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2007 News Releases




WIA makes first Chris Jones Award

Date : 15 / 05 / 2007
Author : Michael Owen - VK3KI

WIA makes first Chris Jones AwardWIA President Michael Owen VK3KI announced the first Chris Jones Award at the 2007 Open Forum at Parkes NSW on 5 May 2007.

The Award is a handsome glass trophy and features a picture of the late Chris Jones VK2ZDD and the following wording:
"The Chris Jones Award honours the memory of a man who was dedicated to the advancement of amateur radio and whose unfailing commitment and vision led to a new Wireless Institute of Australia and whose unfailing courtesy and genuine friendliness is fondly remembered by all who knew him.

It is awarded to radio amateurs who have made an exceptional contribution to amateur radio and the Wireless Institute of Australia."

The Award was presented to Mal Johnson VK6LC in recognition of his great contribution to amateur radio as the WIA Awards Manager.

The only other national society to conduct a DX Century Club award program is the ARRL, which commenced in November 1945. The WIA Program commenced in 1947.

Mal has been Awards Manager since 2001, and has computerized the program, and over the last few years managed the transition from a federal to a national program, also introducing a number of new and innovative and very attractive awards.

In presenting the Award, Michael Owen read from a letter from David Rankin 9V1RH/VK3QV, a long time resident of Singapore, acknowledging Mal's work in streamlining the award submission procedures and commenting that "with Mal as Awards Manager the WIA is, in my opinion, fulfilling a need and want in the DX world."


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