the WIA web site.

We will keep our members informed of developments from WRC-19

This has been peter VK8ZZ

Saudi Arabia and Seychelles Join IARU

The IARU member-societies have voted to admit the Saudi Amateur
Radio Society (SARS) and Seychelles Amateur Radio Association (SARA)
to membership.

SARS was founded on 25 June 2018 and is legally registered/recognized
to represent the amateurs of Saudi Arabia. As of January 2019 there
were 66 members out of a total of 479 licensed radio amateurs in the

SARS maintains a website at

SARA was founded in December 2018 and was registered with the
Seychelles government on 31 December. SARA has six members, two of
whom are licensed. It is believed that there are four licensed
amateurs in Seychelles, a number that SARA hopes to increase.

Saudi Arabia and Seychelles are located in ITU Region 1 which also
corresponds to IARU Region 1. Their IARU membership became effective
on 9 October 2019 upon completion of the voting procedure set out in
the IARU Constitution.

The WIA DX Awards Committee is pleased to announce the very popular
GRID SQUARE Award is being re-launched. Improvements to the award
include endorsements, standings, and a new modern certificate which
recognises the world-wide nature of this award.

The GRID SQUARE Award is available as recognition of the appropriate
number of confirmed contacts with Amateur Radio stations in Grid
Squares. Its purpose is to stimulate interest in the IARU grid-square
system. The ARRL also runs an annual "International Grid Chase".

The world is divided into 324 grids, each divided into 100 squares.
This gives a total of 32,400 possible GRID SQUARES.

Of course, many of these are in the middle of the world's oceans, so
the actual number of workable grid squares is much smaller.

Individual WIA GRID SQUARE Awards, together with endorsements, are
available for HF, 6M, 2M, 70cm, 23cm, and SHF. Current grid square
counts will be displayed in a Standing list.

Full details can be found on under the 'For Members'
dropdown menu - select 'WIA DX Awards'

Graham Alston, VK3GA, on behalf of the Award Committee

Board Comment March 2019-10-26

Hello, this is Greg VK2GPK with this week's comment from the WIA

First off a quick reminder that the WIA Convention for 2020 is
being held in Hobart, Tasmania starting Friday, May 8th through
Sunday May 10th. Note unlike previous years, the convention will
start on the Friday morning rather than the Friday evening, the
AGM will be on the Saturday morning as usual. More details will be
in AR Magazine very soon. So save the date, and hopefully spend
a few more days in Tasmania - it is a great time of the year to be
there. It is a once a year opportunity, I am sure you won't be
disappointed. So get planning. Hopefully we will see you, and
maybe your partner at the WIA convention. If you haven't yet been
to a WIA Convention / AGM, you will never know what you are missing

One of the big news items from the very recent Licence Condition
(LCD) changes by the ACMA was to allow Foundation licence holders
the ability to use digital modes, which had previously only been
available to Standard and Advanced licence holders. This was a long
overdue change, but a welcome one nevertheless - and it brings
Australia into line with other jurisdictions for entry level licences
e.g. UK Foundation licence.

In the WIA joint submission - submitted in conjunction with ALARA,
ARNSW and ARVIC - to the ACMA prior to the release of the LCD changes
it was noted that the foundation licence call sign at 7 characters
was too long for a number of digital modes, being incompatible with
the software utilized for these modes. This is due to the 4 character
suffix on the callsign, i.e VK3FRED.

Any solution to this problem involves allowing foundation licences
holders a callsign of 6 characters. There are a few ways to achieve
this, some better than others.

The WIA LCD submission, in the appendix, described the solution
preferred by the WIA which is simply to allow foundation licence
holders to apply for a new 6 character callsign, in the current
standard format. i.e VKNxxx. Once upon a time, in a galaxy not that
far away, using a letter "block" such as Zxx, Yxx and of course
Fxxx was the only feasible way to identify licence class- but today
there is no technical reason whatsoever to do so - as it takes only
a few seconds to look up on the ACMA database, if for some reason
you really want to know ..

There are a number of advantages of this approach to cease the use
of a letter "block" for licence demarcation. It allows new amateurs
to have a callsign for life, and not to have to change as they
progress from Foundation to Standard to Advanced. It also removes the
subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) discrimination that has been
reported by many foundation licence holders from a small number of
higher licence class holders - such as not responding to their CQ
calls, or accusing them of running illegal power levels, simply
because they have a strong signal. And it is easy to implement, as
the processes and application forms already exist. Note that
standard licence holders would also gain access to any callsign.

The other alternatives that have been proposed are:

To allocate the Q "block" such as VK7Qxx, but this isn't feasible
as there are simply not enough available callsigns (26 multiplied by
26) for the more populous states. It also may be confused with the
Q code.

The other is to allocate a new prefix instead of VK, such as VJ. This
works, but the implementation is somewhat messy compared to
"any licence class, any callsign' approach, and there will be on-air
confusion for some time as to what VJ refers to. However, it would
be preferable to the "Q block" approach, but it is still a
"workaround" and viewed by the WIA as sub-optimal. It also precludes
use of the AX prefix for special events due to potential callsign
overlap. This is the RASA proposed solution.

So, how do we get the ACMA to fix this problem that impacts the
digital modes for Foundation licences and get an optimal solution.
Especially when they have suggested the "Q block" as their solution.
So, it is survey time again.

The WIA, jointly in conjunction other amateur organisations, will be
issuing a link via email to the survey to their members. This survey
has only a few simple questions, such as your current licence class
and preferred solution. It will describe the proposed viable
solutions and their pluses and minuses.

We hope the link to this survey will be sent soon, as early as this
coming week, assuming everything goes to plan. We look forward to
your feedback from the survey, and ultimate resolution of this issue.

The survey will be open for a number of weeks.

This is Greg 2GPK for the WIA Board.


INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club,
the WIA.


World and generations connected by amateur radio

The JARL reports Tokyo's Amateur Radio Ham Fair 2019 welcomed a
total of 42,000 visitors in just two days. This was the highest
number of visitors since it became a two day event

JG1KTC says ' We would like to express our sincere appreciation to
all the visitors, exhibitors, and everyone involved.

A lot of amateur radio operators from all over the world participated
and enjoyed various exhibitions and events in the venue and exchanges
with Japanese amateur radio operators. Towards the Olympic and
Paralympic Year, international communication and mutual understanding
may have further deepened due to the common hobby of amateur radio.

In addition, the admission for youth (under 22 years old) and
women was free this year, so many friends from school,
club activities, and female amateur radio enthusiasts also visited.

In addition, many OMs attended with children and grandchildren.


Crackdown on pirate radio stations

The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) has
shut down a number of community-run radio stations across the country

These radio stations were broadcasting without a valid licence.

The National Community Radio Forum (NCRF) - a member-run group
advocating for community radio - released a statement which
criticised ICASA's decision to shut down community radios stations
saying "It is risky for media freedom and diversity in South Africa."

The NCRF demanded that ICASA rescind its decision to shut down these
radio stations and that the government spend at least 30% of its
advertising budget to support community media.

Read the full story at


Largest ever South African delegation attends WRC-19

SARL News reports the largest ever delegation to attend the
ITU World Radio Conference in Egypt

At the last WRC-19 Industry Preparatory meeting held prior to WRC-19
Mr Sono of the Department of Telecommunication and Postal Service
and convener of the group, said he was pleased that the SARL
position has become an Africa position.

He said it is important to support Amateur Radio in South Africa
and on the African continent.


Further Electromagnetic Field restrictions in Poland?

Poland's Health Ministry is reported to be working on a draft
regulation that is feared will set new restrictions on levels of
electromagnetic fields (EMF), this appears to have arisen due to
misguided concerns about 5G

A translation of a post by national amateur radio society PZK says:

'The Ministry of Health is working on a draft regulation
that will set new standards for acceptable levels of
electromagnetic fields. These standards are important,
among others in the context of the development of
telecommunications networks, especially the planned 5G network."

The 5G network (fifth generation telecommunications network) is an
intensively developed telecommunications standard. It is to enable
fifty- or even a hundred-fold increase in transmission speed
compared to current 4G networks.

The European Commission wants member countries to have broad coverage
of the 5G network by 2025. According to the Commission, by 2020 the
5G network will be available on a commercial basis for at least
one large city in each member country.

Polish standards on EMF are already one of the most stringent in
Europe .


Domestic Radio/TV Licence fee removed

For many years the licence fee in Norway has been linked to ownership
of a television. This will all change from 2020.

The licence fee has been unpopular, because every household has to
pay the same amount no matter what income they have. Financing over
the State Budget means that everyone will pay for NRK relative to
income and how much taxes they pay.

In recent years fewer people in Norway has bought and owned a
television, because many Norwegians, especially young people,
no longer watch linear TV and instead uses a laptop or a mobile.

Hence fewer people has paid for NRK.


In Scotland, there'll be a little bit of competition but mostly a
whole lot of discussion during the Scottish microwave Round Table.

The 'Table', has a full agenda for its programme on the 2nd November.

In addition to talks on topics such as microwave Earth-Moon-Earth
and Software-Defined Radios for portable microwave operation, as
always there will be a construction competition. The winner gets
to claim the GM4LBV Trophy.

The trophy winner will then advance to the UK Microwave Group
G3VVB trophy competition.

This is the ninth Round Table meeting and it will be held at the
Museum of Communications in Fife.



'Flynn of Moliagul', special event callsign VI3FLYNN.

I'm Graeme, VK3GRK from Bendigoand now to an update on the
special event callsign VI3FLYNN, commemorating the new $20 note
featuring Rev John Flynn, born at Moliagul, Central Victoria in 1880.

John Flynn was the founder of the Royal Flying Doctor Service.

VI3FLYNN will be available until this Tuesday October 29th.

An electronic QSL card is available.

Look up VI3FLYNN on the website for operating times,
frequencies and QSL information.

All major Australian contests, rules and results, are on the
Contest Section of the WIA website.

The CQ WW DX SSB Contest

CQ WW is the largest Amateur Radio competition in the world.

Over 35,000 participants take to the airwaves on the last weekend
of October (SSB this weekend) and November (CW next weekend)
with the goal of making as many contacts, with as many different
DXCC entities and CQ Zones, as possible.

The CQ WW DX SSB Contest runs from 00:01 UTC on Saturday 26 October
to 23:59:59 UTC on Sunday 27 October with activity on 160 to
10 meters.

The exchange is an RS report and your CQ Zone.

Find all the information about this contest at



VHF/UHF/Microwave Spring Field Day

The Spring VHF/UHF Field Day is coming up on the 23rd and 24th of

Why not take some time and think about dusting off the VHF/UHF gear
and see who you can contact?

There will be quite a number of fellow 'hammers' out and about in a
few locations and they would love to make a contact with you, but
you don't have to go portable to participate.

Logging is easy as many of the logging programs will be aware of
this contest and do all the point calculations.

There will be activity from 6M all the way up to 3cm.

Why not look at building a new antenna for one of the VHF bands and
see how far you can reach. There are sections for 8 Hours,
for 24 Hours, Single or multiple operator stations so plenty of

(Sourced to VK7ZBX in VK7 News)


It's been a long hard process but the 2M repeater VK2RBB (146.625MHz, -600 offset, 123 tone) is back on air.

This project has been led by Rob VK2ELH for over 5 years and taken
countless hours of work by Rob and his team. There's no exact record
of the hours taken but there have been many hundreds and probably a
few thousand hours in this project.

The pay-off for all that hard work?

The joy in the voices of operators to the North and East in
particular who can now talk to the rest of Summerland after about
seven years of silence.


DMR Repeater VK3RWV is now online and servicing the Local Government
Area of The City of Warrnambool. Details for accessing the repeater
including frequencies can be found on its QRZ.COM page at

DMR Repeater VK 3 RWV is now online and servicing the Local
Government Area of The City of Warrnambool.

Details for accessing the repeater including frequencies can be
found on its QRZ.COM page

Steve and Donna, VK3VM-3LDY thank lots of folk for their assistance
with regards to getting this device online including ACMA and
DMR-MARC networking team.

Special words of thanks must be offered to those within our Amateur
community who have assisted with resources and to Peter VK3TE and
the DMR-MARC networking team.


A group of Czech operators are on the Columbian island of
San Andres until the 27th October. The callsign is 5 K 0 K
and they are on all bands 160 - 10m.

San Andres counts as a separate country for DXCC and as NA-033
for the IOTA award and QSLs go via Club Log OQRS.


Willi DJ7RJ is workin' on the wireless again as FH/DJ7RJ from
Mayotte Island in the Indian Ocean until the 4th of November.
He is all banding but as usual will concentrate on the low bands,
in particular 160m. QSL to his home call, DJ7RJ


A multi-national team is signing VP6R from Pitcairn Island
till 1st November. All bands, all modes.
QSL via Club Log OQRS.

Pitcairn Island was where the mutineers from HMS Bounty made their
home in 1790.


Yosuke JJ1DQR is on air from Da Nang in Vietnam until November 1.

He will operate as 3W9QR mainly on SSB on 40 - 6m.

QSLs go via his home call, again that's JJ 1 DQR.




Hold The Presses:- ARRL is launching a new magazine, On the Air, in
January 2020. To be published on a bimonthly basis, On the Air will
offer new and beginner-to-intermediate-level radio amateurs a fresh
approach to exploring radio communication.

Each issue will include advice and insights on topics from the
variety of Amateur Radio interests and activities: radio technology,
operating, equipment, project building, and emergency communication.

The goal of this new magazine is to be a vital resource in helping
new and newer radio amateurs get active and involved in radio

All ARRL members, including members here in VK, will be able to
access digital editions of On the Air and members who already
access QST on the web or from the mobile app will be able to access
QST and On the Air starting in January.




For youngsters who might be asking "Amateur radio, what's that?"

One outdoor event in South Carolina provided them with an answer.

Last weekend, the same weekend that the world's largest Scouting
event, Jamboree on the Air, was being held for boys and girls
everywhere, members of the Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society in
South Carolina got a unique opportunity to introduce young boys in
another organization to amateur radio.

Club members supported an outdoor activity known as the
Upstate Trail Life Camporee, organized by Trail Life USA, a
faith-based organization that encourages character development and

The radio club notes on its website that the organization does not
yet have a program for ham radio -- and the club hopes that its
first involvement with this event last week will lead to the
growth of one.



SpaceX is seeking approval to add up to 30,000 more satellites to
its Starlink broadband network, on top of 12,000 spacecraft already
authorized by U.S. government regulators, according to filings
submitted to the International Telecommunication Union.

Possibly related to that news item, LeoLabs announced that they plan
to build four additional radar installations for tracking space

Their current installations can track objects down to about a 10 cm
diameter, but with their new installations they'll theoretically
be able to track objects as small as 2 cm but still won't see the
128 million objects from 1 mm to 1 cm, which have the potential to
disable or completely destroy a satellite.


CubeSat Simulators Launched

Dr. Alan Johnston, KU2Y, Vice President - Educational Affairs
has announced the general availability of the AMSAT CubeSat

Speaking at the 37th Annual Space Symposium, Alan reports that since
the prototype CubeSat Simulators were introduced at Hamvention in
May, the simulators have undergone testing and final release.

A CubeSat Simulator is a self-contained satellite model that reports
solar cell performance via standard AFSK 1200 BPS AX.25 telemetry.

The telemetry can be decoded with a simple SDR ground station.

A CubeSat Simulator package consists of the 1U simulator, a halogen
work light to simulate sunshine, and a motorized rotating turntable
that mimic the satellite tumbling through space.

(sourced to AMSAT-NA)

Soviet cosmonaut Alexei Leonov, who became the first person in history
to spacewalk in 1965, has died aged 85.

He went on to become the commander of Soyuz-Apollo, the first ever
joint US-Soviet mission in 1975.

He died Friday October 11, just 7 days before Astronauts
Christina Koch and Jessica Meir carried out history's first
all-female spacewalk Friday 18.



WW 1 USA Amateur Radio Station

When:- November 9 in the USA

Where:- National WWI Museum and Memorial, Kansas City

The Museum and Memorial is teaming with area amateur radio operators
to host special event station WW 1 USA. During this time, station
operators will contact hundreds of other amateur radio operators
across the world.

Designated by US Congress as America's official World War I Museum
and Memorial and located in downtown Kansas City, the National
WWI Museum and Memorial inspires thought, dialogue and learning
to make the experiences of the Great War era meaningful and relevant
for present and future generations.

To learn more, visit




Congratulations are in order for Hans Summers G 0 UPL, who has been
declared the inaugural winner of the "Homebrew Hero" award conferred
by ICQPodcast.

Hans was selected for the work he has done designing solutions for
QRP enthusiasts.

The award is given in recognition of amateurs who make technical
advances in creative ways to benefit the hobby.

Well done Hans!


Speaking of QRP, there's a big event coming up early next month in

More power to Melbourne's QRP by the Bay! That's not "power" as in
wattage but power as in the great force of enthusiasm and fellowship
that's sure to surface on Chelsea Beach on the 2nd of November.

QRP by the Bay is set to happen, attracting homebrewers, portable
operators and QRP enthusiasts. The afternoon is mostly social but
it's also a chance to show off some new gadgets and equipment or
take advantage of the waterfront location and put up an antenna and
grab some DX.

It's very informal and in keeping with the QRP, as 'low-key' as
can be.


Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz

IARU Region 1 3760 7110 14300 18160 21360 kHz

IARU Region 2 3750 3985 7060 7240 7275 14300 18160 21360 kHz

Radio hams participate in Storm 2019 exercise

Radio amateurs in Austria took part in this year's Civil Protection
Day on October 5 and made use of the amateur radio transponder on
the QO-100 geostationary satellite

This exercise involved not only a test of the 2540 civil defence
sirens in Lower Austria, but was also used for a large-scale exercise
by the task forces and authorities. The disaster scenarios prepared
in the district of Tulln also included the local radio amateurs.


2019 Social Scene

VK3 - Ballarat Amateur Radio Group, BARG Hamvention Oct 27 (vk3kqt)

VK3 - Melbourne QRP by the Bay (SouthGate)

Melbourne QRP by the Bay is coming up next month - Saturday 2
November at 3pm.

It's an occasional gathering of homebrewers, QRPers and
portable operators. Normally between about 15 and 30 people
show up for a very convivial couple of hours.

Bring yourself, an idea and an interesting piece of equipment.

Gather at Chelsea beach near the lifesaving club, and
afterwards a lot of the crew go for tea at a local restaurant.

That's 3pm Saturday November 2, 2019 for Melbourne QRP by the
Bay at Chelsea beach.

VK5 - AHARS Buy and Sell Marion RSL Nov 3rd (vk5srp)

VK3 - ROSEBUD RADIOFEST November 17 (wia)

2020 Social Scene

ALARAMEET 2020 Bendigo (vk5yl)

October 2 - 5 in Bendigo Victoria.

Submitting news items

If you would like to submit news items for possible inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to and don't JUST send url's links or posters,
but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio email and ask for the current
password then read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

We would appreciate items certainly no longer than 2 minutes in length
as we only have a half hour.

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it
being broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News.
Each item will only be broadcast once, if you want a couple of
mentions, please submit different slants to keep your event 'fresh'
and always if the news room is to read your item ---
write it in the 3rd person.

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug
DEALS from commercial traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put
your supporters 'goods' in this text edition "no worries."

We cannot give blatant 'plugs' to raffles. (new Jan 2019)



WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
Who and where are they?

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
WIA affiliated clubs and active amateurs residing in Australia and
the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of
Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs.
Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but IF broadcast, are done so in the spirit in
which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form,
a credit to WIANews wouldn't go astray...

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© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)