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2012 News Releases




WIA Board Meets

Date : 22 / 02 / 2012
Author : Michael Owen - VK3KI

The WIA Board met at the Bayswater, Victoria offices over last weekend, the 18 and 19 February 2012.

Because the Board only meets face to face two or three times a year, one of which is at the Annual General meeting, there is a great deal of works to do, and very many matters were discussed, and some just not addressed.

WIA Treasurer John Longayroux and Secretary Sarah Thomson were also present and WIA Manager Mal Brooks kept the minutes.

Some of the issues that were addressed by the Board included the appointment of a new RD Contest Manger, to replace Peter Harding VK4OD. Alan Shannon VK4SN, who will be supported by the Lockyer Valley Radio & Electronics Club, was appointed RD Contest Manager, and others who had expressed a willingness to help, were thanked for their interest.

The Board made it clear that while it expected that there would be some rule changes for the 2012 contest, and it expected these changes to be placed on the WIA web site to allow comment, it hoped that there would not be further changes for some years.

Trent Sampson VK4TI is now the Director responsible for contests.

Concern was expressed at the number of members not renewing, and the number of non members participating in some clubs was also highlighted. The Board agreed to attempt better communication with the clubs, continuing to provide the services it could to help them and at the same time seeking their support in attracting and retaining members.

The Board consulted with Peter Mill the Beacon and Repeater Coordinator, and understood some of the difficulties he faced. It was agreed to use a new method of tracking beacon and repeater applications, so the office, once it was implemented, would be able know the precise stage each application was at, and advise the applicants accordingly.

Considerable time was devoted to reviewing WIA Awards. A number of changes are contemplated and the Director responsible for Awards Chris Platt will be reporting on that directly, after he has consulted with the Awards Committee.

The Board agreed with the general approach of the ACMA to the higher power trials.

The WIA website will provide additional information, hopefully some time later next week.

A design for a travelling badge based on the design suggested by Murray de Plater VK1MDP was chosen, and production will now be investigated.

Time was spent discussing the Commonwealth’s proposed uniform health and work safety laws, as yet to be adopted by many of the states. These laws require a duty of care to volunteers and create offences for not discharging that duty.

Among the many other matters discussed and decided were a budget for the current year, the implications of result of the WRC-12, including agenda for the next WRC, the ongoing discussion with the ACMA on a number of matters, including the inspection of stations and the possession of transmitters by amateur licensees, the magazine, the Mildura Annual Conference, a new award for the first person to make a contact on two metres between Africa and Australia presented by Eric Jamieson VK5LP.

The Board will continue to exchange ideas and reach conclusions by email, with its next face to face meeting in Mildura, after the Annual Conference.


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