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2019 News Releases




News from Geneva

Date : 28 / 02 / 2019
Author : Dale Hughes VK1DSH

During the period 18/2/2019 through 28/2/2019 the 2nd session of the Conference Preparatory meeting (CPM19-2) towards the 2019 World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-19) is being held in Geneva. The purpose of CPM19-2 is:

“In accordance with Resolution ITU-R 2-7, the CPM shall prepare a consolidated Report on the ITU-R preparatory studies and possible solutions to the WRC agenda items, to be used in support of the work of World Radiocommunication Conferences”

The CPM report is a complex document of nearly 700 pages and it covers all of the WRC-19 agenda items. This text contains the initial negotiating positions for work at WRC-19 and it is important that the amateur service can influence the development of the text so that the interests and needs of the amateur service are reflected as much as possible.

Amateurs, either as members of National delegations or representing the IARU are taking part in the various meetings that are revising and refining the CPM report. Prior to CPM19-2, representatives of various national amateur societies (ARRL, RSGB, JARL, DARC, WIA etc.) have worked with their administrations to develop national views on all WRC-19 agenda items and these views have been taken into account at CPM19-2. As an ITU Sector Member the IARU has direct input to CPM19-2 providing a global of amateur needs.

Amateurs have a number of important issues on the WRC-19 agenda including a possible new amateur allocation in the 50 – 54 MHz frequency band in ITU Region 1. While this appears to be a Region 1 issue it is important that any WRC-19 decisions on the issue do not affect the Radio Regulations in Regions 2 and 3. There are also other issues that may affect a number of microwave bands including our allocations in the 5650-5850 MHz, 24 – 24.25 GHz and 47 – 47.2 GHz frequency bands. Another issue of concern is that of Wireless Power Transfer for Electric Vehicles which has the potential to cause significant interference in the MF and HF amateur bands if poorly implemented.

The Australian delegation at CPM19-2 is led by an officer of the Department of Communications and the Arts. The other Australian delegates represent the ACMA, Department of Defence, Australia’s maritime, aviation, mobile and satellite communication interests and the amateur service. All together there about 1400 delegates from many of the ITU member states and sector members attending CPM19-2.

Page Last Updated: Thursday 28 February 2019 at 21:40 hours by Justin Giles-clark


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