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2008 News Releases




Enthusiasts Tune Into The Hobby

Date : 10 / 09 / 2008
Author : Robert Broomhead - VK3KRB

The following news story appeared in local newspaper 'The Cobar Age' following the recent foundation course and assessments held in Cobar.

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Last weekend Cobar High School played host to amateur radio enthusiasts from the Newcastle area and Peak Hill.

Kim Piper along with Graham O'Brien and David Soper made the long trip to Cobar to meet with fellow amateur radio operator John Bennet, to teach Year 11 physics students from Cobar High School about operating a radio station and gaining an amateur radio licence. Neil and Michael Halliger also participated in the course.

The event was sponsored by the Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA). "It is a great hobby to get into and you can speak to people all over the world", Mr O'Brien said. This was also emphasised by Mr Piper who spoke to astronauts on board the space shuttle on several occasions.

Amateur radio operators across the world are also the first to alert people to emergencies or disasters. Recently two experienced sailors were rescued from rough waters off the mid-north coast after they were able to contact an amateur radio enthusiast who then alerted rescue crews.

All participants in the course thoroughly enjoyed the training and during the two days they learned a lot about operating radios. It is hoped that more young people show an interest and take up amateur radio as a great and rewarding hobby.


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