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WIA Awards General Information

WIA Special Event & Commemorative Awards

WIA Merit Awards

WIA Publications Committtee Awards

Presidents Commendation Award

About The Presidents Commendation Award

These certificates are awarded in recognition of an exceptional or memorable achievement in the calendar year by an individual radio amateur, club or group.


 Gladesville Amateur Radio Club

 Joseph Nevin VK6ZTN
 Len Vermeulen VK3COD (SK)

 Ron Fisher VK3OM
 John Ingham VK5KG

 Haydon McManus VK3FRST the Scouts Australia Co-ordinator of VI3JAM at the 21st Australian Jamboree, so successfully promoting amateur radio.

 Michael Wright VK5ARD for his encouragement of amateur radio in Roxby Downs, in particular by introducing amateur radio to young people, establishing training sessions and then arranging assessments

 Peter Weeks VK3YZP for his work in WICEN over many years
 Mark Dods VK3XMU for WICEN and their work in the Victorian fires
 Mavis Stafford VK3KS 70 years licensed
 Ted Thrift VK2ARS for his work as WIA Club Co-ordinator

 Fishers Ghost Amateur Radio Club in recognition of its contribution to amateur radio by its participation in the 22nd Australian Scout Jamboree in Sydney 2010
 Karl Hennig VK6XW for his contribution as WIA Intruder Watch Co-ordinator and as an International System Observer for many years
 John Kirk VK4TJ for his contribution as an International Monitoring System Observer for many years
 HAM College in Perth for its service in providing teaching and assessment facilities for amateur radio in Western Australia
 Dennis Muldownie VK6KAD for providing rebroadcasts of the WIA News and compiling and presenting news from Western Australia

 Paul Hoffmann VK5PH for his contribution to amateur radio generally and in particular for his work in relation to the establishment of the WIA National Field Day in 2010
 Mike Patterson VK4MIK for his contribution to amateur radio by his work in relation to the promotion of amateur radio in Far North Queensland over many years
 John Bishop VK2BK for his contribution to amateur radio generally and in particular for his work in relation to the representation of the WIA on Standards Committees.
 Terry Hine VK8TA for his contribution to amateur radio generally and in particular by his contribution to the Darwin Amateur Radio Club and the WIA.
 Frank Turnham VK8FT for his contribution to amateur radio generally and in particular by his contribution to the Darwin Amateur Radio Club and the WIA.
 Adam Jaroszuk VK4IM, Bryn Taylor VK4BRT, Peter Andjelkovic VK3KP, Tony Bedelph VK7AX, Lou Blasco VK3ALB, Ron Hayman VK4RH, Raff Lerro VK4KQ, Rusty McGrath VK4JM, Tim Roberts VK4YEH, Peter Rumble VK4KX, Mick Todd VK6JMA, Eric Van De Weyer VK2VE, Matthew Weatherley VK4TMW, Michael Wright VK5ARD, George Glendinning VK4AJL, Reg Emmett VK7KK, Gail Lidden-Sandford VK4ION, and Ben Short VK7BEN, in recognition of their valuable service as a Facilitator for the Radio and Electronics School which provides a unique and vital service in teaching those who wish to qualify as radio amateurs and in particular those many people without access to any other source of learning.
 Jeff Creed VK4SE for his exceptional contribution in providing IT support and as a Facilitator for the Radio and Electronics School

 Neil Husk VK6BDO in recognition of his contribution to amateur radio and the Wireless Institute of Australia over many years, including supporting the WA Repeater Group and the WIA news broadcasts, but most particularly his ongoing support of the education of potential amateurs including his role in the foundation of HAM college and his role training and assessing since then.
 Keith Bainbridge VK6XH, VK6EME, VK6RK in recognition of his contribution to the Wireless Institute of Australia and amateur radio over many years including serving as a member of the Council of the Wireless Institute of Australia Western Australia Division and thereafter as a member and Chairman of the WA Advisory Committee, his different roles in the Northern Corridor Radio Group, his compilation of notes for Amateur Radio magazine, his support of the WIA Awards program and his untiring support and promotion of the Wireless Institute of Australia.
 Onno Benschop VK6FLAB in recognition of his active participation in various aspects of amateur radio during his first year as a licenced radio amateur.
 David McAulay VK3EW for his valuable ongoing contribution to the WIAís Awards Committee.
 Alek Petkovic VK6APK for his valuable ongoing contribution to the WIAís Awards Committee.
 Roger Cordukes VK4CD, Peter Willmott VK3TQ, Terence Ryeland VK2UX, Peter Watts VK5ZFW, Ronald Bertrand VK2DQ, Larry Lindsay VK2CLL, Peter Dowde VK7PD, Colin Pomroy VK3BLE, Craig Cook VK3CMC, Trevor Quick VK5ATQ, Lyle Dobbs VK4LM, Trevor Connell VK8CO, Laurie Pritchard VK4BLE, Dale McCarthy VK4DMC, Tony LaMacchia VK2BTL, Eric Van De Weyer VK2VE, Ian Ellings VK7QF, Philip Adams VK3JNI, Paul Hoffmann VK5PH, Owen Clarke VK3BC, Steven Tregear VK3TSR, Scott Habgood VK2UBQ, Kathi Suminer VK6KTS, Gail Lidden-Sandford VK4ION, in recognition of their valuable contribution to amateur radio and the Wireless Institute of Australia as Nominated Assessors ñ a role requiring specific qualifications and central to the effective operation of the WIA Exam Service.

 Roger Harrison VK2ZRH in recognition of his work on behalf of the WIA in the preparation of submissions to the state government regarding Amateur Radio Antenna Masts in NSW.
 Greg James VK2GRJ for his contribution as Assistant Treasurer of the WIA in particular in relation to the MYOB function.
 Dianne Ashton VK3FDIZ for her valuable ongoing contribution to the administration of the WIA, with particular regard to the Examinations Service and callsign recommendation process.
 Margaret Williams in recognition of her years of service to the Wireless Institute of Australia
 Denis Johnstone VK4AE in recognition of his contribution over ten years as Contest Manager for the John Moyle Field Day
 Alan Shannon VK4SN in recognition of his contribution as Contest Manager for the Remembrance Day Contest
 Bob Robinson VK3SX for his ongoing contribution as Awards Manager, and in recognition of his contribution in the restructure of the Awards programme to a world class standard
 Marc Hillman VK3OHM for his contribution to the development of the WIA Awards programme by the creation of a new series of support tools
 Deane Blackman VK3TX for his creation of a Log checker for the Remembrance Day Contest

 Richard Cerveny VK2AAH for Services to Amateur Radio: Beacon and Repeater Coordination
 Jason Daniels VK2LAW as a WIA National news reader over many years and for his work with WIA Affiliated club MNCARG
 Mal Alexander VK2YVA for Services to Amateur Radio: Leadership in Amateur Radio at a club level
 Felix Scerri VK4FUQ for Services to Amateur Radio: WIA National News Announcer over may years
 Rick Rogers VK4HF for Services to Amateur Radio: Restoration of Armadale and District AR Club
 Geoff Emery VK4ZPP for Services to Amateur Radio: WIA VK4 News reader over many years
 Joseph Gelston VK7JG for Services to Amateur Radio: Construction and maintenance of Tasmanian remote area Repeaters and beacons
 VK9NA Group for the VK9 Dxpeditions in 2010 and 2011.

 Paul Simmonds VK5PAS for outstanding achievement in the WorldWide Flora & Fauna amateur radio program, nationally and internationally, drawing attention to the importance of protecting nature, flora and fauna.
 Allen Harvie VK3HRA for development of the "parksnpeaks" website, an online portal, providing a major contribution to VK amateurs engaging in working from National and State parks, Summits on the Air, the World Wide Flora & Fauna program, and QRP activities.
 Peter Wolfenden VK3RV for outstanding contribution to the WIA's ANZAC Centenary Commemoration 2015 in researching and writing a series of articles on Australian amateurs' wartime service involvement, published in Amateur Radio magazine.
 Ernie Walls VK3FM in recognition of many years service to the Publications Committee as both member and Secretary.
 Will McGhie VK6UU for outstanding dedication to scanning the issues of Amateur Radio magazine over the decades from the early 20th century to the present era and producing digital files providing an invaluable historical and technical resource.

 Adrian Addison VK5FANA For his wholehearted participation in the ANZAC Centenary Award, completing contacts with ANZAC stations across all States and Territories, and ZL100ANZAC.
 John Bates VK7RT For his distinguished service as VK7 QSL manager for 18 years, from 1997 until August 2015, as well as service as WIA Tasmanian Division Treasurer over 1999-2002 and Secretary over 2000-2002.
 Lloyd Butler VK5BR For his work compiling the historical records of the Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society and contributing many historical and technical articles to Amateur Radio magazine, assisting beginners in the understanding of complex technical issues.
 Mike Charteris VK4QS For significant contribution to the WIA's ANZAC Centenary activities in Queensland and coordination of the Australian submarine AE2 commemorative event station VI4AE2.
 Ron Cook VK3AFW For his notable work on Australian Standards, assisting the WIA’s activities in this field.
 Noel Higgins VK3NH For his notable work on Australian Standards, assisting the WIA’s activities in this field.
 Peter Cossins VK3BFG For his efforts in establishing, promoting and coordinating the annual World ATV QSO Party.
 Peter Gibson VK3AZL For his service since 1985 as Senior Technical Editor on Amateur Radio magazine as a member of the Publications Committee.
 Tony Hambling VK3XV For his outstanding efforts in stimulating portable operation and encouraging others to participate.
 June Sim VK4SJ For her long-term support of the WIA and Queensland amateurs, initiative in organising DXpeditions to southern hemisphere islands, support for local and international emergency exercises on HF and for serving as VK4 QSL Bureau Manager over recent years.
 Roy Watkins VK6XV For producing the weekly "Roy's Helpline" segment for the VK6 NewsWest program over thirty years, to which listeners eagerly look forward.

 Peter Richardson VK2PR for compiling the WIA Contests Champion list
 Kevin Mulcahy VK2CE for Amateur Radio & International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend achievements
 Tony Falla VK3KKP a lifelong Amateur Radio enthusiast and computer professional who has led publicity and awareness activities
 John F. Drew VK5DJ who epitomised the term STEM before it was coined, being an avid homebrewer and repeater developer
 Bernie Lupinacci W1CDM and Terry Page VK2JTP for 15 years as the only administrators worldwide of the EchoLink system
 Ross Cunningham VK5KMH, Noel Des Jardins VK4NL, Victor Stallan VK4WST, George Turner VK4HGT and Bob Lockley VK6KW - The “Australian Travellers Net” controllers

 Paul Simmonds VK5PAS for his work with the VK5 parks award, promoting WWFF and opening up an aspect of the hobby to the wider community.
 Trent Sampson VK4TS for actively promoting contesting in Australia, engaging with clubs to improve their contesting skills and supporting contesting in Australia and the region.
 Grant Willis VK5GR for his work with the WIA, contesting and in past advocacy within the IARU.
 Julie Gonzales VK3FOWL & Joe Gonzales VK3YSP for promotion of amateur radio in schools, engaging youth and school communities, and sharing their projects and findings with the amateur community.

 Michael Welsh VK2CCW for dedicated and disciplined support of the hobby, in particular the promotion and teaching of CW over many years.
 Will McGhie VK6UU for services to the History and Archives Committee in scanning in copies of AR Magazine from 1933 to 2012.
 Bob Robinson VK3SX for service to the WIA and the amateur radio community as Awards Manager for many years.
 Graeme Scott VK2KE for developing amateur radio study guides and contribution to the VK3 Education Committee.
 Dr Sasi Navar VK5SN long term trainer and WIA assessor for Amateur radio community in VK5.
 Paul Hoffman VK5PH long term involvement with the Scout Electronics Team and contributions to the Amateur radio community in VK5.
 Barry Williams VK5BW long term involvement in the promotion of amateur radio through the Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society and contribution to the Amateur radio community in VK5.

 David Dufty for his literary contributions about Florence McKenzie's involvement in Amateur Radio in his book “Radio Girl”.
 Anthony Monger VK2CZ for leading the Organising Committee for the 2019 AGM and Conference.
 Tony Hutchison VK5ZAI for contribution to the ARISS program.

 Jim Gordon VK3ZKK for his comprehensive articles on early wartime radio.
 Robert Hudson VK2AOR for his consistent and diligent service to the amateur radio community during covid-19 in 2020.

 Peter Young VK3MV In recognition of a very extended service to the WIA. A recipient of the GA Taylor Medal (2012), for exceptional services to the Wireless Institute of Australia Peter has been of a significant assistance to the institute over many years. He has only recently stood down from the position of WIA Monitoring Service Co-ordinator and as a director of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)

 Dale Hughes VK2DSH Dale has previously received the G A Taylor medal (2016), the highest WIA Merit Award. Dale was also a recipient of the Ron Wilkinson Achievement award in 2012. Dale continues to serve the WIA on committees and as our representative to the World Radio Conference. He is an active member of the Spectrum Strategy Committee and the Regulatory Liaison Group. Dale is also an active member of the IARU liaison sub-committee. Dale also chairs one of the principal WRC working groups.

 Graham Kemp VK4BB In recognition of his contribution as Team Leader of the WIA News service group and a anchor of the weekly broadcast. Graham has a high profile in WIA Media circles and is trusted to bring the weekly news to our members throughout Australia. Graham was a recipient of the GA Taylor medal in 2005


 Brian Bates VK8BL Brian has been very active in the Darwin Amateur Radio Club (DARC) for many years. He has been on the club executive holding a number of positions including that of President, but has recently stepped down from that position. He remains on the committee of the DARC is always there to do the weekly call-backs after the WIA broadcast.

  The DX Awards Team The DX Award Team is made up of Graham Alston VK3GA (Awards Manager), Alek Petkovic VK6APK, David McAulay VK3EW, Marc Hillman VK3OHM, Brian Cleland VK5BC, Grant Willis VK5GR, Graeme Dowse VK4CAG

The WIA awards committee administer the WIA Awards program. They are responsible to the WIA Board for maintaining the highest standards of award integrity. The committee administer existing awards and propose to the WIA Board any changes and additions.

The WIA Awards program is world leading and is the envy of many Amateur Radio organisations around the world.


 Sam Dellit VK1DXA Sam has for the past few years has taken it upon himself to research, discover, and create a database in wikibooks of what he calls "POTTED HISTORIES" of Australian Wireless Experimenters / Amateur Radio Operators from Pre 1914 to the beginning of World War Two in a History of Wireless Telegraphy and Broadcasting in Australia.

 Terry Mowles VK5TM Awarded for his work over a number of years in helping to preserve and make searchable important WIA publications. Terry has been a longstanding active member of the History and Archive Committee.

 Dr Kevin Johnston VK4UH Dr Kevin Johnson has made significant contribution to the hobby of Amateur Radio over many years, particularly in educating and supporting fellow Amateurs in microwave transmission. Kevin has written numerous articles for journals (including AR) and given many lectures on the subject of microwave transmission and propagation. He is a respected expert and “go-to” person for subject matter information.

Page Last Updated: Monday, 20 May 2024 at 17:18 hours by Peter Clee


© 2024 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)