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2005 News Releases




ACA Identify High Levels of Interference in Moruya NSW BPL Trial

Date : 07 / 04 / 2005
Author : Phil Wait - VK2DKN

The Australian Communications Commission (ACA) have published a report on the Wommera Consortium BPL field trial in Moruya NSW.

Following the ACA report, Owen Duffy VK1OD has presented an analysis of the observed electromagnetic radiation from the trial, with reference to interference to Amateur Radio operation.

A conclusion is made that "An amateur radio station located in a residential environment where a similar BPL system was deployed would not be safely able to transmit at all on 3.6MHz and 21 MHz bands because of the high risk of interference to possibly active stations that would not be heard through the BPL interference, effectively curtailing all activity on the band by such a station"

The report also concludes that frequency "notching" as demonstrated in the Moruya trial is not an effective measure against the substantial interference observed from BPL trials thus far.

Owen's Moruya BPL trial report and a link to the ACA EMC measurement report is at

This site also has new measurement information on the recent Queanbeyan BPL trial. We expect an EMC measurement report on the Queanbeyan trial to be released by the ACA shortly.


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