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Roger Harrison VK2ZRH, manager for the VHF-UHF Field Days. - Trent Sampson and a brand new WIA contest kicks off in just days. WIA President Scott VK3KJ .- VK3AVV Silent Key.


The Australian Army is working to simplify some areas of its radio communications through the help of a collaborative effort with Microsoft.

The programme relies on artificial intelligence, or AI, to automate communications transcription and analysis. The military is hoping the end result will be greater situational awareness and a higher level of tactical decision-making.

A report by the Microsoft News Centre said the first priority will be the analysis of radio voice communications, providing searchable text transcripts that military commanders can refer to and glean enhanced situational awareness to assist in their decision-making. Part of that effort is to use AI to identify sender, recipient and other key message parameters which will help sort out the transcription process properly.

Brigadier Ian Langford, director general of the Future Land Warfare Branch told Microsoft: [quote] Employing artificial intelligence tools through a reliable, secure and resilient platform to consolidate battlefield communications is an important step toward the creation of a decision support engine to create decision advantage in the future." [endquote]

(Amateur Radio NewsLine)



This is WIA President Scott Williams VK3KJ and welcome to the 2nd broadcast of 2022 and hopefully what will be a safe, healthy, prosperous and productive year ahead after what was a very challenging 2021.

As I am recording this message, the news has broken of the huge increase in Omicron cases particularly in NSW and Victoria with steady increases reported in other states and territories.
Lets hope we can find ways to manage the spread of this horrible pandemic and in particular, see a reduction is those hospitalised and tragically those people that have lost their lives.

Onto a more positive note, the WIA is delighted to announce the introduction of a new contest for 2022, which will be called the WIA Australia Day Contest.

The contest will be held on Wednesday 26 January 2022 and will follow a format very similar to the Remembrance Day Contest.

The contest gets underway at midnight on 25 January on the East coast and extends until midnight on the West coast (Daylight Saving Time), a 27 hour contest.

Initially, it will be a trial contest with feedback and comments welcomed before the contest is finalised as a permanent part of the yearly contest calendar.

Information on the contest is currently on the WIA website and is available across WIA social media platforms.

The WIA would like to thank Alan Shannon VK4SN and Trent Sampson VK4TS for presenting the concept to the WIA Board and for all of their work in pulling this contest together.

I also want to congratulate all those individuals that participated in the WIA DX leader board for 2021.

The leader board closed on 31 December 2021 for the 2021 year and it was wonderful to see so many people participating and a close race at the top in most categories.

Don't forget, you have up to the last day of the month preceding the AGM to get contacts confirmed before the Award winners are announced.

Finally, Board Nominations for 2022 will close on 31 January 2022. Should you wish to join the Board of the WIA, information can be found on the WIA website or was included in the last edition of the AR Magazine.

Thats it for me this week, I hope everyone stays safe and well and my very best wishes to everyone for 2022.

Scott VK3KJ

Thanks Scott now Trent actually has filed a story on that new contest so to Trent in a moment B8T remember Bruce Deefholts has advised that the WIA office in Bayswater will re-open in the New Year on Wednesday 19th January.

Now --- well --- here's Trent VK4TS to tell all and sundry on Australias largest listener based Ham Radio News Service

"We are pleased to announce a new Contest on the calendar.

The WIA Australia Day Contest on the 26th of January 2022.

This is a trial contest and has a few quirks.

The rules are derived from the RD so you can think of it as a
Summer RD.

Alan VK4SN and I brainstormed the concept and presented it to the WIA board only last week. They were able to turn out the approval within days so positive was the feedback.

The nitty gritty - The Contest Rules are as per the RD BUT it starts midnight 25th January on the east coast and extends until midnight on the west coast. (Daylight Saving)

Dust of those fancy 2X1 Contest callsigns and be ready for a heap of different calls on the band - Remember any VK prefix call can take AX on Australia Day. We are also locking in Anzac Day April 25th for a repeat performance.

73 This has been Trent AX4T

This is Roger Harrison VK2ZRH, manager for the VHF-UHF Field Days.

I have sad news this morning. Some of you may have heard already that Mike VK3AVV, developer of the popular V-K-C-L logging program, passed away last week after a long battle with cancer.

Undoubtedly, the wider amateur fraternity will miss Mikes particular skills, especially those contesters who have benefitted from his logging programs over the past 20 years.

Mike was an enthusiastic supporter of the VHF-UHF Field Days, especially joining the multi-operator team of VK3 Echo Romeo from the Eastern and Mountain District Amateur Radio Club.

Val Mike VK3 Alpha Victor Victor.

The 2022 Summer VHF-UHF Field Day is scheduled for next weekend, the 15th and 16th of January. It will go ahead, as planned.

As a mark of respect for Mike VK3AVV, I ask that participants observe one minutes silence at the opening of the contest.

That is, in VK1, VK2, VK3, VK4, VK5, VK7 and VK8, it will commence at 0101 UTC. In VK6 it will commence at 0401 UTC.

Following the contest, would participants please send your logs to the WIA online log uploader in the usual way.

In the meantime, I am endeavouring to retrieve the 2021 Spring event logs to proceed with log-checking to determine the results. Results will also be posted to the WIA website in due course.

This has been Roger Harrison VK2ZRH for VK1WIA News.






& the World Wide sources of the WIA.


Comreg Negotiations

On September 10th 2021 ComReg published in document 21/90 inviting comments on their proposed strategy for managing the spectrum in the years 2022 to 2024 in Ireland.

IRTS that nations National Society, and a number of clubs as well as individual amateur licensees submitted comments. ComReg published an assessment of these comments on December 17th 2021 in document 21/136a. Highlights of the document are as follows.

Novice/Entry level licence

Probably the biggest news is ComRegs change of position on the issue of Novice or entry level licences. They say that taking into account the support expressed for entry-level or novice-licensing and the strong justifications given in the submissions, ComReg will seek, in the timeline of this strategy statement and subject to resources, to put in place a framework for novice licensing in Ireland.

The Swedish Electrical Safety Agency has ruled that some SolarEdge optimizers and one string inverter from Growatt do not meet its electromagnetic compatibility requirements -- halting their sale in the country.

SolarEdge expressed surprise at the banning and claims that the complaints filed with the Electrical Safety Agency came from a handful of amateur radio operators


International Amateur Radio Union Region 2 Secretary George Gorsline, VE3YV, has issued a year-end message on behalf of the Executive Committee.

"A bright spot in an otherwise challenging year is that our shared passion of amateur radio is growing stronger," Gorsline wrote. "The increase in on-the-air activity has been noticeable, especially on the HF bands. Driven by reawakening solar activity and the rapid adoption of digital modes, such as FT8, the bands are active -- not just during evenings and weekends, but also during normal working hours, where more than a few of us have been known to be in video conference calls while making QSOs.

Growth in activity and participation has not been limited to the HF bands. Use of VHF and UHF has also increased, not just for local nets, but especially interest in satellite operations."

Gorsline said that the use of "virtual learning" has allowed many IARU member-societies and affiliated clubs to conduct licensing classes and exams. "Attracting new and younger amateurs is our future," said Gorsline. "For 2022, the challenge to all of us is to not only enjoy our hobby, but to also share it with someone new."

Gorsline challenged members of the amateur community to "introduce someone to the many possibilities of amateur radio."

Radio Amateurs of Canada Announces New President

New Radio Amateurs of Canada, known as RAC, President, Phil A. McBride, VA3QR/VA3KPJ, took office on January 1.

He was elected by the RAC Board of Directors. Phil succeeds Glenn MacDonell, VE3XRA, who served the maximum three consecutive 2-year terms in the RAC's top post.

BBC News reports that two of the biggest US phone firms have agreed a government request to delay the rollout of 5G services this week.

The US Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) made the request over concerns about aviation safety.

Plane makers have warned that C-Band spectrum 5G wireless signals may interfere with sensitive aircraft electronics and could disrupt flights.

AT&T and Verizon initially rejected the delay request, before reversing.

Chief executives had pushed back against a second delay request on Sunday, having already put plans on hold since late last year.

They had also offered to mitigate service around US airports for six months as a temporary safeguard, along a similar approach adopted in France.




New low power limit for ARRL HF contests

The ARRL has set a new standard for what counts as low power for ARRL-sponsored HF contests. The new limit is 100 W, which is down from the 150 W limit that has been permitted in some events, including the ARRL November Sweepstakes.

With the exception of the ARRL Field Day, this change goes into effect on 1 January 2022, for all ARRL-sponsored HF contests, as well as the IARU HF World Championship in July 2022.

This change has been implemented to standardize low-power categories within the contesting community. However, on a more practical level, the typical modern HF transceiver has a maximum power output of 100 W


January, this entire month is the WIA ROSS HULL VHF - UHF MARATHON CONTEST



Summer 2022 - Saturday 15 January through Sunday 16 January


WIA Contest Committee Chairman - Alan Shannon VK4SN has released a
2022 Contest Calendar focusing mainly on the popular VK and International Contests. The url to get the PDF is on both WIA front page news, and, here, in the text edition of your WIA news

Now at time of getting this bulletin in shape that new contest Trent VK4TS told us about at the top of this weeks bulletin of news is not shown BUT you can add it easily yourself so download the calendar "now".

Again to refresh us that new contest is to be known as
The WIA Australia Day Contest on the 26th of January.

This is a trial contest and has a few quirks here again is Trent..

"The nitty gritty - The Contest Rules are as per the RD BUT it starts midnight 25th January on the east coast and extends until midnight on the west coast. (Daylight Saving)

Dust of those fancy 2X1 Contest callsigns and be ready for a heap of different calls on the band - Remember any VK prefix call can take AX on Australia Day. We are also locking in Anzac Day April 25th for a repeat performance."

Sounds a good one for January then in March its the
John Moyle Memorial Field Day

The JMMFD contest Starts 0100 GMT on the 19th of March and concludes
0059 GMT on the 20th of March.


Harry Angel Memorial 80m Sprint

Saturday May 7th 2022
10:00 UTC - 11:46 UTC





Winter 2022 - 0200 UTC Saturday 25 June through 0159 UTC Sunday
26 June (differs in VK6).


Tom, K8CX, has done it again. He has provided DXers with 314 memorable rare DX sound clips (now in MP3 format) from Ohio during 2021. This brings the total number of MP3 sound clips on Hamgallery to 3,211.

Visit Tom's famous "HAM GALLERY" Web site at:

While there, also check out some of the other features on his Web page, such as: 24 years of "Rare DX Sound Clips" of the past (as well as some clips from the 1960's and 1970's which includes all the major DXpeditions and rare DX heard on the bands




Almost their 'once a year day.'

JANUARY 26, which is Australia Day and a Wednesday next year
Townsville Club will activate from their annual camp out
Bluewater way. Bluewater for the uninitiated is about 30
klicks from Townsville CBD.



4 L 9 M plans an operation over the next two months including the CQWW 160 CW and the CQWW 160 SSB contests. QSL via R3XA.




Brad, VK2BY will be active as HS0ZNR in north-eastern Thailand until the 21st of January and as well as QSLing direct to VK2BY you can also QSL via Logbook of The World.

(sourced to rsgb)


5H3EE from Dar es Salaam in Tanzania has been heard and logged using FT8 on 12 meters. QSL using ClubLog.



In Kenya, Ferdy, HB9DSP, plans to be on the air for his first DXpedition between January 12th and 27th as 5Z4/HB9DSP. Be listening on 20, 15 and 10 meters where he will be using SSB with some FT8. Send QSLs to his home callsign, direct, by the Bureau or LoTW.



Senegal and on air is 6W7/F6HMJ until February 22nd using mostly CW with some SSB on 40-10 meters.

Send QSLs to his home callsign, F 6 HMJ.



Listen for David, F8AAN, operating as FS/F8AAN from St. Martin Island, Anguilla, until January 20 on 40 through 10 meters using CW.
QSL using LoTW, ClubLog or eQSL.



Danish special event

Danish Radio Amateurs will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of HM Margrethe II, the Queen of Denmark's, accession to the throne by activating the special event station OZ50Q during the whole month of January 2022.

Special award is available see

QSL via OZ1ACB, eQSL or LoTW.

All QSOs will be confirmed via LoTW and eQSL.



BBC centenary special event GB 100 BBC

Members of the BBCs radio club, The London BBC Radio Group, have been granted an exceptional all-year Special Event callsign to help celebrate the BBCs centenary year in 2022.

Ofcom will permit GB100BBC to operate throughout the year, starting at midnight on New Years Day, from the headquarters station in Broadcasting House, London.



The new year is going to be a good one for members of the Irish Radio
Transmitters Society. Hams will be using the special callsign EI 90I RTS to mark the 90th anniversary of the founding of Ireland's national society. Listen for the EI90IRTS callsign throughout 2022.
QSL via EI6AL.




For the next six months, a new awards program will promote one of the world's most prominent radio events.

It is known as the World Radiosport Team Championship award.

Designed to highlight what will now be the 2023 WRTC as this years
Italian event in Marconis birth city was rescheduled due to - wait - you've got it COVID.

It centres around making contacts between now and July 10th with 100 radio operators in Italy using special WRTC callsigns. There will be one WRTC callsign for each of Italy's ten call areas, beginning with II 1 WRTC.

The award concludes during the IARU HF World Championship Contest on July 9th and 10th, exactly a year before the WRTC takes place in 2023.

(Amateur Radio NewsLine)



Czech radio switches off MW and LW as 2022 starts

In the Czech Republic, at least the public broadcaster will stop transmitting on MW and LW as the new year starts on Saturday.
The powerful transmitters on the frequencies 270, 639 and 954 kilohertz could also be received in large parts of Germany.

The reason given for the move was the widespread availability of terrestrial digital radio DAB+ and the high costs of broadcasting.

Those still listening using medium waves were to be persuaded to switch with a campaign. The radio station Cesky Rozhlas set up a telephone hotline to answer questions. It is not known whether the transmitters would be retained or used for other purposes.

The antenna of the medium-wave transmitter Liblice B east of Prague is considered the highest structure in the Czech Republic, with a height of 355 metres.

Impuls, the most-listened to private radio station, wants to remain faithful to medium wave for the time being. It broadcasts its second programme, with pop and country music, on analogue transmission.




Region III IARUMS Coordinator Peter Young VK3MV

VK IARUMS reflector email to subscribe

SUBMITTING a report? go to

Amateur exclusive frequencies where any non-amateur signal
is definitely an intruder.

Amateur HF Spectrum world wide
7.050 to 7.100
14.000 to 14.250
14.250 to 14.350 No broadcasters
21.000 to 21.450
24.890 to 24.990
28.000 to 29.700

Air Traffic Control the Netherlands (LVNL) reports that the radio traffic of aircraft landing at Schiphol has been regularly disrupted in recent weeks

Music from the FM broadcast band caused the interference. This disturbance was on the frequency that Air Traffic Control the Netherlands (LVNL) uses to give instructions to approaching air traffic. After the deployment of the Telecom Agency (AT), a broadcaster in Gelderland was taken off the air at the end of last week.

It concerned a license holder who was allowed to broadcast via FM, but did not adhere to the rules. After the transmitter was shut down, there was no more disruption on the aviation band.




Townsville AR Club will be involved with the 2022 Defence Welcome and Information Expo run by the Townsville office of Defence Community Organisation North Queensland Saturday 12th February at Murray Stadium from 10am.

The club is hoping to demonstrate the hobby through a mixture of static, dynamic and interactive displays, with members experienced in many facets of the hobby able to provide meaningful answers and guidance for those attending the Expo.


AMSAT-VK Secretary -

JWST is on its way to orbit L2!

On Christmas Day, JWST launched successfully aboard its Ariane 5 from French Guiana. During its flight, the rocket performed a unique sawtooth manoeuvre, rotating back and forth 30 to protect JSWTs instruments from overheating due to direct solar illumination (as opposed to Apollos BBQ roll). After release, the spacecraft deployed its solar arrayheres a video, which likely includes the final close proximity image of the craft.

Now beyond the orbit of the Moon, it has successfully performed two course corrections and deployed its gimbaled antenna assembly. Jonathan McDowell has a timeline of JWST's ongoing 30 days of terror deployment schedule on its way to L2. The sunshield has started its multistep deployment and, in about a week, mirrors will begin unfolding. Check-in on its live mission dashboard to see where it is and what its doing, follow it on Twitter, or watch NASAs Deep Space Network real-time dashboard to see active communications underway. Hopefully, the first images from Webb should be available by next summer.

The Planetary Society has an excellent summary of the JWST mission at:


CAMSAT XW-3, CAS9 for short, was launched on the 26th of December, and is now operational with a CW beacon sending telemetry on 435.575MHz, and with GMSK on 435.725MHz. A 30 kHz wide linear transponder listens on 23.870MHz and sends the inverted spectrum on 435.180MHz with 20 dbm output.


Funcube-1, also known as AO-73 is now in telemetry mode in sunlight and silent during eclipse. This will allow the team to gather valuable measurements, including energy consumption and battery health in current illumination conditions.




Members of the West Bengal Radio Club (VU2WB) are active with the special callsign AU 2 GSI from Sagar Island, India, between January 9-16th.

Operations will be on 40/20/15 meters. QSL via VU2JFA or eQSL.


Once again active is KL 7 FBI from Shemya Island until January 24th. Activity has been heard daily on 40 meters, FT8, usually between 0500-0700z.



(Youngsters On The Air)


What are young US ham radio operators planning to do this June? The start of the new year means it's time to start thinking about that. Sel Embee KB3TZD presents one option.

"The second Youth on the Air Camp for the Americas will be accepting applications for the June 2022 session in just a few weeks.
The pilot camp program held in 2021, was such a success that it is returning to the National Voice of America Museum of Broadcasting in West Chester Township, Ohio on June 12th through 17th. Prospective campers may start applying on February 11th. Applicants must reside in Central, South or North America. Thirty campers will be accepted for the session and spots will be reserved especially for those who are from the Americas but do not live in the United States. Priority will be given to first-time attendees.

Licensed amateurs between the ages of 15 and 25 are eligible to be campers. If COVID-19 restrictions change between now and June, organizers will alert everyone with as much notice as possible. For details, visit YouthOnTheAir dot org"

Thanks Heather, we understand starting in 2023, applications to host the camp at various locations throughout the Americas each year will be considered from IARU region 2 member societies and clubs.



2022 Social Scene

Due to the COVID-19 situation, please check these events'
direct for up-to-date status information and even without
Covid dates have an uncanny knack of being changed at last

Coronavirus (COVID-19) latest news, key facts and figures,
contacts and answers to your questions.

VK7 - REAST Open Day Sunday January 30th 11am to 3pm (vk7wi)

VK3 - SPARC Rosebud RadioFest Feb 13 9:30AM (VK3PDG)

VK4 - REDFEST Saturday the 9th April. (vk4ftn)

VK5 - Australian Fox Hunting Championship and SERG Convention
Mt Gambier Queens Birthday weekend June (vk5dj)


Reception Reports

WIA News rebroadcasters often give Short Wave Listeners a
welcome to the broadcast as they commence call-backs
straight after the Local News. Local news follows National
news in all states. It would be great if those SWL's would
email their reception reports and location to

Submitting news items

If you would like to submit news items for possible inclusion
in the VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to and don't JUST send url's links or
posters, but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio, email
and send BOTH the audio and the text

We would appreciate items certainly no longer than 1.5 mts in
length as we only have a half hour.

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the
likelihood of it being broadcast in the very next edition of
WIA National News.

Each item will only be broadcast once, if you want a couple
of mentions, please submit different slants to keep your
event 'fresh' and always if the news room is to read your
item --- write it in the 3rd person. (First if YOU are
reading your own item)

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't
plug DEALS from commercial traders "on air", but we at the
WIA will put your supporters 'goods' in this text edition
"no worries."

We cannot give blatant 'plugs' to raffles.


Oh... and to contact us with your news because
If It Matters To You It Matters To Us!

Click the links below to download the most recent edition of
National News, BUT this is ONLY the backup site!

WIANEWS backup thanks to Brendan VK4BLP can be found on

BACKUPS OF THE BACKUP!! thanks to Tony VK7AX (This is the link
to the original text version and original audio on wia site)


WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed
prior to the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers
you may lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who
knows, you might even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who
utilize their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly
Who and where are they?

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of
interest to WIA affiliated clubs and active amateurs residing
in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of
Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs.
Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who
submit material and do not necessarily reflect those of the
rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but IF broadcast, are
done so in the spirit in which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form,
a credit to WIANews wouldn't go astray...

If you would like to see the call-backs reported each
broadcast, OR have call-backs to contribute to the National
News call back tally then please send through your call-backs

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(subscribe for an automatic weekly feed.)
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How do I leave this National News List? (unsubscribe your
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© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)