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Northern Tasmania Clubs

Southern Tasmania Clubs

North Western Tasmanian Clubs

North West Tasmania Amateur Radio Club

23 Malonga Drive
Burnie Tasmania 7320


The "North West Tasmania Amateur Radio Club" was formed as a Radio Club to enable amateurs and interested persons to be actively involved in activities and other pursuits of the Hobby, to work together as a Group, with a minimum of politics.

The main aim of the Club is to foster interest in the Hobby, promote and provide training and assessments particularly within the youth of the Community. Training, SSTV,assisting elderly amateurs,and knowledge sessions at club meetings,foxhunts, outdoor radio days, , are some of the many activities the Club is involved with.


The next Club Meeting is at 1.30pm on Saturday the 3rd August 2024
73 Alexandra Road, Ulverstone.

As usual, everyone is welcome to attend.

Club General Meetings are held Bi Monthly on the first Saturday at 1.30pm in the months of February,April,June,August,October and December.

Club Activities & Events

Some current activities of the Club include
- Provision of Safety Comms for horse endurance
events in March each year.
- Assist the Scouts with Jota/Joti as required.
- Encouraging activities in ATV & SSTV both
analogue and digital.
- custodians of the VK7RMD repeater site on Mt Duncan,behind Penguin.and VK7RAL Companion Hill in Hampshire
- Support Voice Repeaters.
2M.(146.775) VK7RTV Stowport
6M.(53.775) VK7RDR Dazzler Range.
assists with Relay of WIA National News & VK7Regional News
on Sunday Mornings 9.00am Local

The WIA National News and VK7 Regional News can
also be heard on
2M Repeater VK7RTV 146.775 Mhz
70cm Repeater VK7RDR 439.775 Mhz
70cm VK7RAC 438.650 Mhz
each Sunday at 9.00AM (Local Tassie Time)

North West Tasmania Amateur Radio Club Meeting Location

Training Courses And Assessment Information

Training and Assessments are conducted on an 'as required' basis.

Club assessors
ACMA accredited amateur Licence assessors
Dave VK7DC 03 6433 3356
Andrew VK7XR

If you have a need for education,training and/or
Assessment in the N/West area of VK7, then please contact the Club authorised assessors

Upcoming Courses and Assessments

There are no Amateur Radio Licence assessments scheduled at this time.

(Courses and Assessments are on an as required basis)

Training And Assessment Contact

Club training course coordinator

David Cleland
Phone : 03 6433 3356
Email :

Club Contact Details

North West Tasmania Amateur Radio Club
23 Malonga Drive
Burnie Tasmania 7320

Phone : 03 6433 3356
Email :


Andrew Hay VK7XR
Phone : NA
Email :

David Cleland VK7DC
Phone : 03 6433 3356
Email :

Eric Van Der Neut VK7EV
Phone : 0418 572 183
Email :


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Page Last Updated: Wednesday, 10 Jul 2024 at 16:20 hours by Nwtatg


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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)