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2008 News Releases




GippsTech2008 Update

Date : 09 / 06 / 2008
Author : Robert Broomhead - VK3KRB

The organising team at the Eastern Zone Amateur Radio Club (Inc) is gearing up for GippsTech2008. This year the event will be held on Saturday July 5 and Sunday July 6. This event has a well-recognised reputation as the premier technical conference in VK considering techniques applicable in the VHF, UHF and microwave bands, especially for weak-signal contacts.

In addition to the Conference, a Partner’s Tour will be conducted, together with an informal social gathering for dinner on Friday and a Conference Dinner on Saturday.

Copies of the Conference Proceedings from 2007 will be available for sale during this year’s event. Proceedings from previous years’ are also available – see the web site for details.

A number of prominent amateurs have already committed themselves to speak. Topics confirmed to date include:
 DSP with the Atmel AVR processors.
 Cavity backed dish feeds for 23, 13 & 9 cm.
 A versatile PLL Oscillator for microwave applications.
 Locking our rigs to GPS references.
 Crystal IF filters and the practical issues involved with their use.
 A high performance 2 m downconverter.
 Minimising EMI from a portable refrigerator.
 Non-line-of-Sight Optical Propagation.
 Sun Noise and Measurements.
 Solar Cycle 24: prognostications and prospects for VHF/UHF DX.
 The Care and Feeding of RF Power Transistors.

Any other potential presenters are welcome to contact the Chair of the Organising Committee direct ( for further information or to suggest a topic. Note that the program is almost full.

Many amateurs bring equipment to display to others, particularly home-brewed projects. A limited number of individuals usually also have items of interest for sale, particularly Alan VK3XPD and Mark VK5AVQ, well known for the goodies that they bring. No, this event is NOT another hamfest, but some trading related to the conference themes does occur. Displays and the trading area are open during coffee/tea breaks and in the later portion of the lunch break.

Further information
The conference is held in Churchill about 170 km east of Melbourne, just south of Morwell.
Further details, including registration information, can be found at the Eastern Zone Amateur Radio Club web site accessible by clicking the following Link then select the GippsTech links.

The team looks forward to seeing all VHF/UHF weak signal enthusiasts in Churchill on July 5 and 6.


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