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In todays news from the WIA Trent vk4ts will give us the nitty gritty on the Australia Day Contest just run:-

Jason looks at This years World Radio Day WHICH celebrates the trust, accessibility and long-term viability of the radio industry and is held Feb. 13:-

Roger Harrison VK2ZRH tells us that the latest Amateur Radio magazine began arriving in mailboxes and newsagents 3rd February.

Felix has a report on a unique call sign that when written looks like the word POLE, also on special event calls for two national broadcasters, one here, the other in the Mother Country:-

In the social scene a couple of Buy Sell and Swap dates if you are in VK5 and VK6

And from the RAOTC Clive gives details on tomorrows broadcast from the Radio Amateurs Old Timers Club.


Trial Australia Day Contest 2022

The trial Australia Day Contest was considered a success by the many participants we had 78 logs submitted and over 580 different callsigns in the logs.

In the single operator phone category VK2K (Cam VK2DG) from Gol Gol was in first place with 275 points with a clear margin to the second place of AX2VH on 237 points the first foundation was VK4BDX who concentrated on 10 metres for 83 points and an 8th place overall, congratulations Brett.

In the single operator CW category AX2GR (Allan VK2GR) edged out VK2PN (Patrick) with 40 points versus 26. We are sure in years to come that the single operator CW category will have more entrants.

In the single operator mixed category VK4N Greg (VK4BXX) was first with 82 points
and coming in second was AX3GK Lee with 77 points

In the single operator QRP phone category VK3W (Megan VK3AAK) on 30 points edged out
VK3P (Perrin VK3PT) with 24 points, it was a great effort for Megan.

In the single operator QRP phone category VK3W (Megan VK3AAK) on 30 points edged out VK3P (Perrin VK3PT) with 24 points, it was a great effort for Megan.

In the multi operator multi transmitter category a very lonely VL4R was the winner with 213 points, well done Bill and Diane

This is Editor-in-Chief of Amateur Radio magazine, Roger Harrison VK2ZRH.

The latest edition of Amateur Radio magazine began arriving in mailboxes and newsagents from 3rd February.

I have to draw your attention to a change on the cover. Look for it when it lands in your letterbox or when you go into a newsagent.

It looks rather different. However, despite the radical change in the appearance of the magazine banner, Amateur Radio remains the magazine that has served Australian radio amateurs since 1933.

As I set out on this broadcast last week, and online, the theme for this issue is CONTESTING.

You will find a 16-page section, highlighted with its own section cover and featuring a PULL-OUT CONTEST CALENDAR.

The middle pair of pages in the issue 34 and 35 are the centre sheet of the magazine, which you can easily lift out and post to the noticeboard in your shack, on the door of your fridge, or elsewhere at-hand.

Enough of that. What else is in Issue Number 1?

We have a Rig Review of the Lab599 TX-500 transceiver, a Russian manufactured HF-plus-50 MHz rig designed to appeal to the portable operator. Simon Rumble VK2 Victor Sierra Romeo VK2-V-S-R gives us the skinny on this interesting rig.

For the do-it-yourself brigade, we have an intriguing article on a digital dooverlackie described as a Swiss Army Knife for Engineers.

The author, Greg Mew VK4 Golf Romeo Mike VK4-G-R-M sets out how this dooverlackie may be used to add pre-distortion to an RF signal to improve the linearity of a power amplifier. And it can do lots more.

So whats a dooverlackie? Its an object or machine, that is not understood; OR something you cant recall the name of.

For the constructors and designer-developers, Lou Destefano VK3 Alpha Quebec Zulu VK3-A-Q-Z continues his closely-followed HF antenna tuner project.

On the subject of getting your signals out and back, the series on Unravelling the mysteries of connecting radios to antennas, by Dr Brian Clarke VK2 Golf Charlie Echo VK2-G-C-E continues with Part 4.

Jules Perrin VK3 Juliet Fox Papa VK3J-F-P continues his Newcomer's Notebook stand-alone articles for learner-licensees. This issue he covers "The power and the glory of Ohms Law, and the wonder of components in series and parallel." Plain language explanations without the complex mathematics.

Continuing with our recently introduced policy of disclosing the focus of the next issue, we reveal that the topical theme for Issue 2 is Test & Measurement.

Amateur Radio magazine, Volume 90, Issue Number 1 for 2022. Serving Australian radio amateurs since 1933.

This has been AR magazine Editor-in-Chief Roger Harrison VK2ZRH for VK1WIA News.

Our US Sister news service Amateur Radio NewsLine this week has both myself, Graham VK4BB and John VK4JJW in their news

John will talk about the Youlou Radio Movement the 27th anniversary of the Rainbow Radio league. In our news that story is also covered here ALONG WITH A REPORT I filed on a radio telescope in Western Australia that has been picking up highly polarised signals in a repeating series of pulses"

So no matter where in the world, for the best news tune BOTH ARNewsLine and WIA news hear on repeaters all across VK.


& the World Wide sources of the WIA.

This years World Radio Day celebrates the trust, accessibility and long-term viability of the radio industry

Feb. 13, 2022, marks the 11th annual celebration of World Radio Day, which is organized by the United Nations UNESCO organization. This years theme is Radio and Trust in recognition of radios standing as one of the most trusted media sources around. Even as various studies reveal a global decline in trust in the internet and social media networks, people continue to see radio as one of the most trustworthy news sources, the organization said.

Part of peoples trust in radio is due to its low cost and ubiquitous nature, UNESCO said in a statement about the upcoming World Radio Day. Radio is thereby one of the most popular means of communications, used by an overwhelming majority of people.

Norway's National Ham Radio body, the NRRL has announced it is financially supporting the DXpedition 3Y0J to Bouvet Island November 2022

"This high-profile DX commission is of great interest to radio amateurs around the world. The DXpedition takes place from the Norwegian subantarctic area with a Norwegian call sign. The Executive Board considers it important that NRRL is a contributor to the fact that radio amateur activities of significant importance and with a Norwegian connection."



The Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) team of Centralia, Washington, activated following an early morning bombing back on December 19.

Authorities say two men planted the bomb, which blew up the ATM at a local bank. The Washington State Patrol Bomb Squad and the FBI responded to assist the Centralia Police Department in the investigation. The Centralia ARES team staged its communications van next to the scene. The 13 ARES team members who responded to a call for assistance were paired with CPD detectives to assist in the evidence search at the crime scene.

ARES team members had been trained to perform evidence searches for the police department and were able to put those skills to work. Teams of three to five ARES members, led by a detective, gloved up and slowly searched an estimated 10,000 square feet around the bank, along nearby railroad tracks, and an adjoining field, retrieving as many potential pieces of evidence as they could find.

In Canada, the New Westminster Amateur Radio Club is among 250 plus not-for-profit organizations across B.C. that are receiving community gaming grants to support environmental conservation and public safety programs.

According to the New Westminster Amateur Radio Club website, the group was created to promote the hobby of amateur/ham radio and emergency communications. It has now received an 8,000 dollar community gaming grant for emergency radio communications. "The pandemic has reminded us how important it is to stay connected to our loved ones and communities," New Westminster MLA Jennifer Whiteside said in a news release. "In an emergency, the New Westminster Amateur Radio Club provides additional communications support, and I'm pleased that we are able to aid them their work."

Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC) has continued its funding of a variety of projects through individual grants. Among the latest is a $318,000 USD grant to the Society of Women Engineers which will fund 30 SWE global scholarships and "contribute to programs that will help women in engineering excel professionally and showcase their achievements."

According to SWE, these programs include the High School Leadership Academy, a virtual, year-round program aimed at building self-confidence and resilience among high school students who are interested in pursuing engineering and technology degrees; the Community College Women of Color Pathways Research, a new year-long program to encourage undergraduate women studying at Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Hispanic-Serving Institutions to pursue STEM graduate degrees, and its Collegiate Leadership Institute, a program designed to equip collegiate SWE members with the skills, knowledge, and leadership abilities that will enable them to become leaders in engineering and technology.



The volcanic explosion and subsequent tsunami knocked out the undersea internet cables, disconnecting the region but Intelsat is providing space-based broadband connectivity on Horizons 3e and Intelsat 18, while partners Telstra and Spark are providing the ground infrastructure, including VSAT hubs at their teleports, uplink, internet access and remote kits. The services provided are now fully provisioned expanding broadband and voice services.

Additionally, says ,Intelsat is providing services in conjunction with Optus to the New Zealand Defence Force, which will provide humanitarian support in Tonga.





March its the John Moyle Memorial Field Day 19th of March and
20th of March.


Harry Angel Memorial 80m Sprint

Saturday May 7th 2022
10:00 UTC - 11:46 UTC


The Don Edwards Memorial Slow Morse Contest 2 days starting
May 14 1800 concluding May 15 16:00

A slow Morse contest to encourage amateurs to give it a go.

Saturday evening 14th May between 6pm and 9pm Eastern Standard Time on 80 metres.
Sunday afternoon 15th May between 1pm and 4pm Eastern Standard Time
on 40 metres.



International CQ Pride contest June 4-6

(Luke VK3UKW)





Winter 2022 - 0200 UTC Saturday 25 June through 0159 UTC Sunday
26 June (differs in VK6).


IARU HF World Championship
NEXT contest is July 9 and 10.



WIA Trans-Tasman Low-Band Contest

16 JUL 2022

The Trans-Tasman contest, held on the 3rd weekend in July
aims to encourage Low Band activity between VK and ZL


WIA RD or Remembrance Day Contest

Weekend closest to the 15th August each year.

2022 its Sat Sun August 13 and 14



PHONE - First full weekend in October
0600 UTC Saturday to 0600 UTC Sunday

CW - Second full weekend in October
0600 UTC Saturday to 0600 UTC Sunday

Log deadline for ALL logs - 31 October.





VK 90 ABC an Aussie station celebrating 90 years of the National Broadcaster on air all year


Slavo, SP2JMB, and his XYL Dorota, SP2TO is on air as 3B8GY from Mauritius until February 25th. Be listening on various HF bands and in various modes.

QSL to SP2JMB direct.




Thaire is QRV as VP2MDX until February 18 on 80 to 10 meters using CW and SSB.
QSL to home call W 2 APF



EH5, SPAIN (Special Event).

Jose will be active with the special callsign EH 5 AAW from
Denia during the 19th Antarctic Activity Week between February

QSL via EA 5 N, by the Bureau, direct, ClubLog or LoTW.




Members of the Kuwait Amateur Radio Society are QRV as special event station 9 K 9 NLD until February 28 in celebration of Kuwait National Day.

QSL via bureau.




PA 75 DXCC on air until August 2 celebrating the 75th anniversary of the first post-World War II list of DXCC members published in the July 1947 issue of QST.

QSL via operator's instructions.




Oliver will be active as D 4 CW and D 44 DX from
Santa Maria village, Sal Island, Cape Verde, between
February 19th and March 2nd on 80-10 meters using CW and SSB.

QSL via his home callsign, DJ5QW or by the DARC Bureau.



Turks and Caicos

Operators John/AF3K and Ross/W2TT, who cancelled their operation last year due to Covid, will be active as VP5/AF3K and VP5/W2TT, respectively, from Providenciales Island (NA-002) between March 23-31st.

Activity will include an entry in CQWW WPX SSB Contest
(March 26-27th) signing as VP5P.

QSL via N2OO or ClubLog's OQRS.

All logs will be uploaded to LoTW, eQSL and ClubLog





German North Pole DXpedition

Operators Martina DF3TS and Thomas DC8TM will activate Svalbard
as JW/homecalls to start their DXpedition between April 9-12th. Activity will be on SSB and FT8.

They will then be active from a Russian "Severnyi Polyus" the Scientific Polar Drifting Base approx. 80kms from the North Pole on the Arctic Ocean where they will activate the WWFF area RFF-0176.

Operators will use their special callsigns DP 0 LE (when written out this call looks like the word POLE) and as RA/DC8TM/P and RA/DF3TS/P to represent the Russian flag of the camp between April 14-17th.

Activity will be on 40/30/20/17 meters using SSB and FT8. Activity from the North Pole (90 Degrees North) - under DP0LE and DC8TM/P together with Martina DF3TS/P will take place sometime during this time (The exact schedule will depend very much on weather conditions) on 20 meters [14244 kHz (+/-)]. !!

NOW NOTE activity is limited to approx. 30 minutes!!




7B2C, 7B2E, 7B2T, 7B2H and 7B2O are QRV until the end of October to celebrate the Javanese-Hindu Ceto Temple that was built in 1475.
Activity is on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters using SSB and FT8. QSL via operators' instructions.



BBC centenary special event GB 100 BBC

Members of the BBCs radio club, The London BBC Radio Group, have been granted an exceptional all-year Special Event callsign to help celebrate the BBCs centenary year in 2022.

GB100BBC will operate throughout the year from the headquarters station in Broadcasting House, London.



Hadrian's Wall Special Event Station

There will be two special event stations GB1900HA and GB1900HW running throughout the year till December 23 commemorating 1900 years since the building of Hadrians Wall.

QSL Via Logbook of the World and Club Log OQRS.

See for more info on GB1900HA and GB1900HW

Further info at:


In 2022, the UBA, or in full, the Royal Belgian Amateur Radio Union,
will blow out 75 candles.

On the occasion of this anniversary, the HF committee will organize a special activity under the title 'UBA 75 On The Air Event' during January and February

All participating UBA sections will be in the air during the months of January and February with special prefix ON75 followed by the three-letter abbreviation of the department as a club station.


Members of the Irish Radio Transmitters Society will be using the special callsign EI 90I RTS to mark the 90th anniversary of the founding of Ireland's national society. Listen for the EI90IRTS callsign throughout 2022.

QSL via EI6AL.





We've all heard strange transmissions on the air but perhaps none as strange as these:

WIA News Editor Graham VK4BB filed this story for Amateur Radio NewsLine this week

"A radio telescope in Western Australia has been picking up highly polarised signals in a repeating series of pulses, suggesting that the bright object which appears to be its source possesses a strong magnetic field. The scientists at the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research are detecting the radio waves at a rate of three times an hour. An astrophysicist at Curtin University believes this might be a magnetar, something that only existed in theory until recently. Researchers have known about the bright object since it was first seen in March of 2018.

The more than 4,000 low-frequency antennas of the Murchison Wide field Array are picking up transmissions which originate some 4,000 light-years away from Earth. Curtin University astrophysicist Natasha Hurley-Walker has stated that no, this isn't coming from aliens."

To solve the mystery, researchers at the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre in Perth will be exploring data from similar pulsing objects to compare to this one.


FreeDV is a HF digital voice mode that has been designed to provide the best audio quality over the various conditions encountered on HF. More info is on the FreeDV web page, ( )

It is based on the open source modems and codecs developed by David Rowe VK5DGR, and is under continuous development with modes and enhancements being added on a regular basis by amateurs worldwide and is available for Linux, MacOS and Windows operating systems.

Why is this important?

To popularise this leading edge technology Mooneer K6AQ has organised a Worldwide FreeDV Activity Day on Sunday, February 20 with times and suggested frequencies.

This event will bring together people interested in HF digital voice on the air for conversation and fun.

How can I participate?

Download the FreeDV app from the links provided in the FreeDV web page connect your computer to your radio as you do for other digital modes and configure FreeDV to use the correct sound cards and PTT setup and you are good to go!

Login to the K7VE FreeDV QSO finder to find other Hams using FreeDV and frequencies in use. To login your callsign must be in the HamQTH ( ) database.

The latest release software will automatically detect the correct mode to receive but to transmit on the same mode you will need to ensure the appropriate radio button is selected.

If you have previously used FreeDV you will need to upgrade to version 1.6.1 or later to take advantage of new modes and features including the ability to have your station reported by PSKreporter. Go the PSKReporter page and use FREEDV as mode type.

Then latest download also includes audio files of the various modes and a very comprehensive manual to help you get your station setup.

AMSAT-VK Secretary -

NASA will announce later this year the four astronauts who will slingshot around the far side of the moon on the Artemis lunar programs first crew mission, currently scheduled for launch in 2024.

The crew is expected to include three U.S. fliers and one Canadian astronaut.

The Artemis 2 mission will follow two years after NASAs Artemis 1 test flight, an unpiloted pathfinder mission scheduled to launch no earlier than March from Kennedy Space Centre in Florida. Artemis 1 will be the first flight of NASAs Space Launch System, a heavy-lift rocket designed for lunar missions thats been in development for more than a decade. It will also be first trip by NASAs Orion crew capsule to the moon, following a demonstration flight that orbited Earth in 2014.

The goal of NASAs Artemis program is to land astronauts on the moons surface for the first time since the final Apollo lunar mission in December 1972.

(amsat na)


Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC) has approved a grant for $889,405 to the Internet Archive

With this grant, the Internet Archive will build the Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications (DLARC): an online, open-access resource that preserves the vital resources past, present, and future that document the history of amateur radio and communications.

The DLARC will provide a key open-access educational resource, free to use for researchers, students, and the general public. It will also serve as a permanent archive for the preservation of the history of ARDC, its members, and key individuals and organizations involved in the broader amateur radio movement.



Hallo everyone, this is Clive VK6CSW. On behalf of the Radio Amateurs Old Timers Club of Australia I wish everyone a happy and healthy 2022 and remind you that tomorrow is the first Monday of month, time for the RAOTCs first monthly bulletin for this year to go to air.

Information that there was to be a temporary cessation of Club bulletins is wrong. This arose due to producer Bruce VK3UV being unwell, but rest assured that the bulletins will continue as per usual.

Apart from some brief Club news and information about Bruces health, this month we tell the story of Captain H J Round, a principal assistant to Marconi who played a vital part in developing the valves and the direction finding equipment that in 1916 led to the Battle of Jutland and the defeat of the German Navy.

Everyone, RAOTC members and non-Members alike, is most welcome to listen to the program and join in the call backs afterwards.

Full details of all transmissions times and modes can be found on the RAOTC website at


or just Google RAOTC broadcasts.

If none of the transmission times suit you, you can download the audio file at any time from today from the website.

Members and Friends of the RAOTC in Perth are reminded that the next lunchtime meeting at the Bayswater Hotel is this Tuesday, February 8th. All are welcome, but do remember that WA Public Health rules apply.

Once again, tune in tomorrow for the February RAOTC bulletin, enjoy the program and please join in the call backs afterwards.

73 from Clive VK6CSW.

(Youngsters On The Air)

Japan's JARL reports on the establishment of a new Amateur Radio Advisory Board for Wireless Human Resource Development

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has decided to hold the "Amateur Radio Advisory Board for Wireless Human Resource Development" with the aim of obtaining advice and recommendations from experts on the realization of a system and environment related to amateur radio for wireless human resource development.

The President of Japan Amateur Radio League, Yoshinori Takao JG1KTC, is a member of the new Board.

The Ministry says:

"the aim is to obtain advice and recommendations from experts on the development of an environment suitable for amateur radio in Japan that makes it easier for beginners such as youth who will lead the future to start amateur radio in order to realize a system and environment that makes it easier to utilize amateur radio."

The first meeting was held on Wednesday, January 26.

Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications press release


Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz

Region 1 3760 7110 14300 18160 21360 kHz

Region 2 3750 3985 7060 7240 7275 14300 18160 21360kHz

Youlou Radio Movement turns 27

January 22, 2022 marked the 27th anniversary of the Rainbow Radio league, now the Youlou Radio Movement (YRM), a community service, volunteer organisation with a special emphasis on emergency communications and mass casualty management

The organisation was launched from the summit of Mt. St. Andrews on January 22, 1995 when five radio operators announced the start-up of the RRL to the world. On that Sunday morning right after the announcement was made there was a shower of rain after which a perfectly beautiful rainbow adorned the western skies, as if to smile on the ushering in of this countrys most active amateur radio organisation.

With the easing of global and local Covid restrictions and without letting down its guard, the YRM, as part of its plan to keep its members sharp and focused, will be conducting several POTA (Parks on the air) and SOTA (Summits on the air) activities this year, the first one from Fort Charlotte to coincide with its 27th anniversary. The next activity will be a SOTA event from Fort Duvernette. The YRM intends to stage these activities every two to three months during this year.



2022 Social Scene

Due to the COVID-19 situation, please check these events'
direct for up-to-date status information and even without
Covid dates have an uncanny knack of being changed at last

Coronavirus (COVID-19) latest news, key facts and figures,
contacts and answers to your questions.

VK6 - Peel Amateur Radio Group Swap Meet 26th Feb Mandurah Bowling Club 9am

The Peel Amateur Radio Group in Mandurah Western Australia is very pleased to announce that this years Swap-Meet will be held on Saturday the 26th of February.

The event will be held again at the Mandurah Bowling Club at 89 Allnutt Street in Mandurah. Doors open at 8am for exhibitors and sellers of course, and 9am until 12.30pm for buyers. The entry fee is only $5 per person, and weve got some great raffle prizes this year once again.

So with huge thanks to Future Systems and TET Emtron, both West Australian companies, and also Think Technology in Yass New South Wales, were offering raffle prizes of:

an ICOM IC2300
an SDR receiver
a heavy-duty 30 Amp power supply
a TET Emtron multi-band antenna
a Vector Network Analyser

and other prizes.

So put it in your diary, and plan to head on down to the Mandurah Bowling Club. Its only a 51 minute train ride from Perth and a three minute walk from the station to the Mandurah Bowling Club.

And like everything, theres always a risk of COVID affecting the event, so check the Peel Amateur Radio Group website before the event.

So once again, Saturday the 26th of February at the Mandurah Bowling Club, 89 Allnutt Street in Mandurah Western Australia. We look forward to meeting you on the day.

This is Mark Bosma VK6QI on behalf of the Peel Amateur Radio Group.

VK4 - REDFEST Sat. April 9 St Michaels College Caboolture (vk4bz)

VK5 - South Coast Amateur radio club Buy & Sell Sunday 24 April (vk5dad)

Hi all from the South Coast Amateur radio club this is Nathan VK5DAD.

We have our annual Buy & Sell on Sunday the 24th of April 2022 at our club rooms so please keep that date free.

Our club 70cm C4FM repeater on 439.825 with a -5 offset is now linked to WIRES X through A 4g Modem with the help and support of Phil Kern and team at KERN WIFI thank you guys.

Our 2m repeater on 146.675fm with a -6 offset is on the air.

Our 10m repeater is up on 29.620 FM with a -0.1 offset and a 2m simplex gateway on 147.675fm with a sub tone of 141.3.

Our clubs APRS digi peater is on air working well.

Our 23cms repeater is off air atm under repair.
Dont forget we have a fully operational club station as well VK5ARC.
We meet every Thursday night from 7pm at Seaford Meadows scout hall, except when there is a 5 week month our club we go out for a social dinner with our families.

So please pop on down and say gday.

73 from all at the South coast ARC.

VK5 - Australian Fox Hunting Championship and SERG Convention
Mt Gambier Queens Birthday weekend June (vk5dj)

Reception Reports

WIA News rebroadcasters often give Short Wave Listeners a
welcome to the broadcast as they commence call-backs
straight after the Local News. Local news follows National
news in all states. It would be great if those SWL's would
email their reception reports and location to



Submitting news items

If you would like to submit news items for possible inclusion
in the VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to and don't JUST send url's links or
posters, but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio, email
and send BOTH the audio and the text

We would appreciate items certainly no longer than 1.5 mts in
length as we only have a half hour.

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the
likelihood of it being broadcast in the very next edition of
WIA National News.

Each recorded item will only be broadcast once, if you want a couple
of mentions, please submit different slants to keep your
event 'fresh' and always if the news room is to read your
item --- write it in the 3rd person. (First if YOU are
reading your own item)

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't
plug DEALS from commercial traders "on air", but we at the
WIA will put your supporters 'goods' in this text edition
"no worries."

We will not give blatant 'plugs' to raffles.


Oh... and to contact us with your news because
If It Matters To You It Matters To Us!

Click the links below to download the most recent edition of
National News, BUT this is ONLY the backup site!

WIANEWS backup thanks to Brendan VK4BLP can be found on

BACKUPS OF THE BACKUP!! thanks to Tony VK7AX (This is the link
to the original text version and original audio on wia site)


WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed
prior to the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers
you may lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who
knows, you might even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who
utilize their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly
Who and where are they?

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of
interest to WIA affiliated clubs and active amateurs residing
in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of
Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs.
Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who
submit material and do not necessarily reflect those of the
rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but IF broadcast, are
done so in the spirit in which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form,
a credit to WIANews wouldn't go astray...

If you would like to see the call-backs reported each
broadcast, OR have call-backs to contribute to the National
News call back tally then please send through your call-backs

How do I join this National News List?
(subscribe for an automatic weekly feed.)
Email to
from the email account that you wish the emails to go to.

How do I leave this National News List? (unsubscribe your
weekly feed)
Open mail program which sends mail from the address you want
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instructions given in that mail to complete the

Once your unsubscription has been processed, you will
probably receive a message confirming your unsubscription
from the list and at that point you should stop receiving


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)