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2015 News Releases



Changes To The 2 Metre And 70 cm Band Plans

31/ 07/ 2015   Changes have been adopted for the 2 metre and 70 cm band plans.
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When may a person use an Amateur Radio station?

31/ 07/ 2015   This is a question often raised, steeped in some misunderstanding, and causes a few arguments along the way.
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ANZAC 100 being heard worldwide

31/ 07/ 2015   In the first three months the ANZAC suffixed callsigns in Australia, commemorating the Centenary of the ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) landing at Gallipoli in WWI, had logged more than 11,000 contacts.
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All is not lost for the 9 cm band

27/ 07/ 2015   New conditions for the use of parts of the 3.3-3.6 GHz band have been set out in the re-make of the Amateur Licence Conditions Determination (LCD), published in the second week of July.
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Amateur Licence Conditions re-make – 2015

27/ 07/ 2015   The Amateur Licence Conditions Determination (LCD) was re-made at the end of June 2015 and quietly published on the Australian Government ComLaw website in the second week of July.
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WIA Contest Champion Results 2014

26/ 07/ 2015   The WIA Contest Champion VK4PJ Peter Brown trophy in recent years has generally been a battle between 2 to 3 operators for 1st place.
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NZART & IARU stalwart becomes a silent key

25/ 07/ 2015   A high performer always seeking a betterment for his fellow radio amateurs worldwide, Fred Johnson ZL2AMJ, died on July 23, aged 83.
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ANZAC 100 – Dardanelles, Kokoda and the Western Front

25/ 07/ 2015   The Kokoda Track campaign is remembered for how our diggers fought the enemy in the jungles of Papua New Guinea, and in doing so during WWII helped save Australia.
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Record VK balloon flight gets in news media

25/ 07/ 2015   The high altitude flight by a standard foil party balloon launched from a Williamstown park in Melbourne Australia, which lasted eight weeks, travelling more than 110,800 kilometres, has been covered by the news media.
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WIA AGM 2016 bookings looking good

22/ 07/ 2015   There has been a quick response to the posting of further details and a booking form for the Wireless Institute of Australia annual general meeting and open forum in May, on Norfolk Island.
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Aussie balloon record flight ends

21/ 07/ 2015   After more than 110,800km in the air, starting from Australia the pico balloon PS-46 completed two circumnavigations of the Southern Hemisphere, before descending into the Indian Ocean (July 18), brought down by bad weather.
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Volcano eruptions and ash in Indonesia

17/ 07/ 2015   The continuing volcanic eruptions on Java near Bali continues with ash that has at times, depending upon wind direction, stopped flights to the popular holiday destination.
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ITU-R Working Party 5 meeting, Bucharest, Romania. 6-17 July 2015

16/ 07/ 2015   Dale Hughes, VK1DSH attended the most recent Working Party meeting of the International Telecommunications Union in Bucharest, Romania.
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New LCD for Amateur Radio

10/ 07/ 2015   The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has revised and updated the Licence Condition Determinations (LCD) as expected.
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We do that - a message to DIY makers

05/ 07/ 2015   Amateur Radio builders and tinkerers have a lot in common with the modern do-it-yourself makers of things. In the US Make magazine, Ward Silver N0AX provides some explanation of Amateur Radio to the Maker community.
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ANZAC 100 focuses on the Kokoda Track

05/ 07/ 2015   During WWII along a narrow 96 kilometre track over the rugged Owen Stanley Range in Papua New Guinea, 625 Australians were killed and over 1,000 wounded.
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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)