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WIA 2022 Conference News

WIA Virtual Conference - Antarctic Gateway Presentations

The afternoon of presentations with an Antarctic Gateway theme are now
available on the Ham Radio DX YouTube Channel.

The first presentation was by Professor Elle Leane was titled - Mixed
Signals: The Impact of Wireless on the Australasian Antarctic Expedition

second presenter was our very own Rex Moncur VK7MO was Director
Australian Antarctic Division (AAD) between 1988-1999 and his
presentation covered many aspects of Antarctica including the
geopolitics, history, amateur radio connections, the move to the
ANARESAT satellite system, the rebuilding program and finishing with
some examples of Murphys law!

Our third presenter was Dr Andrew Klekociuk from the Atmospheric Studies
in the Australian Antarctic Program at the Australian Antarctic Division.

The fourth and fifth presenters were Peter Yates VK7PY and Kim Briggs
VK7KB and was titled Antarctic Communications Challenges and Review. The
presentation covered a review of communications from the 1960s through
to the present day and the challenges of providing communications in

Thanks to all involved in making this happen and supporting our national
representative body, the WIA.

73 WIA Virtual Conference Organising Committee

Hello from WIA Vice President, Lee Moyle VK3GK.

Last weekend New WIA Director Chris Dimitrejivic VK3FY and myself,
attended Dayton Hamvention in Ohio USA.

Dayton Hamvention is renowned to be one of the big three hamfests
in the world. The other two are Friedrichshafen in Germany being
held in late June and Tokyo Hamfair which is to be held in August
this year.

For those local VK HamFest attendees, here is a size comparison.

Wyong Field Day, or MayHam which is VKs biggest HamFest I understand
gets about 500-600 attendees. Local VK3 hamfests attract about
250-350 attendees with often having 40-70 vendor tables booked is
not uncommon.

Dayton Hamvention usually attracts about 35,000 attendees from all
over the world, although most are from the USA. This is over 100 times
bigger than our local hamfests. Its hard to comprehend unless you
have experienced the event first hand.

Rough statistics this year suggest about 29,000 to 30,000 attendees.
Down a little this year but Covid is still quite prevalent in most
parts of the USA. Also many countries boarders are still restricted
or closed to tourist travel. There are 6 main buildings that cater
for over 460 vendor booths. The outside flea market or car boot
sales area, which is the whole inside arena at the Green County
Fairgrounds has just over 2700 spaces available. This year most
spots were taken up by sellers.

The weather in Dayton is quite predictably unpredictable but you can
guarantee hot and humid days of around 28 to 30C with a humidity in
the 70-80% range. Along with the usual thunderstorm and Tornado
warnings, which we had in both cases.

The HamFest Program is comprehensive and starts early on Thursday
morning with Contest University or CTU. Registrations from 7am,
with CTU starting at 9am till 5pm finish. This year it was live
streamed on YouTube and will be available for viewing after the
event. Evenings are taken up by specialist dinners. The DX Dinner and
Contest dinners are the favourites of many and this is where DXers and
Contesters are recognized for their contributions to Amateur Radio
and inducted into the respective halls of fame. Afterwards the
Hospitality Suites take over, which are social get togethers with
tall stories and tales of that ATNO that got away. Hamvention runs
9am till 5pm Friday, Saturday and the first half of Sunday 9am until
1pm close.

First prize giveaway this year was an ICOM IC7851, with many
consolation prizes.

Director Chris and myself Lee took the opportunity to meet with
other International peak body representatives such as ARRL, RSGB,

We discussed the potential changes to our VK licencing structure,
high power proposals, examination processes amongst many other
things. It was great to meet ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR and
ARRL FCC Council David Siddall, K3ZJ. Early discussions were had
about reciprocal licencing processes along with CEPT and HAREC

The WIA will be following up with ongoing zoom meetings to solidify
the relationships. Although this trip was partly official WIA
business, it was totally self-funded by both Chris and Lee and as
such, no WIA members funds were used.

Thats it for this week.

73 from Lee VK3GK



Florida broadcasts Ukraine war news on shortwave

CBS News reports a farm in central Florida has become one of the
largest shortwave radio operations in the world

Using Cold War era radio technology, Jeff White and his WRMI team
are broadcasting unbiased information on the status of the Russian
war on Ukraine to listeners in Belarus, Ukraine and Russia.

Watch the CBS news report at



& the World Wide sources of the WIA.


I'm sure avid fans of this the WIA national news service will
recall our report mid last year about the UK fire at Bilsdale.

BBC News have now reported that fire which destroyed a TV and radio
transmitter was caused by water getting into electrics at the site.

The Bilsdale transmitter caught fire on 10 August, leaving more than
600,000 homes across Teesside, County Durham and North Yorkshire
without signals.

Arqiva, which operated the mast on the North York Moors, said the
water damage was connected to third-party equipment and again has
apologised to customers who lost services because of the fire.

You can read more at:

New hams in the UK have a whole array of new reasons to get involved,
get on the air and get even more enjoyment out of amateur radio.

A series of award certificates will be issued to help them mark
each achievement they make in their new journey. Jeremy Boot G4NJH
reporting on Amateur Radio NewsLine has said foundation licence
holders are being encouraged to move forward in their on-air
activities and progress toward Intermediate and Full licence level.

The Radio Society of Great Britain is calling the incentive program
"Brickworks," because its goal is to build on the Foundation.

Its national release two years ago was slowed by the pandemic and
subsequent lockdown so the Society is breathing new life into it by
actively encouraging clubs and individuals to sign up.

With the assistance of local clubs, newcomers can mark their achievements
by attending club meetings, writing software, undertaking construction
projects, logging QSOs and getting involved in contests.

EVEN making a cup of tea for the next club meeting counts toward
points. Certificates are available at the silver, gold, platinum and
diamond level.


The 13th annual AMSAT/TAPR Banquet, always a highlight of the AMSAT
and Tucson Amateur Packet Radio activities during the Dayton
Hamvention was dedicated to honouring the life and accomplishments of
long-time amateur satellite and amateur packet pioneer Bob Bruninga,
WB4APR, who passed away in February.

Reminiscences of Bob and his career as a professor of engineering at
the U.S. Naval Academy were offered by Bob McGwier, N4HY, and by
Frank Bauer, KA3HDO. Following these presentations, a number of
attendees offered anecdotes about Bob's work -- often behind the
scenes -- to facilitate amateur satellites and to develop enhanced
modes of digital communication.

Cuban radio amateurs have always distinguished themselves by their
expressions of solidarity and their manifestations of help in the
face of any disaster situation, going promptly wherever the presence
of a helping hand or the deployment of their means of communication
has been needed, all of which has contributed to the safeguarding of
thousands of human lives and large material resources.

This happened with the presence of a group of 30 colleagues who from
the provinces of Havana, Artemisa, Villa Clara and Pinar del Ro,
participated in the general actions of Logistics and rescue and
rescue in the capital Hotel Saratoga, after the unfortunate accident
destroyed much of the structure of this legendary tourist facility,
and will also affect other nearby buildings.

They exhibited the vast experience accumulated throughout country,
where they have given their support in the mobilizations of the
Defence, the Civil Defence, in the presence of cyclones, various
meteorological events, natural disasters and in as many opportunities
as they have been summoned by the authorities of the country,
integrating into the formations of the Emergency Network in all the
municipalities of the nation of Cuba.




This weekend see's the running of the WPX CW Contest

The WPX Contest is based on an award offered by CQ Magazine for
working all prefixes, drawing thousands of entries from around the
world. This major CW contest takes place THIS weekend, 28 and 29 of
May, from 00:00 UTC on Saturday until 23:59 UTC on Sunday.

Info and Rules at


International CQ Pride contest June 4-6


New World Wide Digital Contest also June 4-6






Winter 2022 - 0200 UTC Saturday 25 June through 0159 UTC Sunday
26 June (differs in VK6).


IARU HF World Championship
NEXT contest is July 9 and 10.



WIA Trans-Tasman Low-Band Contest

16 JUL 2022

The Trans-Tasman contest, held on the 3rd weekend in July
aims to encourage Low Band activity between VK and ZL


RSGB IOTA Contest is July 30 - 31st



WIA RD or Remembrance Day Contest

Weekend closest to the 15th August each year.

2022 its Sat Sun August 13 and 14


On the weekend of 14th and 15th May, the St. George Amateur Radio
Society held the Don Edwards Memorial Slow Morse contest.

Several dozen amateurs took part, many of whom were using Morse for
the first time in years or even decades and at times it was more of
a chat than a contest.

Those who took part are encouraged to submit their logs, even if they
only made only a couple of contacts. Logs can be emailed to by midnight Tuesday, 31st May.

Rules are available on the website <> participants are
encouraged to carefully read the rules as bonus points are available.

Congratulations to all those who took the effort to take part.

(Peter O'Connell VK2EMU for the St. George Amateur Radio Society)


CQ DX Hall of Fame

There will be no inductees to the CQ DX Hall of Fame for 2022, as
the judging committee determined that none of the nominees
met the high standard required for selection.



Listen for Rafael, EA5XV, who hopes to be on the air from Panama as
EA5XV/HP1 THIS WEEKEND, June 28th until September 12th.
Listen for him on SSB.
Send QSLs to his home call EA 5 XV

(sourced to ARNewsLine)


RSGB Commonwealth Games activities

The Commonwealth Games will be held in Birmingham later this summer.
It will see around 4,500 athletes from 72 nations and territories,
compete in 19 sports across 14 competition venues.

The RSGB has just published news of the various activities it is
planning to link with the Games.

Find out more on the Societys website



Fabian, DF 3XY, is active as 3B8/DF 3XY from Mauritius, AF-049, until
June 2nd on 40, 30 and 20 meters where Fabian will be using mostly

QSL via DF 3XY, direct, by the Bureau or eQSL.

Best of all Fabian also welcomes cards from shortwave listeners.

(sourced to ARNewsLine)


4U, ITU Geneva

The sporadic operating from 4 U 1 ITU will continue until June 3.

The station was closed for about 2 years, which took its toll on the
antennas. Currently, only a WARC-band dipole and a SteppIR for
40, 20, 15, and 10m are available.

This may be the last operating window before the building's
refurbishment, which is due to begin at the end of 2022 and last for
several years.

Another 4U station, this from Italy is operating until Tuesday.

Members of the United Nations Global Service Centre ARC in Brindisi
are QRV as 4 U 29 MAY until May 31.

QSL via 9A2AA.

(SouthGate and ARRL)


Koh, JA1ADT, will be on the air as JD 1 AJD from Ogasawara, AS-031,
between June 24th and July 2nd. on 20-6 meters where he will be
using CW and FT8.

QSLs to home call, again that is JA 1 ADT.

(sourced to ARNewsLine)



V 73 MS is on Kwajalein Atoll on 20, 17, and 15 meters between
0600 to 0900z. QSL via LoTW.

(sourced to ARRL)




In South Africa the Sandton ARC is hosting an open social picnic
braai (B-B-Q) and a family-friendly Fox hunting event at the
Field and Study Centre in Sandton. The park is BOTH family and
pet friendly.

All you must bring along is your family, friends, food, drinks and
utensils and oh yes, a hand held with antenna if you will
participate in the rescue of Fred and Fiona, the clubs two radio
foxes who we understand from their last garbled mobile phone contact
have gotten themselves horribly lost in the park and need rescuing.

Lucky for them they are equipped with VHF emergency rescue beacons
that will be active on the day.

All YOUNG rescuers will receive a goodie bag from Fred and Fiona
as a thank you.

This looks like being a social and picnic or braai (braai coals will
be available), and a super outing with fellow amateurs, and perhaps
also Fred and Fiona - if they are rescued in time for lunch.


AMSAT-VK Secretary -

An additional amateur radio system has been delivered to the
International Space Station and it is expected that astronauts
will install it in the next few weeks.

The installation will mean that the Amateur Radio on the ISS will
no longer have to switch periodically between FM voice cross band
repeater mode and APRS packet mode. Rather, both operating modes will
be able to be activated simultaneously.

NASAs InSight Mars lander mission will likely conclude by the end
of the year as power levels for the spacecraft continue to decline,
project officials have confirmed.

They said SCIENCE operations will likely end in July as the output
of the spacecrafts two solar panels, coated with Martian dust,
drops below critical levels.

Rumours are flying that after satellite operator Globalstar announced
an agreement with a large, global customer to build out a new
communications network, just months after announcing that an
unidentified potential customer wink wink had put up more than
$300 million to finance the purchase of 13 new satellites.

The scuttlebutt from Region 2 is that Apple is behind these deals,
with the goal of using Globalstar to provide satellite connectivity
to a future iPhone.

2 military satellites recently exchanged more than 200 gigabits of
data over a distance of about 100 kilometres using laser communication
in space. Satellites generally do not communicate directly with each
other. Instead, they use radio signals to transfer data down to a
ground station on Earth, which then relays this data to another
satellite. Optical terminals between satellites are considered to be
faster and more secure. The two satellites, named Able and Baker,
were launched last summer by the U.S. Defence Advanced Research
Projects Agency.


Recordings of military transmissions can be found on the
Signal Identification Guide Wiki at

HF radio in the spotlight.

The US military is exploring ways to expand its use of the HF bands
in one region of the world. Amateur Radio NewsLine Kevin Trotman
N5PRE has that report.

"HF radio is making a comeback for the United States military,
which has been struggling with reliable means of over-the-horizon
communication in the Indo-Pacific. That massive region's communications
needs are served largely by undersea fibre cables and satellites, both
of which are deemed vulnerable to both deliberate and accidental damage.
The U.S. Defence Information Systems Agency is eyeing HF as a reliable
backup should an interruption occur in either of the other two delivery

Officials acknowledge that HF's slower data transmission rate and the
military's use of a smaller bandwidth would not make HF ideal for
fulltime connectivity but it is nonetheless a viable alternative when no
other option exists.

According to an article in Signal, a publication of the non-profit AFCEA,
testing is already underway in the part of the Pacific that includes
Malaysia, Australia, Fiji and Singapore. The Indo-Pacific Command's
relief network has been testing HF out as part of its humanitarian
assistance and disaster relief work, using a transmitter in Oahu.

Meanwhile, a combat communications squadron of the United States Air
Force, based in Guam, is working with the single sideband shortwave
transmitters of the Air Force High Frequency Global Communications
System for voice communications.

Elsewhere, modes used in the annual Pacific Endeavour interoperability
exercise are being widened to include newer HF technologies for basic
data communications. One official told the Signal website that these
actions are being taken to expand the mode's reliability.

Beyond compensating for satellite and fibre optic vulnerability,
officials say they also look forward to the next generation of HF
technology which will allow higher speeds and wideband transmission,
making full-motion video possible for surveillance, airborne
intelligence and related activities from the air.

For Amateur Radio NewsLine I'm Kevin Trotman N5PRE.


Faster internet speeds on offer to millions of UK households

Gigabit broadband is available to 66%, that's 19.3 million of all
UK homes up from 37% a year ago according to Occams Connected
Nations Spring update.

The snapshot of broadband and mobile availability across the UK and
its nations, as of January this year, also shows that 33%
of homes can now get full-fibre broadband.


(Youngsters On The Air)
YOTA Contest 2022 Youth On The Air (

Now Alec,VK2APC.

MAY 29

18-year-old exploring the depths of space with radio

Interesting Engineering have published an article about 18-year-old
radio amateur Dhruv Rebba KC9ZJX who hopes to develop a program that
will enable youth to build and program microsatellites

When Rebba was nine, he received his ham radio technician license
becoming the youngest person of Indian origin, until then, to receive
the same. That earned him a spot in the Limca Book of Records. The
same year, he attained the General Class License.

A senior specializing in Computer Science at Normal Community High
School in Bloomington, Rebba firmly believes that getting into
amateur radio was a stepping stone to various other fields.

The space industry, for example.
In 2017, Rebba was part of the Amateur Radio on the International
Space Station (ARISS) project. It involves we amateur radio operators
across the world speaking directly to astronauts/cosmonauts through
their handheld, mobile, or home radio stations.

Two years later, in 2019, he was named Young Ham of the Year.

"Currently, I'm the lead of a state-wide program called 4-H in
Space Mission Command. I have been working with Illinois 4-H,
and the University of Illinois Dept. of Aerospace to develop a
program that will enable youth to build and program microsatellites
that will be launched into orbit," he says.

Read the full article at

(sourced via SouthGate)


Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz

Region 1 3760 7110 14300 18160 21360 kHz

Region 2 3750 3985 7060 7240 7275 14300 18160 21360kHz

Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain

And some wind it's been this month, (May).

ARES Activated in Oklahoma for Tornado Clean-Up Communications.

To help with emergency communications support following an outbreak
of tornadoes that have hit, the Oklahoma Department of Emergency of
Management and Homeland Security requested support from the Oklahoma
Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES).

At least a DOZEN tornadoes have touched down in the central and
eastern parts of Oklahoma. A tornado that struck Seminole, Oklahoma,
left plenty of damage, according to the National Weather Service.
That tornado was a mile wide, and its path totalled 31 miles.

As an old John Anderson tune once rang out "So blow, blow Seminole
wind, Blow like you're never gonna blow again."

The request for amateur radio emergency communications support
saw amateur radio operators active providing voice communications
between chainsaw and debris removal teams from their base at Seminole
State College's volunteer centre.


2022 Social Scene

Due to the COVID-19 situation, please check these events'
direct for up-to-date status information and even without
Covid dates have an uncanny knack of being changed at last

Coronavirus (COVID-19) latest news, key facts and figures,
contacts and answers to your questions.

VK2 - Oxley Region Amateur Radio Club Field Day June 11/12 (VK2ZHE)

VK5 - Australian Fox Hunting Championship and SERG Convention
Mt Gambier Queens Birthday weekend June (vk5dj)

VK6 - PerthTech October 21-23 (vk6pop)

VK7 - Miena HamFest Saturday 19th November. (vk7wi news)


VK - ALARAMeet2023 Sat 4 / Sun 5 November HOBART (

Reception Reports

WIA News rebroadcasters often give Short Wave Listeners a
welcome to the broadcast as they commence call-backs
straight after the Local News. Local news follows National
news in all states. It would be great if those SWL's would
email their reception reports and location to

Submitting news items

If you would like to submit news items for possible inclusion
in the VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to and don't JUST send url's links or
posters, but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

To submit audio, email
and send BOTH the audio and the text

We would appreciate items certainly no longer than 1.5 mts in
length as we only have a half hour.

Remember the sooner you submit material the more the
likelihood of it being broadcast in the very next edition of
WIA National News.

Each recorded item will only be broadcast once, if you want a couple
of mentions, please submit different slants to keep your
event 'fresh' and always if the news room is to read your
item --- write it in the 3rd person. (First if YOU are
reading your own item)

A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't
plug DEALS from commercial traders "on air", but we at the
WIA will put your supporters 'goods' in this text edition
"no worries."

We will not give blatant 'plugs' to raffles, be it raffles
at the event or "on-line".


Oh... and to contact us with your news because
If It Matters To You It Matters To Us!

Click the links below to download the most recent edition of
National News, BUT this is ONLY the backup site!

WIANEWS backup thanks to Brendan VK4BLP can be found on

BACKUPS OF THE BACKUP!! thanks to Tony VK7AX (This is the link
to the original text version and original audio on wia site)


WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.


Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed
prior to the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers
you may lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who
knows, you might even get a "cheerio call".

Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who
utilize their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly
Who and where are they?

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of
interest to WIA affiliated clubs and active amateurs residing
in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of
Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs.
Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who
submit material and do not necessarily reflect those of the
rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but IF broadcast, are
done so in the spirit in which they were submitted."

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form,
a credit to WIANews wouldn't go astray...

If you would like to see the call-backs reported each
broadcast, OR have call-backs to contribute to the National
News call back tally then please send through your call-backs

How do I join this National News List?
(subscribe for an automatic weekly feed.)
Email to
from the email account that you wish the emails to go to.

How do I leave this National News List? (unsubscribe your
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Open mail program which sends mail from the address you want
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Once your unsubscription has been processed, you will
probably receive a message confirming your unsubscription
from the list and at that point you should stop receiving


© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)