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2012 News Releases




WRC-12 Allocates 472-479 kHz to Amateur Secondary

Date : 15 / 02 / 2012
Author : Michael Owen - VK3KI

The ITU’s 2012 World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-12) has decided to allocate the band 472-479 kHz across all three ITU regions to the amateur service on a secondary basis. The primary service in the band is maritime mobile, with aeronautical radionavigation also a secondary service, though in some countries, including Australia, it is a primary service.

The allocation is subject to 1 watt e.i.r.p. power limit, though administrations with territory more than 800 kilometres from the borders of certain named countries may allow the higher power of 5 watts in that territory. There is also an “opt-out” footnote for countries not wishing to allow amateur operations in this band. Obviously, how this will be implemented for Australia will be a matter for the Australian administration.

The proposal, originally for a band around 500 kHz, has been the subject of strong opposition from a number of countries concerned about protecting their aeronautical non directional beacons (NDBs).

WRC-12 commenced in Geneva on 23 January and ends on 17 February, after 4 gruelling weeks. WRC-12 was attended by an IARU Observer Team led by IARU President Tim Ellam and a number of countries had an amateur as a member of their national delegation representing the amateur service. The WIA is very proud to have been able to nominate Dale Hughes VK1DSH as a member of the Australian delegation.

A number of those present have paid tribute to Dale’s contribution. The preparatory group of the Asia Pacific Telecommunity (APT) had supported the new band for the amateur service and Dale was also the APT spokesman on this issue. Other matters that may affect the amateur service, including agenda items for future WRCs, are yet to be decided.


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