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2012 News Releases



Vale Michael J. Owen VK3KI

24/ 09/ 2012   Announcing the Passing of Michael J. Owen VK3KI –WIA National President 2004 to September 22, 2012 It is with deep sadness that we report the sudden and unexpected passing of WIA President Michael Owen VK3KI after suffering a medical condition at his home on the afternoon of Saturday the 22nd of September.
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EMR Calculator now on the WIA website

21/ 09/ 2012   Doug McArthur, VK3UM, a well-known Earth/Moon experimenter, has generously allowed the WIA to place his popular EMR assessment calculator on our website.
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Oceania DX Contest - 3 Weeks Away !

17/ 09/ 2012   The 2012 Oceania DX contest is now only 3 weeks away, with the Phone SSB section on the first weekend in October and the CW section on the second weekend in October.
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Upcoming Oceania Dx Contest

15/ 09/ 2012   The Oceania Dx Contest takes place over the first two full weekends of October and one category seems to get overlooked - that is the clubs category sponsored by the VK Contest Club -
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Applications for 2012 Club Grants Received

10/ 09/ 2012   10 applications from WIA Affiliated Clubs were received at the WIA National Office in time to meet the deadline on Monday 20 August for applications for grants under the Club Grant Scheme, and one application was received 9 days after the deadline.
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The WIA Issues Guide to Running a WIA Annual Conference

09/ 09/ 2012   The WIA Board invites clubs, groups of clubs and even groups of individuals to consider conducting the WIA Annual Conference.
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Jack Files Contest - 2012 Suspended

07/ 09/ 2012   Regretfully the 2012 contest has been suspended due changes to the Queensland public holiday calender that caused clashes with other Queensland events.
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DXERS Taking A New Course In Azores, September 28-30, 2012

05/ 09/ 2012   It is often said that DXers only work DX. More recently, we have seen a healthy shift toward assisting the society they visit by helping locals become stronger in Amateur Radio. Something totally new is now happening in the CU-land – the Azores.
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Busy times for disaster response

03/ 09/ 2012   Soon after the strongest earthquake in more than two decades, measuring 7.6 on the Ritcher scale, hit the Philippines members of the Ham Emergency Radio Operations (HERO) soon after were exchanging messages with the affected coastal areas.
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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)