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Oh... and contact us with your news because
If It Matters To You It Matters To Us!

Email script to and go to click news in member area to submit your audio

Please... If you are only submitting text and not audio, NEVER send
just links & url's but write your story as you would expect to hear
it being read back.

Last week the new, soon to be implemented wia email system moving to
gmail was said to be operating BUT this lil 'baker baker' did NOT
receive any emails for almost 50 hours!

SO if you sent the news crew an item or 3 and it's nt been acknowledged
or worse not in this weeks news...please send again..

Luckily this error in re routibng to gmail WAS picked up but not
until Monday..and of all places, from Germany and Ed Durant so
thanks Ed and just to say a BIG thanks.. we'll hear your weekly
take on the WYONG field day NOW instead of at the end of the bulletin.


An eagerly awaited Ham Radio Activity WILL go ahead, on time
and come rain or hail, even if another low developes off Broken Head.

Well, we’re only a week away from the big one! The 62nd CCARC field
day at Wyong.

All organisation actions are running smoothly and the CCARC are
looking forward to welcoming visitors to the field day as they have
done every year. Remember this year it’s the Wyong weekend, with one
pedestrian and two mobile Foxhunts and the dinner on Saturday for
those who can get here a little earlier.

At the Field day itself on the Sunday, please note that you can only
pay your entry fee in cash and please have the right amount ready if
you can, to avoid taking all the small change from the entry gate
officers. In return for your $15 you will be given an arm band which
must be worn at all times please.

All lectures are now locked-in and displayed on the website at
FIELDDAY (dot) ORG (dot) AU along with all information about the
Wyong Weekend including the field day itself.

Here’s what is happening lecture wise….

Lecture Room 1:
1. Has Richard Collins lecture on the Australian Electronics Industry
from 9 to 9:45 am Richard will describe the collapse of the giants
of the Australian electronics industry, the reasons for their
failure and the way forward.

2. Richard is followed by Ray Robinson VK2NO of Tube Radio from 10 am
to 11 am and will outline the history of Tube Radios, with
particular emphasis on their use in the armed forces in WW II and
the Korean War.

3. Rakesh Panwar will cover Space Weather and Its effects on Modern
Technologies and Human Beings from 11 to 12 Included will be
explanations of; solar wind and flares, storms, coronal mass
ejections and coronal holes and their effects on modern society.
He will be joined by Dr Zahra Bouya to explore the Space Weather
website and its uses.

4. The final lecture in room 1 comes from Brian Clarke VK2GCE who
covers Transmission Lines and Terminations from midday to a
quarter past one. Brian provides information on the physics, legal
and biological implications of using high power. He will look at
safety guidelines for connecting your TX to its antenna.

Lecture Room 2:

1. In room two we start with Harry Kreicers covering Bragg Resonators
and Parametric Amplifiers from 9 to 10.

2. From 10 to 11 we have the annual weak signal Group meet-up with
Roger Harrison VK2ZRH as each year the groups meets to discuss
VHF-UHF activities and associated topical and emerging issues.
All are welcome to attend.

3. Our third item in room 2 is a very special once in a lifetime
chance to meet Jeanne Socrates VE0JS from 11 to 11:30. Jeanne is
the oldest person to have sailed solo nonstop unassisted eastbound
around the world which she completed in September 2019 and she had
Ham Radio with her all the way. As part of her current tour around
Australia she is eager to meet the VK hams that she made contact
with on her epic sailing journey.

4. In another first for the Wyong Field day Peter Parker VK3YE will
do a Livestream called Fun with QRP from 11:30 to 12:30 The
livestream from Peter in VK3 will include discussion on and
demonstration of equipment and how to go about having fun with QRP
He will touch on antennas, power supplies and transceivers and
then follow up with and Q & A session.

So, you can see there’s going to be lots to learn at this years
Wyong Field day! It’s a tight schedule, so please make sure you are
at the chosen lecture room in advance of the start time to get a good
seat. As announced in last week’s VK1WIA piece, some of the lectures
will be recorded for viewing afterwards.

For the Central Coast ARC, the organisers of the Wyong Field day,
this has been Ed VK2JI.

Next Sunday - the 23rd - being the annual Wyong Field Day
to which almost everybody attends ARNSW will continue their
practice of no VK2WI News session in the morning.

In its place will be the special transmission on Saturday evening
the 22nd at 7.30 pm with the morning format.

The Sunday evening on the 23rd will be the normal evening session
with possibly some highlights from the field day ....

(tim mills)


Not a WIA Member? details email
OR the link on bottom right of

WIA board minutes can be found on click
WIA Information.

Directors heard usually as follows
Greg VK2GPK (President), Peter VK8ZZ (Secretary),
Mike VK8MA, Aidan VK4APN, John VK4JJW

John VK4JJW here with the WIA Board Report for this week.

First things first .... are we going to have an election for the
2010-2021 year? Who knows? Well YOU will very shortly, because as
you know, to have an election we need to have more candidates than
there are positions available, and a liitle bird tells me that there
have been quite a few nominations for NEW people, received by the
closing date on the last day of January, so all we need to do now is
wait ... and see! I'm sure the event we've all been waiting for will
happen, one way or another, in the next few weeks.

A very important item is the ACMA consultation on the 3.4 GHz band
amateur access restrictions implementation- If you'd like more info
than we have time for here, see the WIA website news item and the
ACMA link there, for details. This consultation closes very soon
and rest assured; the WIA will be responding.

Also, the recently constituted ACMA Syllabus review panel met for the
first time on Jan 30. The WIA is represented by 3 WIA Education Team
volunteers, and first cab off the rank is the Foundation licence
syllabus update. We'll have more on the results of that meeting in
the next few weeks.

And how are you going with the FUTURE OF AMATEUR RADIO PROGRAM?

As a registered participant you should have received an email
detailing how to put your view forward. WIA members are automatically
included of course, however if you're not a WIA member and not yet
registered, fear not, for registration is still open, and will be,
for the total duration of ALL the polls. Get in now so your view can
be included in the first one which has to close in another week or so
then shortly after, we move on to Poll Number 2. Wonder what THAT
will be? Stay tuned!

By the way .... for each poll there's a number of options you can
select from, however if none of those is what you think should
happen, then by all means your view is very welcome. There's a
section for that at the bottom of the form where it says, and I quote:
"Do you have any comments on the poll, or suggestions for alternative
solutions to this issue?"

And for the next Poll, quoting again: "Do you have any other
suggestions for the next poll?"

Go to it. Your WIA needs your input!

The Big One is just 11 weekends away.

I'm pretty sure you already know that the WIA Annual Conference for
2020 is on in Hobart, and to register as a delegate so you can take
part in all the activites starting Friday lunchtime, go to the link

Antarctic Gateway is the theme this year and some incredibly
interesting Antarctic and Radio visits and presentations have been
organised over the weekend. Can't wait, and that reminds me ....
I need to register! "Someone" keeps telling me: "Do it now.
Don't wait until the last minute!" If you're in the same boat
we'd better get out acts together! Looking forward to catching up
with you for the WIA's 110th AGM ... in Hobart, May 8 -10.

I'm John, VK4JJW WIA Director.

WIA Annual Conference 2020

Hi this is Ben VK7BEN from the WIA Annual Conference Organising
Committee with some vital statistics about Tasmania to make your
stay in the most southerly state more comfortable…..

Average May weather for Hobart is a minimum of 6 degrees C to a
maximum of 15 so do what the locals do and wear layers and never
forget a polar fleece jacket and a rain coat....HIHI.

For those travelling to Tassie before the conference to do some
touring, there is the annual AGFEST from the 7-9 May held at Carrick.
This is a big agriculture festival attracting around 70,000 people
with over 700 exhibitors. Worth a look just before the conference.

For those wanting to escape into the Tasmanian National Parks, you
have much to look forward to with the leaves from the deciduous
beech, better known as fagus, changing from a vibrant green to
brilliant gold and finally rust red. This can be seen at
Cradle Mountain in the North and Lake Fenton " Mount Field National
Park in the South. Don’t forget to pack a radio for some sneaky
WWFF Activations!

If you are into bushwalking in then look out for the flowering of
autumn bird orchid, Parson's band orchid, mosquito orchid and
midge orchid in your travels. Also in May the short-tailed
shearwaters (mutton birds) leave for Alaska and do a remarkable
return journey to the Northern Hemisphere.

Even the sports fans are catered for with the Hawthorn Versus
Port Adelaide Match in round 10 of the AFL held on May 23rd in

Bookings for the Tours of the Australian Antarctic Division on
Friday 8th May are almost full with only a few left. Once they are
full, that’s it! So, get in quick before it’s too late.

Sunday is packed with half day options. So, to ensure no-one misses
out we are alternating between the Grote Reber and Mawson's Hut
Museums and either the Maritime Museum or the Islands to
Ice Exhibition at the TMAG " for those non-locals that’s the
Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery.

For the group that does the Reber in the morning then they do the
rest in the afternoon and vice versa.

I finish with a quick reminder about the discounts at the venue.
Best Western " just remind them it’s for the “WIA conference” and
the discounts on Spirit of Tasmania ferries for fares and

See you in Hobart.

73, from Ben VK7BEN and the WIA Annual Conference Organising


INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, SARL, Southgate AR Club,
the WIA.

We'll drop in on the USA and look at yet another case of
"if it ain't broke don't fix it', More 'tears' in France,
Secrets and Receiver building in the UK and a ham fest in ITALY

Florence RadioFest 2020

Just on an hours drive from Marconi’s Birth Place lies the
Italian City of Florence, who host The Florence RadioFest
which is the HamFest that attracts the most part of Italian
radio amateurs from central Italy.

Based on a large flea market, it is totally dedicated to
amateur radio enthusiasts.

So when you want a break from the tourist attractions like the
Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore get to the Florence RadioFest
which offers an exhibition area of 1200 square meters.

There will be more than fifty exhibitors including private
individuals and professionals. The Florence RadioFest is an event
where hams can find excellent used radios, homemade antennas and
brand-new products to help bring your baggage limit up for your
return flight to Aus.


French look at 3-Tier CEPT ham radio structure

French national amateur radio society URC has expressed its desire
for a 3 licence class structure as described in CEPT recommendations
rather the single class available at the present time

A translation of the Union of Radio Clubs (URC) 2020 Editorial reads:

"The URC has its objectives among which that of respecting the CEPT
recommendations and of creating 3 license classes in France. We have
made proposals on how we see how we can do it, this part is to be
discussed with all the associations and the administration but the
consensus is that licenses and exams MUST change in France."


Bletchley Park, a must on any trip to the UK for Radio Enthusiasts,
is hosting another workshop with the RSGB on March 14 where you can
build your own radio receiver

The Radio Society of Great Britain has invited young people
(and an accompanying adult if the child is under 16 years)
to join them at the National Radio Centre at Bletchley Park
for a fun and hands-on workshop where they can learn more about
radio and electronics.

The workshop offers a short introduction to wireless communications,
radio propagation and electronic construction, before moving on to
the construction of a medium wave radio receiver. This will include
using a printed circuit board, selecting components, soldering them
in place and testing the circuit.

Attendees will also be able to visit the National Radio Centre to
learn more about the history of radio communications and to see a
modern amateur radio station in operation.

Akin to Bletchley is Beaumanor Hall in Leicester.

Here a top secret wartime listening station was set up at the Hall.

As we approach the 75th anniversary of VE Day (Victory in Europe)
in May, the fascinating story of Beaumanor Hall’s crucial role in
the Second World War should also be recalled.

Beaumanor Hall was the site of a vital wartime intelligence service,
namely the War Office “Y” (wireless) Group or W.O.Y.G.

The top secret “Y” Group was part of M18 Wireless Intelligence and
Beaumanor was a highly-strategic “Intercept Station”, concerned with
monitoring the enemy’s main channels of wireless traffic and

The “Y” Intercept Listening Service operated from 1941 to 1945 and
its wartime activities were as top secret as those at the
Code and Cypher School at Bletchley Park.


FCC Commissioner Michael O’Rielly has said that the future of global
spectrum use might be better served by an international body other
than the ITU. He also questioned the value of the World
Radiocommunication Conference that is held every few years to revise
member nations' use of the spectrum.

Speaking before a committee of the United States Senate, O'Rielly
said a replacement for the ITU might be a body that resembles the
G7 organization. Its members include the United States, Canada,
France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the U.K., the world's largest
advanced economies. The ITU is a body contained within the
United Nations.




February 16-17 ARRL's International DX CW Contest


CQ WW SSB contest February 22-23


March 2 - 3 International DX Phone Contest sponsored by the ARRL


WIA John Moyle Field Day 2020
Weekend 21-22 March from UTC 0100 on the Saturday to 0059 Sunday 22.


March 28-29 the CQ World Wide WPX Contest for amateurs world-wide to
contact as many amateurs and prefixes as possible during the contest
using SSB.


The date for the next Harry Angel Sprint will be Saturday
May 2nd 2020. 10:00 - 11:46 UTC.


May 30-31 the CQ World Wide WPX Contest for amateurs worldwide to
contact as many amateurs and prefixes as possible during the contest
using CW.


The VK SHIRES the June long weekend, which is the weekend prior to the
second Monday of June each year.. making it June 6 - 7 in 2020


IARU HF World Championship July 13-14



Next contest - 17 JUL 2020 - and has the aim of encouraging
Low Band activity between VK and ZL on 160 80 and 40M using


RD or Remembrance Day Contest will be August 15 - 16



VOICE from 0800 UTC Saturday October 3 to 0800 UTC Sunday October 4

CW from 0800 UTC Saturday October 10 to 0800 UTC Sunday October 11






December 6 - 8 160 Meter WW


DECEMBER 14 - 15 10 Mtr World Wide



4 award periods, each of 3 months starting in January of each
calendar year and 2 categories in the contest,

Top 5 you try and work the 5 most wanted DXCC entity's
Most Wanted you work the most wanted dxcc entity.

The dx entity's in play are those most wanted DURING those
3 month windows.

Complete details can be found at


Graham Alston VK3GA WIA Awards Manager here on WIA National News.

The WIA Awards Committee is pleased to announce the expansion of
our DXCC Awards to include the 8-Band DXCC Award.

Participants can now apply for this award when they have at least
100 confirmed QSO’s on each of 8 different HF bands.

This additional award caters for users who may never be able
to operate on 160M due to various constraints, particularly
having enough space to install a 160M antenna. It also fills
the huge difficulty gap between the 7- and 9-Band awards.

The WIA Awards program now has Single-Band, 3-Band, 5-Band, 7-Band,
9-Band, and now 8-Band DXCC awards, each with endorsements.

All major AUSTRALIAN contests, rules and results, are on the
Contest Section of the WIA website.

John Moyle Memorial Field Day Announcement No.2
For Broadcast Sunday 16th February 2020.

Good Morning,

This is Denis Johnstone VK4AE contest manager for the John Moyle
Memorial Field Day 2020.

This is a reminder that the contest will be held from 0000 UTC on
Saturday 21st March to UTC 2359 Sunday 22nd March 2020.

This week I will discuss the effects of the devastating fires and
the current floods on the contest and what you can do about it.

The weather this summer has been less than friendly, with
catastrophic fires in many areas and in some areas flash flooding.
The question as to whether the field day should even go ahead has
been heard on air.

While at first sight it may appear to be an option to cancel the
event, but there are plenty of other options.

Firstly, the devastation has destroyed many wonderful field day sites
and access to other that haven’t been destroyed is for some time
going to be tricky.

Secondly, the concept of a field day station is to set up and operate
a station under less than ideal conditions. Why should not a club
station set up a portable station at the local park or sportsground "
with appropriate approvals from the authorities. Why should not a
single operator station (or a club station) set up as a portable
station in the carpark near the local parts supplier? Consider the
advertising potential for Amateur Radio?

I consider the potential to attracting interested others is worth
far more than the potential of creating a winning score in this

I leave these thoughts with you and look forward to see what happens
and I will continue to keep the webpage right up to date!

Thanks for listening, I'm Denis Johnstone VK4AE contest manager for
the John Moyle Memorial Field Day 2020.


VI 250 COOK Australian Special Event

Members of a VK4 club we haven't heard from in quite a while is
returning in a "flurry of sails."

Cairns Amateur Radio Club will activate call-sign VI 250 COOK during
May till August to commemorate the 250th anniversary of Captain James
Cook sailing up the east coast of Australia from what is now Sydney
to what is now Cooktown in Far North Queensland. This historic trip
is being replicated by the Australian Maritime Museum's replica of
his ship, the Endeavour.

The call again VI 250 COOK.

(sourced to SouthGate)


Members of the Italian DXpedition Team are QRV from Zanzibar Island
until 18th February using the callsign 5 I 5 TT on CW, SSB and RTTY.
On FT4 and FT8 the callsign will be 5 I 4 ZZ.
The IOTA reference for Zanzibar is AF-032.


Look for special event station 8 A 17 BJR between February 19-21st.

Activity is to celebrate the 17th anniversary of the local
ORARI Kota Banjar radio club and will be on 80/40 using CW, SSB
and the Digital modes.

(sourced to SouthGate)


Bob W 0 YBS is active on Caye Caulker Island, off the coast of
Belize, till 25th February on CW, FT8, RTTY and possibly some SSB
on 80 " 10m. IOTA reference is NA-073. QSLs go via the home call
W 0 YBS.


Matteo is visiting Ghana all February until the 16th and has
reactivated his 9 G 5 GS callsign on 160 -20m using mainly
FT8 and SSB. QSLs go via his home call IZ 4 YGS.


Members of the F 6 KOP Radio Club are operating as E 44 CC from
Bethlehem in Palestine until February 17 on 160 " 10m on CW, SSB,
RTTY, PSK, FT4 and FT8.


Be listening all month for members of the Kuwait Amateur Radio
Society using the call sign 9 K 59 NLD.

The hams are marking Kuwait's National and Liberation Day.

Send QSLs to 9 K 2 RA.




This story comes from Washington, D.C., where the FCC is marking what
its chairman calls a historic appointment.

The FCC has welcomed the first woman to serve as its
Chief Technology Officer, coordinating with the agency's
Office of Engineering and Technology and advising Chairman Ajit Pai
on related issues.

Monisha Ghosh, a Fellow of the IEEE has expertise in wireless
technologies where she has overseen research both in academia
and industry.

The agency called the appointment historic and the FCC chairman
said he hoped she would serve as an example for young women
considering careers in STEM disciplines.


AMSAT-VK Secretary -

Phoenix deploys from the ISS on February 17, 2020!

After deployment, it will take some trial and error before able
to confirm the spacecraft’s TLEs before they can comfortably predict
its orbit.

The more people who can help spot the spacecraft, the sooner the
operations phase can officially begin!

If you think you’ve heard from Phoenix and you are NOT a member of
the SatNOGS network, please publish your observation on the
google form with your contact information, the lat/long location
of the sighting, your waterfall file, and any raw data that you have
obtained from the spacecraft!

web address is

IMPORTANT NOTE: Phoenix has a Frequency Buddy

Phoenix will be broadcasting on the exact same frequency, 437.35 MHz
as CubeSat QARMAN. Both satellites follow the AX.25 protocol at
9600 baud, with GMSK modulation. Because both CubeSats will be
deployed within an hour and a half of each other, they will be close
to each other in orbit.

To ensure that neither satellite will interrupt communications with
each team's ground station, there will be periods of time when
Phoenix's transmitter is turned OFF and vice versa. Therefore, if you
are listening for Phoenix, and do not hear anything, this does not
necessarily mean that communications have been with the spacecraft.

(arrl asu)


The job hunt is on.

While Amazon awaits the FCC's approval of its proposed
satellite-based internet service, it has already launched more
than 170 job postings on its website for the venture known as
Project Kuiper.

Late last month Amazon pressed for the FCC's approval so that
Amazon could join the field of companies such as SpaceX and OneWeb
and offer broadband service from low Earth orbit satellites,
which could bring internet capabilities to underserved parts of the

Meanwhile, the Washington State-based Amazon has already begun its
quest to find senior electrical engineers, senior communication
systems engineers, embedded software engineers and others for the
massive project which is envisioned as a constellation of more than
3,000 satellites.



U.S. Marines taught ham radio

U.S. Marines with Information Group, II Marine Expeditionary Force
(II MIG) participated in an Amateur Radio General Licensing Course
as part of the group’s High Frequency Auxiliary Initiative on base,
Jan. 27-31

An article by Cpl. Stephen Campbell on DVIDS Hub says:

The course, taught by members of the Brightleaf Amateur Radio Club,
out of Greenville, N.C., helps Marines learn the principles of
high frequency radio operations as a contingency against a
peer-to-peer adversary in real-world operations.

Throughout the duration of the course, Marines learned HAM radio
frequency and propagation theory, frequency band allocation,
conventional and field-expedient antenna theory in addition to
HAM radio operations and control.

U.S. Marine Corps Col. Jordan Walzer, commanding officer of II MIG,
created the High Frequency Auxiliary Initiative after recognizing the
need for utilizing more options in a combat environment. He wanted
the Marines to familiarize themselves with older technology to ensure
their lethality in any situation.

Read the full story at



M1CJE - SOTA Mountain Goat

Congratulations to Andrew Eastland, M 1 CJE, who has achieved the
accolade of SOTA Mountain Goat. This is the principal award in the
Summits on the Air scheme, and marks passing through 1000 activator

He reached his Mountain Goat status with an activation of the UK's
Black Mountain GW/SW-041 in January and only started his SOTA journey
in 2017, and so has reached Mountain Goat status in less than
two-and-a-half years, which is relatively rapid!



2020 Social Scene

VK3 - MERC TOUR Feb 21 (vk3sh)

On Friday 21st February, the Melbourne Electronics and Radio Club
( WIA Affiliated) has organised a Club "site Tour" of the Airways
Museum at Essendon Airport Melbourne, which includes a presentation
from Bill Ely ( VK1/3ELY ) on Global Navigation Satellite Systems.

The function starts at 7pm with doors opening at 6pm entry by
Gold Coin donation.

All interested in joining the MERC Team on this Tour and Presentation
is more than welcome.

For further information please contact Club President Stuart VK3SH
on 0411 234 373.

The Museum is located at Essendon Airport, Melbourne, at the rear of
Building 44. Enter via Edgar Johnston Lane.

The Melbourne Electronics and Radio Club will be conducting a number
of Guest Speaker and Tour Events as part of it weekly Friday evening
meetings during the year anybody wishing to be included in their
mailing list for these events can contact the club by email on

MERC meets each Friday from 7pm at the Building D Royal Children's
Hospital Travancore Site 50 Flemington Street
Travancore Vic Melway REF 29A11.

VK2 - WYONG FIELD DAY 23rd February 2020 (vk2ji)

VK4 - Tannum Sands Gathering March 14 (wia)

VK7 - Meet the Voice event, Ross Recreation Centre Sun 22 March (vk7tw)

VK3 - EMDRC HamFest Sunday March 29 ( A Scott)

Clubs annual Hamfest is fast approaching, Sunday 29th March
at Great Ryrie Primary School " Heathmont, Melbourne.

Commercial and second hand traders, new & used bargains.
Raffle prizes donated by our commercial traders, raffle
drawn at midday. Always space for a chat with old and
new friends.

Entry is only $7 per and includes one Raffle ticket and
bottomless tea & coffee, Doors open at 10am. Jack’s world
Famous BBQ will be cooking up a storm out the front.

Table booking are filling fast with only a handful remaining.

For Event information, and to book a table, please visit the
EMDRC club website

VK4 - REDFEST 2020 18th April. St. Michael's College
Old Toorbul Point Rd from 8am (vk4tfn)

VK6 - PerthTech May 2 at Bassendean (vk6pop)

VK - WIA Annual Conference, Hobart 8-10 May. (vk7tw)

VK4 - CHARC Theresa Creek Campout Friday 29 til Sunday 31 May (wia)

VK5 - South East Radio Group Annual Convention and
Australian Fox Hunting Championships. June 6-8 (vk5hcf)

VK4 - Caboolture Radio Club HamFest July 11 (vk7jea)

VK4 - CHARC Inc. AGM Weekend Sept 25-27 at Fairbairn Dam (wia events)

VK - ALARAMEET 2020 Bendigo October 2 - 5 (vk5yl)

VK7 - VK7 biennial HamFest November (vk7tw)


VK4 - TARC Australia Day Long Week Family Radio Camp 2021
Thursday afternoon 21st to Tuesday afternoon 26th January 2021

Girl Guides Association of Queensland Campsite and Training
Centre, 46-56 Toolakea Beach Road, Bluewater.

AX4WIT will be on-air from the camp. (vk4zz)

Submitting news items

If you would like to submit news items for possible inclusion in the
VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to and don't JUST send url's links or posters,
but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio email and ask for the current
password then read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

We would appreciate items certainly no longer than 1.5 minutes in
length as we only have a half hour.

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it
being broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News.
Each item will only be broadcast once, if you want a couple of
mentions, please submit different slants to keep your event 'fresh'
and always if the news room is to read your item ---
write it in the 3rd person. (First if YOU are reading your own item)

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug
DEALS from commercial traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put
your supporters 'goods' in this text edition "no worries."

We cannot give blatant 'plugs' to raffles.


WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
Who and where are they?

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
WIA affiliated clubs and active amateurs residing in Australia and
the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of
Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs.
Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA, but IF broadcast, are done so in the spirit in
which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form,
a credit to WIANews wouldn't go astray...

If you have call-backs to contribute to the National News call back
tally then please send through your call-backs to

How do I join this National News List?
(subscribe for an automatic weekly feed.)
Email to
from the email account that you wish the emails to go to.

How do I leave this National News List? (unsubscribe your weekly feed)
Open mail program which sends mail from the address you want to
unsubscribe from. Send unsubscribe to the list
unsubscribe address
You will be sent a confirmation mail and must follow the instructions
given in that mail to complete the unsubscription.

Once your unsubscription has been processed, you will probably
receive another message confirming your unsubscription from the list,
and at that point you should stop receiving messages.


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)