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Gift Certificate - $valueWireless Institute of Australia
Radio Orienteering The ARDF HandbookBob Titterington G3ORY, David Williams, M3WDD and David Deane, G3ZOI
WIA Key Ring
WIA Lapel Badge
WIA Patch
WIA Traveller's BadgeWireless Institute of Australia

-- Second Edition. Published by RSGB and ARRL

International Microwave Handbook 2nd EditionEdited by Andy Barter, G8ATD


Australian Ham Radio HandbookPeter Parker, VK3YE


Amateur Radio on the MoveARRL
Amateur Radio Transceiver Performance TestingBob Allison WB1GCM
Antenna Book - 23rd ed. (Softcover)H. Ward Silver N0AX - editor
Antenna Compendium Volume 1ARRL
Antenna Compendium Volume 2ARRL
Antenna Compendium Volume 3ARRL
Antenna Compendium Volume 4ARRL
Antenna Compendium Volume 5ARRL
Antenna Compendium Volume 6ARRL
Antenna Compendium Volume 7ARRL
Antenna Modeling for BeginnersWard Silver, N0AX
APRS- Moving Hams On Radio and the InternetStan Horzepa, WA1LOU
Arduino for Ham RadioGlen Popiel KW5GP
ARRL Amateur Radio Map of the World (Robinson)ARRL
ARRL HF Digital HandbookSteve Ford, WB8IMY
ARRL Log BookS.Cribe
ARRL's Hands-on Radio ExperimentsH. Ward Silver, N0AX
ARRL's Hands-on Radio Experiments Volume 2H. Ward Silver, N0AX
ARRL's Low Power Communication with 40-meter CW Cub Transceiver KitARRL
ARRL's Operating Manual (11th ed.)ARRL
ARRL's PIC Programming For BeginnersMark Spencer, WA8SME
ARRL's VHF Digital HandbookSteve Ford, WB8IMY
ARRL's VHF/UHF Antenna ClassicsARRL
ARRL's Vintage RadioARRL
ARRL's Wire Antenna ClassicsARRL
ARRL's Yagi Antenna ClassicsARRL
Basic AntennasJoel R. Hallas, W1ZR
Basic Radio - Understanding the Key Building BlocksJoel Hallas, W1ZR
Building Successful HF AntennasPeter Dodd, G3LDO
Communications Quarterly 1990-1999ARRL
Digital Signal Processing TechnologyDoug Smith, KF6DX
DXing on the EdgeJeff Briggs, K1ZM.
Emergency Power for Radio Communications 2nd edMichael Bryce, WB8VGE
Even More Wire Antenna ClassicsCompiled by Steve Ford WB8IMY
Experimental Methods in RF Design - Revised 1st EdWes Hayward, W7ZOI, Rick Campbell, KK7B, and Bob Larkin, W7PUA
Get on the Air with HF DigitalSteve Ford, WB8IMY
Getting Started with Ham RadioARRL
Getting Started with Ham RadioARRL
GPS and Amateur RadioWalter Fields, W4WCF
Ham Radio for Arduino and PICAXELeigh L. Klotz Jr. - WA5ZNU
Introduction to Radio Frequency DesignWes Hayward, W7ZOI
Low Power Communication - 4th edRich Arland, K7SZ
Low Profile Amateur Radio (Second Edition)Al Brogdon, W1AB
Mini Log All Weather LogbookARRL
More QRP PowerARRL
More Vertical Antenna Classics
More Wire Antenna Classics Volume 2ARRL
Morse Code Operating for Amateur RadioRob Brownsten K6RB & Jim Talens N3JT
N0AX's Radio PuzzlerH. Ward Silver, N0AX
ON4UN's Low Band DXingJohn Devoldere, ON4UN
Remote Operating for Amateur RadioSteve Ford, WB8IMY
RF Amplifier ClassicsSteve Ford
RF Exposure and YouEd Hare, W1RFI
Simple & Fun AntennasHutchison & Straw
Small Antennas for Small SpacesSteve Ford, WB8IMY
Storm Spotting and Amateur RadioMichael Corey W5MPC & Victor Morris AH6WX
The ABC's of Software Defined RadioMartin Ewing AA6E
The ARRL Antenna Compendium - Vol. 8Steven R. Ford - ed.
The ARRL Antenna Designer's NotebookBrian Cake, KF2YN
The ARRL DXCC HandbookJim Kearman, KR1S
The ARRL Handbook 2019ARRL
The ARRL Image Commmunications HandbookDr. Ralph E. Taggart, WB8DQT
The ARRL RFI Book - 3rd editionEdited by Mike Gruber, W1MG
The ARRL Satellite HandbookSteve Ford, WB8IMY
The ARRL UHF/Microwave Projects CDARRL
The Gil Cartoon BookARRL
The QEX Collection CD-ROM 1981-1998ARRL
The Radio Amateur's Satellite HandbookMartin Davidoff, K2UBC
Understanding Basic ElectronicsARRL
Vertical Antenna ClassicsRobert Schetgen KU7G
VOIP: Internet Linking For Radio Amateurs - 1st EditionJonathan Taylor, K1RFD
VoIP: Internet Linking for Radio Amateurs 2nd edJonathan Taylor, K1RFD
W1FB's QRP NotebookDoug DeMaw, W1FB
Your First Amateur Radio HF StationSteve Ford, WB8IMY


International Antenna Collection Volume 1Edited by Dr. George Brown, M5ACN
International Antenna Collection Volume 2Edited by Dr. George Brown, M5ACN


Power Supply Cook BookMarty Brown

Cambridge University Press

The Electronics of RadioDavid B. Rutledge, KN6EK

Champion Radio Products

Up the TowerSteve Morris K7LXC

CQ Communications, Inc.

Understanding, Building and Using Baluns and UnunsJerry Sevick, W2FMI

Createspace Independent Publishing Platform

Radio Theory Handbook. Beginner to AdvancedRonald Bertrand, VK2DQ

DARC Verlag GmbH.

Shortwave DX HandbookEnrico Stumpf-Siering, DL2VFR

Drew Diamond

Radio Projects for the Amateur Vol 1Drew Diamond VK3XU
Radio Projects for the Amateur Vol 2Drew Diamond VK3XU
Radio Projects for the Amateur Vol 3Drew Diamond VK3XU
Radio Projects for the Amateur Vol 4Drew Diamond VK3XU

Idiom Press

The Complete DX'er 3rd EditionBob Locher, W9KNI

International Broadcasting Services, Ltd.

Passport to World Band Radio 2008International Broadcasting Services, Ltd.

International Marine / McGraw Hill

Marine Amateur RadioThe United States Power Squadrons

John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Electronics for DummiesGordon McComb, Earl Boysen
Electronics Projects for DummiesEarl Boysen, Nancy Muir
Ham Radio for DummiesH. Ward Silver, N0AX

Joseph J. Carr and Elsevier Science Ltd.

RF Components and CircuitsJoe Carr

McGraw Hill

Practical Antenna Handbook 5th EditionJoseph J. Carr & George W. Hippisley


Heil Ham Radio HandbookBob Heil, K9EID


Antenna Toolkit, 2nd EdJoe Carr
Build Your Own Low-Power TransmittersRudolf F. Graf, KA2CWL and William Sheets, K2MQJ
Practical Digital Signal ProcessingEdmund Lai PhD, BEng
Practical Radio Frequency Test & MeasurementJoe Carr

Nifty Ham Accessories

Nifty E-Z Guide to D-STAR OperationBernie Lafreniere, N6FN
Nifty E-Z Guide to Echolink OperationBernie Lafreniere, N6FN
Nifty E-Z Guide to PSK31 OperationBernie Lafreniere, N6FN

Noble Publishing Corporation

HF Radio Systems & CircuitsWilliam E. Sabin and Edgar O. Schoenike, Editors
Q from A to ZRandy Rhea
Radio Receiver DesignKevin McClaning and Tom Vito
Radio-Electronic Transmission FundamentalsB. Whitfield Griffith, Jr.
Transmission Line TransformersJerry Sevick, W2FMI

Parallax Inc

Understanding Signals Capture & Display using the OPTAscopeDoug Pientak

Percival Technology

AC Power Interference HandbookMarv Loftness, KB7KK


25 years of the QRP Quarterly 1979-2004QRP-ARCI

RadioActive Publications

DXPEDITIONING Behind the ScenesEdited by Neville Cheadle, G3NUG and Steve Telenius-Lowe, G4JVG


Amateur Radio AstronomyJohn Fielding, ZS5JF
Antenna TopicsPat Hawker, G3VA
Antennas for VHF and AboveIan Poole, G3YWX
Backyard AntennasPeter Dodd, G3LDO
Circuit Overload: The Bumper Book of Circuits for Radio AmateursJohn Fielding, ZS5JF
Computers in amateur radio - 2nd edSteve White G3ZVW
Digital Modes for all OccasionsMurray Greenman, ZL1BPU
HF Antenna CollectionErwin David
HF Antennas for All LocationsLes Moxon, G6XN
International QRP CollectionRev. George Dobbs, G3RJV and Steve Telenius-Lowe, 9M6DXX
LF Today 3rd editionMike Dennison, G3XDV
Low Power ScrapbookRSGB
Microwave Know HowAndy Barter, G8ATD
Microwave ProjectsEdited by Andy Barter, G8ATD
Microwave Projects 2Andy Barter, G8ATD
Morse Code for Radio AmateursRoger Cooke, G3LDI
Power Supply HandbookJohn Fielding, ZS5JF
Practical Wire Antennas 2Edited by Ian Poole, G3YWX
QRP Basics 2nd EditionRev. George Dobbs, G3RJV
Radio NatureRenato Romero, IK1QFK
Radio Propagation -- Principles & PracticeIan Poole, G3YWX
RF Design BasicsJohn Fielding, ZS5JF
RTTY / PSK31 For Radio AmateursRoger Cooke, G3LDI
Stealth AntennasSteve Nichols, G0KYA
Successful Wire AntennasIan Poole G3YWX & Steve Telenius-Low 9M6DXX
Technical Topics Scrapbook 1995-1999Pat Hawker, G3VA
Technical Topics Scrapbook All 50 YearsPat Hawker, G3VA
The Antenna Experimenter's GuidePeter Dodd, G3LDO
The Antenna FileRSGB
The Low Frequency Experimenter's HandbookPeter Dodd, G3LDO
VHF UHF Handbook 2nd EditionAndy Barter, G8ATD
VHF/UHF HandbookDick Biddulth, M0CGN
Weekend Projects for the Radio AmateurGeorge Brown, MW5ACN

RSGB / Newnes

Radio & Electronics CookbookEdited By George Brown, M5ACN


International Microwave HandbookEdited by Andy Barter, G8ATD


Wireless Receiver Design for Digital Communications (2nd Edition)Kevin McClaning

SciTech Publishing

Antennas: Fundamentals, Design, Measurement Third EditionLamont Blake and Maurice W. Long

Silverdale Publications

Radio Theory Handbook for Amateurs - 6th Ed.Fred Swainston
Standard and Advanced Regulations TutorialFred Swainston VK3DAC

UPSO Limited (UK).

The Secret Wireless WarGeoffrey Pidgeon

99 things you can do with Amateur RadioPeter Parker, VK3YE
Getting back into Amateur RadioPeter Parker, VK3YE
Hand-carried QRP antennasPeter Parker, VK3YE
Minimum QRPPeter Parker, VK3YE


AR Magazine 1933 - 1939 on CDWIA and Will McGhie VK6UU

Wireless Institute of Australia

Gift Certificate - MembershipWireless Institute of Australia
Sounds of Amateur Radio Volume 1Wireless Institute of Australia
Sounds of Amateur Radio Volume 2Wireless Institute of Australia
The Foundation Manual - Fourth EditionPhil Wait
WIA 2018 CallbookWireless Institute of Australia
WIA 2019 CallbookWireless Institute of Australia
WIA Calling CQ PosterWireless Institute of Australia
WIA CapWireless Institute of Australia
WIA Centenary PosterWireless Institute of Australia
WIA Polo ShirtWireless Institute of Australia

Wireless Institute Of Australia

Wireless Men and Women at WarWireless Institute Of Australia

Total 177 books
© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)