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2020 News Releases



WIA 2020 Poll #1 Closing - Action Required

26/ 02/ 2020   The WIA "Future of Amateur Radio Poll" that was first released on Sunday 16 February and having been open for two weeks, will be closing midnight this Sunday night March 1 ( WA time).
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WIA 2020 Annual Conference Weekend

23/ 02/ 2020   The WIA Annual Conference 2020 is only two months away and is shaping up to be one to remember. Sunday the 10th May is packed with half day options. One of these options is a trip out to the Grote Reber Museum and Radio Telescope at Mount Pleasant - about a 20 minute bus ride into the Coal River Valley.
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Changes To ACMA Consultation 3.4 -3.5 GHz

20/ 02/ 2020   ACMA recently commenced a consultation on proposed changes to amateur access to the 3400-3575 MHz band on 29 January 2020.
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DXpeditioners Activating VI3RA

19/ 02/ 2020   Look out for this activity next month on the 14th and 15th March 2020 as several of the SADARC members along with several other VK’s, including VK3 contesters/DXers and DXpeditioners will be activating VI3RA using the existing antennas arrays of Radio Australia, located in Shepparton, Central Victoria.
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WIA 2020 Annual Conference Weekend

17/ 02/ 2020   Our keynote speaker for the WIA 2020 Annual Conference is Professor Elizabeth (Elle) Leane from the University of Tasmania.
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Amateur operating procedures

12/ 02/ 2020   The ACMA have today published an information page on their website with details relating to Amateur operating procedures.
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Future of Amateur Radio POLL # 1

10/ 02/ 2020   The Future of Amateur Radio Poll will be issued this week
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New 8-Band DXCC award Press Release

10/ 02/ 2020   The WIA Awards Committee is pleased to announce the expansion of our DXCC Awards to include the 8-Band DXCC Award.
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Proposed Changes to Radio Amateur access 3.4 Ghz band Consultation

08/ 02/ 2020   The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) is consulting on proposed changes to amateur access to the 3400-3575 MHz band to help facilitate the ACMA’s preferred planning option for the band.
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Future of Amateur Radio Poll #1

03/ 02/ 2020   The WIA is pleased to announce the first of a series of information papers (and subsequent polls) on issues that are important to Amateur Radio in Australia. Please read, share, discuss and consider the options provided in this information paper and encourage others to participate by joining the Future of Amateur Radio program by registering at The poll will be emailed to WIA members and program participants on the 10th of February 2020 and will run for 2 weeks.
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Amateur radio skills prove useful during bushfire emergencies

01/ 02/ 2020   ABC News have reported that ... (quote) "Old fashioned' amateur radio skills are proving useful during emergency incidents when traditional telecommunication channels break down."
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© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)