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WIA Awards General Information

WIA Special Event & Commemorative Awards

WIA Merit Awards

WIA Publications Committtee Awards

WIA Technical Excellence Award

About The Award

Granted where some technical excellence is demonstrated in any special technical aspect of Amateur Radio.


The WIA Technical Excellence award was launched at the WIA 2015 AGM in Canberra

Past Recipients

2015 - Rex Moncur VK7MO & Derek Zeck VK6DZ
2016 - Andy Nyguen VK3YT & David Learmonth VK3QM & Luciano Blasco VK3ALB
2018 - Peter Parker VK3YE. For prolific promotion of amateur radio in Australia, and making the hobby
accessible to new and old through his YouTube channel and ebooks.

Timothy M Dixon VK5ZT. For his work promoting his hobby, openly sharing his extensive modifications to microwave equipment and furthering experimentation in microwave and optical bands in Australia.

Glen F English VK1XX. For sharing his technical skills and knowledge to improve the hobby in a variety of technical fields.
2019 - David Minchin VK5KK, Tim Dixon VK5ZT, and Iain Crawford VK5ZD for work in GHZ experimentation and record setting.

Rex Moncur VK7MO for Digital weak signal Earth-Moon-Earth experimentation and record setting in the GHz bands

2020 - Rubens Fernandes VK5FE for the publication of a 3GHz Spectrum analyser for which he also received the RSGB Ostermeyer Trophy

2021 - Roger Clark VK3KYY for software development of DMR radios (Radio Oddity) for simplifying usability and access for blind operators.

2023 - Ian Jackson VK3BUF In recognition of his technically contribution to the amateur service and articles and videos on the reduction of QRM and RFI including his article on ferrites and how they can be applied to RFI suppression.

2024 - Andrew McColm VK3FS In recognition of the publication of a series of more than 40 professional quality video productions and published via YouTube

Page Last Updated: Monday, 20 May 2024 at 17:10 hours by Peter Clee


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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)