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2005 News Releases



Texas BPL Pilot Project Shuts Down, and the ARRL Withdraws interference Complaint

30/ 03/ 2005   An Irving, Texas, BPL pilot project has shut down and the equipment has been removed.
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WIA Participation in Standards Australia

30/ 03/ 2005   Among the many organizations and bodies whose work can impact on amateur radio is the work of Standards Australia.
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The RSGB Expresses Concerns for the Future Direction of the Amateur Service in the UK

30/ 03/ 2005   Following an invitation from the Board of Ofcom, a delegation from the RSGB led by the President, Jeff Smith, MI0AEX, meet the Vice Chairman of Ofcom, Richard Hooper, and Ofcom's Operations Director Vic Brasco to discuss the future direction of amateur radio licensing.
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St Martins Lutheran College in Mt Gambier, South Australia talks to the International Space Station

18/ 03/ 2005   The Amateur Radio International Space Station contact between the international space station and St Martins Lutheran College in Mt Gambier, South Australia on Thursday March 17th was a great success.
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An Overview of the BPL Scene in New Zealand

17/ 03/ 2005   Few people realise that if you have a mains power line to your home or business - and who doesn't? - fast internet access connections of up to two megabits per second can be delivered over it.
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Ambient, FCC Failing to Address New York BPL Complaints, ARRL Charges

17/ 03/ 2005   The ARRL has charged BPL equipment maker Ambient Corporation and the FCC with being unwilling or unable to effectively deal with harmful interference stemming from a New York BPL pilot project.
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ARRL Seeks Texas BPL Pilot Project Shutdown, Fines

14/ 03/ 2005   In the following story the ARRL Seeks Texas BPL Pilot Project Shutdown, Fines
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IARU Region 3 Participates in APT Conference

14/ 03/ 2005   IARU Region 3 was represented at the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity Conference Preparatory Group for WRC-2007 held in Bangkok, Thailand
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Australia Proposes Table Allocation to Amateur at 135.7-137.8 kHz

14/ 03/ 2005   Item 1.15 of the agenda for the next ITU World Radiocommunication Conference in 2007 ("WRC-07") is "to consider a secondary allocation to the amateur service in the frequency band 135.7-137.8 kHz".
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WIA Director to Be Interviewed A Second Time on Melbourne Radio Station 3WBC on 94.1 FM

10/ 03/ 2005   WIA Director Robert Broomhead will be a guest this Monday the 14th of March on Melbourne's 3WBC FM weekly Tech Talk Radio program.
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Major Commercial BPL Trial in Hobart

08/ 03/ 2005   A Major Commercial BPL Trial in Hobart read the full story
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A report on Melbourne's Eastern & Mountains District Radio Club White Elephant Sale

08/ 03/ 2005   Melbourne's Eastern & Mountains District Radio Club (EMDRC) White Elephant Sale was held on Sunday, March 6. e
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The RSGB Commonwealth Contest - 12/13 March

07/ 03/ 2005   The RSGB's Commonwealth Contest takes place over the weekend of 12 and 13 March, from 1000UTC on the Saturday for 24 hours.
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The Karuah Valley Radio Group Examination Information

02/ 03/ 2005   The Karuah Valley Radio Group will be holding their next Amateur Radio exams on Sunday the 3rd of April 2005, at 1.30pm.
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WIA director Phil Wait, VK2DKN writes to PC World Providing Information on the Use of the HF Radio Spectrum in Australia

01/ 03/ 2005   Phil Wait, VK2DKN has written to PC World magazine following the article they published on February 25, 2005, titled "Powerline broadband set to grow in 2005"
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Australian Optical Communications Record Broken in Tasmania

01/ 03/ 2005   Mike, VK7MJ on Mt Wellington and Chris Long on South Barrow have set a new Australian record for full duplex optical communication over a path of 167.7km using voice.
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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)