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2024 News Releases



Global internet outage affects Memnet

19/ 07/ 2024   Memnet have contacted the WIA and advised that they have been affected by the internet service outage affecting a large number of corporate online services
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Update On WIA Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Consultations

18/ 07/ 2024   Currently the committee has two amateur community consultations open, the first covering the introduction of new standards that describe how specific frequencies are selected for amateur fixed repeater and beacon stations, and the second which is considering what improvements may be possible with the amateur 40m band plan.
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CONSULTATION 2024-2: 40m Band Plan Harmonisation Challenges

09/ 07/ 2024   The WIA as part of its involvement with IARU Region 3 is sponsoring a discussion on the future directions of the 40m band plan. It is now seeking feedback from members on a number of issues relating to the band to then use as input to the IARU Region 3 conference in October 2024.
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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)