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2022 News Releases




Amateur Radio banned for 30 days in Ukraine

Date : 25 / 01 / 2022
Author : Lee Moyle - VK3GK

A State of Emergency was declared in Ukraine just prior to the Russian military invasion.

On February 24 the decree from President Volodymyr Zelensky will remain in effect at least for 30 days and may be extended.

As published on the website of the Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine’s unicameral legislative body, the state of emergency includes regulation of TV and radio activities and “a ban on the operation amateur radio transmitters for personal and collective use.”

The decree also imposes a ban on mass events and on strikes and authorizes checking the documents of citizens, and if necessary, conducting searches on persons, vehicles, cargo, office space, and housing.

A curfew could be imposed. “The situation changes rapidly,” IARU Region 1 Secretary Mats Espling, SM6EAN, said. “IARU Region 1 continues to monitor the development and expect all radio amateurs to follow their national laws and regulations.”

The following is a message from the Ukrainian Amateur Radio League's Vice-President, Anatoly Kirilenko UT3UY

Posted date: February 24

Dear Friends,
Early this morning Russia launched a war with Ukraine.

Military facilities and airfields in some cities, including Kyiv, were shelled.

Also Ukraine was attacked from the east from the territory of Russia, from the north form the territory of Belarus, from the south from Crimea.

Thanks from Ukrainian citizens to USA, Great Britain, Canada, Poland Baltic countries, Czech Republic, some EU countries for help and weapons.

Martial law has been imposed in Ukraine today.

There is a ban on amateur stations in Ukraine for 30 days beginning today.

Anatoly Kirilenko, UT3UY
Vice-President UARL

(Thanks to ARRL and other sources for this news content)

Page Last Updated: Friday, 25 Feb 2022 at 13:09 hours by Lee Moyle


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