List of available books by Category
Title | Author | Publisher |
Antenna Book - 23rd ed. (Softcover) | H. Ward Silver N0AX - editor | ARRL |
Antenna Compendium Volume 1 | ARRL | ARRL |
Antenna Compendium Volume 2 | ARRL | ARRL |
Antenna Compendium Volume 3 | ARRL | ARRL |
Antenna Compendium Volume 4 | ARRL | ARRL |
Antenna Compendium Volume 5 | ARRL | ARRL |
Antenna Compendium Volume 6 | ARRL | ARRL |
Antenna Compendium Volume 7 | ARRL | ARRL |
Antenna Modeling for Beginners | Ward Silver, N0AX | ARRL |
Antenna Toolkit, 2nd Ed | Joe Carr | Newnes |
Antenna Topics | Pat Hawker, G3VA | RSGB |
Antennas for VHF and Above | Ian Poole, G3YWX | RSGB |
Antennas: Fundamentals, Design, Measurement Third Edition | Lamont Blake and Maurice W. Long | SciTech Publishing |
ARRL's VHF/UHF Antenna Classics | ARRL | ARRL |
ARRL's Wire Antenna Classics | ARRL | ARRL |
ARRL's Yagi Antenna Classics | ARRL | ARRL |
Backyard Antennas | Peter Dodd, G3LDO | RSGB |
Basic Antennas | Joel R. Hallas, W1ZR | ARRL |
Building Successful HF Antennas | Peter Dodd, G3LDO | ARRL |
Even More Wire Antenna Classics | Compiled by Steve Ford WB8IMY | ARRL |
Hand-carried QRP antennas | Peter Parker, VK3YE | vk3ye.com |
HF Antenna Collection | Erwin David | RSGB |
HF Antennas for All Locations | Les Moxon, G6XN | RSGB |
International Antenna Collection Volume 1 | Edited by Dr. George Brown, M5ACN | ARRL / RSGB |
International Antenna Collection Volume 2 | Edited by Dr. George Brown, M5ACN | ARRL / RSGB |
More Vertical Antenna Classics | | ARRL |
More Wire Antenna Classics Volume 2 | ARRL | ARRL |
Practical Antenna Handbook 5th Edition | Joseph J. Carr & George W. Hippisley | McGraw Hill |
Practical Wire Antennas 2 | Edited by Ian Poole, G3YWX | RSGB |
Radio Propagation -- Principles & Practice | Ian Poole, G3YWX | RSGB |
Radio-Electronic Transmission Fundamentals | B. Whitfield Griffith, Jr. | Noble Publishing Corporation |
Simple & Fun Antennas | Hutchison & Straw | ARRL |
Small Antennas for Small Spaces | Steve Ford, WB8IMY | ARRL |
Stealth Antennas | Steve Nichols, G0KYA | RSGB |
Successful Wire Antennas | Ian Poole G3YWX & Steve Telenius-Low 9M6DXX | RSGB |
The Antenna Experimenter's Guide | Peter Dodd, G3LDO | RSGB |
The Antenna File | RSGB | RSGB |
The ARRL Antenna Compendium - Vol. 8 | Steven R. Ford - ed. | ARRL |
The ARRL Antenna Designer's Notebook | Brian Cake, KF2YN | ARRL |
Transmission Line Transformers | Jerry Sevick, W2FMI | Noble Publishing Corporation |
Understanding, Building and Using Baluns and Ununs | Jerry Sevick, W2FMI | CQ Communications, Inc. |
Up the Tower | Steve Morris K7LXC | Champion Radio Products |
Vertical Antenna Classics | Robert Schetgen KU7G | ARRL |
Title | Author | Publisher |
APRS- Moving Hams On Radio and the Internet | Stan Horzepa, WA1LOU | ARRL |
ARRL HF Digital Handbook | Steve Ford, WB8IMY | ARRL |
ARRL's VHF Digital Handbook | Steve Ford, WB8IMY | ARRL |
Digital Signal Processing Technology | Doug Smith, KF6DX | ARRL |
Get on the Air with HF Digital | Steve Ford, WB8IMY | ARRL |
Nifty E-Z Guide to D-STAR Operation | Bernie Lafreniere, N6FN | Nifty Ham Accessories |
Nifty E-Z Guide to Echolink Operation | Bernie Lafreniere, N6FN | Nifty Ham Accessories |
Nifty E-Z Guide to PSK31 Operation | Bernie Lafreniere, N6FN | Nifty Ham Accessories |
Practical Digital Signal Processing | Edmund Lai PhD, BEng | Newnes |
RTTY / PSK31 For Radio Amateurs | Roger Cooke, G3LDI | RSGB |
VOIP: Internet Linking For Radio Amateurs - 1st Edition | Jonathan Taylor, K1RFD | ARRL |
VoIP: Internet Linking for Radio Amateurs 2nd ed | Jonathan Taylor, K1RFD | ARRL |
Wireless Receiver Design for Digital Communications (2nd Edition) | Kevin McClaning | SciTech |
DX SWL Logs & Maps
Special Interest
Technical Books
Title | Author | Publisher |
Amateur Radio Astronomy | John Fielding, ZS5JF | RSGB |
ARRL's Operating Manual (11th ed.) | ARRL | ARRL |
Digital Modes for all Occasions | Murray Greenman, ZL1BPU | RSGB |
Emergency Power for Radio Communications 2nd ed | Michael Bryce, WB8VGE | ARRL |
Experimental Methods in RF Design - Revised 1st Ed | Wes Hayward, W7ZOI, Rick Campbell, KK7B, and Bob Larkin, W7PUA | ARRL |
HF Radio Systems & Circuits | William E. Sabin and Edgar O. Schoenike, Editors | Noble Publishing Corporation |
Introduction to Radio Frequency Design | Wes Hayward, W7ZOI | ARRL |
Power Supply Handbook | John Fielding, ZS5JF | RSGB |
Practical Radio Frequency Test & Measurement | Joe Carr | Newnes |
Radio Nature | Renato Romero, IK1QFK | RSGB |
Radio Receiver Design | Kevin McClaning and Tom Vito | Noble Publishing Corporation |
Remote Operating for Amateur Radio | Steve Ford, WB8IMY | ARRL |
RF Components and Circuits | Joe Carr | Joseph J. Carr and Elsevier Science Ltd. |
RF Design Basics | John Fielding, ZS5JF | RSGB |
Technical Topics Scrapbook 1995-1999 | Pat Hawker, G3VA | RSGB |
Technical Topics Scrapbook All 50 Years | Pat Hawker, G3VA | RSGB |
The ARRL Handbook 2019 | ARRL | ARRL |
The Electronics of Radio | David B. Rutledge, KN6EK | Cambridge University Press |
VHF/UHF Microwave
WIA Publications
Total 177 books