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2012 News Releases



LTE Trial in Midland Western Australia Ends

27/ 12/ 2012   The ACMA has advised the WIA that the 700 MHz LTE trial in Midland Western Australia has now ended.
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Another storm disaster ends in the Philippines

27/ 12/ 2012   Spare a thought for those who spent a nervous, very wet and windy Christmas period as Tropical Storm Quinta went through the south of the Philippines, in areas trying to recover from Tyhoon Bopha earlier in the month.
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Tropical storm Quinta hits the Philippines

26/ 12/ 2012   Activated again for Tropical Storm Quinta are members of the Philippines Amateur Radio Association emergency net on 7.095 MHz and VHF, to handle any emergency and welfare traffic.
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The new 630 meter band is now a reality

24/ 12/ 2012   ACMA Makes Amendments to the Amateur Licence Conditions Determination (LCD) – The new 630 meter band is now a reality.
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WIA President Christmas Message

23/ 12/ 2012   The President, Directors, staff and volunteers of The Wireless Institute of Australia extend to all radio amateurs very best wishes for the festive season.
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Club Grants for 2012 Announced

23/ 12/ 2012   The Board of the WIA has accepted the recommendations of the 2012 Club Grant Committee and announced the successful applications.
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ACMA Announces High Power Trial Assessment

23/ 12/ 2012   ACMA announces assessment of the use of higher transmitter output power by amateur advanced licensees.
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Contest Rules Clarification

22/ 12/ 2012   After discussion by the Contest Committee, the optical band will be excluded under the general contest rules because it is not listed as an amateur band in the LCD.
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WIA Office Christmas Closure

20/ 12/ 2012   The WIA office will be closed from 4:00pm Friday, 21st December reopening 10:00am, Monday, 14th January, 2013.
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Hams ready as typhoon hits twice

10/ 12/ 2012   The powerful Typhoon Bopha that killed at least 600 people and left many missing in southern Philippines last week, made an unexpected U-turn to hit the northern part of the archipelago.
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Hams provide emergency communications

05/ 12/ 2012   Typhoon Bopha (local name Pablo) has hit The Philippines uprooting trees, downing power lines, sparking landslides and making 40,000 people head for shelters.
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RAYNET during floods and chill

03/ 12/ 2012   With temperatures expected to fall below freezing in many parts of the United Kingdom, it brings even more worry to residents in the flooded areas.
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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)