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Radio Orienteering The ARDF Handbook

Author : Bob Titterington G3ORY, David Williams, M3WDD and David Deane, G3ZOI
Publisher :
ISBN : 9781-9050- 8627-6
EAN : 086269

Dimensions (cm) : 0.0(H) x 0.0(W) x 0.0(T)
Weight (kg) : 0.00

Added To Bookshop : 11/ 6/ 2008


Amateur Radio Direction Finding (ARDF) - also known as Radio Orienteering - is an outdoor pursuit which combines orienteering with the amateur radio skill of direction finding. Competitors use their skills to locate a number of hidden transmitters within a given time limit. This book is aimed at giving readers everything they need to become involved in this fascinating sport.

Radio Orienteering - the ARDF Handbook is packed with information as you'll find everything from 'top 10 tips to improve performance' to 'organising an ARDF event'. Beginning with the fascinating history of ARDF the book provides a general overview of the sport. The reader will find pages telling you what you need to know about taking part in your first ARDF event, including clothes to wear, equipment to use, safety, and a guide to way that an event progresses. There are details of the art of plotting bearings, with detailed instructions on how to make the best of your equipment and the methods of translating your receiver results onto your map. There is even a chapter is devoted to training and practice hints and good pointers on how to prepare physically for an event.

Readers of Radio Orienteering - the ARDF Handbook will also find included a great deal of equipment intended for home construction. There are details for 3.5MHz and 144MHz DF receivers, a 2m Yagi antenna, plus transmitters, keyers and fixed antennas. There are substantial constructional projects through to simple documented circuit diagrams. Several of the designs have practical applications other than for strictly ARDF purposes.

This book is an excellent and rounded reference work, highly readable, well-illustrated and is ideal for investigating this sport for the first time or for those looking to extend their knowledge.

ISBN 9781-9050- 8627-6, Paperback, Size 175x240mm 112 pages

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