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2008 News Releases




ARISS Featured On The Channel 7 Today Tonight Show

Date : 04 / 05 / 2008
Author : Robert Broomhead - VK3KRB

Tony Hutchison VK5ZAI recently appeared in an interview on the Channel 7 Today Tonight show. The show went to air on April the 11th and provided some great insights as to how Tony and others over the years have provided support to Nasa and how amateur radio helps to promote public awareness of the NASA space program through school contacts with the astronauts aboard the ISS.

With written permission from Channel 7, we are pleased to be able to put this news segment online for you to enjoy. The files have been loaded on the WIA website in Windows wmv format and should launch correctly in Windows Media Player when using Microsoft Internet Explorer Web Browser.

We have posted the files to the WIA website in both 640x480 medium resolution format (30 meg file) and 320x240 low resolution format (18 meg file). Thanks to Jack Bramham VK3WWW for preparing the files for viewing in the two formats.

You will find the videos under the "Discover Amateur Radio Menu" on the WIA website, simply select to view Amateur Radio Videos from this menu or click the following Link to go directly to the page.


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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)